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Christmas Caching Poem


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And in the midst of this holiday season, I've created a poem, for no real reason. Feel free to post comments, or your own poems, too. And now, without further ado, I present my poem to you.


Deep in the midst of a snow-covered meadow,

stood a bewildered man, a confused fellow.

And as he cursed at the gadget he held in his hand

he kicked around the soft, frosty land.

He cursed that he was here, of all other places,

far away from family and smiling faces,

as they lay by the fire, sipping hot cups of coco,

he wondered how he got this ambition so loco.

His mind coveted both a green ammo box,

and a nap on the couch, clad in soft bathrobe and socks.

He placed the gadget in pocket, walked back to the car,

why did he come out here, so very, very far

from stockings hung above crackling flame,

and his old laughing friends, playing board games

He was overcome with grief, & he fell to the ground,

to be greeted by a hollow, metallic sound.

He looked at his knees, a smile on his face so round

oh boy, oh boy, a treasure he'd found!

he opened the box, pulled back the lid,

and did as a proper cacher always did.

He took the log and wrote out his name

he pulled out a ball, replaced it with a miniature frame

he dotted two eyes, making a stick-man smile,

he thought, 'Oh, the drive had been worth my while!'

He got up off the ground, dusted his tush,

and replaced the box, just sticking out of the brush.

He got to the car and turned the key,

oh, there was still many more boxes to see!


Hope you enjoyed it!


Merry Christmas!

Posted (edited)

Great job Wray Clan...


I had started one this afternoon and just finished it....


So with apologizes to Clement C. Moore ~


Twas the day after Christmas and all along the trail,

A lone geocacher had started to wail.

The coordinates where entered with up most care,

In hope that the cache would soon be near.


The children were at home with their PS2,

While the cousin were at their home playing one too.

And mama was driving herself to the mall,

With plans to shop and returning the sweater too small.


While back in the woods there was such a commotion,

The cacher was wishing for some magic potion.

The had searched under rocks and leaves and a boulder,

For the cache owner hides were getting much bolder.


He kept reminding himself, “this is a GAME”

No longer were the ammo boxes hides just lame.

He has gotten creative, cleaver and smart,

I will go back to the parking lot for a fresh start.”


The thought of the forums, the threads and the flames,

started recalling avatars and yelling out names.

Oh mtnman, oh Criminal, oh JMBella and hydee,

Oh DocDean, oh Jeremy, oh Captain Chaoss, and carleenp.

From the top the cliff, to the valley below,

If we were team caching I would have found it long ago.


Then the alarm on the GPS receiver started to chime,

One hundred feet to the cache, “I’ll get it this time.”

He went right to the spot and started to work,

Moving branches and leaves and kicking up dirt.


And finally looking behind a lone stump,

He spotted the ammo box and sat on his rump.

He swapped Travel bugs and signed the log,

And for good measure he added a stuff toy dog.


He sprang to his feet, and with a quick spray of deet,

For the bugs and ticks were starting to eat.

He thought… “This is fun” as he replaced the box lid,

“Next time I will bring the wife and my kids.”


He was heard to say as he hiked out of sight,

“Happy Caching and stuff to all, and to all Good night!”

Edited by RainbowCache
Posted (edited)

And while we're at it, check this out.


Merry Christmas everybody! :):):)


edit: Drat! I was trying to link to the Christmas Songs thread from 2002 - lots of funny stuff in there.

Edited by ZingerHead
Posted (edited)

Nice poem.

It made me think of a cache called Monocacy Hill Anthology with the following description:

This is to be a collection of assorted original writings, penned by the cache visitors, poetry or prose... on any topic. Take from the past and give to the future. Plan your visit with some time to sit and read the log, as it and a pencil or two, will be the only contents of the cache. Compose your contribution here, or bring it along and recopy it into the book. Please don’t copy it on the web site. Make folks get out and find it to enjoy it.
Edited by MissJenn

Sequel! (For you, saxman)


They all sat 'round the tree in delight,

passing 'round presents under the lights.

But, alas, he wasn't filled with that Christmas cheer,

what was so different 'bout the holiday this year?

And as he got handed yet another box,

he wondered, "Is it another tie, or maybe a pair of socks?

Is it a novel which I'll eagerly read,

or is it some more tools, the ones I always need?"

But it wasn't another tie or a book to be read.

It wasn't tools, and (thankfully) not socks instead.

It wasn't a CD, its wasn't rock or good 'ol jazz,

My, now why was he happy, getting something that he already has?

"Oh, thank you, oh, thank you, oh, thank you once more!

I've got the GPS, so lets go caching once more!"


I tried :D.


I hope that your day has been very merry. :mad:


Ode to the Cacher's Christmas Convention


All the faithful logged on to the forums,

expecting to today to not be the norm.

It would be a day full of cheer and hundreds of users,

completely free of privilege abusers.

They all hit "Refresh" and watched the magic number.

But where was everyone,

why couldn't they wake from their peaceful slumber?

Why were they all playing with their new gifts,

why couldn't they get the obvious drift?

Everyone would log on and chat today,

and now, at 74 users, the idea slowly dirfts away....


Oh, well......

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