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Questions For The Kids


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I am working on an upcoming geocaching E-zine and would like to present a question each month about caching and the answers given by kids (under about age 16 or so). To start collecting some, I am posing some questions here. Do me a HUGE favor and ask your kids the questions and email their verbatim responses (bad grammar and all, don't edit). Or better yet, ask the child to write the response and send me that. Also provide the child's age, gender, and a first name (use a fake one if you want, I will use what I am given). This is kind of an experiement to see if I get enough answers and what they will be like. If I get enough responses, I will choose/compile the answers to a question in each or various issues.


So three questions to start things off:


(1) If you made your own cache, what would be in it, where would you hide it and why?


(2) Fill in the blanks: If I were a travel bug I would want to go to ____ because ____.


(3) What would you NOT like to find in cache and why?


I think you might be best of with 12 or even 10 and under. I'm 15 and find them kinda dumb (no offense), but that could just be the fact that my mental age is much older and I have a very high IQ that kinda stuff. The youger ones will find them kinda cool thought.


I asked my neighbor's son your questions. He is fascinated with my GPS and wants to know everything about caching. They want to start caching on their own but my neighbor just got divorced and doesn't have any extra $ to buy a GPS. :rolleyes:


By the way, I cannot answer 'verbatim' because she and her son are both deaf. But they are teaching me sign language and I am taking ASL classes so I understood what he was saying. :(


They are not 'avid geocachers' but I thought his answers might help you. I went outside to get something out of my car and they were outside too so I thought I would ask him.


Hope this helps!


Answers from Michael (Age 8):


1. Star Wars toys, cars, video games, a nintendo and pokemon cards. I would hide it at Chuck E Cheese so kids could find the cache and then stay and have fun there.


2. If I were a travel bug, I would want to go to Florida because my grandma and Disney are there. And the ocean is there too.


3. I would not want to find broken toys or books.


I know this post was aimed at people who regularly cache with their kids but I just thought I would add his answers so you could get more info for your article. :)


Again, hope this helps!


Thanks Imajika! The more info the better! :rolleyes:


I think you might be best of with 12 or even 10 and under. I'm 15 and find them kinda dumb (no offense), but that could just be the fact that my mental age is much older and I have a very high IQ that kinda stuff. The youger ones will find them kinda cool thought. 


You make a good point. I used 16 just because I wasn't sure and now that you bring it up, 16 is pretty old for that type of thing. I think you are right and that maybe around 12 or under is good. But I'll happily take answers from older kids if they want to answer. Thanks for the suggestion! :(


Can I reply my responses?


OK, I will.


1.) If I made my own cache, I would either put in the regular trinkets or a huge bunch of TBs. I'd like to hide it somewhere near Mount Baldy, because (I think) cache density in that area is sparse to none, & its full of really great views.


2.) If I were a TB, I'd like to go to New Zealand, because the whole place is really green & calendar-esque (I say this from expirience, not LOTR movies). Seeing some of the more "wild," more unhabited places would be a treat.


3.) I'd not like to find a cache in the middle of a very populated city, or in a place that is in view of a somewhat busy street. I wouldn't want to find a cache here because I'd hate to see a muggle see us and maybe check out what we were looking for, and lead to the archiving of a cache.


Thanks for the thread!


Bump. I have gotten some responses, but could use more. Please email or PM them instead of posting if possible and please remember to give me a name, gender and age. Make up a name if you are uncomfortable using the real one.


Thanks! <_<


I'm working on it. I coaxed some answers from the older son but he requested that I not post them. They were nice, stock responses, but he's embarrassed about it. He wasn't swayed by the anonymity of the forums. I'll try the younger son tonight. He's blessed with a very active imagination.

Posted (edited)

Could I answer your questions? I am forty-seven, but my mental age is much younger, and I have a low I.Q. - you know, that kind of stuff. And by the way, I don’t find your questions dumb. Olldor parsons will find them kinda cool thought. ;)

Edited by seneca
Posted (edited)

Kids are a very large part of Geocaching. Many people use this sport/hobby as a way to spend family time together. It will be interesting to see the view of Geocaching through a childs eyes.


We adults have gotten caught up in the high tech aspects and the race for the most finds and hides. I'm thinking the kids have a totaly different view of this than the adults. Probably one that the adults could learn from.


El Diablo

Edited by El Diablo
Posted (edited)

So three questions to start things off:


(1) If you made your own cache, what would be in it, where would you hide it and why?


(2) Fill in the blanks: If I were a travel bug I would want to go to ____ because ____.


(3) What would you NOT like to find in cache and why?


I'm emailing you my son's responses.



Edited by Alphatexana
Kids are a very large part of Geocaching. Many people use this sport/hobby as a way to spend family time together. It will be interesting to see the view of Geocaching through a childs eyes.


We adults have gotten caught up in the high tech aspects and the race for the most finds and hides. I'm thinking the kids have a totaly different view of this than the adults. Probably one that the adults could learn from.


El Diablo

Mine have all moved on to other things. Wonder if that means something...

We adults have gotten caught up in the high tech aspects and the race for the most finds and hides. I'm thinking the kids have a totaly different view of this than the adults. Probably one that the adults could learn from.


El Diablo

Man you have said it all. The kids with their simple views of things make this complicated adult world what it really is. Can't say it I don't want to tilt that warning meter.


What does kids really mean Keep It Delightful Stupid

They were nice, stock responses, but he's embarrassed about it. He wasn't swayed by the anonymity of the forums.


Actually, I prefer that the answers are emailed, and he can use a fake first name if he wants. ;)

I am working on an upcoming geocaching E-zine and would like to present a question each month about caching and the answers given by kids (under about age 16 or so).

I asked Lost One (6 years old) and these are his answers:


(1) Well, I'd put toys in it and I would hide it somewhere in a rock cause it would be a good place.


(2) California. Cause I want to go to Disneyland.


(3) Food cause the animals would have already eaten some of it.


Good luck on your project.

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