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Pictures - Cool Cache Containers (CCC's)


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No o-ring to worry about! Someone on here donated about 50 of these tubes to me.


What kind of container is that? Looks familiar. I think I've seen ones like that before, but I can't quite place where.


If you're thinking of using it, be sure to use it in a well-ventilated area, this stuff can go to your head! :anibad::ph34r:

That's how you get creative cache pages :blink:


What kind of container is that? Looks familiar. I think I've seen ones like that before, but I can't quite place where.


Sorry, I couldn't tell you where to buy them. Someone gave them to me. :)

Could it be a centrifuge vial? Or a preform similar to a soda bottle preform?




What kind of container is that? Looks familiar. I think I've seen ones like that before, but I can't quite place where.


Sorry, I couldn't tell you where to buy them. Someone gave them to me. :)

Could it be a centrifuge vial? Or a preform similar to a soda bottle preform?




Maybe. They don't have any markings on them, though, and are wider than match containers.


What kind of container is that? Looks familiar. I think I've seen ones like that before, but I can't quite place where.


Sorry, I couldn't tell you where to buy them. Someone gave them to me. :)

Could it be a centrifuge vial? Or a preform similar to a soda bottle preform?




Maybe. They don't have any markings on them, though, and are wider than match containers.

That's very cool! I have some 50ml centrifuge vials, but have to scrub the graduations off them so they seem more like a cache container, and less like a urine sample vial :anicute:. But it's a nice size, since a long, thin cache log can be folded rather than rolled, and tiny swag can be added.


That's very cool! I have some 50ml centrifuge vials, but have to scrub the graduations off them so they seem more like a cache container, and less like a urine sample vial :anicute:. But it's a nice size, since a long, thin cache log can be folded rather than rolled, and tiny swag can be added.


I like this ones as well, for this reason. No cramming the log in like with bison tubes. The log fits very nicely and I even attach a cu-tip stick to it to make it even easier to get out. Have never thought of putting swag in too, but it would be possible, perhaps coins.




Someone gave me this as a gag gift. It would probably need another container inside, but shouts "geocache" to me otherwise. Although...I have no idea where I'd put it.


Cat for scale.

Not advocating messing with the local police, but it would be funny to hide in a conspicuous place and wait for "Local Law Officials Defeat Godzilla" on the news. :lol:


Not an out-of-the-ordinary creative container, but when I found this ammo can, it made me smile.


The cache has been in place next to the ocean since 2003, but was replaced in 2011 and is still just about the rustiest ammo can I've ever seen. B) Yet, it's still holding up great - the inside is dry and it still closes perfectly. Sounds like the one it replaced was even rustier - but it wasn't replaced due to rust, but because of landslides in the area that buried it under some huge boulders! I'm sure it'll eventually re-emerge, still holding up fine. :D



Posted (edited)

My newest caches. The red pepper is a replacement container. I originally used Gorilla Glue for the adhesive and it bubbled out a made a big mess which I wasn't totally successful at cleaning up. I got smart and used construction adhesive for the replacement. I also put several coats of spray varnish on it. I've also put out a cache called "under where" for which I won't be posting any photos...you'll have to use your imagination...



Edited by The_Incredibles_

In our area we've almost run out of interesting places to hide caches, so I am trying to make interesting containers.

Do I sense a "528-foot debate" coming on??!




What is the snake made out of?


It's made of 6' of 1" internal diameter braided PVD tubing, wrapped in tape. The head is a vitamin bottle, and the rattle is three marbles separated by 1" discs of wood.


here is our fist custom cache container i still need to soak it with silicone spray and it will all be hidden inside a camo'ed 2 gallon ziploc bag it is big enough for a pocket note book log and some swag hopping to place it soon





here is our fist custom cache container i still need to soak it with silicone spray and it will all be hidden inside a camo'ed 2 gallon ziploc bag it is big enough for a pocket note book log and some swag hopping to place it soon





Cool idea, but a ziploc bag won't be enough protection for a geocache of any duration. Even if you soak the book with silicone spray, there will be no protection for the logbook inside. I think a better solution would be to hide the book someplace with more protection like in a shelter house where it can at least be somewhat protected from the elements or put it inside a better sealed container like a lok'n'lok or ammo can.


here is our fist custom cache container i still need to soak it with silicone spray and it will all be hidden inside a camo'ed 2 gallon ziploc bag it is big enough for a pocket note book log and some swag hopping to place it soon





Cool idea, but a ziploc bag won't be enough protection for a geocache of any duration. Even if you soak the book with silicone spray, there will be no protection for the logbook inside. I think a better solution would be to hide the book someplace with more protection like in a shelter house where it can at least be somewhat protected from the elements or put it inside a better sealed container like a lok'n'lok or ammo can.

if they made a LNL big enough (15x10x4)for this i would use one but i havent found one yet plus i was planning on using a smaller ziploc bag for the log and contents and an ammo can big enough for this i think would be rather pricey


here is our fist custom cache container i still need to soak it with silicone spray and it will all be hidden inside a camo'ed 2 gallon ziploc bag it is big enough for a pocket note book log and some swag hopping to place it soon





Cool idea, but a ziploc bag won't be enough protection for a geocache of any duration. Even if you soak the book with silicone spray, there will be no protection for the logbook inside. I think a better solution would be to hide the book someplace with more protection like in a shelter house where it can at least be somewhat protected from the elements or put it inside a better sealed container like a lok'n'lok or ammo can.

if they made a LNL big enough (15x10x4)for this i would use one but i havent found one yet plus i was planning on using a smaller ziploc bag for the log and contents and an ammo can big enough for this i think would be rather pricey

An ammo can big enough to hold that book would be pricey.

Though not as pricey as the time and effort you've put into creating a custom cache.

Ziplock baggies are nowhere near durable enough to withstand the rigors of Momma Nature.

Without exception, every single one I've found has been a disaster inside.


here is our fist custom cache container i still need to soak it with silicone spray and it will all be hidden inside a camo'ed 2 gallon ziploc bag it is big enough for a pocket note book log and some swag hopping to place it soon





Cool idea, but a ziploc bag won't be enough protection for a geocache of any duration. Even if you soak the book with silicone spray, there will be no protection for the logbook inside. I think a better solution would be to hide the book someplace with more protection like in a shelter house where it can at least be somewhat protected from the elements or put it inside a better sealed container like a lok'n'lok or ammo can.

if they made a LNL big enough (15x10x4)for this i would use one but i havent found one yet plus i was planning on using a smaller ziploc bag for the log and contents and an ammo can big enough for this i think would be rather pricey


Maybe a small Lock & Lock will fit in that hollowed out space.


6 oz / 0.75 cup / 3.5" x 4.3" x 1.9"tall


Yall dont think a industrial shipping ziploc wont hold up it is 8mil thick and now has a layer of camo duct on it? i am diggin the LNL on the inside idea, as for placement I am looking for a new spot the spot I wanted is 26 feet to close to another cache. And my local reviewer wont allow it , no issues rules are rules would been cool outside our local library though.


Yall dont think a industrial shipping ziploc wont hold up

Just speaking from my personal experience? No. Momma Nature's a pretty destructive chick. Cachers are even more destructive. From what I've seen in the wild, having found gobs of ziplock Baggie caches, and a smattering of fake book caches, there are two likely failure points with the proposed cache. The Baggie, and the Book. The baggies have a tendency to lose the ability to zip closed fairly quickly. This is followed in short order by pokey things, suck as the corners of your book cover, tearing through. Then there are all the pokey things Momma Nature has waiting out there. Any one of these will render your Baggie as no longer waterproof. What you would have, at that point, is a very good moisture retention device. The book is made out of paper, which serves fairly well at absorbing moisture. Even with several layers of silicon spray, on every single page, and shot up through the binding, it will still act as a moisture retainer, as there is no way to make it entirely waterproof, other than by encasing it in something waterproof, such as an ammo can or other suitable container.


I like fake book caches, and I'd like to see this one live a long and prosperous life.


I just don't think sticking it in a ziplock will accomplish this.


There's also the issue of when people find your cache when it's raining outside... they open up the ziplock - rain gets inside, they pull out your cache to get to the logbook - your cache gets wet. Then they put everything back in the ziplock and seal it all up, so none of that moisture can evaporate or escape... every cache I've found inside a bag is either moist or moldy or both.


Can you work with your local library to get the book placed INSIDE the building? I know of a couple fake book caches around my area that are actually on a shelf in the library... makes for a fun hunt (with the proper hints, of course) to find the right book!


here is our fist custom cache container i still need to soak it with silicone spray and it will all be hidden inside a camo'ed 2 gallon ziploc bag it is big enough for a pocket note book log and some swag hopping to place it soon





Cool idea, but a ziploc bag won't be enough protection for a geocache of any duration. Even if you soak the book with silicone spray, there will be no protection for the logbook inside. I think a better solution would be to hide the book someplace with more protection like in a shelter house where it can at least be somewhat protected from the elements or put it inside a better sealed container like a lok'n'lok or ammo can.

if they made a LNL big enough (15x10x4)for this i would use one but i havent found one yet plus i was planning on using a smaller ziploc bag for the log and contents and an ammo can big enough for this i think would be rather pricey


Maybe a small Lock & Lock will fit in that hollowed out space.


6 oz / 0.75 cup / 3.5" x 4.3" x 1.9"tall

I can see this glued to the inside window of the campus bookstore. With permission, of course.



Can you work with your local library to get the book placed INSIDE the building? I know of a couple fake book caches around my area that are actually on a shelf in the library... makes for a fun hunt (with the proper hints, of course) to find the right book!

Im sure i could but the cache saturation law is in effect

Posted (edited)

Yall dont think a industrial shipping ziploc wont hold up it is 8mil thick and now has a layer of camo duct on it?

It's the zip, as Clan Riffster mentioned. The bags begin to petrify quickly. Pretty soon, it can't be closed anymore, so it gets folded over. Moisture gets in there and stays, and it gets kinda moldy and gross before the NM logs happen. But you might have a hiding spot that somehow keeps it dry all the time, and everycacher carefully closes it every time. Maybe your hiding plan will be OK. But if you try it and it doesn't work, just try something else :anicute:.

Edited by kunarion
Posted (edited)



This is my second Hide's container I created. The elbow end is open, the straight end has a neodymium magnet from inside a 3.5" hard drive, These are the variety when the magnet is put near metal just one the holder when you let go makes a snap that be heard clear outside the room. It's probably 5 pound pull in the size of a square inch or so. I attached the holder with a screw and after cutting to fit flush inside the opening of the electrical elbow to a 3/4" X 3/4" square wooden peg, this is screwed to the elbow from the back(hidden) side of the elbow by three countersunk screws. with the cover off the elbow i screwed a washer with string attached to the wood on the inside, then let it dangle out of the elbow a few inches and drilled a hole into the film canister and attached another washer on the inside to hold the string in. I am placing this under an electrical box and the elbow side will sit flush against the building. After all is said and done it will look like the elbow comes out of the box and goes into the building.

Edited by KingToad
Posted (edited)

ill have to think of something else i dont want to risk damage to my fist cache

Can you make a bookshelf designed for just that one book? I've never seen a Geocaching bookshelf :P, so I can't advise how to make it, but if it keeps rain off the book, and the book itself is pretty much weather proof, all that's left is locating the perfect spot to hide it, and deciding on the container in the book. A ziplock bag (not so great, but OK if it fits inside the book without folding the bag across the “zip”), or a lock-n-lock style water-sealing box (better).

Edited by kunarion

No pictures of this one, sorry, but recently I found a cache hidden in the insulating handle of an electric fence. You know when there's a gate in an electric fence and you have a couple of long springs with insulating handles across the gap, so you can open it up to get through? The handles and springs were hanging on a fence post, but of course there's no electrical fence. One of the handles could be opened up to reveal the logbook. The hint was 'In an isolated spot'. Very clever. I won't say which cache it is in case it spoils the fun for other finders...

The handles and springs were hanging on a fence post, but of course there's no electrical fence.

Cool! Some of my favorite finds are things that nomuggle sees, because the item seems perfectly ordinary til you give it a little thought, and realize the object is completely out of place there. :lol:


here is our fist custom cache container i still need to soak it with silicone spray and it will all be hidden inside a camo'ed 2 gallon ziploc bag it is big enough for a pocket note book log and some swag hopping to place it soon





Get permission to hide it in a library!!


here is our fist custom cache container i still need to soak it with silicone spray and it will all be hidden inside a camo'ed 2 gallon ziploc bag it is big enough for a pocket note book log and some swag hopping to place it soon





Get permission to hide it in a library!!

My local reviewer already said he/she would deny it. It is to close to a cache already placed


LOVE this idea!!! With all of the families out there I'll bet they are thrilled to find it!


Biscuit tin!


Our attempt at "cool"




Should make a good place to stay for TBs passing through France ...




Obviously being a biscuit tin it won't be place out in the rain :rolleyes:


here is our fist custom cache container i still need to soak it with silicone spray and it will all be hidden inside a camo'ed 2 gallon ziploc bag it is big enough for a pocket note book log and some swag hopping to place it soon





Get permission to hide it in a library!!


It may be finding a lost home soon, the ball is set in motion.


here is our fist custom cache container i still need to soak it with silicone spray and it will all be hidden inside a camo'ed 2 gallon ziploc bag it is big enough for a pocket note book log and some swag hopping to place it soon





Get permission to hide it in a library!!


It may be finding a lost home soon, the ball is set in motion.




This one was eventually muggled :(


It was made from a piece of a dead tree.

Can you spot it??







spoiler to follow!





Here it is:



And on it's own:



It was held on by magnets. Here is the back:



I don't even want to admit to how much time I just spent reading this entire thread! Wow so many great ideas! I've not found many caches yet, but already it seems like everything I look at all I can think about is its potential as a cache! Just have to come up with something that can withstand Michigan weather (the other day it was hot enough for the beach and then 5 minutes later it was a horrible hail storm!)

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