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Happy Geo-holidays!


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It began a little over two years ago. Imagine a young woman sitting with a cup of coffee, bored and flipping through the paper until an article about a “high tech treasure hunt” had her completely engrossed. . . .


That simple story led me to visit these forums before I even owned a GPS. Being low on cache -- I mean cash-- all that could be done was make a Christmas request. It was granted, and I became the proud owner of a Magellan 315. Still, it took me awhile to get around to finding the first cache. One outing some time later and I was hooked! But I was already hooked long before then by reading the forums and learning about the sport, before I even ventured out for the first time.


I was a lurker then and remember the people who gave helpful comments and answered repetitive questions -- the people who through those efforts helped me learn about the sport before I even began. Many of those people are still here. I remember reading fascinating debates over things like Where’s George dollars in caches, fair trading, stats and cacher responsibility. Those arguments, along with new ones, are still here. I remember how they helped me further learn this sport. I remember various heated arguments that caused me to ponder, which led to learning even more.


Later, I became more involved and started posting. I remember an early post where I suggested it would be great to hide a cache in my yard under the deck. After seeing how many thought that was just plain nuts, I agreed. So I learned yet more about the sport. Over time, I became more involved. I helped local cachers in planning events, I practiced CITO, I talked to a State Park person, I got my parents and friends involved. But I’m still evolving as a cacher and getting even more involved.


Now, I look back and see that I have met a wide variety of interesting people, each with their own unique views and personalities. I made some friends, both on these forums and off. In part through them, I have grown and become even more committed to the sport.


This is a sport that can serve so many personalities. A loner can hide and find caches in solitude. A joiner can get involved in groups. A social type can meet others through the forums and local groups. There is something that can appeal to a shy person, an outgoing person, a creative person, an opinionated person, a social person, a tech person. The list can go on and on. Yet there is one thing that every cacher has in common, whether they post, lurk, or have never seen this forum. Everyone is part of the geocaching community. Through a simple find, a person contributes. Through hiding, they further the sport. By posting, they share information. Every little thing, from a creative new hide, to hooking a newbie on the first find, to a heated argument over a topic that some might find mundane, to general conversation and sharing about caching, acts to evolve the sport. That is what makes a community.


We have a community here and it is a wonderful one. I am honored to be part of it. So, I wish each and every one of you the best of Holidays and another great caching year. Just as I wish the same for all those cachers yet to come -- particularly those who will never see this message, but will further the sport simply because, through caching, they are part of the community.


With that all said, my real message is simply this:


Happy Holidays Everyone! :)


Carleen a/k/a Pika

It began a little over two years ago. Imagine a young woman sitting with a cup of coffee, bored and flipping through the paper until an article about a “high tech treasure hunt” had her completely engrossed. . . .


That simple story led me to visit these forums before I even owned a GPS. Being low on cache -- I mean cash-- all that could be done was make a Christmas request. It was granted, and I became the proud owner of a Magellan 315. Still, it took me awhile to get around to finding the first cache. One outing some time later and I was hooked! But I was already hooked long before then by reading the forums and learning about the sport, before I even ventured out for the first time.


I was a lurker then and remember the people who gave helpful comments and answered repetitive questions -- the people who through those efforts helped me learn about the sport before I even began. Many of those people are still here. I remember reading fascinating debates over things like Where’s George dollars in caches, fair trading, stats and cacher responsibility. Those arguments, along with new ones, are still here. I remember how they helped me further learn this sport. I remember various heated arguments that caused me to ponder, which led to learning even more.


Later, I became more involved and started posting. I remember an early post where I suggested it would be great to hide a cache in my yard under the deck. After seeing how many thought that was just plain nuts, I agreed. So I learned yet more about the sport. Over time, I became more involved. I helped local cachers in planning events, I practiced CITO, I talked to a State Park person, I got my parents and friends involved. But I’m still evolving as a cacher and getting even more involved.


Now, I look back and see that I have met a wide variety of interesting people, each with their own unique views and personalities. I made some friends, both on these forums and off. In part through them, I have grown and become even more committed to the sport.


This is a sport that can serve so many personalities. A loner can hide and find caches in solitude. A joiner can get involved in groups. A social type can meet others through the forums and local groups. There is something that can appeal to a shy person, an outgoing person, a creative person, an opinionated person, a social person, a tech person. The list can go on and on. Yet there is one thing that every cacher has in common, whether they post, lurk, or have never seen this forum. Everyone is part of the geocaching community. Through a simple find, a person contributes. Through hiding, they further the sport. By posting, they share information. Every little thing, from a creative new hide, to hooking a newbie on the first find, to a heated argument over a topic that some might find mundane, to general conversation and sharing about caching, acts to evolve the sport. That is what makes a community.


We have a community here and it is a wonderful one. I am honored to be part of it. So, I wish each and every one of you the best of Holidays and another great caching year. Just as I wish the same for all those cachers yet to come -- particularly those who will never see this message, but will further the sport simply because, through caching, they are part of the community.


With that all said, my real message is simply this:


Happy Holidays Everyone! :)


Carleen a/k/a Pika

Great story!


Same to you. :)


Merry ChannaQuanzMas to EVERYONE!


Sn :):) gans (see this is when I miss the Santa smilies from Woody's forum.)


This has been the best topic to surface in 03. What a way to end the year. Now to look forward to 04 and do I have a Cache adventure all lined up for you Carleen.


Going caching over the holidays in AZ with some of my kids, they have some old hills to hike with the Old Man.


Merry Christmas to You, Cameron, Your Mom, and all of your Family. Peace and Blessings to all of you.









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Happy Geo-holiday to all!

We have a community here and it is a wonderful one. I am honored to be part of it. So, I wish each and every one of you the best of Holidays and another great caching year. Just as I wish the same for all those cachers yet to come -- particularly those who will never see this message, but will further the sport simply because, through caching, they are part of the community.


Excellent! Thank you for being part of this community. Happy Holidays. :)

Posted (edited)

Merry Christmas to you too! wreath_lights_md_clr.gif


Now, could we get a clearer picture on your cache page? More of them too!


(Just kidding. (not)) :)

Edited by Criminal



Great story Carleen.


This year has been an interesting year to say the least. From finding this great hobby to losing my neice (and finding her again) and all the help that these web site and others have given.


I look under our tree and see the presents that my wife and I have given our kids. I got to thinking where those gifts came from. Not from the store or mail order. They all came from love. If you really think about it, it all starts with love. The cheapest to give but priceless to receive.


Though I have only met one other team on the trail, I would like to give you my love during this season. But let's not stop there and continue through the year.


I love you all.


May you and your family share that love always!!!!


Merry Christmas!!!!


Happy holidays


A really nice post. This is quite a community! I lurk here quite a bit. I really enjoy the fourms and have picked up alot of usefull info. I look forward to the caching in the new year.


This is a sport that can serve so many personalities. A loner can hide and find caches in solitude. A joiner can get involved in groups. A social type can meet others through the forums and local groups. There is something that can appeal to a shy person, an outgoing person, a creative person, an opinionated person, a social person, a tech person. The list can go on and on. Yet there is one thing that every cacher has in common, whether they post, lurk, or have never seen this forum. Everyone is part of the geocaching community. Through a simple find, a person contributes. Through hiding, they further the sport. By posting, they share information. Every little thing, from a creative new hide, to hooking a newbie on the first find, to a heated argument over a topic that some might find mundane, to general conversation and sharing about caching, acts to evolve the sport. That is what makes a community.


Great story. I wanted to touch on this little bit from a personal standpoint. I agree Geocaching and the forums here do serve a wide variety of people. For me personally, I started out as a lurker, just finding caches, and keeping up to date on what was going on here in the forums. I began to post some, and got more involved. My big goal then was to hit 100 finds before my 1yr cachaversary. I did that, and began to kinda fade back in my finds. I just wasn't as involved anymore, since I hit my goal.


Through planning some events and talking to others in my area on here, I began to make new friends. To me that's a pretty big deal, since I'm normally a very quiet, shy, and reserved person. Now we've got some healthy competition going on, and it's rekindled my want (need?) to cache. We've got some events coming up soon here in Central Ohio, and I'm really looking forward to meeting new folks.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that Geocaching has helped me make new friends and even helped to bring me out of my shell a little as well. Plus hey, it's great fun, no one can argue with that. :mad:


Thanks for the thread, Carleenp, and Happy Holidays to all!


The greatest cache I ever found was hidden on Christmas.


I wasn't the first finder....they showed up with the sheep....


Some other guys came along later...brought some cool cache-booty, but still didn't managed to trade up.


I'm just happy to get my name in the logbook.


Merry Christmas, everyone! :mad:






Well said, Carleenp. I wish you and all cachers a happy and safe holidays and New year. I believe that cachers are good people and that our hobby will develop and grow due to it. Thanks Groundspeak for the new forums and the high standards that make this site the best. Thanks even to those who have introduced some negativity to the forums. Through your comments the geocaching community will be able to grow and prosper in a balanced and realistic way.


I look forward to meeting more of you all in the coming year. :mad:

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