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Need help!.........

Papa Bear 4

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I found my first one without the GPS, logged my entry in the cache, but can't log it on the site?


At the top right of the cache page is a button that says "log your visit". Just click it and fill in the info.



"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand." - Homer Simpson

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If you don't have a cable to download directly from your computer, the way to put coordinates into an Etrex is this: go to 'mark' a waypoint. Instead of saying 'ok' to what it brings up, hit the up/down buttons to highlight the coordinates it's showing, and hit enter. You can then edit the coordinates so they match the ones you want to input. You can also edit the 'name' of the waypoint to something easier to remember than "001" or whatever it offers to call it. When you're done, highlight the 'ok,' enter, and you've got yourself a waypoint. This works fine for a while, but if you get tired of entering them by hand you can look into getting a cable and delving into the mysteries of GPS software.

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Like "Kite" said; after you power up the unit and get satellite lock (ready to navigate), use the PAGE button to get to the main menu. Hi-lite MARK and push the ENTER button. The LAT.Lon. coordinates you see are the coords you are standing at. You need to change those to the cache coordinates you are seeking, so use the up/down buttons to hi-lite the coords and hit enter. Then use the ENTER buttons and up/down buttons to change the coords to match your cache page and hit ENTER again. Now use your up/down buttons to hi-lite the 001 or whatever and change that to whatever name you want to give to the cache you are seeking. After OK'ing everything your waypoint will be stored on the WAYPOINT menu and you can hi-lite the waypoint you've just created and hit GO TO. Viola! You're on your way! This is cumbersome without data cables, but I've been entering caches manually on my l'il yellow Etrex for years and it takes no more than 2 minutes to enter a waypoint after you get the hang of it

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Originally posted by Houston Muggles:

so heres a question about my etrex, we never mess with the elevation numbers...but scrolling through our stored coord. I noticed the elevation is always different. They are extremely different numbers, does the GPS automatically determine that? Im I supposed to change those nubmers?


When you mark a location on an eTrex it defaults to your current location, (as Aksor+Raskol explained) including altitude. So the altitude of any new waypoint will be of the point you entered "mark" unless you edit it.


You can edit it, but I see no reason to for the purpose of geocaching. Also, I have yet to see a cache posted with altitude. Then again, I don't live near any real mountains.



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A general tip for everyone...


Be specific in your title... like:


Help... how do I put coords im my Etrex?


That way, those who know absolutely knothing about Etrex, won't open the message...


And won't re-open it when they forget that it was something they can't help out with.


I hope that someday we will be able to put away

our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.

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Originally posted by Verboten:

You can edit it, but I see no reason to for the purpose of geocaching. Also, I have yet to see a cache posted with altitude. Then again, I don't live near any real mountains.



For the most part, this is true. I have come across a few caches that list altitude. They are mostly located on mountain peeks, related to a benchmark, or are in an area with cliffs. In the last case, it would be very nasty of the cache owner to not let you know the altitude, as you could be 2 feet away from the cache lat/lon wise, and anywhere from 10 feet to several hundred feet off based on cliff height.


Other than situations like these, altitude is not an important part of geocaching.




"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.

Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."

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