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Forum Trouble Makers!!!!!


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I have come to the conclusion that some people think OUR username and avatar puts us on a troublemaker list. So I want to clearly state that we are not troublemakers. I have been told by a certain person that we have our work cut out for us because of our name. I am not trying to bark up the wrong tree, but I don't want our name on this list. I know the administrators have labled certain people.


Also, if you feel like you are on this list, maybe you can give a simple reason or excuse as to why you think you have been labled. It will be interesting to see who thinks they are. You will have to use common sense so the TOPIC will not get closed.






There are plenty of people here who constantly challenge the system but do it in a way so as not to be outwardly confrontational. Some seem to understand that change is the result of active conversation, an exchange of ideas. Some seem to think its anarchy. And some are just trying to raise the big H. If there is a "LIST" I hope it contains the people whos single contribution is to flame, insult and sock puppet. I believe the mods are smart enough to seperate the trouble makers from the idea'list'. Viva la Cache!

Posted (edited)

People who invoke the 'list' are trying to increase their credibility by siding with the TPTB. Any post that references the usual suspects as troublemakers adds nothing to the topic at hand, doesn't follow the forum guidelines, and the forums would be a better place if they didn't waste the cyber ink. Those posts follow this pattern to a T. There are few that are an exception.


Edit to add. I'm probably on some lists. But if you actually have a contribution how can you avoid that?

Edited by Renegade Knight

Given my warn meter level, I'm probably on somebody's list. I know for certain I'm on a certain moderator's list for showing lack of respect. :o Do I care? Not particularly. It might be different if I was being censured by someone I respected, but I have a difficult time respecting someone whose head is swollen with a pathetically small amount of power and won't even reply to emails and PM's asking for clarification of the warnings being meted out. :P


I echo much of what RK says above. I have very few issues with the more playful and/or vocal members who are trying to make a point or effect change. I have a lot of problems with the people who like to point fingers at "the troublemakers" and make lists of "the undesirables". IMHO, they're either attempting to ingratiate themselves with TPTB (aka brown-nosing) or trying to compensate for their own feelings of inadequacy by implying that they are so much better than some others.


The big reality is that the forums are just so much entertainment. If you are new and want to learn more about Geocaching, then go to the Getting Started Forum. The rest of the forums require a thick skin and a good sense of humour – both of which seem to be lacking by “the accusers” and certain moderators.




Geo 34 138 105

Given my warn meter level, I'm probably on somebody's list. I know for certain I'm on a certain moderator's list for showing lack of respect. :o Do I care? Not particularly. It might be different if I was being censured by someone I respected, but I have a difficult time respecting someone whose head is swollen with a pathetically small amount of power and won't even reply to emails and PM's asking for clarification of the warnings being meted out. :P


I echo much of what RK says above. I have very few issues with the more playful and/or vocal members who are trying to make a point or effect change. I have a lot of problems with the people who like to point fingers at "the troublemakers" and make lists of "the undesirables". IMHO, they're either attempting to ingratiate themselves with TPTB (aka brown-nosing) or trying to compensate for their own feelings of inadequacy by implying that they are so much better than some others.


The big reality is that the forums are just so much entertainment. If you are new and want to learn more about Geocaching, then go to the Getting Started Forum. The rest of the forums require a thick skin and a good sense of humour – both of which seem to be lacking by “the accusers” and certain moderators.




Geo 34 138 105

Ditto! To all points you made! :D

Posted (edited)

Ummm......ya, what they said. For the most part.

Don't think I'm listworthy material tho, so take that however you may.


To Upinyachit, don't sweat it too much, if your screen name was so bad they could make you change it I'm sure. Take that they don't as a positive. Some of your posts MAY have been a LITTLE over the line (never did see that cactus one tho). :o


Lists? We don't have any lists. Thats the next website over.


Popcorn anyone?




PS: Francis had a list .


Edit: added PS.

Edited by Corp Of Discovery
Posted (edited)

Never mind. Decided not to get involved in this topic. I don't have all the facts, and don't feel qualified to comment. Rather than unwittingly add fuel to another fire, I'm editing my comment to: No Comment. :o

Edited by Captain Chaoss
Posted (edited)

This is where I would normally PM Keystone to reply because he says things much better than I can. Unfortunately he isn't here. So here goes.


Contrary to popular belief there is no list. Each contributers post is considered on its own merits. There are those who are perceived by some to tend to stir the pot however their posts are treated like everyone else's and taken at face value each time they post a new one. I have seen some very insightful posts from everyone.


the guide lines state:

Respect: Respect the guidelines for forum usage, and site usage. Respect Groundspeak, its employees, volunteers, yourself, fellow community members, and guests on these boards. Whether a community member has one post or 5,000 posts, they deserve the same respect.


Putting someone one a "LIST" is as disrespectful as what every you think they might have done to get on this non existent list.


Lets all try to view each post based on what it says and not color our opinion of the post by any preconceived notions we might have about the poster


edited typo

Edited by CO Admin
This is where I would normally PM Keystone to reply because he says things much better than I can. Unfortunately he isn't here. So here goes.

I think you did just fine this time. I won't compare it to any of your other posts :P

Contrary to popular belief there is no list. Each contributers post is considered on its own merits. There are those who are perceived by some to tend to stir the pot however their posts are treated like everyone else's and taken at face value each time they post a new one. I have seen some very insightful posts from everyone.

Insightful from even the musicians among us :o

Posted (edited)
Putting someone one a "LIST" is as disrespectful as what every you think they might have done to get on this non existent list.


I received a pm from an administrator that there is a list. That is what prompted my post. :P I was just curious as to if any one thinks they are on it also.





Edited by upinyachit
Personally I think any one who has more Posts on the Fourms than Caches Logged should Complain less and  Cache more

Blah, blah........

I couldn't agree more, Leatherman

Sorry guys, that seems a LITTLE rude though, since its his opinion.


I do however, wonder, do you know Lilly the scoutmaster from survivor?

Posted (edited)
Sorry guys, that seems a LITTLE rude though, since its his opinion.

...and so my opinion doesn't count because he stated his first?

My opinion would echo yours, smurf-boy and leatherman....blah, blah.....


EDIT: don't warn me, I was typing that when you posted! :o

Edited by Sparky-Watts
Due the the nature of this thread let's all do our best to stay on topic please

He was calling me a troublemaker, which is on-topic. I was defending my position, perpetuating the myth that I am a troublemaker, which is on-topic. :o

Personally I think any one who has more Posts on the Fourms than Caches Logged should Complain less and Cache more

Very good, Scout Master. There are many in geocaching that would agree with you.

Posted (edited)


He was calling me a troublemaker, which is on-topic. I was defending my position, perpetuating the myth that I am a troublemaker, which is on-topic.


When you put it in such scathingly brilliant terms........

Edited by Captain Chaoss
Also, if you feel like you are on this list, maybe you can give a simple reason or excuse as to why you think you have been labled. It will be interesting to see who thinks they are. You will have to use common sense so the TOPIC will not get closed.

I have 10% on my warning meter, so I guess that puts me on 'the list'


(How's that for getting back on topic, CO?) :o

Posted (edited)
Personally I think any one who has more Posts on the Fourms than Caches Logged should Complain less and  Cache more

Some of the most active forum posters average 10 - 20 posts per find. With his blanket statement, Scout Master has labeled even the most helpful, positive "influential posters" as "complainers."


There's "due respect" for you.

Edited by BassoonPilot


I have a lot of problems with the people who like to point fingers at "the troublemakers" and make lists of "the undesirables". IMHO, they're either attempting to ingratiate themselves with TPTB (aka brown-nosing) or trying to compensate for their own feelings of inadequacy by implying that they are so much better than some others.




Geo 34 138 105

I resemble that remark. I have no problem whatsoever backing the moderators or TPTB. So I quess that puts me on the list of "aka brown nosers" or I could just have "feelings of inadequacy" you'll have to make the call on that.


El Diablo


What if there IS a list? Does it really make that much of a difference? Surely the moderators here have decent enough memories to remember who they have moderated more than others without an official "list?"


As for anyone feeling labeled as a "troublemaker," look for the reason why you feel you are labeled that way. Then ask if you mind being labeled as such. If you mind, either act in ways that you think will be less "troublesome" to the moderators or discuss it in a more on topic thread. I think the meter of shame thread is still open. If you don't mind, well then OK, be yourself!


Note, just to be clear so that the tone of my post doesn't get misread: I don't personally view anyone here as a "trouble maker." But I'm pretty easy going and am not a moderator who has to try to moderate people.


The forum to cache ratio is up to the personnal cacher. We each choose how and what we make of this game. I feel either group nagging the other is less than polite. But I really would rather be out caching right now. Why am I here again?

Note, just to be clear so that the tone of my post doesn't get misread: I don't personally view anyone here as a "trouble maker." But I'm pretty easy going and am not a moderator who has to try to moderate people.

Thanks for clearing that up. I thought maybe you just hadn't decided yet. :o

Personally I think any one who has more Posts on the Fourms than Caches Logged should Complain less and Cache more


Personally I think you should mind your own business.

Personally I think any one who has more Posts on the Fourms than Caches Logged should Complain less and Cache more


Personally I think you should mind your own business.

I agree whole-heartedly. Just because I have a back injury and am waiting for surgery and can't cache doesn't mean I can't come to the forums (whether or not I cause trouble -said to stay on topic). It's really nobody's business to tell me what I can or can't do in relation to the number of caches I have found. And it's nobody's business but TPTB whether or not I visit the forums. :o

Personally I think any one who has more Posts on the Fourms than Caches Logged should Complain less and Cache more

Most, but not all, of the responses to this post fall into the following section of the forum guidelines:


Personal Attacks and Flames will not be tolerated. If you want to praise or criticize, give examples as to why it is good or bad, general attacks on a person or idea will not be tolerated.


This gentleman gave his opinion. If you wish to agree or dispute it please do so according to the above stated guideline.


Thank you.

Also, if you feel like you are on this list, maybe you can give a simple reason or excuse as to why you think you have been labled.


My excuse? The dog ate my homework. :o

Posted (edited)
Most, but not all, of the responses to this post fall into the following section of the forum guidelines:


Personal Attacks and Flames will not be tolerated. If you want to praise or criticize, give examples as to why it is good or bad, general attacks on a person or idea will not be tolerated.


This gentleman gave his opinion. If you wish to agree or dispute it please do so according to the above stated guideline.

Excuse me for asking the obvious, but if that is what you expect from us, then why did you not "give examples" of the posts that complied with, or violated, the guidelines?


"The gentleman's opinion" that you are supporting is, intentionally or not, an insult to every cacher who just happens to have more forum postings than cache finds. In your "moderation," you have chosen to ignore that very basic truth while criticizing the posters who have taken umbrage with the comment. That is, in my opinion, neither effective nor appropriate moderation.

Edited by BassoonPilot
Personally I think any one who has more Posts on the Fourms than Caches Logged should Complain less and Cache more


Personally I think you should mind your own business.

I agree whole-heartedly. Just because I have a back injury and am waiting for surgery and can't cache doesn't mean I can't come to the forums (whether or not I cause trouble -said to stay on topic). It's really nobody's business to tell me what I can or can't do in relation to the number of caches I have found. And it's nobody's business but TPTB whether or not I visit the forums. :o

Hang in there sparky. I hit 6 today. First time I've cached in 6 months. I'm back!!


As far as the number of post to the number of finds....I have less than 50 caches found and have hid about 10 in almost 3 years. I still consider myself an authority on Geocaching. Therefore I feel I have a right to post and whine should I choose to do so.


El Diablo



As far as the number of post to the number of finds....I have less than 50 caches found and have hid about 10 in almost 3 years. I still consider myself an authority on Geocaching. Therefore I feel I have a right to post and whine should I choose to do so.


El Diablo

Good to hear you're back in the game, ED! With Scoutmaster's reasoning, we would have missed out on a lot of positive posts from you, including the "Most Influential Poster" thread. I've never really seen you cause trouble, but I have seen the eloquence in which you can debate a topic. I'm sure there are some that would think that simply debating a topic is causing trouble, however, I am not in that group.


Again, welcome back to the game!

Posted (edited)

lol this forum system is very well behaved compared to most on the internet. Thank goodness the average cacher is 39 and not 13. (btw I'm 20, not some old "I hate teenagers" type guy)

Edited by pnew
Man, I hope he "Came Prepared" for all this hostility. :o

That's the trouble with making a blanket statement.


Not only did his statement build upon the assumption that all people who have more posts than caches are complainers, he took nothing into account that which makes this possible.

  • There are those whom cannot get out as often to hunt caches but still contribute here.
  • There are those that cache often, but still contribute heavily here.
  • There are those that feel it is necessary to challenge authority whenever necessary to keep those in power in check by voicing displeasure at an unpopular (or for that matter, an otherwise popular) decision. Depending on the opinion voiced, this may need several posts to defend their position.

All of these can contribute to a high post count and have no relationship what-so-ever to the ability to hunt or not to hunt.


At any rate, he voiced his opinion as is his right. So did the others.

Posted (edited)

Good post TotemLake


You made me remember one.


There are those that feel it is necessary to challenge, challenges to authority whenever they feel it necessary to keep those, who would usurp or dilute power, in check by voicing displeasure at an unpopular (or for that matter, an otherwise popular) suggestion or criticism.


Sometimes the only thing we in the forums can agree on is that we are all cachers.

Edited by Renegade Knight
Personally I think any one who has more Posts on the Fourms than Caches Logged should Complain less and Cache more

Hey, are you that one from Survivor?

Personally I think you should mind your own business.

I agree whole-heartedly. Just because I have a back injury and am waiting for surgery and can't cache doesn't mean I can't come to the forums (whether or not I cause trouble -said to stay on topic). It's really nobody's business to tell me what I can or can't do in relation to the number of caches I have found. And it's nobody's business but TPTB whether or not I visit the forums. :o

You didn't hurt yourself in those pin-striped overalls did you? :P


Seriously, though, hope your surgery goes well.


Back on topic, I think everyone probably has their own lists, including the moderators and admins. Whether there is an official one or not is beyond me. I do believe CO Admin who says there isn't, though.


Personal Attacks and Flames will not be tolerated. If you want to praise or criticize, give examples as to why it is good or bad, general attacks on a person or idea will not be tolerated.


Last suggestion to follow the guidelines, Please.


The chart was making fun of MY OWN POST - not the topic. I don't mind being moderated - but at least read the posts carefully.... :o


Sure it's off topic - but it's not an attack at anyone except the poster.




I agree with Sax-man. I think it was HartClimbs way of reminding all of us to get it back on-topic instead of going the direction the thread was going. Not any one person was called on, any more than a "Let's get back on-topic please" request from you or any of the other mods.


Thanks for listening :o

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