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Converting Coordinates

Counter Fit Cache

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Hello all! I did not find any more caches today, but I have three in my Legend for tomorrow!!


Quick question for you....is there a software or table I can use to convert Latitude/longitue coordinates,UMT/MGRS, and so on.


Or, is there a page on Geocaching or another website that explains the difference, and conversion processes?






I don't begin to understand what UMT/MGRS is but I found some conversion information on a web site that might help you. Take a look at: http://www.tandt.be/wis/index.html I also came across a free program that will convert the different forms of lat/long if that is what you are looking for but I'm still looking for the link. Maybe someone else can recall the program just in case I can't find it.


I can give you a small self written tool for PC's. It is a calculator (appears similar like the Windows calculator) that is able to convert LAT/LONG coordinates in decimal format into degrees/minutes/secons and vice versa. If you need it just contact me: kaiwick@web.de


Look at the CacheMaps site. Here is a free converter in Excel. Also a Mass Convertor if you have a lot of waypoints to convert.

But if you use CacheMaps itself, you don't need a converter. It does it all for you. Plus a lot more.


BigBird icon_smile.gif


-- there is no spoon --


Shoebox: FYI, UTM/MGRS is Universal Transverse Mercator/Military Grid Reference System.


Heres a converter called CORPSCON ive used on the job.Its put out by the Army. Does batch conversions.CORPSCON site




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