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Pictures - Cool Cache Containers (CCC's)


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Where do you buy the liquid latex rubber to make your molds from?

I got it at Hobby Lobby.

If you have a decent railroad modeling supply store near you it is generally available there too. As are the paints and stuff to prepare the final castings.

won't the material rot??

Here is some material that won't rot. Can you spot the cache? Yep, it is the rock.





I might be confused but, I thought we weren't supposed to dig when placing a cache (except on your own property). So I can't really use setup cache like this, right?



won't the material rot??

Here is some material that won't rot. Can you spot the cache? Yep, it is the rock.





I might be confused but, I thought we weren't supposed to dig when placing a cache (except on your own property). So I can't really use setup cache like this, right?



The rules say a cache container can not be 100% covered. Believe me, a lot of people are NOT paying attention to that rule. Technically the rock is part of the cache container as the lid of the container is siliconed to the rock. I have not heard about not being able to dig. A lot of the caches I have found have been totally out of site and a lot had to have been dug in. My hint for this cache is 'Looking for a rock solid clue, eh'. I do want people to find it.

Posted (edited)

The rules say a cache container can not be 100% covered.  Believe me, a lot of people are NOT paying attention to that rule.  Technically the rock is part of the cache container as the lid of the container is siliconed to the rock.  I have not heard about not being able to dig.  A lot of the caches I have found have been totally out of site and a lot had to have been dug in.  My hint for this cache is 'Looking for a rock solid clue, eh'.  I do want people to find it.


What you talking 'bout Willis?


From Guide to Creating and Hiding a Cache

Please do not bury the container unless you have express permission of the landowner or manager. If the cache is far enough away from trafficked areas, your cache should be fine. An exception would be covering the cache with dead branches, bark, etc. to conceal the container.


From Off-limit (Physical) Caches

Caches will be quickly archived if we see the following (which is not inclusive)....Caches that are buried. If a shovel, trowel or other “pointy” object is used to dig, whether in order to hide or to find the cache, then it is not appropriate.


My take is that if you used a shovel to dig that hole, its buried and thus violates the the rules. If you didn't use a tool though, there shouldn't be any issues.

I DO like the container, its very creative.

Edited by Dan-oh
Here's a few that I have.  One of 'em is out in the field but I wan't say which.  Locals, pretend you didn't read this.


See if you can guess what I do for a living without checking my profile.









This last one is my idea for a multi.  A lag bolt into a post will hold one of these for ages!




Edit: Dang picture formating!  I want real html.

;) It would be great to see the pictures, you might want to upload them again. <_<

Here is some material that won't rot. Can you spot the cache? Yep, it is the rock.






These links don't seem to be working for me. Anyone else?



;) I had no problems seeing the pictures of the "rocks". <_<


;) It would be great to see the pictures, you might want to upload them again.  <_<

I pulled them down a while back. PM is headed your way with a URL to my "secret" image page. I'm always willing to share concepts with non-southern Californians.



;) It would be great to see the pictures, you might want to upload them again.





I sent an email to the user about the problem and I will send them in an email if they want. The problem is, the photos are on Yahoo, the free section. They only allow a certain number of hits per site per some time frame. If a lot of people are looking, Yahoo locks out users for a small period of time. Of coures the users are to complain to me and then I am suppose to send Yahoo a monthly amount to lift the restriction. NOT. So, to make a short story long, if anybody is having this problem, try again later.....


Now thats a heck of a micro.

Hey! I know what that is! It's a Microtainer; they're used in hospitals to collect blood specimins!


(All these years as an EMT and this idea never came to me!) ;)


Now thats a heck of a micro.

That's pretty small, but the one I found a few days ago, makes that look like a giant. The one I found was smaller than the diameter of that quarter. About the size of a charm. It had a perfectly easy to sign log, too.


You guys are geniuses, I can't even imagine trying to find a cache like the ones ya'll have created. The one with the 35mm inside the pine cone, all I can say is, " OH MY GOD"!!!


That may be why I struggle with some of the caches that I couldn't find.


Here is a neat one we discovered the other week. I was considering investigating the various "critter" holes in the immediate area, when John picked up this stick leaning against a fence post. He though something about it wasn't quite right.....



John picked up this stick leaning against a fence post.  He thought something about it wasn't quite right...

My first and only FTF to date was disguised that way, a piece of PVC completely inserted into a hollowed-out stick. There was a spike driven into a tree that the pipe slid onto, so it looked like just another branch. Except, like John's, something didn't look quite right. It was especially satisfying because several much more experienced geocachers had been there and logged DNFs on it. :(


The magnetic stickers on the power box gave me an idea. I should put a magnetic sticker with a log book on the tailgate of my truck. I you see me parked somewhere you can sign the log book. If you see me driving somewhere mark the coordinates, time, and loction. Sort of a mobile locationless cache.

Posted (edited)

The magnetic stickers on the power box gave me an idea. I should put a magnetic sticker with a log book on the tailgate of my truck. If you see me parked somewhere you can sign the log book. If you see me driving somewhere mark the coordinates, time, and loction. Sort of a mobile locationless cache or would this be considered a travelling cache that is not allowed?

Edited by propstruk
Posted (edited)
I you see me parked somewhere you can sign the log book.  If you see me driving somewhere mark the coordinates, time, and loction.  Sort of a mobile locationless cache.

My boyfriend had joked about a similar cache, in putting a logbook attached to our dog's collar, and then whenever someone saw her, they could log her. Seriously though, I think a cache can be moving in order to be approved. We had a cacher in NC who would do full moon caches and each full moon he'd put the container somewhere else and it had to be found that night. He couldn't get it approved due to the movement and not being available always, so he just maintained it via a listserv for people that wanted to participate.


Edit: Adding on to that, I've seen some neat travelbugs that people had made into teeshirts so they could wear them around and get logged. For example: Shirt 1 or Shirt 2

Edited by Sallad
The magnetic stickers on the power box gave me an idea. I should put a magnetic sticker with a log book on the tailgate of my truck. If you see me parked somewhere you can sign the log book. If you see me driving somewhere mark the coordinates, time, and loction. Sort of a mobile locationless cache or would this be considered a travelling cache that is not allowed?

It's already been done. These type of caches are considered "moving" caches =, and are no longer approved.


I logged this cache on Dec. 4th.



I don't have any pics, but I placed a cache similar to the electrical box type cache above. While in Tucson AZ we found multiple urban caches that blended in. One was an electrical box with a flat (no plug sites) face that was screwed on. The reason we found it so easily was because the screws came loose and the cache was exposed. We copied it by using the same flat cover and placing the cache log in the bottom of the pipe. This prevented the problem of having a screw come loose, or requiring a screwdriver to open it. We put magnets on the back of the electrical box and attached it to a light pole. The 2nd cache was in an abandoned lot. It was a 3' railroad tie that had the underside hollowed out. They placed a small piece of wood panel (less than 1/4" thick) that had 1 screw so you could swing it open to reveal the cache inside the hollowed out wood. This sounds easy to find, but many people look under things, not at the underside of things.

A new one I just built for a multi / code cache I am developing


Looks mighty familiar! <_<:rolleyes:

Do you think!!! :ph34r: I will give credit when I get it set up. Seriously, Bubba's cache was a true inspiration for me.


One of the caches in our area was a pair of electrical plugs attached to a box, attached to a pole that was in the ground, that was against an electrical pole. We had to have a major hint from one of the local cachers to find it.

A golf ball would be cool too.



My uncle wanted to see what was in a golf ball one day. He got it open and some liquid center burst and sprayed in his eyes. He had to go to the ER and they were able to prevent permanent damage. :)

I also have had that happen to me. I sawed it open and it burst and got white stuff in my hair, on cabinets, and on a ceiling beam. That was the first, and only, golf ball that I cut open.




While in Tucson AZ we found multiple urban caches that blended in. One was an electrical box with a flat (no plug sites) face that was screwed on.

LOL! I think that was one we found yesterday. We were quite ready to call it a DNF.


These are some very clever ideas. Thanks for sharing!

A new one I just built for a multi / code cache I am developing










In place (not at the cache site)



Very cool, but in.'t the gc.com logo paint on it a total give-away?


A new one I just built for a multi / code cache I am developing

Very cool, but in.'t the gc.com logo paint on it a total give-away?


I think that he/she doesn't want the cache to be so hard that cachers go around tearing up everything.

you mean like this one....





I’ve got to tell you, this one makes me a little uncomfortable......


I would worry it would cause people to start trying to uproot items that aren't geocaching related looking for an item. Is there at least some sort of good clue that will help them?


I like the other guy who painted the geologo on his so you know that's what you're looking for.


not really. The conduit is plastic white PVC instead of greay as by code but if you didnt know that then there is rally no other way to tell once the leaves settle in around it. If they write me I will give them a clue but otherwise how often have you uprooted items to look for a geocache?

not really. The conduit is plastic white PVC instead of greay as by code but if you didnt know that then there is rally no other way to tell once the leaves settle in around it. If they write me I will give them a clue but otherwise how often have you uprooted items to look for a geocache?

I've uprooted rocks looking for things but I believe in the take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but tracks motto so I'm very careful to put things back as they were when I was done. I wouldn't think of moving something like that as it's not something I would try to move. I might open the little thing to check that it wasn't in the electrical box. Just worried this would be teaching people to pull things that they maybe shouldn't. I would be ticked off if I saw someone trying to uproot something like this in my front yard as they thought it was where the cache was. I'm not trying to start an arguement or fight, just pointing out that some people are dumb. (Myself included at times.)


The issue we've had is an entire rock wall may or may not have been uprooted by a geocacher http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=85843


Personally, I think it's just asking for trouble. (For the record, I have no idea whether a conduit should be gray or white and would imagine many others are the same way).

I’ve got to tell you, this one makes me a little uncomfortable......


I would worry it would cause people to start trying to uproot items that aren't geocaching related looking for an item. Is there at least some sort of good clue that will help them?


I like the other guy who painted the geologo on his so you know that's what you're looking for.

Ahh, there lies the beauty of sadistic hides.


There's always something that gives it away. Personally, I'd like to see grey condiut and the give away is that it moves or that its the only one in the entire park. A "real" outlet wouldn't even wiggle. I suppose it depends on the type of hides in your area. However, its an important that all my hides come apart without tools.

I’ve got to tell you, this one makes me a little uncomfortable......


I would worry it would cause people to start trying to uproot items that aren't geocaching related looking for an item.  Is there at least some sort of good clue that will help them?


I like the other guy who painted the geologo on his so you know that's what you're looking for.

Ahh, there lies the beauty of sadistic hides.


There's always something that gives it away. Personally, I'd like to see grey condiut and the give away is that it moves or that its the only one in the entire park. A "real" outlet wouldn't even wiggle. I suppose it depends on the type of hides in your area. However, its an important that all my hides come apart without tools.

I agree on the part of coming apart without tools. I admit I am getting more into the sadistic hides more then ever. and this one definalty moves when you touch it. its only anchored about 6 inches in the ground and a 4x4 post like this would not move if it was "real"


and I agree some people are dumb or do dumb stuff, I do it all the time...


Sadly, the Coolest Custom Cache Container i've found is a spray-painted ammo can :lol::unsure::lol:


I've been wanting to hide one of those micro film cans, but I'm too lazy to pluck the pinecone and glue the scales on one by one. <_< So, is there an easier way? :lol:

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