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Moderation Moratorium


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It is not my place to say so but no one else has yet so here goes.


I felt pretty bad, as one of the participant's in the Thanksgiving mayhem, in taking away from the Moderators holiday at that time.


So, how about, as a courtesy to the all the Admin people, everyone agrees to refrain from posting anything that may need to be moderated from say noon today until the early morning of Dec 26th.


At that point, go wild but in the meantime, how about giving the mods a chance to enjoy their holidays without the fear that they should be checking in on the forums constantly.




P.S. And a Happy Holiday to everyone.


Yeah, have to admit, that is a good idea. However, getting agreement from most of us is not the problem....lol. There are those who simply cannot resist twisting the tails of those who will respond appropriately....hehehehe.




Hey, I am still not saying that I agree with the Moderation. Far from it.


What I am saying is that they are decent people who are doing what they think is right. And they volunteer.


So, agree with their decisions or not, just give them a break for a couple of days so they don't have to worry about it. They deserve that and our thanks as well.




I have to agree with Criminal somewhat. Although the only moderation I ever received was a post that I made was deleted, I think it would be hard to say what one feels that should be moderated compared to the next person. Criminal may feel that his posts do not need to be moderated, when a moderator may see it otherwise. Just like is it 6 or half a dozen.


Something else I was just thinking about also is that either the mods are going to be here or not. Won't make a whole bunch of difference if they are deleting/censoring/warning/banning or not. They will still be there reading the forums to ensure the things to mod aren't happening. The idea is commendable but really shouldn't make a difference.

Something else I was just thinking about also is that either the mods are going to be here or not. Won't make a whole bunch of difference if they are deleting/censoring/warning/banning or not. They will still be there reading the forums to ensure the things to mod aren't happening. The idea is commendable but really shouldn't make a difference.

Correct but the stress level could be taken down a notch or two if everybody plays nice.


If this is too stressful, wll then you know what my next words would be..


Once again, everyones vision of playing nicely is different. Or at least what should be acceptable is. Of course there are people that really don't a darn about it and you aren't going to change their minds. Actually by asking them to be nice, you are stirring up the pot to make it even worse. Just as in the other thread about the meter of shame, mtn-man makes reference to the daughter that you don't want to do a certain thing and it makes her want to do it even more.


Why limit the self-control to only a day?


Why don't we all make a New Year's Resolution to conduct ourselves in manner that could mean (conceptually, anyway) that moderation wasn't needed at all?


Seems like it would do us good to practice on line dispite the anonymity provided to some extent by the filter of our keyboards and monitors and screen names. It certainly couldn't hurt and might actually improve the forums.


Who knows. Perhaps after cultivating this kind of mindset the improvment might spill out into the larger world: tolerance, civility and the golden rule could go along way in creating peace not only in our little world but the real world as well.


Think Globally, Act Locally. But if it can't be permanent perhaps even just a day would be a good start.


May every one enjoy the holidays they will be celebrating this season.

Wasn't mixed up in the Tday fiasco, but nothing I ever say needs moderation (in my humble opinion.)

Hi Criminal.


All I am suggesting is that everyone try to not post things that may require moderation in the opinion of the moderators.


I agree with you, you never post anything that requires moderation but neither my opinion, nor yours matter to the moderators. They make the decisions. So, as a courtesy, I am only suggesting that everyone refrain from posting anything that the moderators would object to.


I bet even those who like to "stir up the pot" can control themselves for a couple of days.


If not everyone, then most will hopefully make an extra effort and even that would make the moderator's jobs easier. Even the sh*t disturbers here may be able to acknowledge the courtesy of a temporary moratorium. We are all reasonable people after-all.



If this is too stressful, wll then you know what my next words would be..


Stressful? hah :):):) This is my stress reliever. :)


Bottom line is that its a volunteering thing so I can also volunteer to not be here and be with my family. I'll probably do both. I'm always at the PC most everyday, shouldn't be anything different about tomorrow.


I do like the idea of everyone getting along and "behaving" year round and not just for a couple days.

but nothing I ever say needs moderation (in my humble opinion.)

I like your idea Les and thank you for posting it here.


As far as what criminal said about "nothing I ever say needs moderation" I wouldn't know, I've never heard you speak but I have read your posts and well ummm I have to say that I'm sure its definitely different than what you say. :):)


I have an even better idea -- the moderators all can take the two days off, and we'll just post what ever we want, taking into consideration good taste, language, etc....but we will have a two day holiday to be off topic (in a good way) while they have a break -- an 'off topic' celebration!

................................. Actually by asking them to be nice, you are stirring up the pot to make it even worse. Just as in the other thread about the meter of shame, mtn-man makes reference to the daughter that you don't want to do a certain thing and it makes her want to do it even more.

The difference is the suggestion came from within the group. Not the vioice of authority, ie MOD. Doing something 'cause Dad said not to is different than doing something 'cause Billy dared you to do it.


But we may not agree with the person who suggested it. Or how do we know that the person who suggested is not a mods sock puppet? lol... I think umc said it best...Also let the filters work for themselves....

This is going to be really hard for me 2 do....i'm sure I'm going to be mixing in a few cocktails the next few days...... :)

What you do in your own home is none of our business. Leave your sordid details out of our forum.


Oh, cocktail = alcoholic beverage!



Why limit the self-control to only a day?


Why don't we all make a New Year's Resolution to conduct ourselves in manner that could mean (conceptually, anyway) that moderation wasn't needed at all?


In my opinion, these are words of great wisdom. But just like the armies of the world, the mods will never go away because there will never be absolute peace......sadly


Bingo Wray Clan...it's also a reason why there will always be cops, jails and prisons....Law Enforcement/Corrections is the best career field to get into for the most part if you are worried about job security. Of course there are places that RIF time to time.

Posted (edited)

Why don't we all make a New Year's Resolution to conduct ourselves in manner that could mean (conceptually, anyway) that moderation wasn't needed at all?


In my opinion, these are words of great wisdom. But just like the armies of the world, the mods will never go away because there will never be absolute peace......sadly

One would think the moderators are interested in keeping their positions and associated "status," so in practical application your suggestion would most likely lead only to further "tightening of the reins" as each of the moderators endeavored to prove his/her irreplaceable value to TPTB.

Edited by BassoonPilot

One would think the moderators are interested in keeping their positions and associated "status," so in practical application your suggestion would most likely lead only to further "tightening of the reins" as each of the moderators endeavored to prove his/her irreplaceable value to TPTB.

Oh, please.


Do you really mean to suggest that the moderators wish to spend their holidays on-line dealing with childish behavior instead of enjoying the day with their families?


What 'position' do you think they would be giving up? The Moderators are also approvers. If they didn't need to spend so much time addressing forum meltdowns, they might be able to get submitted caches approved more quickly.


I'm not seeing what 'status' is gained from being attacked by trolls and sock puppets.


Thanks lessenergy. This was a nice idea. I've resigned myself to the fact that it won't happen though. Evidence is seen in this topic. It could have been a nice "yeah, why not" topic, but it is being picked apart like so many others.


Thanks anyway. I'm sure my family won't mind me sitting at the computer some while I'm at my parents house tomorrow.


The funny part is going to be explaining why. :D:mad:



The funny part is going to be explaining why. :D:mad:

Oh gawd, I have that problem everyday and its even worse today probably even worse tomorrow but its funny because its the same answer as yesterday. :D

Thanks anyway. I'm sure my family won't mind me sitting at the computer some while I'm at my parents house tomorrow.


The funny part is going to be explaining why. :D:mad:

I think someone mentioned this earlier in the thread. You guys are volunteers. Don't volunteer on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Its as simple as that. I'm sure the world, or the forums, won't self destruct because the mods aren't online for a day. With all due respect, Mtn-man, the comments made here by you and Umc make it sound like you're trying to point out what martyrs you are for being forced to police the forums on your holiday. While its commendable that you are willing to do so, don't make it sound like you're being forced to by all the naughty children because you aren't. Most of them are banned right now, anyway. If you choose to sit at your computer instead of being with your families, that's your choice and your's alone. I know what choice I would make. :D


Merry Christmas!




Geo 39EOU 61


I think someone mentioned this earlier in the thread. You guys are volunteers. Don't volunteer on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Its as simple as that. I'm sure the world, or the forums, won't self destruct because the mods aren't online for a day.

I said it I said it. :mad:


Its true too so its sort of funny that we are even arguing about it.


Hello everyone, I know that I am probably setting myself up with this being my first post, but I for one appreciate the time the moderators spend watching the boards. I have participated on other boards where the moderators either did not have the time or the effort and things got out of hand. Everyones entitled to their opinion but knowing that there is someone out there to stop personal attacks on people is kind of comforting. :mad:

Happy Holidays


Just lock the forums for the holidays. Nobody posts, nobody mods, nobody gets out of line. Problem solved.


If sombody bumped the off switch on the forum server and didn't discover the problem until say Monday morning, the world wouldn't end. Saxman might turn blue from forum blockage, and sparky might have time to dry out, but I'm more than willing to have them pay the price :mad:


P.S. When you bump the switch don't hit the geocaching server, I rather like that one.

If sombody bumped the off switch on the forum server and didn't discover the problem until say Monday morning, the world wouldn't end. Saxman might turn blue from forum blockage, and sparky might have time to dry out, but I'm more than willing to have them pay the price :D

Hey, I'm already blue! :mad:

Posted (edited)

Do you really mean to suggest that the moderators wish to spend their holidays on-line dealing with childish behavior instead of enjoying the day with their families?

I quoted, and responded to, a post about making a "New Years Resolution."


Yes, I do think the moderators would fight tooth-and-nail to retain their postions of "status" and "power."


Probably not incidentally, that earlier post apparently "earned" me my first "warning," and my "Meter of Shame" is now at ten percent.


[EDIT] Never mind; I see the warning I received was actually a prank by the site owner. My "warning" consisted of nothing but a verbatim quote of the response I made to an obvious "Geocide" parody. I got a good laugh from both the parody and my "warning." Happy Holidays to all.

Edited by BassoonPilot

I just typed this great big long rant and then realized that, had I posted it, I would not be following my own suggestion. I kinda got sucked into the discussion here. It seems almost impossible not to argue the points raised above.


Maybe I'll retype my rant again in a couple of days but not likely.


In any case, I again ask everyone, just because you are decent people, to give the Mods a break for a couple of days. Save up your rants until the 26th.


Nothing terrible will happen if you refrain from posting anything that the mods may find objectionable for a couple of days. You don't have to agree with what the mods are doing, I sure has hell don't and Gorak is right, they don't need to volunteer.


The fact is though, they do and since they all feel the need to moderate these forums over the holidays, why not make the job easier than it would otherwise be?



Posted (edited)

I received neither notification nor justification for the "warning," so it was not, in fact, a "warning"  at all.  It was nothing more than another in a long line of examples of the type of heavy-handed attempt at "intimidation" that has rightly earned the moderating team so many critics.


Happy Holidays.

I have no part in modding this forum, nor have I even read the thread you refer to. I do know that if you click on the hyperlink on your warn meter you can see who warned you and why. So yes, you recieved notification, and that moderator's justification for doing it.

Edited by NJ Admin
Why limit the self-control to only a day?


Why don't we all make a New Year's Resolution to conduct ourselves in manner that could mean (conceptually, anyway) that moderation wasn't needed at all?


Seems like it would do us good to practice on line dispite the anonymity provided to some extent by the filter of our keyboards and monitors and screen names. It certainly couldn't hurt and might actually improve the forums.


Who knows. Perhaps after cultivating this kind of mindset the improvment might spill out into the larger world: tolerance, civility and the golden rule could go along way in creating peace not only in our little world but the real world as well.


Think Globally, Act Locally. But if it can't be permanent perhaps even just a day would be a good start.


May every one enjoy the holidays they will be celebrating this season.

I was going to say pretty much the same thing here...even knowing that I was sticking my neck out and risking getting flamed.


Anyhow I agree with you. I missed the Turkey Day mayhem, as I was on a self-imposed hiatus from the forums. Basically it got to the point that I was getting tired of reading all of the complaints. But as you can see, I can't stay away. :D


It seems that some make it a point to ruffle the mod's feathers any chance they get. In my opinion, there's no reason to make things rough for the mods, just because they are mods.


No, I'm not brown nosing, I'm just stating my opinion. But the flame retardant suit is now on. :mad:

I do know that if you click on the hyperlink on your warn meter you can see who warned you and why. So yes, you recieved notification, and that moderator's justification for doing it.

Thank you for this information about the hyperlink. You are correct that I did, in fact, receive notification via that hyperlink. It is not correct, however, that such notifications necessarily contain any reasons or justification for the warning. Apparently, some people hand out warnings as "pranks." That's fine; it's all a game, after all.

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