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Alright Fess Up


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I spent a little time in the forums yesterday because I was off from work and I got to thinking that there are a lot of people who seem to be able to post to the forums all day long. I sometimes browse the forums during lunch while at work, but I would probably be looking for other employment if I spent as much time in the forums as some. I know that some people have legitimate time off for various reasons, but I would suspect that many are goofing off on company time.


Are you guilty of this? Come on fess up.


Rocket Man

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I log on during lunch or breaks, or when things are slow. As far as I know, As long as I'm getting my work done and I'm not looking at porn, my employers don't really care if I check out geocaching.com at work... (one guy DID get fired for looking at porn)... at least they've never said anything... but then again, I don't really know who's monitoring me... or what the policy is... oh, boy, maybe I'm in trouble...OK, now I'm paranoid!! No more forums at work for me. :lol:

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I confess, I cruise the forums during 'office hours'. But in no way do I let posting in the forums interfere with 'sales meetings' (meeting the guys at local pub to drink brewskis). Seriously though, I'm in sales so if I make my quota by the end of the year, my managers could careless what I do anytime of the day.

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Student. But, I don't post at school. There's very strict rules for venturing onto "non-educational" sites. I mean, c'mon, GPS is in school everywhere, right? By posting, I'm interacting with a community of people who regularly use a GPS, and do some serious thinking at a supreme-o puzzle cache. Its more like I'm helping my education. :lol:

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I can't read forums at work because we are generally too busy. However, my friend was telling some people at work today about my geocaching addiction. When I came back to the office, four people told me they went to the gc.vom website and it looked so cool they want to go with me and try it out. They also want me to start an office travel bug. I am getting other people in to this great addiction! Woohoo!


Since I can't read forums at work, I read them at home....late into the night. It's almost midnight and I have to be at work in 5 hours....yes, I have a problem.

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