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Posted (edited)

Well the pounds I lost geocaching last summer found me over the holidays. I approach the new season of caching with a firm resolve to ditch those nasty pounds once and for all.


Whatever your opinion of low carb diets they seem to work pretty well for me. I tend to snack on low fat string cheese and salami on the trail.

What healthy foods do you take caching, low carb or otherwise?


Sorry RK no HoHo's and Mt Dew. And forget the beer.


Edit: I really don't know why I posted this to the northeast forum, would a kind moderator plaes move it to geocaching topics. :lol:

Edited by rusty_tlc
NO BEER?!?!?!?! :lol: Have you gone mad?


Is it true that Mt. Dew has Caffeine in the US?

Of course Mt. Dew has caffine in it in the states. There is also a caffine free version on sale. I still can't figure out why people would drink it. You are lying to your brain when you drink the caffine free version.


No beer? Never, beer is what make the world go around. And of course, makes the room spin....


In Canada caffeine can't be in any product where it doesn't naturally occur. I think there maybe a couple of exceptions but that is why our MT. Dew is caffeine less.

Despite the knock against Mountain Dew, my drink of choice, I am happy to move this topic to the main "Geocaching Topics" forum.

Thanks KA.

Mt Dew is my beverage of choice on long haul road trips. If I'm not mistaken it has more caffeine than Coke or coffee.


I also enjoy beer, in fact I enjoy it so much I haven't seen my belt buckle in a year or so.


What I'm hoping is if I watch it most of the time I can down a couple of lagers here and there.


Our family favorite for cache picnics is apples (red delicious usually), peanut butter, and marshmallow fluff. The apples are sliced in cross section and the pb and fluff are piped on from ziplock snack bags.

I always carry several fruit rollups just in case a hunt gets a little longer than planned.

If I'm caching by myself, there tends to be a trail of sunflower shells wherever I've been.




I save the brewskis for the post hunt celebration. On the trail, its either Nantucket Nectar, or Arizona Ice Tea. But when I look at the bottle and see 120 calories per serving and servings per container - 2 1/2, it does give me pause.


If it's just a geocaching trip, I grab a sandwich from the local deli on the way, and maybe some potato salad (not very healthy, I know). If it's a multi day backpacking trip, its a spicy sausage like hot soprassata, pepperoni, chiorzio or hot salami. I'll also usually bring a chunk of cheddar and some Wheat Thins or Triscuts (No wonder I'm 225 lbs). About the only healthy thing I bring along are those foil packages of tuna...and even that's questionable with all the to-do about mercury in tuna.

I save the brewskis for the post hunt celebration. On the trail, its either Nantucket Nectar, or Arizona Ice Tea. But when I look at the bottle and see 120 calories per serving and servings per container - 2 1/2, it does give me pause.


If it's just a geocaching trip, I grab a sandwich from the local deli on the way, and maybe some potato salad (not very healthy, I know). If it's a multi day backpacking trip, its a spicy sausage like hot soprassata, pepperoni, chiorzio or hot salami. I'll also usually bring a chunk of cheddar and some Wheat Thins or Triscuts (No wonder I'm 225 lbs). About the only healthy thing I bring along are those foil packages of tuna...and even that's questionable with all the to-do about mercury in tuna.

Nature Valley granola bars for me, and water. I've never tried Mountain Dew. Isn't that full of sugar?


I'm at 190 lbs, and would love to get rid of 20lb of them. Geocaching doesn't seem to make a difference.


I guess I've been doing this all wrong.


We usually take cheese, crackers, apples, some wine, maybe some roasted chicken. Trail mix? Maybe if I was trying to survive.


If we're out of town doing a cache we'll usually stop at a local restaurant after the hunt.

I tend to carry jerky...with me.


That's pretty harsh Carleen you shouldn't talk about people like that. Where's the hell is that report button!


My snack of choice is Coffee. And sometimes I'll have a cup of coffee with that but only when I'm really hungry.

I guess I've been doing this all wrong.


We usually take cheese, crackers, apples, some wine, maybe some roasted chicken. Trail mix? Maybe if I was trying to survive.


If we're out of town doing a cache we'll usually stop at a local restaurant after the hunt.

Thats what got me into the fine condition I'm in today. A loaf of bread, a bottle of Cab, and a whole lot of cheese doodles.


Living a couple of hours away from N Ca wine country hasen't helped.


I so far have just taken water and a granola bar. No major hikes done yet. I look forward to spring and summer this year so the family can picnic at some of the parks near caches.


I would highly discourage getting the big bucket of KFC if geocaching by yourself. It is hard to carry and your GPS gets REALLY messy with all the grease...

Posted (edited)
If it's a multi day backpacking trip, its a spicy sausage like hot soprassata, pepperoni, chiorzio or hot salami.


Are you kidding that sounds like every day at my house. But you left out the fresh mozzarella. Ah.. it brings back some great memories...



and that was just last night. B)

Edited by JMBella

Whatever your opinion of low carb diets they seem to work pretty well for me. I tend to snack on low fat string cheese and salami on the trail.

What healthy foods do you take caching, low carb or otherwise?


Sorry, but I don't think Salami would be considered healthy food.


A couple of clif bars are always in my pack. They are a good source of complex carbohydrates and don't melt in the hot summer heat.

Posted (edited)

and the comments about donuts in your forum title...what are you some sorta stalker??

Edited by Stunod

Doin' the low carb thing, too. Pork Rinds and water is my snack of choice. We usually reserve a travel bottle of Tequila for the weekend finds - no carbs in that, either!! (.....or so I've been told.....) B)


and the comments about donuts in your forum title...what are you some sorta stalker??

No, but I am strangly attracted to your avatar.


Most of the caches I have found have been in urban parks. I don't usually carry anything more than my GPS, and a flashlight. However on longer trips, the camelbak and some beef jerky come with me.

During the urban outings, food usually consists of junk chips, and/or fast food. Convenient, but by no means healthy. B)

About the only healthy thing I bring along are those foil packages of tuna...and even that's questionable with all the to-do about mercury in tuna.

Brian, I gotta believe that the foil has a little mercury in it too! Look before you eat. :unsure:


Halden, I assume you have caffeine-free RedBull, too? Sacreligous......


We usually bring water and assorted snacks and goodies and a sandwich or 2, depending on the length of the trip. I fill up my hydration pack and stow everything we need in the expandable daypack. I like to bring along fruits and veggies for a quick snack and some cheese for protein. And I always keep a PowerBar or 2 in my pack anyway. When we go out for a whole day of caching a keep a cooler with backup water and more food, too. And of course we bring treats for Molly the Monster. :huh:


Shameless boasting ahead:

I've lost 67 pounds in the last year, after a brand new diabetes diagnosis. About 40 more to go. In Indiana, I've yet to encounter a cache search in excess of 3 miles, so it's not necessary to pack in food. Just a water bottle, and a piece of fruit in case the combined searches run long, bacause since I've lost the weight, I don't have trouble with high blood sugar any more. In fact, it's just the opposite. More than 5 hours between meals and I run into a wall of low blood sugar. So I also carry glucose tabs, just in case.

This is the first weekend since I started caching in August that I stayed in: freezing rain turned into an ice storm yesterday. Today looks almost doable, until I watched the weather and they are reporting falling temps through the day, into single digits by nightfall. So I'm in cache withdrawal, and cabin fevered in only one day; the temptation to eat when I'm bored is astounding; I've been running away from it for so long, I've forgotten how seductive all those damned tv commercials can be. Guess I'll go mall crawling. Ew. Um. Antique malls maybe.

Ah, hell. Screw it; I'm going caching, quick before I order a pizza and huddle into a pathetic pile of slug in a corner of the couch. Later.


I would assume that if there are any zombie geocachers out there, I am under the impression there are, they would like to eat brains...


I think protein bars are pretty easy to carry and fill the hunger. Stay away from Kashi's peanut butter bar though. It is like eating a little piece of hell.


"KISS" aplies here.


I take water and cheese sticks and perhaps a banana or apple.

Once I took a deli Italian hero in the winter, I was looking forward to it all morning, when I ate it it was frozen solid! Bad idea ha.


So all this talk about cheese and meats on the trail, I have to ask. Maybe I was told wrong as a kid, or just assumed because it's all always refrigerated. But is there any problem with spoilage if you have it in your pack for say 9-10 hours during the summer?

So all this talk about cheese and meats on the trail, I have to ask.  Maybe I was told wrong as a kid, or just assumed because it's all always refrigerated.  But is there any problem with spoilage if you have it in your pack for say 9-10 hours during the summer?

I've eaten that Gallo dried salami for days on the trail with no problem.


I've eaten that Gallo dried salami for days on the trail with no problem.

Maybe that's it..I wasn't thinking about dried meats....just the stuff one usually finds in the lunchmeat section at the local grocery. I don't know. After reading this I got to thinking about how it would be nice to have some variety over my normal granola bars and H20


My drink of choice is Sprite (or if i'm cheap Big K Lemon Lime) and my food of choice is Lowreys Beef Jerkey. I usually go trough about 5liters of sprite and about .5 can of jerkey per day on an average stay at home day. If I go caching or hiking or stuff of the like the bee jerky count goes up to about 3 cans per day. If its the summer and hot or I am jus thirsty I can (and have) go through 20+liters of sprite in a single day!

If its the summer and hot or I am jus thirsty I can (and have) go through 20+liters of sprite in a single day!

Whoa. That is SO unhealthy! Watch your sugar intake or you're just asking for some big health problems later on.


:P And what's this about fish in my favorite beer?!? I hate fish. I can't even eat caesar salads due to the anchovie content. I'm scarred for life. ;)

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