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Magellan Sportrak map, (defective, returning to gander mountain tommorrow) Dvds, books, and a few trinkets to start off my geocaching career...

The puppymonster says hello and welcome to geocaching!


A career... I love it! :D It's not just a career, it's an adventure!!!


Posted (edited)

Well, to keep it caching related, I got a bike mount for my GPS. I'm not done yet (still gotta go visit my family today), but so far I also got an R/C hovercraft, a very good bottle of wine, a shooting bag, an ammo pouch for skeet shooting, a thermos (2 actually), a T shirt that says "Do I look like a f---in' people person?", chocolate covered cherries (yum!) and other stuff I can't remember.


Merry Christmas everyone!

Edited by Mopar
Posted (edited)



A Jeep

A trip to Disney World


A Robe

Hat and Scarf

The Da Vinci Code


For my brother in-law (who is 2SnowDogs)

I put a film canister in a box. The film canister said "You want your present? Go Find it! and a set of coords.

Edited by JMBella
Posted (edited)


A Jeep



Did you get a Rubicon? If you did your one lucky fella. I love those things, just don't want to shell out 30k+ for one.

Me either. I got a '97 wrangler on ebay. Here it is. But I'm still a lucky fella! :mad:

Edited by JMBella

I bought all my geocaching related presents myself :mad:


However, I got a pretty cool new coffeemaker (Hamilton Beach Coffee Station). So, I guess that's where I'll fill up with coffee before I go caching.


I also got several DVD's...which I can watch when I get home.


New shirt, tie, electric screwdriver....normal dad kinda stuff. :-)



Posted (edited)

A coupla books, a very good bottle of wine, a framed 11x14 photo of me while geocaching taken by a Newsweek photographer and a 256mb flash card for my digital camera (wow that holds a lot of shots!) and some unnamed item that I'm told is being shipped from Europe and won't be here for another week (hmmmmm...)


Edit: I've come to suspect that the latter item is an Irish national team soccer jersey in XXL. I've been trying to get one for a few years, but there aren't many of us soccer players who wear XXL, so they are pretty hard to come by.

Edited by briansnat

I got a Denver Bronco sweater from my wife. My dad got the kids some gold coins but they have to use his new GPS to find them today. I guess he hid them in the fields close by his house. I told him that's a great idea. :D



Upinyachit :mad:

Posted (edited)

Geocaching related gift?? Bug spray with DEET and rechargeable batteries. Hmmm . . . well I guess the fender I got for my bike counts. Last time Mopar and I went caching via bicycle we both got mud up our backs (and backsides) . . . Mopar calls that skunk butt. Ugh! :mad:


Other stuff from MOPAR: a shotgun shell reloader, shotgun shells, a USB hub, carburetor cleaner (for cleaning the shotgun), fondue pot and, most importantly his undying affection. dadgum! He is SOOOO romantic and sweet and thoughtful.


From everyone else: perfume, diamond bracelet, earings, clothing, batch & body stuff, DVD's, a s'more kit, and on and on and on.


Anyhoo . . . I got LOT's of COOL stuff. :D



Edited by Geo Ho


A Jeep



Did you get a Rubicon? If you did your one lucky fella. I love those things, just don't want to shell out 30k+ for one.

Me either. I got a '97 wrangler on ebay. Here it is. But I'm still a lucky fella! :mad:

Very nice! The red with tan roof looks sweet. I'd like a white one with a tan roof or champain with a black roof.

My dad got the kids some gold coins but they have to use his new GPS to find them today. I guess he hid them in the fields close by his house. I told him that's a great idea. :mad:



Upinyachit :D

That's an awesome idea! Your kids wont ever forget that.

Posted (edited)
stuff from MOPAR: a shotgun shell reloader, shotgun shells, a USB hub, carburetor cleaner (for cleaning the shotgun)


That Mopar sure know how to treat a lady. Sooooo romantic :mad:

Edited by briansnat
Posted (edited)


A Jeep



Wave from the Jeep club!!


Mine is a wrangler, black on black. Came with a hard top, I bought the soft top.

Edited by Ce'Nedra

So far, clothes. Most of which I'll never wear. Oh yeah, and about the only thing so far that I'll actually use a Best Buy gift card. There's still hope, go to the wife's grandparents tonite, then Saturday, to my parents, where I'll likely get the gift that says 'I want to make sure you get what you want'......CASH :mad:


I got a Delta 6" benchtop variable speed jointer, a craftsman laser level, a DVD player, Delta 10" table saw, pair of flannel jammy bottoms (from my mommy!), a new thermal coffee mug, a vibrating heated seat cushion thingy that I can use in the house or in the car (I've got herniated discs in my neck and back, so this is really good!), and a lump of coal from that sax-totin' smurf-boy! Oh, yeah, I already had this one for a few weeks, but the wifey bought me a home weather station that records wind speed, temp, windchill, rainfall, humidity, and a few other things I haven't figured out yet. It then graphs all the info onto the PC. So cool!


I got my wife some more houses and accessories for her Dept 56 Snow Village, a new ceramic top stove, new Victorian rugs for the house (on order), new kitchen cabinets (I get to use my table saw and jointer to make those), and I'm also building her a walnut curio cabinet from lumber that I cut last year down on my farm in eastern Kansas. Oh, yeah, also got her a new set of pots and pans for her stove, and new silverware.


Well, I got a few days off from work with pay, a bonus check, and a gift certificate for a ham. From my family I got some gift certificates for Tower Records, The Gap, and Old Navy. Also a Martini Recipe book, with a shaker and jigger. From my dad, a bottle of Shiraz, and from one of best friends, a Bruce Lee DVD. :D


From the police dept. I got a ticket for having window tint that was too dark for their liking, and a nice scratch on my car's roof where the officer plopped down the tint meter after they measured my tint. :D I plan to sue them for the repair, and fight the ticket. I want to see records of the routine calibration of all of the meters in the department, whether the officer was trained to use the equipment, if the unit is still under warranty, and if it had fresh batteries. In addition, the officer neglected to write down the serial number of the unit, so if any of them are out of calibration, there is reasonable doubt. On the ticket the reason stated is that the view through the windshield was obscured. The officer tested my side window, not the windshield. There is no tint on my windshield. I'm sure the camera from the car will show the unit being dropped onto my roof where the scratches are. :mad:


Besides that little aventure, I'm quite pleased with all of the loot I accumulated this year. I hope everyone enjoys the holidays. For those of you at work today, my sympathies. I know what it's like to work on holidays. Merry Christmas. :D


A MeriColor from myself w/128 SD :mad:. Epson RX500 with spare ink, great photo prints. A holster for my Nextel. Huntin cloths and armorall gift set but no free truck wash :D and a cool little candle my 10 year old daughter made me (the best of all)!! I too also get to go to work, noon to midnight.


Got dad Da Vinci, but I'll probably end up reading it someday. :mad:


I got some books, about a half-dozen CDs (one of which I'm listening to right now), and several other great gifts. My dad sent me on a geocaching treasure hunt to find my CDs, though. After finding clues in his hiking boots, water bottle, and even the Jeep outside in the rain, he'd cut me some slack. But no, the clues had a waypoint encrypted in them. So I had to load up the GPSr, walk out in the rain in my PJs and find the "cache" in our driveway, as I was getting drenched. (Pardon me saying, but the coords were horrible.) I finally found the Ziploc with the last clue inside, but not before slmost losing one of my fingers. :D


Anyways, I had a very Merry Christmas &, hey, its hardly halfway through! :D


Little Leprechaun received a Lensatic Compass from her Daddy. Since we use a GPS without a built-in compass, she is now in charge of compass bearings. Her most expensive non-geocaching present was the complete C.S. Lewis Chronicles of Narnia stories in hardcover, but she doesn't appreciate it quite as much as the $15 Polly Pocket doll sets she's playing with right now.


Santa Claus brought Daddy Leprechaun a 2,000,000 candlepower spotlight for night caching. The cool thing about it: the spotlight has a military camo pattern. That way, since I also wear camo clothing a lot, nobody can see me when I'm using it. :mad:


The best present of all is having vacation from 12/24 to 12/30 so I can enjoy some time with my family (traveling out of town tomorrow) and maybe find some caches along the way.

:D Got a minimag flashlight kit, a Baileys irish cream gift set from the boss which is inside the coolest metal treasure chest style box (soon to be a cache). Also a new Silverado pickup!!!!

mmmmmmmmmm...........Bailey's.......................... :mad:


I got a Craftsman 19.2v 1/2in drill

cordless screwdriver

manual screwdriver set (26 in all I think)

Stephen King's 8 from a Buick

no snow :D

no tea :mad:

an RC Hummer2 (well, I have to share it with the kids, but the present had my name on it!)

a belt sander


(I'm not at home now, so I don't remember what else there was)

A second GPS (Etex Legend) and tickets to Bill Cosby, Hey Hey Heyyyyyyy!


Now I'm outta here

Add to that a Leki hiking staff with camera mount, and also a boot scraper from the in-laws.


I wonder how they knew I wanted a hiking staff? I hardly ever talk about Geocaching and photography.


And a boot scraper? Why would I need that? No idea.



yahoo to everybody getting a new GPS


JMBella: Nice Jeep, glad it's not yellow


Cybret: I asked for a 4 cup maker with a timer, but we couldn't find one anywhere.


Geo Ho: Shotgun toting women make me nervous


Sparky-Watts: home weather station - I'm jealous, variable speed jointer - doubly jealous.


Bloencustoms: I'll take a Gibson martini and keep them coming.


The Leprechauns: Chronicles of Narnia, an excellent series.


And as I said at dinner today, I am thankful for family, friends and the blessing for us all to be together.

dadgum! He is SOOOO romantic and sweet and thoughtful.


Are we talking about the same Mopar??? :mad: I'm glad you two are so happy. It is a great story!!!


I got:


From my parents: A 1998 Subaru Outback with a cracked windshield, scratched bumper (happened while caching), and worn tires (they paid off my car loan!), a good backpacking rain jacket, a newsweek subscription, 2 shirts, pantyhose and underware. The rest of my family (3 cats and a dog) got a Petco gift card.


From my boyfriend: Mac OSX Jaguar version, Shade the Changing Man graphic novel, No Doubt CD, and the best of all: A yard ornament type chicken made out of a rusted shovel, metal bars and bicycle parts! I love that thing!


7 of my friends are coming to my parents for dinner tomorrow, so I'll probably get a few more little things. Mom is saving some kind of gag gift for then too.

Posted (edited)
Her most expensive non-geocaching present was the complete C.S. Lewis Chronicles of Narnia stories in hardcover, but she doesn't appreciate it quite as much as the $15 Polly Pocket doll sets she's playing with right now.


Ahh, but once she reads them and as she re-reads them years later, she will appreciate them the most! Hardcover too! There is something especially nice about reading a good hardcover book!


Dang! Now I think I'll spend this evening re-reading those books! :D


We got our Christmas present early (Solana), so this year was more about her first Christmas. She got quite a few toys and LOTS of clothes.


Solana is looking great! The best gift posted so far! :mad:

Edited by carleenp

an etrex legend :mad:

a butt load of DVDs including the Indy Jones boxed set!

two pair of jeans


a Seiko dive watch from my dad :D


a Red Ryder carbine model range rifle with a compass in the stock... oh never mind :D


A new pair of Minolta 8X40 Activa binoculars, weatherproof/fogproof, very crisp and bright. Most importantly I had the pleasure of being with my family (and extended family) for a whole week of eating, drinking, and laughing.


My oldest son is the spitting image of Ralphie on Christmas Story so his uncle got him a Ralphie T-shirt and a Ralphie bobble-head.

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