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You'll Never Believe What The Wife Just Said!

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She wants to go shopping and I need some new jeans. Wally World only had one pair in my size, so she decided to go to one of the other Wal-Marts in town. For some reason, she thinks I should go with her.


I would rather cruise the forums and watch TV. I didn't get off work early to go shopping! :blink:


My GPS has been falling apart (Ever heard of the rubber gasket problems on the Etrex?) Well, the screen is also going out, I've got to hit it pretty hard sometimes to get it to work.


Well, the wife leans over and holds up my GPS saying "How about we go get you a new one of these?"




Well, how could I say "no" to something like that? :D


Sometimes the wife just says all the right things beer.gif


How has your caching partner been good to you?


Great. Mine went and bought a new Sportrak. Shes says now I can have mine back ALL the time. :blink:


Actually, I am very happy. She has enough interest to have spent the money, and now she won't be keeping tabs on mine, so it'll be easier to sneak away to hide new caches !

Besides that, she'll want to go play with her new toy, once the glacier retreats. Is currently -5.


Congrats to you, Smurfboy. Ain't bribery great ?


You're right, I don't believe it.


Just got back from finding 4 caches and hunting one "lost cache patrol" casewith the Wifemate.


She loves to go with me but she can rarely keep up. She has heart problems and she is out of shape, so generally she goes with me till the going gets a little rough, then she patiently waits as i finish the hunt.


Today she stayed right beside me through all 4 and actually found the first one herself whilst I was busy entering the coords in my GPSr.


She especially wanted to be with me when we launched her new TB "Hai Karate 'lo Jackie Chan" on its mission to Hong Kong. She had the honor of actually placing it in the cache herself.


Needless to say, I chose wisely- all 1.5 terrains.


Last month Ani and I where working on a virtual in a downtown area. The GPSr is jumping around and losing signal because of the skyscrapers. Ani says "We need a new GPSr." Before my brain could properly react my mouth said "No way, this one is fine, its just the buildings." Somewhere between the 3rd and 5th word my brain figured it out but was to slow to stop my words. I have to slow down. I still can't believe she suggested buying a new toy and I said no. I now rehearse the phrase "Your right honey." whenever I am alone. Its hard work filtering out all this useless brain chatter.


Well, the wife leans over and holds up my GPS saying "How about we go get you a new one of these?"


Well, how could I say "no" to something like that? :D



Your wife is a smart cookie. She knows that men always have to chase after something, and at least you aren't chasing other women! :blink:

She probably thought she owed it to you after all that stuff at X-mas, I wish my parents would say that to me

Since she didn't buy me a new GPS for Christmas, I suppose this is the next best thing. :blink:


The other Wal-Mart didn't have jeans in my size, so I only got one new pair today. But she did buy me a new belt to go with them :D


My old GPSr was an Etrex Venture, so I was just going to replace it. Wal-Mart didn't have any :D so we went and had dinner and thought about a different model. They did have the Legend, which has maps - unlike the Venture. After hearing plenty of nice things about the Legend here in the forums (and you thought I just posted a lot, see...I listen too!) I decided to get it.


It's nice having a GPS with buttons that stay where they are supposed to! Now I just have to find my MapSource CD...



My old GPSr was an Etrex Venture, so I was just going to replace it. Wal-Mart didn't have any :D so we went and had dinner and thought about a different model. They did have the Legend, which has maps - unlike the Venture. After hearing plenty of nice things about the Legend here in the forums (and you thought I just posted a lot, see...I listen too!) I decided to get it.


It's nice having a GPS with buttons that stay where they are supposed to! Now I just have to find my MapSource CD...[/color]

Hey, I could bootleg my MapSource CD for ya from my Legend. Ooops...wrong forum. Nevermind.


Legend, huh? Yeah, you're just trying to be more like your old bud, Sparky.....admit it, you ENVY me! :blink:

Posted (edited)

Last time my wife took me to shop fro Levi's we spent 15 min picking them up and 45 min looking at bathroom rug's. Don't let her lull you into a false sense of complaceny! She'll do the "lets go get you..." thing for 10 or 15 years then one day you head out to buy a new shotgun and BANG you're shopping for vases at Pier 1!! :blink:


Edit: comment about how much better I like my Platy than my Legand. What a great unit the Legand is!

Edited by rusty_tlc
then one day you head out to buy a new shotgun and BANG you're shopping for vases at Pier 1!!

This should have read: then one day you head out to buy a new shotgun and end up shopping for vases at Pier 1!! (*BANG*) :blink:

Last time my wife took me to shop fro Levi's we spent 15 min picking them up and 45 min looking at bathroom rug's. Don't let her lull you into a false sense of complaceny! She'll do the "lets go get you..." thing for 10 or 15 years then one day you head out to buy a new shotgun and BANG you're shopping for vases at Pier 1!! :blink:


Edit: comment about how much better I like my Platy than my Legand. What a great unit the Legand is!

Oh, yeah.....Been there.


Sunshine: "Sparky, wanna go look at tools? I'll buy you a table saw if you want one."


Sparky: "Ya....ok.....tools....ya....."


3 hours later....


Sunshine: "So, now that we've picked out all the cabinets for the kitchen, and the trim for the bedroom, we can go get you some tools to put it all together."


Sparky: "Ya....ok.....tools....ya....."

Last time my wife took me to shop fro Levi's we spent 15 min picking them up and 45 min looking at bathroom rug's. Don't let her lull you into a false sense of complaceny! She'll do the "lets go get you..." thing for 10 or 15 years then one day you head out to buy a new shotgun and BANG you're shopping for vases at Pier 1!!  :D


Edit: comment about how much better I like my Platy than my Legand. What a great unit the Legand is!

Oh, yeah.....Been there.


Sunshine: "Sparky, wanna go look at tools? I'll buy you a table saw if you want one."


Sparky: "Ya....ok.....tools....ya....."


3 hours later....


Sunshine: "So, now that we've picked out all the cabinets for the kitchen, and the trim for the bedroom, we can go get you some tools to put it all together."


Sparky: "Ya....ok.....tools....ya....."

There's proof that you're just trying to copy your old bud, Sax Man! :blink:


Hey,TodayI had to call my wife to drive for an hour to bring some keys to unlock my car and while we were walking down to the cache ,so she could log it since she was here, she told me that where she works the guy in electronics told her that all the gps had been boxed and returned to the factoery cause they were getting new models and she would have to wait to get one.


I think I'm getting one for our anniversary. :blink: Now I better decide what I want and Leave some obvious hints! :D:D

Well, the wife leans over and holds up my GPS saying "How about we go get you a new one of these?"

Either your one lucky dude or its a set up. Whatever it is, its probably worth the price of a new GPSr.

Reading some of the post' over the past few months, I'm leaning toward lucky dude. :blink:


I've got a great one. I go on a 10 cache trip to CT today. And It's cold. I mean it's like Eskimo cold. Probably a high of 18 with a wind chill of get-the-f***-inside. So as you can imagine my wife (as usual) thinks I'm out of my mind. Yet. I walk though the door and she's got a steaming hot bowl of chicken soup and a sandwich waiting for me. Man she's great! I don't know what I did to get so lucky. And she's hot too.


I'm another lucky SOB! My g/f goes caching with me in -30c and never complains when I buy a new GPSR. (I'm trying to get some brownie points in here before she sees the new GPS 60CS when it comes in at the end of Feb!) :blink: She takes good care of me and never complains about my GC addiction! And she's hot too!


My old GPSr was an Etrex Venture, so I was just going to replace it. Wal-Mart didn't have any :blink: so we went and had dinner and thought about a different model. They did have the Legend, which has maps - unlike the Venture. After hearing plenty of nice things about the Legend here in the forums (and you thought I just posted a lot, see...I listen too!) I decided to get it.


Did the new Garmin GPS 60c not interest you?

Count your Blessings and count them quick. Maybe you can take the wife Camping near here and Play her some Real Mountain Tunes.


I've been there, it's quite a narrow road coming from the SE with no guardrail!


Did the new Garmin GPS 60c not interest you?

I hadn't seen much about it, really.

Count your Blessings and count them quick. Maybe you can take the wife Camping near here and Play her some Real Mountain Tunes.


At very quick glance (like when scrolling fast) that picture almost looks right. A little work and it would look just like a real picture.

On Topic: Sax Man, Did you get a change to try out the new unit yet?

Count your Blessings and count them quick.  Maybe you can take the wife Camping near here and Play her some Real Mountain Tunes.


At very quick glance (like when scrolling fast) that picture almost looks right. A little work and it would look just like a real picture.

On Topic: Sax Man, Did you get a change to try out the new unit yet?

Yes! I went out and found an ultra-micro with it today! ;)

How has your caching partner been good to you?[/color]

WARNING: The following content is PG-13.

If you are under 13, don't read. If you are over 13 you should be OK. If you just ACT 13, you're probably just like the rest of us on these forums.


Last Friday I got home from work to find coordinates on the fridge and my wife nowhere to be found. I was able to figure out pretty quickly that I was supposed to check it out. The coords were only 100 feet into the backyard so off I went.

Searched for a few and found a micro container with a room key in it and another set of coords.


Hopped in the car and raced off to the cache (10.3 miles) according to the GPS! Arrived at a local Bed'n'Breakfast and decided that I could navigate the last 200 feet myself without the GPS. Fumbled mercilessly with the keys and finally managed to get the door open - WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT CACHE CONTAINER!


I'll leave the log entry and trade items to a more private thread ;) .



(By the way, this didn't actaully happen but a guy can dream, right?)

Do you even have batteries in yours?


I thought Sparky would still be discharging himself through the car adapter cable...


lessee... ~500 Joules @ 3V & 150ma .... ought to be several months of operation stored up there..... ;)


My old GPSr was an Etrex Venture, so I was just going to replace it. Wal-Mart didn't have any ;) so we went and had dinner and thought about a different model. They did have the Legend, which has maps - unlike the Venture. After hearing plenty of nice things about the Legend here in the forums (and you thought I just posted a lot, see...I listen too!) I decided to get it.


Did the new Garmin GPS 60c not interest you?

I look it up on Garmin's website and the 60C is over $450 with the 60CS about a hundred more. I'll stick with the $200 and under price range (The Legend was $180, I bought my Venture for $152 almost 2 years ago.

Well, the wife leans over and holds up my GPS saying "How about we go get you a new one of these?"


shocked.gif  shocked.gif  shocked.gif


Well, how could I say "no" to something like that? ;)


Sometimes the wife just says all the right things beer.gif

Wow. That's almost like "Do you want to get lucky tonight?"


After 10 years of marriage, I'd take the GPS! :o


My wife is always harping on me about going out geocaching. She says she doesn't understand why I go look for little boxes with toys in them. But I say that....... WAIT A MINUTE! I don't have a wife, I am just a little boy!






After you buy a new GPS she'll say "OK, you bought something new, now I get something new." as she heads to the jewelry counter, then to the furniture section, to the kitchen appliances...


Suddenly the $100 GPS is joined with $3500 in new stuff for her.

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