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Second Annual Cache In Trash Out Day!


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Last year was a great success thanks to the participation of so many Geocachers! As a result we would like to continue the tradition by planning the Second Annual Cache In Trash Out coordinated event. This year we will be asking geocachers around the world to pick a messy park and clean it up on Saturday, April 17th. Cache In Trash Out has become a great way to show the world that Geocaching enthusiasts care about our environment, and also a great way to say thanks to the parks for hosting our caches.


We will be updating the CITO website soon with all of the details. The t-shirt design is in the works, as well as some other products. Start planning your events and say tuned for more information. www.cacheintrashout.org

Edited by hydee
The Disorganization of Memphis Area Geocachers is about to choose a park to invade and detrash.

Heh heh... I guess I'll be a part of that "Disorganization" in Memphis!! :unsure:


Can't think of a better way to spend my birthday, well actually I can but I'll help out anyway. One of my first caches was a CITO event way back last May.


I just notice April 17th is my Golden Retriever's birthday, so maybe we'll have a CITO/Birthday party for Casey the Golden Cache Retriever....


Just wandering, were those nifty trash bags with the GC logo on them part of last years event, or was it just something hampton roads did, or was that photo photoshopped?


I'm definately placing a cache for release on CITO day to celebrate CITO day and Casey's birthday, but really, if I can convince my parents, I might head out to a local CITO event or maybe just go out to a nasty local park and clean up..


Yah, but if we did it on earth day, we'd just be a bunch of scmucks cleaning up a park.


By having our own separate day, we get to stand out from everyone else...


A few hours ago, I submitted the info for the CITO event for Arizona Geocachers. It's themed around the recently installed Adopt-A-Highway sign for the 1-mile stretch of highway Arizona Geocachers are now responsible for. What better way to get the word out 365 days/year to have this sign so visible on a heavily traveled highway?






I wonder if something like this could spread to other states?


Last year Minnesota geocachers, MNGCA, helped to clean up a state park as part of the national CITO event. This year we are cleaning up a state/city run trail for the same event. We have a monthly CITO cache and have many active CITO cachers up here. There has been many positive responses from park administrators and dept. managers that we've contacted so far.


This is really a great way to get geocaching noticed in a very positive way. <_<


I'm planning to post an event, but I have a sporting clays tournament on 4/17. Why not have a CITO WEEKEND rather than limiting it to one day?


I am planning to post my CITO event for 4/18. I am almost assured $500 from my company to take care of food and supplies. I have the park picked out and I'm just waiting for the Parks Director to return my call.


Sn :D:ph34r: gans


We are also doing a CITO on April 3 in Plano, Texas, coinciding in time and place with our City's Keep Plano Beautiful program as part of the Great American Cleanup. You can log trash from March 15 to May 1 for the national numbers. Who else is doing their CITO as part of the GAC?

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