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How Many Finds/hides In 2003?

Skully & Mulder et al.

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How many caches did you bag/hide in 2003? Do you expect to find/hide more less or about the same in 2004? Following are our stats since we began this obsession.



306 Finds

9 Hides



221 Finds

10 Hides



8 Finds

5 Hides


We will probably find less and hide about the same in 2004.


Happy New Year to all!!! <_<

Edited by Skully & Mulder et al.
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We started in June 2002 and that year we had 169 finds, 5 hides and 2 caches adopted.


In 2003, we stepped up the pace just a bit and found 395 caches while hiding 17 and also beginning a period of amphibious indentured servitude.


The last hunt of 2003 was a DNF that was found by someone else the very next day. The first hunt of 2004 was a DNF. The fourth hunt of 2004 was a DNF, the first one ever logged on a pretty easy suburban park cache. Yuck! I guess that's part of what keeps it interesting.

Edited by The Leprechauns
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I started late in 2001 and found 5 that year.


2002 I found 105 caches, placed 6 and adopted 1.


In 2003 I found 51 caches, attended 2 events, took first place in the Central PA Scavenger Hunt (go Magpies!), placed a cache and rescued another!


2003 was by far the most fun I have had geocaching. Mostly because I became so much more involved with other geocachers instead of being like the geo-hermit I was in 2002.



Edited by Salvelinus
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This was my first year caching as of 1/3/04... 5 states, 2 countries and 5 pies later, I found 166 caches, hid 3 and adopted 2. The best part is the animals ya get to see, the beautiful views and all the fun cachers I've met! ;):lol:;)

Edited by Ce'Nedra
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Finds for 2003 - 176

hides - 6 (but one was an adoption)

DNF's - 7 (logged)


Finds for 2002 - 61

hides - 3

DNF's - 14


Finds for 2004 - 2 I'm workin' on it!


9 states - CT, RI, MA, ME, NH, VT, NY, NJ, PA workin' on that too.

Edited by Planet
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