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Posted (edited)

These are some of mine:


Eagle Peak (near Julian, CA):


Mono Lake:



Muscleman Arch in Moab, UT:



I can't remember where this is but I'll never forget it! ;)


Edited by TrailGators

These were all taken while on vacation in Vancouver B.C. this past August. The first three are in Stanley Park





near Stanley Park Aquarium Cache GC1CRX7






Siwash Rock EarthCache GC1F1F2




This was taken in Lynn Canyon on the way to 30 Foot Pool Cache GCN20E


I took this picture on top of Mt McKay in Thunder Bay, Ontario this fall.

I found a cache called Nurse Duncan's First .

I don't have a log on that cache that shows up on geocaching.com but my name is in the logbook. I found this spectacular maple tree that decided to turn early in the year.

I am using this as desktop background and my wife thought it was a poinsettia so in the spirit of Christmas I decided to post it on this thread.

It just looks like a poinsettia!


Maple leaves on Mt. McKay




I'm glad this thread was bumped! Nice pics! Here's a few from previous cache adventures

This cache was in British Colombia early this fall, would have been perfect if not for the railway they were building!


This one was up at Tahoe last summer, we didn't find the cache in the dark but the full moon was beautiful!6bf7f296-1a97-4d2d-a74c-bff869c5e86f.jpg

And another Tahoe cache!



Posted (edited)

Here's a few I've taken in around my home state of WASHINGTON :rolleyes:


Views from the top of Sauk Mountain (GCGJQQ)




View from cache at Lake Ann (GC1725)





Mt. Shuksan from Picture Lake Earthcache (GC1EHB4)



View from my own Earthcache at Deception Pass on Whidbey Island (GC1E057)




Snoqualmie Pass near the APE Cache (GC1169)


Edited by tsunami_KNUW
Posted (edited)

That looks like a neat cache Kit.


This photo was taken from the cache To Summit Up....Awesome Butte!

The hike up to the top of the West Butte of the Sweetgrass Hills in northern Montana takes about 4 1/2 hours but it is an incredible place. Your vertical rise is about 2200 feet which doesn't sound like a lot but when it is right off the perfectly flat prairie it is really spectacular. From the top of the West Butte you can see the Cypress Hills in southern Alberta, almost 100 miles away.

This is a landmark cache.





Edited by wavector
Posted (edited)

The view last Saturday from a 90' lookout tower in the Monongahela National Forest in West Virginia where I have a nano, GC15KWE



Edited by 89SC
Posted (edited)

OMG! I hate you all! Just kidding! Seriously, I don't hate you. I am a northern California girl currently trapped in SE FL and let me tell you, there is no comparison. I miss the mountains and hills. I used to LOVE hiking! I cannot wait to move out of here! Then I can send you photos of beautiful places, too! So jealous...


Here in SE FL we have to be very careful of spiders. I almost did a face plant into a web with a HUGE spider in the middle of it while bushwhacking. This is a photo of an attempted night cache, but I got too freaked out and had to turn back.


Edited by sweetpea3
Posted (edited)

Here are the remains of an old military road (GCVKB6) that crosses the Ouachita Mountains in southeastern Oklahoma. From the cache page: "..... the remains of a road built in 1832 by the U.S. Army. Soldiers had to dig and form the entire thing by hand. The road bed and a rock culvert remain. The road was originally used to relocate the Choctaw people to their new home in Indian Territory and to move supplies and troops between Fort Towson in Oklahoma and Fort Smith in Arkansas. Robert E. Lee, General Zachary Taylor, Ulysses S. Grant, and other famous figures used the road. Travelers from Poteau, Wister and Talihina used the road until about 1930."






I also got this neat shot of a monarch butterfly (extensively enhanced!). :lol:



Edited by JamGuys
Posted (edited)

A few rustic scenes:


An old barn just outside of Kingfisher in central Oklahoma (GC1HXY6).




A derelict service station in Jamesville in northeastern Oklahoma (GC1GG56); the man in the picture lives next door.




An old pony truss bridge across Brush Creek in Jacktown in central Oklahoma (GC1HNYC).



Edited by JamGuys
Posted (edited)

Well, since I seem to have the stage on this thread at the moment, I thought I'd share a few more images from my files of which I'm especially proud. I hope you like them too! :laughing:


Lake Ellsworth, Oklahoma, in fall (GCZ3AR)



Lake Chickasha, Oklahoma (GCYWGN)



North Canadian River at dawn, Jones, Oklahoma (GCY79E)



Lake Arcadia, Oklahoma, in February (GC10RNY - one of my puzzle caches)



Retainer pond at a sand-mining facility, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at twilight (GCZ8TH)



..... and my personal favorite, a parking lot in SW Oklahoma City at dawn! (GCPP54)


Edited by JamGuys
Posted (edited)

Hwere are some of my favorites:


Looking north from Melakwa's Heaven


Looking south from Melakwa's Heaven


Radman and Wildhare at Melakwa's Heaven


Geopups at Bison by the Bridge


View fron near cache on Mt. Constitution

Edited by Radnord

Three very different caching experiences:


FLORIDA (Bear of a Crossing, west of Tallahassee)



GERMANY (Errinerung an die Jahrhundertflut 2002, on a bridge in Dresden)



MONTANA (Holland Falls, Swan River Valley north of Missoula)



Great pics, guys, but wearing shorts above the snowline is probably not for me! :) Here in Oklahoma, we don't have snow-capped peaks but we do have lots of man-made lakes. This is one of my favorite pics from what was once a remote spot on Lake Arcadia outside of Edmond, Oklahoma. The reflection of the trees in the water at the time was mesmerizing! I used it as the frontispiece for another one of my puzzle caches (GC106MP) but sadly it fell victim to the bulldozer earlier this year. :rolleyes:




I posted this image yesterday on another thread but, since I'm really pleased with the way it turned out, I think it's better off being placed here instead. The cache is Lost in the Woods and the image shows the North Canadian River (purportedly named for a couple of French Canadian trappers many years ago) as it meanders through the Stinchcomb Wildlife Preserve in Bethany, Oklahoma.




Yes, Rev Mike, once you start doing this it's difficult to stop! :D I particularly like your pics that show either waterfalls or rapids. And in the last series of images you posted, I do believe I recognize the famous "Natural Bridge" in Virginia as I visited that site myself about ten years ago. I can even remember spotting George Washington's initials carved in the rock under the bridge!


Now, here's another image from one of my archived caches (Picture Perfect!). It's a view looking to the north-east across Guthrie Lake in central Oklahoma. The late evening sunshine on the exposed rocks (we were in a drought situation at the time) transformed them into this lovely rich orange red color that you can't appreciate anymore because the lake is back to full capacity and the rocks are now submerged.




Wow, that's a serious location, GuanoGerbil, and an incredible view! As far as a flatlander like myself is concerned though, that should be rated 5/5 all the way! :unsure:

Posted (edited)

Canopy rope bridge not far from a cache on the top of Penang Hill in Malaysia.



View from Miller Rock just north of Boulder, CO.



Avalanche shed east of Seattle, WA. (Not far from the famous APE cache)


Edited by TrailGators

These are two of my favorites - both are in Lake Tahoe, one on the California side, the other on the Nevada side.


California side:



Nevada side:


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