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60c - First Impressions

aka Monkey

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I just received my 60C not too long ago, and wanted to share my first impressions.


* The unit is very comfortable to hold, although a bit weighty. Holding this thing out in front of you for long periods of time could get tiresome. Kids with baggy pants will NOT be able to use the belt clip or stuff this in a pocket. :D


* The clip on the battery compartment is much larger and easier to turn than on the Rinos.


* The unit has a number of different color schemes available, some of them truly garish.


* Although the unit has a quad heliox antenna as opposed to the patch antenna I'm used to, it still doesn't like it indoors. I suppose I shouldn't expect too much of it. I'll have to wait until my external antenna comes and try it again.


* While going through the system settings, I got excited when I noted the field for Temperature (Celsius or Farenheit). Alas, it is only for displaying Marine data from maps, not for giving you the ambient temperature.


* I haven't taken it outside yet, so I can't comment on the actual GPS functions. :D


* As a final note, as expected, none of the Mac GPS software recognizes the USB cable. It did come with a CD for managing waypoints and routes, but it's only for the PC. Since the only PC I have access to is so old it doesn't have a USB port, it'll take me some time to try putting maps on it. :huh:

* While going through the system settings, I got excited when I noted the field for Temperature (Celsius or Farenheit). Alas, it is only for displaying Marine data from maps, not for giving you the ambient temperature.


How vivid are the colors?

How bright is the display w/backlight and in direct sunlight?

I believe that this is for eventually connecting the unit to an external temperature (or depth) transducer (much like Garmin's fish finder units).


I'd like to know more about the display and how the active track looks or can look on it. I never really did like the grey display on the 76S much. I was spoiled with a bold track on older Garmins and other brands.


How does the display really look outside and inside?


I've now spent the day with the unit, and can give a more thorough review. Here it be:


After a lot of impatient waiting, my GPSmap 60C finally arrived. It included a spiral bound manual, a QuickStart guide printed in full color on weatherproof paper, a wrist strap, a belt clip, a USB cable (no serial cable included), and a copy of Garmin's Trips and Waypoints management software (basically Mapsource without any maps, but with the USB drivers).


First, allow me to vent. I'm a very happy Mac user. Yes, I'm disappointed that Garmin doesn't have software for the Mac, but I can understand why from a development standpoint. However after using a PC today, I'm not sure why everyone doesn't just have a Mac. I attempted to install the Garmin software onto a PC running Windows 98. This is a fairly clean PC, with a minimal amount of stuff on it. However the installer crashed twice during install, and both times caused damage to the HD which Norton Disk Doctor needed to fix. When I did finally get it to install (by putting it on a totally empty HD), the operating system crashed and wouldn't even let me restart without hitting the Reboot button. And of course, I had to politely show Windows where the stupid USB drivers were, which required reading the manual. I'm a Mac user! I don't NEED to read manuals! Anyway, the software was finally installed, so after 45 minutes of cursing, I was ready to install the maps.


Shortly after I ordered my 60C, I contacted Garmin to ask whether I could use the auto-routing function from my old MetroGuide 4.0, or whether I'd need the new City Select CD. I was told that auto-routing would not work properly, much to my disappointment. However, being the cynical person that I am, I decided to try it anyway on the off chance they might just be "encouraging" me to buy new software. I hooked up the USB cable to the GPS, selected all of Colorado, and told it to save to the unit. Talk about a difference in speed... downloading 30+ megs of maps on serial would have taken over an hour easily. With the USB port, it took under 3 minutes. It spent more time indexing the maps than it did downloading them. And, much to my delight, when it finished the GPS notified me that I had sent it routing data, and I would be asked to configure it. I gave it a shot, and I'll be damned if it didn't work. I could detect no problems using MetroGuide 4 with auto-routing, although there may be issues I'm unaware of. I don't want to believe Garmin lied to me. <_<


The display on this unit is very sharp, and the colors are very vibrant, even under direct sunlight. Especially under direct sunlight. Actually, in anything other than direct sunlight, with the unit held at just the right angle, the screen can be very dim. The backlight alleviates this problem though, and can be set in 5% increments from off to 100% brightness. This sensitivity to angle and lighting is, so far, my only complaint.


The map display screen is very easy to read. Side roads are brown, major roads are red. When you turn on auto-routing, it highlights the road with a very wide purple line, which you can't miss. I was also pleased to see that it notifies you to stay on the left or right side of the road if it's got two or more lanes and you need to turn.


Just to see what would happen, I marked a waypoint in the middle of nowhere and told it to take me there. The distance was several hundred miles, and it took maybe 15 seconds to calculate. It got me as close as possible and marked the final waypoint as "off road."


Garmin's user interface is a work of art. Not only the physical ergonomics of the unit, but all the details in functionality. For example, the color screen is very bright... at night, it could easily interefere with your night vision every time you look at it. So, as soon as the unit hits the calculated time for sunset, the map display automatically changes so that the background is now black. Very nice, Garmin. This is the kind of attention to detail you don't get with those "other guys."


I have yet to use the much touted Geocaching feature, but it looks fairly simple. If you turn it on, it automatically maps any waypoints that have the cache icon, and directs you to the closest one. Once you find it, it changes the icon to the open cache icon, makes an entry in the calendar, and then directs you to the next closest cache. A neat idea, and should be a breeze to use.


This review should not be considered thorough by any means. I haven't even looked at the manual for the unit yet (it's easy enough to use I don't need it), and I've spent less than a day with it. But so far, I'm not regretting the money I spent on it for a second. If this GPS died, I'd sell whatever I needed to in order to replace it as quickly as possible. It's just that much fun.


Thanks for the info, now I really can't wait for my CS to arrive <_< I'll also anxiously await the Mac/USB solution, though I have the serial cable on order as well, to use with my USB/Serial converter.

a copy of Garmin's Trips and Waypoints management software (basically Mapsource without any maps, but with the USB drivers).

Thanks for the preview. Even this early stage its useful to hear about it. One question about the included software. Does it alow you to download waypoints over USB (.LOC or .GPX)?





Thanks for the mini-review. If I find out I sold my copy of Metroguide v5 and bought City Select for nothing, I'm NOT going to be a happy geocacher...

Don't worry, only Metroguide 4.01 routed on a GPS unit. The newer metroguide 5.xx only routes on a PC.


Wyatt W.


"I'll have to wait until my external antenna comes..."


Which antenna did you order? Also, does anyone know if existing mounts can be used? Or is there a specific 60c/cs mount? I'm looking for a suction-type window mount.

One question about the included software. Does it alow you to download waypoints over USB (.LOC or .GPX)?





You can download waypoints, although I'm not sure what format they need to be in. Being an isolated PC with no internet connection that isn't at my house, I don't have a lot of opportunity to "play" with it.


Here's the software that it comnes with: Trip & Waypoint Manager


Another Mac user with a new 60c here. I had no trouble loading the software on my Mac with VPC6.x. It loaded itself quite nicely.


I took mine out today for the first day of caching and found four fairly easily. I had been using an etrex yellow so some of what I liked may just be the different unit rather than the 60c, but I really like the customizable screens. Any data field can be replaced by whatever you want. I have completly rearranged the fields on both screens using them. I can now use the trip computer page almost exclusively for caching. I have both heading and bearing shown there along with distance to the cache and EPE. I changed the compass page as well so that gives me the information I want.


It is a nice unit and should serve me well.


I would like to hear more about the autorouting capabilities. Indiana Cojones story about using Metroguide 4 to autoroute was informative and interesting, but I am curious how the unit does when autorouting with the recommended software City Select V5. Has anyone given it a try yet? I am particularly curious how fast the unit recalculates a new route when you miss a turn. I heard that the GPS V was very slow at this. I am hoping that the 60 is much faster since it has a newer processor.



I would like to hear more about the autorouting capabilities. Indiana Cojones story about using Metroguide 4 to autoroute was informative and interesting, but I am curious how the unit does when autorouting with the recommended software City Select V5. Has anyone given it a try yet? I am particularly curious how fast the unit recalculates a new route when you miss a turn. I heard that the GPS V was very slow at this. I am hoping that the 60 is much faster since it has a newer processor.



I have now been using my new 60C for five days, along with City Select V5. I took it with my on a business trip to Monterey, so I have had lots of opportunity to play with the autorouting capability. This is an awesome unit, and I have been the envy of anyone who has seen it.


In terms of recalculating when you miss a turn, the 60C seems to do this within about 15 -30 seconds or so after you miss the turn. The recalc process is very quick - in my experience less than five seconds to give you a new route from when it starts the recalc.


The "Find" function is amazing as well - accessible through a dedicated button on the front. You can find any number of things including geocaches, intersections, hotels, restaurants, amusement parks, airport, as well as any address you enter. The other night in Monterey we were scouting for a restaurant - two button pushes later I had a listing of all restaurants in the vicinity ranked from nearest to farthest. Hmm... how about Italian restaurants? Hit the menu button and you can filter by a wide variety of categories of restaurants.


This unit has been so invaluable this trip, that I will never travel again without it.


I just got mine at 2:00 today. Haven't had a chance to use it to find a "real" cache but used it to get to an event cache today. It's a big step up from the yellow eTrex. Now we'll see if it'll limit my number of DNFs. Asking a lot of a little machine though. <_<


First impressions are great. I'm pretty disappointed in the geocaching feature so far but hoping it's just because I haven't actually used it to find one. Hopefully once I do it'll all make sense. As far as I can tell it doesn't go to geocache navigation during On Road navigation, just on Off Road. Not sure how this'll work with caches that are on the road. Only time will tell.


Batteries don't seem to last 30 hours but I left the light on all evening accidentally. They're at 9 hours right now and showing 3 bars; were only showing 1 bar earlier. I assume 1 bar means it's almost dead but it was because the backlight was on at the time so it was calculating amount of time remaining with backlight on.


Was at an event with Weightman earlier this evening and heard he had his 60c too but didn't get a chance to talk to him. Erghhh...


Autorouting seemed to do a decent job but I didn't really get a chance to try it myself. My co-pilot tonight has a V and got a chance to play with the 60c tonight so if she's reading this perhaps she can post her thoughts on it.

One question about the included software. Does it alow you to download waypoints over USB (.LOC or .GPX)?

EasyMPS seems to do a pretty good job of doing this. Haven't had a chance to check out whether the Garmin software can do it alone. I would sure hope so but like I said earlier first impressions of the geocaching functionality are disappointing. Not that I really expected much of them in the first place.

"I'll have to wait until my external antenna comes..."


Which antenna did you order? Also, does anyone know if existing mounts can be used? Or is there a specific 60c/cs mount? I'm looking for a suction-type window mount.

When I ordered my GPSMap60CS from gpsdiscount there was all kinds of options listed. I did get a window mount for my car along with the DC adapter and handle bar mount.



Posted (edited)
Another Mac user with a new 60c here.  I had no trouble loading the software on my Mac with VPC6.x.  It loaded itself quite nicely.

Very good news! I'll have to get the new version of VPC when it is compatible with the G5. Heck, it'll probably be faster than the PC I was working on yesterday. <_<

Edited by Indiana Cojones

So... somebody.... Set it up on the trip computer page, and start the timer with new batteries in it, and walk away. When it shuts down, the trip computer will stop. Put in fresh batteries, and immediately go to that page and check how long the batteries really lasted. I am sure that I am not the only one really wanting to know if 30 hours is hype or fact.


Thanks. I am really getting excited about the 60CS now.


Good idea! I'll try that. I'll do a number of tests... with backlight on at full, on at 50% and off, with WAAS on and off, and with Battery Saver on and off. Garmin also notes that the audible beeps may significantly reduce battery life, but I can't really test that.


Of course, these will take some time, as I'm going to be busy playing with it for a while! <_<

Good idea! I'll try that. I'll do a number of tests... with backlight on at full, on at 50% and off, with WAAS on and off, and with Battery Saver on and off. Garmin also notes that the audible beeps may significantly reduce battery life, but I can't really test that.


Of course, these will take some time, as I'm going to be busy playing with it for a while! <_<

I know I will not have time to do that kind of testing. It is too much fun using it. I had mine on for about 6 hours yesterday while caching and the battery indicator shows three bars left out of four. I did use the backlight a bit, but not much. I also had it on the night before learning how to use it and that was with backlight on a fair amount of the time. Based on that i would guess 24-30 hours is not unreasonable.


I will add that the Find button is great and easy to use. You can look for the nearest waypoint, by name, or by symbol. There are a bunch of symbols available. I don't know how many since I did not count them, but many of the highway sign symbols are there along with other sets of symbols. You can also search for freeway exits, cities by name, geocaches listed with the geocache symbol, or recent finds. When I get the maps in I think there will be more search options.

I am particularly curious how fast the unit recalculates a new route when you miss a turn. I heard that the GPS V was very slow at this. I am hoping that the 60 is much faster since it has a newer processor.

Don't have a lot of experience with the V but it definitely seems faster.


Today I had it autorouting me somewhere and it wanted me to turn on 3rd. I wanted to turn on 1st so I drove past 3rd at about 30 mph. It had rerouted by the time I got to 1st (2 short city blocks away) and was able to tell me to turn right on 1st. That's pretty quick.


The V can be sinfully slow when it needs to recalculate the route.


I've found that it depends, largely, on how detailed the area is that your routing through. If we're in the middle of downtown Seattle and miss a turn, we pretty much have to stop to let it catch up. Flying down a country bumpkin late and missing a turn doesn't require much thought or preparation on it's part to reroute us.


Good thing we're doing more of the bumpkin driving than city driving, I guess.





One other thing I have noticed about the 60c. It picks up lots more birds than my old etrex yellow did. I noticed at one time yesterday I had a solid lock on nine birds. I had 18 feet inside my house. The sats near the horizon are getting picked up where the yellow did not get those.

So... somebody....  Set it up on the trip computer page, and start the timer with new batteries in it, and walk away.  When it shuts down, the trip computer will stop.  Put in fresh batteries, and immediately go to that page and check how long the batteries really lasted.  I am sure that I am not the only one really wanting to know if 30 hours is hype or fact.

Here is my extremely unscientific measurement of the battery mileage of my new 60C:

I bought a cheap charger with four NiMH 1800mAh battreries a couple of weeks ago in my local supermarket. I charged the batteries when I bought them, and put them in my new 60C yesterday (they were propably not fully charged as I have read that NiMH batteries discharge even when not used). After I put the last set of batteries in my unit I used it for a couple of hours ouside yesterday and about an hour inside last night with GPS receiver turned off and backlight on. Today I was out for an hour walking with the 60C in my pocket. When I came home I left the GPS on by a window to enable the trip computer to be active and the GPS receiver on. After 9,5 hours I heard the alarm and the display told me that the battery was low.

I have not seen 30 hours battery life with my 60C, but I am quite happy with what I see with my cheap batteries.


Will the 60C or 60CS do area calculations like my 76S will? I would like to order a 60CS but I farm part time and use the 76S to measure fields. If I get a 60CS I will give the 76S to my son, so I will no longer have it available. Also as someone else posted, I too find the 76S very hard to read (even with bifocals)...... is the 60CS screen easier to read then the 76S?



I'm pretty disappointed in the geocaching feature so far but hoping it's just because I haven't actually used it to find one. Hopefully once I do it'll all make sense. As far as I can tell it doesn't go to geocache navigation during On Road navigation, just on Off Road. Not sure how this'll work with caches that are on the road. Only time will tell.

I have now had my 60c for one week and have used the geocaching feature a few times. It certainly has more functionality than what is reported above. If you use the "find" function (one button on front) and then select geocaches, you are presented with a list of geocaches sorted in order of nearest proximity to your current location. Pressing the "menu" button allows you to search for a cache by name, or change your reference point for another proximity search.


Once you select a geocache to go to - you can choose to navigate either "off road" or "on road" (contrary to what is posted above). When you actually find the geocache, you mark it as "found" from the geocache navigation screen. The cache is then marked as found (different status and different symbol). An entry is also created on the calendar, noting that the geocache was found on that date.


Finally, one a cache is found, it will not appear on the "Find Geocache" screen - unless you select "Menu" and tell it to look for only "Found" caches.


Overall, not earth shattering, but definitely good utility for geocachers and a lot more functionality than what is being reported by others.


I will add that the Find button is great and easy to use. You can look for the nearest waypoint, by name, or by symbol. There are a bunch of symbols available. I don't know how many since I did not count them, but many of the highway sign symbols are there along with other sets of symbols. You can also search for freeway exits, cities by name, geocaches listed with the geocache symbol, or recent finds. When I get the maps in I think there will be more search options.

I agree that the Find function is fantastic, and one of the really useful features on this unit. I have the City Select V5 maps installed, and the options I have on the "Find" screen are:


- Waypoints

- Geocaches

- Cities

- Exits

- Recent Finds

- All POI

- Addresses

- Intersections

- Shopping

- Food

- Lodging

- Entertainment

- Attractions

- Services

- Transportation

- Emergency & Government


Each of these has many sub-categories as well. For example, if you select food you can search by type of restaurant. If you select lodging you can differentiate between hotels / motels and campgrounds. Under Entertainment, you can search by type of entertainment (bars, movie theatres, casinos, golf courses, skiing, bowling, etc.) I think you get the picture.


In addition to searching by sub-category, you can also search by name or change your reference point for a new proximity search. The screen and menus are quite intuitive and easy to use - definitely a big plus.


All-in-all the richness of the "find" feature has been one of the big surprises with this unit - and it has been a huge "WOW" factor when showing it to others.


We're awaiting delivery of our 60c.


One of the many items that attracted us to this model was the ability to program or set-up the pages. Which order they appear, which page follows another, etc. Can anyone with a 60c in hand comment on this feature?


I can. It has that feature. :blink:


I haven't tried it, but you can sort the order, or even remove a page entirely such that it has to be accessed from a menu rather than just hitting page.



One of the many items that attracted us to this model was the ability to program or set-up the pages. Which order they appear, which page follows another, etc. Can anyone with a 60c in hand comment on this feature?

The Page Sequence feature (accessible from the Setup screen) is as Indiana has described. You can reorder the page sequence or delete a given page.


A better feature that I really like is the ability to customize the individual data fields on pages to suit your needs. For example, on the navigation page there are 4 data fields, which you can customize to display any four out of approximately 40 fields that you can choose from. This includes things such as GPS accuracy, bearing, distance to destination, ETA at destination, elevation, glide ratio, odometer, speed, max speed, average speed, sunrise, sunset, time plus many others. On the trip computer page there are 8 fully customizable fields.


On the airplane recently I modified the page to include vertical speed - this was interesting to watch during ascent and descent.

I have now had my 60c for one week and have used the geocaching feature a few times.

Have you figured out to use the Geocache notes section? Other reports have been less impressive than I expected, only giving the cache name and owner. Comments appreciated.


another field available on the trip computer page is "pointer". rather than jumping back to the compass screen when you're caching you can simply show it on the trip computer page as another field... very useful.


Have you figured out to use the Geocache notes section? Other reports have been less impressive than I expected, only giving the cache name and owner. Comments appreciated.

I haven't been able to try playing around with the Notes field as I have been on the road. You can edit this field manually, but that is not particularly appealing.


As I posted previously, when I loaded the geoaching waypoints in through City Select, the cache name and owner appeared in the notes field (truncated to 30 characters). I suspect that it would be possible to use GPXSpinner to remap this field to include difficulty & terrain or some other information - whatever you can fit in the 30 characters.


This is one complaint that I have with the unit thus far - it seems stupid to restrict this to 30 characters. The box that appears on the screen even seems to have space for more, but you can't enter anything beyond 30 characters. :D


Otherwise, I am very pleased with my 60C. :blink:


ok my question is based on your usage should i wait for the 60cs. i currently use a legend and seriously considered the vista. but i've found 47 caches without the compass or altimeter and i use the gps all the time. fishing hunting work. and yes geocaching. my next question is do you think i should wait for the cs or look for the c. i've already decided i want to get one of these units. has anyone tried using it for turn by turn navigation?

ok my question is based on your usage should i wait for the 60cs. i currently use a legend and seriously considered the vista. but i've found 47 caches without the compass or altimeter and i use the gps all the time. fishing hunting work. and yes geocaching. my next question is do you think i should wait for the cs or look for the c. i've already decided i want to get one of these units. has anyone tried using it for turn by turn navigation?

There is a separate thread where the 60C versus CS debate is raging. For myself, I always carry a compass when geocaching, and can think of no valid use for an altimeter - so there was really no reason to wait for the 60CS.


In terms of the turn by turn routing - this function ROCKS!! Once the 60C is locked on a route, it has audible beeps to alert you to when the next turn occurs. The amount of warning seems to depend on speed - at highway speed we would get a one beep warning about a minute and a half before the turn, and then two beeps about 15 seconds before. At city speed the one beep warning was about 30 seconds ahead, and two beeps at 10 -15 seconds.


I used this to navigate around Monterey and from Monterey up to Santa Cruz (an area where I had never driven before), without ever getting lost or without any doubt about where I was and where the next turn was to occur. There is both a map screen as well as a "turn by turn" navigation screen which shows a list of all the turns, how far away they are and the estimated time to reach them, as well as the distance and ETA to your selected destination.


After travelling with this unit for four days, the four other guys I was with all wanted one just for the awesome mapping and navigation capabilities!!


I ordered the 60C, it depends on what you want. I have a SUUNTO watch with a compass and a barometric altimiter and I have to be honest and say that I've never really found myself using either a whole lot (maybe the compass once or twice if I don't have the GPSr on me which is rare).


I own the Legend and I've a few freinds with the VISTA and the only thing I'd really like about it is the 24 MB of space as opposed to teh 8MB on the Legend. I hear the built-in compass is a battery hog and it must be calibrated, etc. Sounds like a pain.



After travelling with this unit for four days, the four other guys I was with all wanted one just for the awesome mapping and navigation capabilities!!

Have you mounted it on your dash? I have a dillema in that I have two of the Etrex mounts. I have an email into Garmin about just buying the backplate that slides into the mount but I'm not optimistic about it<grin>.

Have you mounted it on your dash?

No - when I got it from GPSCentral they did not have the auto dash mounts for the 60C or 60CS in yet. There was always at least two people in the car, so whoever was in the passenger seat just held it.


I will be getting the auto mount as soon as it is available at GPSCentral.


Have you mounted it on your dash? I have a dillema in that I have two of the Etrex mounts. I have an email into Garmin about just buying the backplate that slides into the mount but I'm not optimistic about it<grin>.

I bought the window mount and a bike mount with my 60c. Turns out that I did not need the bike mount. The bike mount that I had with my Legend is the same handlebar mount and the GPS mount will slide into it. So I can use the GPS mount from the window kit and my old handlebar mount.

I bought the window mount and a bike mount with my 60c. Turns out that I did not need the bike mount. The bike mount that I had with my Legend is the same handlebar mount and the GPS mount will slide into it. So I can use the GPS mount from the window kit and my old handlebar mount.

So I sold my mounts with my Vista when I didn't need too?? Wow the picture on the CS looked so different. I am also afraid the new one is much cheaper than the ones for my Vista and not sure the bike mount will stand up to the abuse. I use mine 4 wheelin.




murph, The part that goes on the handlebar is the same (as what I used with the Legend), but the part that slides onto that (the part that holds the gps) is different. I can slide the gps off of the window mount and slide it on the the handlebar mount. The part that holds the gps is different. The Legend used a different back battery cover where the 60c has a cradle type of holder

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