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Film Canisters For Micros

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Was going through my storage shed and found a box that I didnt realize that I had even packed or moved with me. Inside I found close to (well guessing any way) 200 empty 35mm film canisters.


my thought was. that would be way to many micros to find hiding places for :) but am sure I can use them in several multi's .... now the wheels start spinning on how to make the best use of them as possible. ;)




You could use them for "seed" caches. Place several ready-made micros in an ammo can. Put instructions on the cache page that each finder take one micro and place it somewhere in the area. Caching in your town will grow like wildfire.

Or you can make many CITO cannisters :) A small label and a plastic bag is all that is needed.

;) now that is a Great idea. something one can leave as a signature item in a cache when they visit . the sack for trash and the canister can be reused in another cache else where.



The Wal-Mart photo center where I live will GIVE you all you want. Try your local wally world.

;) well didnt get these at wally world. but think it was a place in a mall that did one hour photos. I was going to use them long ago for christmas lights and custom decorations or the like.. but they got boxed and forgotten.

You could use them for "seed" caches. Place several ready-made micros in an ammo can. Put instructions on the cache page that each finder take one micro and place it somewhere in the area. Caching in your town will grow like wildfire.

Darkmoon had a cache at our last event that was called Alien Spawn. I looked like an egg from Aliens or those eggs from Gremlins. When you opened it, it was filled with micro caches as trade items.


On a side note, we found it at night and it kinda glowed under LED lamps. Something in the way the LED lights filtered into the hot glue on the outside of it. It blended into the trees and shrubs with a regular spotlight. Needless to say it was kinda creepy when I turned around and it just appeared under my headlamp lights where I had not noticed it with the spotlight.

Or you can make many CITO cannisters ;) A small label and a plastic bag is all that is needed.

That was going to be my suggestion. If can fit them add a pair of latex gloves for the really icky CITO.

Or you can make many CITO cannisters  :)  A small label and a plastic bag is all that is needed.

That was going to be my suggestion. If can fit them add a pair of latex gloves for the really icky CITO.

Well that is my plan with them, well already in use. :) Am planning on leaving them in caches that I find (well not the micro or virtuals) as a signature item. with a lable on them saying what is inside and hope it works.


am sure if there were more items like this in a cache it would help people trash out. But then again could be wrong. ;)




I'm gathering a LARGE collection of altoids containers from my co-workers.

If I'm lucky I'll have enough for the spring event cache horde.


The goal is to figure out how many people will be caching that day and hide that many altoid caches in the area. As each person finds one, they remove one.


Early birds just have to find one of 20. The late bird has to find the one no one else found.


Back in College we used 35 MM film canisters to post a log of everybody who climbed the rock face at Cooks Springs, Alabama. We would hide the log and find it next year. We used to bury the canister (I know that you are not supposed to bury caches). The contents did not survive very well and I suspect even if the canister is not buried, a canister in a cold, damp environment will let in moisture. Curious if anybody else has any experience.


This is my first porsting. I'm waiting for my GPS unit to arrive. My son and I are planning to find our first cache this weekend.




You could use them for "seed" caches. Place several ready-made micros in an ammo can. Put instructions on the cache page that each finder take one micro and place it somewhere in the area. Caching in your town will grow like wildfire.

Wow! Never heard of that.

OK, maybe I am dating myself here, but does anyone know where to get original 35mm film cannisters. I mean the aluminum ones with the screw-on caps.

I saw some in the caveman exhibit in the Smithsonian... ;)

Or you can make many CITO cannisters ;) A small label and a plastic bag is all that is needed.

What type of bag do you use? A regular trash bag? Plastic grocery bag?


This is actually a pretty neat idea! I could think of a few places near me that could use a cache full of these...

Posted (edited)

You can find them on eBay for about $1 each. I also found a message board that listed two other possible sources:

Phillips Camera House in Bishop, California.

Their address and phone:

186 N. Main St.

Bishop, CA 93514



Another suggestion was the containers that Roche Applied Science uses for to ship their DNA molecular markers. They are very similar to the old fim canisters. No telling who supplies them, but an email wouldn't cost you anything.


(Edited for eBay link)

Edited by Wulfster
Posted (edited)



For the seed cache idea check out Renegade Knight's Vector cache in Idaho and my Vector Mojave cache in So Cal.


The idea is working well.

Edited by captnemo
Posted (edited)

I have also used film cannisters to make "WalruZ's Blister First Aid Packs". You buy some dr scholls moleskin (a thick stick-on padding that comes in sheets), cut them up into 1-inch strips and pack a few into a cannister. I put a label on with the aforementioned title that says take one out to cover a blister but leave the cannister in the cache. I leave these in caches that are at the end of long hikes. I was inspired after caching with a friend who developed blisters on the trail - found a bandaid in the target cache and it was a godsend to her. Nice sig item, cheap to make.


Oh, and my son has a seed cache, LeChuck's Cursed Treasure. They are fairly common. Here's another one in my area.

Edited by WalruZ

Ok, now that's an excellent idea. I hadn't thought of asking the local photo processing places (wally world/target for empty cannisters). Making a CITO cache with trash bags in the cannisters is very cool. I have a few ammo cans that I could probably stick 300+ cannister inside (new type of ball ammo...about twice as long as your standard .50-cal and same width).

Or you can make many CITO cannisters  ;)  A small label and a plastic bag is all that is needed.

What type of bag do you use? A regular trash bag? Plastic grocery bag?


This is actually a pretty neat idea! I could think of a few places near me that could use a cache full of these...

I am using a walmart bag, or dollar general bag, ect as I have plenty of those around (who doesnt) and they fit nicely into the film can. not much room for anything else though but still it helps out with CITO where caches dont have a bag or sack in em...



You could use them for "seed" caches. Place several ready-made micros in an ammo can. Put instructions on the cache page that each finder take one micro and place it somewhere in the area. Caching in your town will grow like wildfire.

Be careful what you ask for. You may just end up with your entire area plastered with poorly placed micros.


Every time we go to Wally World I stop by the photo department and ask for empty film cans. I usually walk away with at least 15 or 20 in a nice variety: clear, black with gray lid, black with black lid, oval-shaped APS, etc.


When making larger micros out of things like oversized pill bottles, I like to put the log scroll inside a film can before placing it into the larger container. Otherwise the log scroll tends to get somewhat frayed when cachers replace the pencils or tiny trades. I use a Sharpie to label the log can.


A film can will fit perfectly in the space between a road sign and the metal sign post in many cases.


So just go down the interstate and place a cache at each mile marker.


200 easy stashes, 200 easy finds


Oh the humanity!


TruckerGeorge is lucky in that the film canisters are probably older ones, that seal very tightly and are waterproof. The ones made today don't seal very well and can let water in.


I'm not sure when the change was made, but there is a difference and its obvious.

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