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The Official Travel Bug Obituary....

Go JayBee

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;) Maybe this isn't the proper forum, but I have a question for the group on the best way to start a travel bug and keep it alive. Does it matter what type of bug you have, or if you have any requests about their travels? I'm getting ready to start two bugs cross county for our local Boy Scout Troop and I would like to set up the best circumstances for it to survive so the boys can track the progress. We would also like them to visit other Boy Scout troops when possible, but not manditory. Is there a way to give us better odds at achieving these goals, or will it just be the luck of the draw?

Well I guess it is time to add 2 of my bugs


Bug #1 Frigid Freddy says he is in the hands of a cacher from Inland Empire, California. I have sent a number of emails that have all gone unanswered.

Frigid Freddy page


Bug #2 Road Trip says it is in the hands of a cacher from Buffalo, New York. I have sent a number of emails that have all gone unanswered.

Road Trip page


You never know, they may show up somewhere.


I have two TBs that have cone lost. My second TB, Shadowfax, was picked up by a 15 year old kid “travis” during his first (and apparently last) week of caching. I have sent the typical polite emails without response. Shadowfax was keychain emblem I traded in a cache near an area believed to have been a native camp ground. The TB bounces from CT to long Island. Jumped to MA and was lost. ;)


How about shortest distance before going MIA? A whopping 11 miles for one of my geocoins! Probably more vulnerable to being 'souvenired' than a regular TB.

Try 0 (zero)Miles on a travel bug.I guess the Curlew Horse was just to cute to let go of. :mad:


I just wanted to find a place to whine...

I dropped off my very first travel bug---a petroglyph representation of my son's dog---and gave it the mission to go to Minnesota so my son could pick it up and 1 1/2 months later, it is no longer in the cache, but it has never been logged either. I also dropped off someone else's travel bug at the same time and both are MIA.

Yes, I'm an adult, but doggone it, it is really disheartening....

Boo hoo!



Well I guess it is time to add 2 of my bugs


Bug #1 Frigid Freddy says he is in the hands of a cacher from Inland Empire, California. I have sent a number of emails that have all gone unanswered.

Frigid Freddy page


Bug #2 Road Trip says it is in the hands of a cacher from Buffalo, New York. I have sent a number of emails that have all gone unanswered.

Road Trip page


You never know, they may show up somewhere.


See that Road Trip just hit the road. Congratulations- see there is hope. Bet Frigid Freddy will resurface as well!

Now if only my missing coins prove to be as fortunate....


I have sent several emails to the last known person to have logged Betty Boop in Red GYCCE0 who just happens to be a lawyer from lubbock tx. Asking him to place my t/b in a cache. evan thou he has logged several other t/b. I guess you just can't trust anyone these days. And I did put a big frickin hole in the center of her head to place the tag. Now imagine that a lawyer that will steal someone else's property.


I have sent several emails to the last known person to have logged Betty Boop in Red GYCCE0 who just happens to be a lawyer from lubbock tx. Asking him to place my t/b in a cache. evan thou he has logged several other t/b. I guess you just can't trust anyone these days. And I did put a big frickin hole in the center of her head to place the tag. Now imagine that a lawyer that will steal someone else's property.

Sometimes things get lost. :anicute:


So how long do you wait before you send an email to someone. Hope I didn't jump the gun today, my tb has only been in someone's hands for about a month now...



(I've held them as long as a week, but just because I was moving and wanted to move it to my new area.)



A thought just occurred to me. What if my travel bug has been kidnapped by a psycopath?



another thought, what if the last person to pick it up was abducted by aliens?



Or worse yet, got married to someone who throws out all their toys?



I can't take this stress, I have to go check every cache within a thousand miles and see if I can find it.



Think they'll give me time off with pay to do that?





Well after whining earlier this month, I just had to pop back in to say that my travel bug (Saturn's Mission to Minnesota) has turned up----over two months later and two states away! I don't know if my bug will ever complete its mission, but it least my very first travel bug has taken its very first baby step. Don't ever give up hope fellow cachers!


Well after whining earlier this month, I just had to pop back in to say that my travel bug (Saturn's Mission to Minnesota) has turned up----over two months later and two states away! I don't know if my bug will ever complete its mission, but it least my very first travel bug has taken its very first baby step. Don't ever give up hope fellow cachers!


I just had a TB return from the dead after a 7 month hiatus. I know its not the longest a bug has gone missing... but i know I was relieved to see it still alive and kicking ;)

:blink::) I'm encouraged to hear that your TB showed up after 7 months. My first TB Where Eagles Soar was having wonderful adventures and traveled thousands of miles and then got picked up by someone who'd only cached five times. After a couple of months I sent a "sugar coated message" but got no reply. Now it's a couple of months later and I've been thinking of having a wake and putting it in the graveyard. Now I think I'll wait a bit--maybe even try one more note???? Lee
Posted (edited)

The Majik Kitty (TBKYN1) was in the Rotary Tree Gecache, when the cache was stolen in the last 6 days. The last cacher may have either not hid it well enough, or was spotted doing the cache.


EDIT: Now I am relived that there was no Travelbug in the cache when it was stolen, at least according to the logs on the Travelbug webpage.

Edited by GOT GPS?

The Majik Kitty (TBKYN1) was in the Rotary Tree Gecache, when the cache was stolen in the last 6 days. The last cacher may have either not hid it well enough, or was spotted doing the cache.


EDIT: Now I am relived that there was no Travelbug in the cache when it was stolen, at least according to the logs on the Travelbug webpage.


Actually it looks like it was moved out of the cache to an unknown location.


So how long do you wait before you send an email to someone. Hope I didn't jump the gun today, my tb has only been in someone's hands for about a month now...


Two of my TBs are in a race. One of them has been in the same hands for over a month. I'm going to give it 60 days, then email the holder. They are fairly new cachers, so I want to give them some extra time. Otherwise, I feel 45 days should be long enough to stick a TB back into a box.


Well to all the geotag owners out there I will say this...take heart...you see not only do we try to move bugs along we kinda take them under our wing as well. After we find a bug...40 of them now...they are placed on our watchlist. We like to follow them after they leave our hands. Every couple months I go though and view them in Google earth to see the path they have taken. When a bug stops or is held for a long period of time I email the last known holder. I call it adopting a bug. Sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't but please know that if we touched your bug we are on your side.


We have no vested interest here...we are out no money...we don't own these little guys but somehow we do have an interest in seeing them move. In the very least it is good to know that our placement was not bad. When we place a bug we want to see it reach its goal and even if we cannot further it to its cause we at least should place it in a cache which is a good home and a good spring board for it. It's like my parents always told me...leave it in better shape than when you got there. The same can apply to the responsibility of bug travel.


I would suggest we all practice some of this...couldn't hurt.


If not this then maybe a "I know where you live" email would work...lol.


Update on our FOUR missing TBs:


Nothing. No replies, no movement, no sightings, nothing. The inconsiderate morally challenged perpetrators have ignored emails requesting information. Not even an anonymous note to say "I burned them !!! ahahahahahhaahh!" or "I fed them to my dog!". Nothing. Not a one of them has been seen since October at the latest... but most disappeared within a month of starting.


To those people who ruin the fun for the rest of us and our children: shame on you. Your mothers should have raised you better than that.


*sigh*. Perhaps after a few years we'll try geocaching again. But we've been so discouraged we haven't had the heart. And one thing is for sure: we will NEVER start another TB.


If even one had survived... but all four. :laughing: Jerks.


I was all ready to re-release the copy tag for one of my TB's which went missing last August. Someone with sharp eyes let me know it was for sale on Ebay. I asked politely when and under what circumstances they came into posession of my TB. I asked for the TB back even if they are not going to return the item it was attached to. We'll see what happens.

Tom Fuller

Saw this on another thread, and thought it was appropriate....


QUOTE (Renegade Knight @ Feb 13 2004, 03:20 PM)

Survival Tip for when it turns south.


It's just a dadgum bug. If it goes missing, its par for the course. It might turn up a year from now, or that might of been it and you will never really know. You will still need to go to work, eat, sleep, and otherwise get through life somehow. Your dog will still love you and birds will still drop presents on your car.


If when you realise your bug is gone you must go through a grieving process. Make it into a event cache and call it a wake. Serve lots of beer. It helps. If you are single and throw a wake you just might find a travel bug widow or widower that needs some consolation.

I like that idea for an event. I think I'll host one when the time comes.


Sn :lol::lol: gans



I was all ready to re-release the copy tag for one of my TB's which went missing last August. Someone with sharp eyes let me know it was for sale on Ebay. I asked politely when and under what circumstances they came into posession of my TB. I asked for the TB back even if they are not going to return the item it was attached to. We'll see what happens.

Tom Fuller

Just an update. The seller of my TB was the State of Oregon Surplus Property Division Ebay name oregontrail2000 I emailed them twice before the auction was over. They chose not to respond.

Today I emailed the buyer and politely asked for my TB back. I ended my email with Please respond!

Stay tuned...


I too am new but this is common sense. Stealing is Stealing :angry: and nothing less!!! Why can't the manufacturers of the Travel Bugs put on there that they are "Personal Property of the Owner" or "If you didn't pay for this, it isn't yours" or something else to discourage people from stealing these? I don't even know why people would want to hold on to Travel Bugs personally. It's not like they are going to be worth anything. They are only worth something to the person who owns them.


I noticed that in my area there are not many TB or GeoCoins. I think that some of the cachers are their own worst enemy. They come to a cache, take a TB or GeoCoin and then place them into their personal collection or hide it in their archived caches as an excuse to keep it, or they "claim" it missing.


I have searched numerous profiles and am amazed at some of these peoples collections!!! It is just mind-boggling why they would destroy a wonderful activity. Just really, really sad. :blink: I feel bad for the kids that go to the caches in hopes of seeing a particular TB or Coin after reading it's "history" only to find that a selfish adult (in most cases) has stolen it, only in hopes of profitting from it later.


I may just need to devise a "ammo can" that requires the registered users ID, or specific code given to them after they place a phone call to me, to open the box, then it will keep an electronic log of who and when it was opened. This would also eliminate the need for paper logs....LOL. :angry:


I for one have put out 1 cache. From now on, my caches will be for "Members Only" not that it makes a huge difference, but it may. :blink:


Sorry to offload all of my hot air in here, but after caching for just a few weeks, I am already seeing how this activity has dwindled. Less and less people will purchase GeoCoins and Travel Bugs because of it and that would be really sad to go to just "Log and pencil" caches. Not much fun for the kids. :anibad:


Okay, I am off my soapbox now, let the tomato throwing begin.... :laughing:




If you would allow me to give my personal cynical point of view. :angry:


I too am new but this is common sense. Stealing is Stealing :laughing: and nothing less!!! Why can't the manufacturers of the Travel Bugs put on there that they are "Personal Property of the Owner" or "If you didn't pay for this, it isn't yours" or something else to discourage people from stealing these?


I don't think this would make one bit of difference. I've tried the DO NOT KEEP tags and the bugs disappear just as fast. (Maybe Faster)


I don't even know why people would want to hold on to Travel Bugs personally. It's not like they are going to be worth anything. They are only worth something to the person who owns them.


On some occasions someone might like the traveler and decide to keep it. Personally I think the majority of lost bugs are from people being too lazy or don't care enough to log or drop them off.


I noticed that in my area there are not many TB or GeoCoins. I think that some of the cachers are their own worst enemy. They come to a cache, take a TB or GeoCoin and then place them into their personal collection or hide it in their archived caches as an excuse to keep it, or they "claim" it missing.


I have searched numerous profiles and am amazed at some of these peoples collections!!! It is just mind-boggling why they would destroy a wonderful activity. Just really, really sad. :blink: I feel bad for the kids that go to the caches in hopes of seeing a particular TB or Coin after reading it's "history" only to find that a selfish adult (in most cases) has stolen it, only in hopes of profitting from it later.


Are you sure it isn't their own personal collection of coins they own? If it's the ones they've found, are you certain they are still holding them?


I may just need to devise a "ammo can" that requires the registered users ID, or specific code given to them after they place a phone call to me, to open the box, then it will keep an electronic log of who and when it was opened. This would also eliminate the need for paper logs....LOL. :angry:


I for one have put out 1 cache. From now on, my caches will be for "Members Only" not that it makes a huge difference, but it may. :blink:


Not sure if that type of cache is allowed besides would it really help bugs move along quickly? Please don't start restricting who can move my bugs, thanks.


Sorry to offload all of my hot air in here, but after caching for just a few weeks, I am already seeing how this activity has dwindled. Less and less people will purchase GeoCoins and Travel Bugs because of it and that would be really sad to go to just "Log and pencil" caches. Not much fun for the kids. :angry:


Okay, I am off my soapbox now, let the tomato throwing begin.... :anibad:




Nah, that's okay. That's what this thread is for. :angry:


You have to wonder about some folks. When I offered my geocoin for sale, very few actually sold so I had to "eat" the difference. Since I have been releasing them in the wild I am almost at the point where more have been stolen than sold. Geosnatching is not a very good image for the geocaching community, but apparently becoming one that fits a large portion.


Lady of the Lake made it 5 whole miles before she was picked up by a tourist who came from - ironically - near her TB goal halfway across the country, and has not left this caching tourist's possession since that encounter a year ago. I have emailed said tourist and even once got a reply with an apology, but although this cacher is still out and about caching, she has kept the TB.


Sure this TB and two of her porcelain doll sisters, who have also gone missing, violate ever rule in the "how not to lose your TB" handbook. They're cute, and I didn't drill holes in them. But c'mon, they're just $1.50 made-in-China dolls you can pick up at bookstores or gift shops almost anywhere. A fourth sister TB was recently released with a plea to restore my faith in humanity by not stealing her! :lol:


OK, not quite ready to move to the graveyard and have not 100% positively confirmed missing yet.




geofun2007 logs that bugs that are supposed to be in the cache are not. That gets me suspecious.


I emailed all the visitors (thee of them) from the time of the drop to geofun2007 and asked them if they saw, or took, the TB. My email was nice, it explained what a TB is and what to do with one if they found one, etc.


So, the cache was either muggled, the original person who dropped the bug in really didn't or it was picked up and not logged by either "Shady Shiff" or "PapaJustify". Those two I have not recieved replies to my email from. The third visitor was "huntr70" who said, in response to my email, TNLN.


I picked up a geocion one time that had (what I thought) an ingenious idea. Instead of just releasing the GC out into the world, the owner had drilled a hole through the coin (without ruining its aesthetics) and attached a "info" tag to it (what to do, how to log it, etc). I thought that was a great idea. People still got to enjoy checking out the unique coin, yet the drilled hole rendered it "blemished" to GC/TB thieves. AND... this guy's method seems to have worked with pretty good success. I've come across several of his GCs and TBs...some I've "watched" and I've yet to see one go missing!


I am going to do the same with my GCs. I tried this also with a couple TBs (under an old login name) with decent success. I sent out some beanies and ran the tag chains thru ears, paws, arms, etc. So far, only one teeny beanie has been stolen by a hoader (even tho I've contacted him several times pleading for him to release my hostage Toro beanie - FYI - zScouter PLEASE release Toro!!).


Not sure if any others "mar" their TBs/GCs before releasing them...but it can be done without detracting too much from the object and will make it less appealing to the hoaders/stealers.


Allright.....calm down now, take a DEEEEEP breath.....the "Little Tommy Monkey TB" was your first, I know it's rough.


For anyone who's had the mis-fortune of sending out that "cute" little plushy with a tag around it's neck, and a note saying "DisneyLand or Bust".......we really feel for you.


Follw this link:The TravelBug Graveyard and give your bug a burial at sea.


Why did this happen?, What did I do wrong?....I should have listened to Snoogans. (But that's another thread)-------------->Snoogan's TB Longevity Clinic


May it Rest In Peace,




Allright.....calm down now, take a DEEEEEP breath.....the "Little Tommy Monkey TB" was your first, I know it's rough.


For anyone who's had the mis-fortune of sending out that "cute" little plushy with a tag around it's neck, and a note saying "DisneyLand or Bust".......we really feel for you.


Follw this link:The TravelBug Graveyard and give your bug a burial at sea.


Why did this happen?, What did I do wrong?....I should have listened to Snoogans. (But that's another thread)-------------->Snoogan's TB Longevity Clinic


May it Rest In Peace,




It is time for me to acknowledge my losses... My denial stage has come to an end. To help me through the process, I have six new travel bugs that I will release... Of my six original TBs, only two are still wondering around the world. So please bear with me - and can we have a moment of silence for my lost friends:



Travel Bug #1


Soccer Mickey


Date Released: 05/02/2004


Pictures: None :)


Miles: 6040


States Visited: California, Maine, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Virgina, Alabama


Last Logged: 12/23/2004


NOTE: "Soccer Mickey" didn't travel a long time - but he sure got around... He will be missed... He was my favorite (please don't tell the others) :lol:



Travel Bug #2


Flowers 4 U Mickey


Date Released: 08/21/2005


Pi cures: None :(


Miles: 1107


States Visited: California, Pennsylvania


Last Logged: 08/18/06


NOTE: "Flowers 4 U Mickey" was a good TB, and will be missed...



Travel Bug #3


Monkey Madness


Date Released: 07/03/2005


Pictures: The Picture in his log page (the last time I saw him)


Miles: 3686


States Visited: California, Nebraska, Minnesota; Illinois; Arizona


Last Logged: 12/20/2006


NOTE: "Monkey Madness" was a great TB - I know, in my heart, if he can find his way back... he will. He will be missed....



Travel Bug #4




Date Released: 08/21/2005


Pi cures: None :)


Miles: 2531.2


States Visited: California, Pennsylvania


Last Logged: 08/18/2006


NOTE: "Howler" had a few miles under his belt - he will be missed...




Well, thanks for your time. I feel better - now I can move forward. I will miss them, but I will never forget them.


so i must kiss one of my first travel bugs goodbye... ;)


ich vermisse berlin *almost* made it from the UK to berlin, but hasn't been moved in over two years. i've sent a couple messages with no reply. *sigh*


my other bug, mr. pinchy, was supposed to travel all around the UK but somehow ended up in FRANCE. ?!?!? he's still moving, though, so hopefully he'll get back to where he belongs.


Check out GC120TZ - Your MIA TB could be in this archived cache - I couldn't believe how many are in there, and I stumbled across this site in a posting from the Groundspeak forum "How long to hold onto a TB". And there are ???? many cache sites out there! Oh my.... :o


Check out GC120TZ - Your MIA TB could be in this archived cache - I couldn't believe how many are in there, and I stumbled across this site in a posting from the Groundspeak forum "How long to hold onto a TB". And there are ???? many cache sites out there! Oh my.... :o


update on my lost TBs. ONE has been found. ONE. And i'm very grateful to the "finder" who sent her on her way. If they were closer I'd bake them cookies.


As for the others -- I contacted the folks from the Kansas City picnic event last year -- they don't know anything. Deny everything. Say they have no clue where anything is, but they don't have any of the missing TBs and nobody they know has anything at all. Of course. Not helpful at all. Not even apologetic about losing all those bugs.


So a plea: don't take TBs to an event. buy trinkets, get tags for them, and start/log them just for the event. But don't take anyone else's TBs for a big event like that. A LOT of TBs disappeared at that KC event last year.


I still think mean people suck.


time to add my two, both are at rest at the Isle of the Dead - Australian TB Graveyard


Blossom the Travel Bug (RIP – 3 November 2007)

Miles Traveled: 766 miles

Sites seen: Washington and Utah, United States


Blossom was taken from the Rock Canyon Forest Mine View 3 Digit River Cache near Provo, Utah on 24 April 2007 by a first time cacher called Born_in_ploiesti . This despot has never cached again. Several emails to this sinner have gone unanswered.


Mickey Mouse RW&B (RIP – 3 November 2007)

Miles Traveled: 2574 miles

Sites seen: Washington, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming, United States


RW&B was taken from the Cowboy Hill East Cache near Rapid City, South Dakota on 3 March 2007 by a cacher called Mount’n Goat. Several emails to this sinner have also gone unanswered.


For you, may the batteries in your GPS unit continuously go dead. :)


I've released twelve TBs. Eight are missing. I don't think a 75% loss rate is acceptable.


Hey, I took a look through your bugs logs. Yeah not the best, but I think there is still some life in them there bugs.


A couple muggled caches, a couple held since 2005. I would highly recommend releasing new copies. That's one of the best thing about bugs; once they are gone you can bring them back with a new tag. No questions asked.


On the recent loses I would wait a bit more. Those still have a chance of being dropped off.


If anything, I think you might be sending out too nice of an attached traveler. Definitely interesting ones, but maybe a little too collectible. Of course you never know what people take a shining to.


Keep going, we're all in this together.




Looks like my coin didn't get very far. I got a Hockey Geocoin for Christmas and decided to release it in a Mystery cache. Unfortunately, that cache was muggled the next day. I thought it was reasonably well hidden when I left it, but I guess not.


Anakerose is going to check the creek for wreckage, but I highly doubt it is going to be around.


Looks like the only mileage its going to get is what I gave it.


I place a curse upon my coin. May those who have intentionally stolen or lost it stub their right baby toe every Thursday.



Update on our FOUR missing TBs:


Nothing. No replies, no movement, no sightings, nothing. The inconsiderate morally challenged perpetrators have ignored emails requesting information. Not even an anonymous note to say "I burned them !!! ahahahahahhaahh!" or "I fed them to my dog!". Nothing. Not a one of them has been seen since October at the latest... but most disappeared within a month of starting.


To those people who ruin the fun for the rest of us and our children: shame on you. Your mothers should have raised you better than that.


*sigh*. Perhaps after a few years we'll try geocaching again. But we've been so discouraged we haven't had the heart. And one thing is for sure: we will NEVER start another TB.


If even one had survived... but all four. :D Jerks.

Thats why Discoveries are so important, but that's another thread. If somebody sees these Bug's please take a moment to write a Discovery note!



Now I remember why I don't like Obituaries...

I'm ready to drop my first cache' and then I find out how many TB's and Coins get ... missing ... geeeeeessseee...

I'm going to try ALL the Ideas for NOT losing them, I was just wondering, Does this happen to Paying members, I mean would some one join membership and then steel coins and tb's ???

My brother has one cache on Rt. 95 in RI and the trabel bugs seem to move fine in his, maybe the highways are the best place to put TB's and Coins, I'm new and learning,

I also wanted to do a ATC Cache'..... Art Trading Cards ... There are collectors of one of a kind art that is done on 2 1/2" x 3 1/2 " card stock. They are collected, Like Baseball Cards, some go for BIG BUCKS on auction sites. They were started by starving artists who wanted to collect each others art but couldn't afford it so they TRADED art!!!!!

Any Ideas????



Well, having disappeared in October 2006, our travel bug Bear Behind has reappeared. It would appear that the cache owner was doing a bit of maintenance (not sure as the log is in German and I'm very rusty in that language), grabbed the TB (it wasn't logged as being there; we'd put it down as missing in action) and is trying to make sure it follows its quest of visiting islands by taking it to Tenerife soon! Brilliant!

The TB did have a laminated note of its quest attached to it by chain but in future I intend to do as I do with our geocoins and drill it, attach a keyring, solder the ring closed so that it is useless as a keyring, and then put the quest into the plastic tag of the keyring then superglue it closed. Might not stop them being filtched, but it won't be for lack of trying.


Thank you stachelzauberer for finding our TB

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