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Melbourne Cacher Needed!!!


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Hi friends,


hoping someone can help. i picked up "Liwi the Kiwi" the otehr week in Victroia, BC. The goal of this bug is to make it to Australia, which i didn't think i could help with.

Then i remembered..a co-worker of mine leaves for Melbourne later this week. She is willing to take the TB with her, and right now the plan is to put it in a envelope and leave it at a post office as "As general delivery" for a name like "Australian Geocacher".

My hope is someone will step up and pick this bug up and continue it's jopurney. Or, if there is a better way to do this, let me know so i can implement it. Though unconventional, i thought this would be a way to use a post office as a temporary cache. Thoughts or ideas, or someone who is wiling to get. Post here or let me know via email.

Thanks in advance :D


DO they not have "general delivery" in Australia. In canada/us..you can send a package to a post office as general delivery to a person, and they come in and pick it up. It is for people who are traveleing or don't have a home base. Anyhting similar? If not, maybe the direct connection will have to work

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