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Pc Pocket And Paperless Programs


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OK so I got a Pocket PC (IPAQ 2215). Which programs and how do you load up the caches and PQ downloads for paperless caching? I've gotten confused with Plucker, MobiPocket, GSAK, etc.






OK. I'm half way there. I already had GSAK and have been using to create Mapsource and NG Topo files and see the caches and spreadsheet on my PC.


SO GPXSonar is next. But their web page lists 2 programs:


Download GPXSonar v1.1 for Pocket PC 2003 (.exe format)

Download GPXSonar v1.1 for Pocket PC 2003 (.cab format)


Which? Both? Difference?. I'm just learning the IPAQ 2215, (CF cards with photos work great!) but this stuff is still new to me.








Thanks for pointing out the problem with the .cab file links. It's now fixed. (stupid uppercase/lower case issue with Unix).


About the difference between a .exe and a .cab file:


1. EXE: connect your PPC to your PC via the USB cable shipped with your PPC. Make sure that MS ActiveSync 3.7 is installed on your PC. Run the .exe. It will install GPXSonar to your PPC.


2. CAB: copy the cab file over to your PPC using your SD/CF card or over USB. Then click on the .cab file from the explorer on your PPC. It will install GPXSonar from there.


That's it. All you need now is to transfer with either of the methods above a GPX file to feed GPXSonar.





I use GPXview in my iPaq 2215.


I've tried Sonar twice. I don't like the info columns. When you slide the fields on the bar at the top they become cluttered. All I want to see on the cache list is the cache type icon the cache name and the distance from reference.

In sonar getting rid of some of the fields results in all of them cluttered together.


I would love to use Spinner on my iPaq. However it causes freezes when launching the notepad. Like it's scanning the entire directory for files and it takes forever. The only work around I found was to remove the SD card before launching notepad.

Posted (edited)



I don't get what you mean by


getting rid of some of the fields results in all of them cluttered together.


It this what you're trying to accomplish?




If so, what's cluttered about it?





PS: for more info on how to do this, click here: GpxSonar Preferences

Edited by -=(GEO)=-



Is there any advantage to using a .exe over a .cab


My personal preference is the .cab type of installation because it does not install anything on my PC (it reminds me too much of lint! <_< ). If I ever needed to reinstall, then I'd just reuse the same .cab again.






Is there any advantage to using a .exe over a .cab


My personal preference is the .cab type of installation because it does not install anything on my PC (it reminds me too much of lint! <_< ). If I ever needed to reinstall, then I'd just reuse the same .cab again.




You need CabInstl. :D


You're right about the "lint", GEO.... and the Cab files are helpful for when I need to use my Mac to install a program. :blink:



I don't get what you mean by


getting rid of some of the fields results in all of them cluttered together.


It this what you're trying to accomplish?



Did I not take the time to learn how to use it? I don't know. Turning all those columns off makes it look much better.





Did I not take the time to learn how to use it?


Yup... All the symptoms of the "Should Have RTFM" syndrome are there <_<


Glad I could help.





Here's another RTFM question, that I ran across last night. Several of our caches in this area have been archived. AFAIK,GPXSonar does not show whether a cache is active/archived. Perhaps this is a feature request instead. Thanks




GPXSonar does not show whether a cache is active/archived. Perhaps this is a feature request instead


You're correct. GPXSonar doesn't do that for a simple reason: until now, archived / disabled caches were never present in PQ files and therefore, there was no need to handle that case.


If the situation has changed, then this is a feature request and I'll take care of it.


Thanks for the feedback.




I have down loaded GPXSonar, I Silo, I am getting pocket quaries , I have downloaded GPS wathcher and I still have not be able to get anything loaded into my pocket PC. Look out tress,I uess I am not going paperless.


To load your gpx files onto your PPC, copy them to your activesync folder (usually in your My Documents folder). If your PPC is connected, it will automatically sync. Thne go to your PPC, start GPXSonar, select the file in the folder and voila'! I will never go back to paper caching after using this program.


I also use GSAK to maintain a master listing of all the caches. Before going out, I set a few filters, export a gpx file to my PPC folder and off I go. Now if I could only get just caches around a route, then all would be right.


You're correct. GPXSonar doesn't do that for a simple reason: until now, archived / disabled caches were never present in PQ files and therefore, there was no need to handle that case.


If the situation has changed, then this is a feature request and I'll take care of it.


Thanks for the feedback.



I believe the situation has changed, because GSAK shows caches being archived after loading the latest gpx. If you want a sample gpx with lots of archived caches, use 37064 for a zip, or email me and I will send you my latest (2meg). Thanks!


Great. Thanks all. I'm now set up. GPXSonar works great, deleted some columns that I don't need (won't ask that question :lol: and everything working great. Loaded it using exe rather than cab but no problems. Where do I send the check Fabien? :lol:



Posted (edited)
Where do I send the check Fabien?

PayPal donations are always welcome if you really mean that :lol:

And your receipt is the program :lol:



I'll post here since others might be interested and also since we seem to be migrating from the forum on your web site to here.


All the data that is input by the user (preferences, bookmarks, "my caches") and so on is kept in one file called gpxsonar.dat. If there is a crash or bug of any kind it takes out everything with it. (Yes I back up my dat file along with the whole pda quite often) Is there any way to have the bookmarks, prefs, my caches in seperate data files?


Speaking of which, how are you doing on that bookmark bug?




Edited because I wanted to....

Edited by Rosco Bookbinder



I'll post here since others might be interested and also since we seem to be migrating from the forum on your web site to here.


Here's the problem with using the forum for feature requests and bug reports: it's hell for me to track things that way and I end up missing things when I attempt to gather a list of what needs to be done for the next release.


I'm going to try a little experiment shortly in preparation of GpxSonar v1.2...


Is there any way to have the bookmarks, prefs, my caches in seperate data files?


I'd rather have everything in one file to avoid adding complexity in the code. Splitting things up still does not guarantee that you won't lose data either. Instead, I'd rather handle saving things as part of a "transaction" where I back things up on the fly and get rid of the backup only when I'm sure that everything was saved properly.


how are you doing on that bookmark bug?


I'll get to it as part of the v1.2 work.





Jim W...


Fabien, do you have any plans on upgrading GPXSonar to upload way-points to the Garmin, and Magellan GPSr ??


I've been considering porting GPSBabel to the Pocket PC and embedding it in GPXSonar. That would take care of uploads and conversions in many formats at the same time.


So, the short answer is: YES...Eventually :P





I have just gone paperless with a Palm IIIxe. I downloaded Cachemate and have it working well. It gathers all my PQs as requested, however, I notice all the hints come already decoded. I recode them manually before reading them. Is this the normal receipt or am I missing something? :P



Where do I send the check Fabien?


PayPal donations are always welcome if you really mean that :P




Sure. Just email me your address. I'd rather send it by mail.


Tks again. Great program.


Alan :P

Sure. Just email me your address. I'd rather send it by mail.


I'll give you my address so you can send the cache to me then I'll give

it to him.. :P


Did I spell cache right? I think I'm already hooked on this hobby. Got my 100th find yesterday so I'm feeling :P:P:D

however, I notice all the hints come already decoded. I recode them manually before reading them. Is this the normal receipt or am I missing something? :P

I don't have an answer for you other then to suggest at you post this in the CacheMate 3.4 thread. This thread is for PDA users of that "other" non-Palm OS. :P


I use pretty much the same setup as Rosco, with a few differences


eTrex Legend

Dell Axim X5

Mapopolis Maps (Navigator)


GPX Spinner / iSilo

Premium Member Geocaching.com


I haven't gotten into GSAK yet. More or less I haven't had time to play with it.


I stick with Spinner / iSilo since I have the batch files to make them work. I use 4 or 5 GPX files for my queries so GPX Spinner just works well in merging them.


I've used Sonar and like it, but it just doesn't perform as well on my device as iSilo. I'm sure it's my device. It's a cool program, but with Mapopolis running, I don't have the memory (stupid me, should have gotten the 64MB version) to open up a 7 meg GPX file in Sonar & mapopolis.


trippy1976 ...


don't have the memory (stupid me, should have gotten the 64MB version) to open up a 7 meg GPX file in Sonar & mapopolis.


You can configure GPXSonar to use much less memory using the following setting:


File -> Tools -> Performance -> "Use Less Memory" option


In your situation, this will be more effective if you install the app on a CF/SD card.


Hope this helps.



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