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Dueling Posters


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So, if I start right now and dedicate all my time to posting, neglecting my career, husband, children, dogs and bird, and try really really hard, I can catch you guys by....say....2007?

Nah, you shouldn't have to neglect all of those things to make it by 2007.


2004, now thats a different story. ;)

:D So, if I start right now and dedicate all my time to posting, neglecting my career, husband, children, dogs and bird, and try really really hard, I can catch you guys by....say....2007? ;)

Are you trying to emulate Team GPSaxophone

Anybody trying to catch up with Briansnat?

I don't know if anyone is trying to catch up with Brian's post count but I do know we all can't wait until he gets a job. ;):D

Wow, I'm buried way down on page four. I'm such a slacker ;)

Not a slacker, you just got here in June for crying out loud. :P Thats the kicker, look at peoples join dates compaired to their post count. You will notice when looking at Criminal's join date he is a whole year ahead of me. :D


Its a sickness. :D

Posted (edited)
Thats the kicker, look at peoples join dates compaired to their post count.  ...  Its a sickness. ;)

The true extent of the "sickness" can only be discovered by figuring the one forum stat that "says it all" ... the individual's average daily number of posts since the day they joined.


Most geocachers/forum participants have daily posting averages that are well below one post per day, but many of the more active geocachers/forum participants have single-digit (to the left of the decimal point) averages.


A very few geocachers/forum participants have double-digit averages. The posts of these individuals are closely scrutinized for indications of intellectual entropy by The Approverators, who stand at full alert, ready to act immediately when intervention becomes necessary for the continued problem-free operation of the forums.


Rumor has it that the first individual who succeeds at maintaining a triple-digit daily posting average over the course of one year will officially be declared "the winner", and will be presented a 24K gold keyboard, granted the privilege of deleting their own posts, and receive a lifetime entitlement of automatic cache approval, including the right to place virtual and locationless caches and the ability to log their personal travel bugs at webcams and locationless caches. Quite a prize package, indeed.

Edited by BassoonPilot
...Rumor has it that the first individual who succeeds at maintaining a triple-digit daily posting average over the course of one year will officially be declared "the winner"...

You know, all that happens when you joke about something like this is to tempt someone into trying... ;)

I don't know if anyone is trying to catch up with Brian's post count but I do know we all can't wait until he gets a job.


Me too! All this hiking, fishing, geocaching and posting is starting to be a drag.


A very few geocachers/forum participants have double-digit averages. The posts of these individuals are closely scrutinized for indications of intellectual entropy by The Approverators, who stand at full alert, ready to act immediately when intervention becomes necessary for the continued problem-free operation of the forums.


I'm only at 6.4 a day. I'm sure that's nothing compared to some here. ;)

I don't know if anyone is trying to catch up with Brian's post count but I do know we all can't wait until he gets a job.


Me too! All this hiking, fishing, geocaching and posting is starting to be a drag.


A very few geocachers/forum participants have double-digit averages. The posts of these individuals are closely scrutinized for indications of intellectual entropy by The Approverators, who stand at full alert, ready to act immediately when intervention becomes necessary for the continued problem-free operation of the forums.


I'm only at 6.4 a day. I'm sure that's nothing compared to some here. ;)



Maybe an admin can answer this (like hydee or elias) but how do you get listed on the Members List in the My Assistant? You don't have to post, because there are a good number of 0 posts, but there are far less listed there than accounts ( about 17,000 on the Members List but over 180,000 accounts on GC.com ). Is 17,000 the number of accounts who have clicked the "Discuss Geocaching" or had a post moved from the old forums since the new forums started? If so, then it's interesting to see only 10% of the total number of accounts (active and unactive) have used the new forums. It's also interesting to see that 13,055 of the 17,000 have posted at least once.

Posted (edited)
Oh dadgum!  Team GPSax came up from behind and pushed UMC down to 6, me to 7.  I might soon be entirely off the page! :)

I don't deny it... :)

If I read this correctly GPS is being accused of being a back door smurf, and he is admiting to it willingly. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Who am I to cast judgement on a fictional blue short person?....


Edited for spelling....probably still missed some.

Edited by Johnnie Stalkers
Posted (edited)
Oh dadgum!  Team GPSax came up from behind and pushed UMC down to 6, me to 7.  I might soon be entirely off the page! :)

I don't deny it... :)

If I read this correctly GPS is being accused of being a back door smurf, and he is admiting to it willingly. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Who am I to cast judgement on a fictional blue short person?....


Edited for spelling....probably still missed some.

My smurf itches. I was getting smurfy with Smurfette and I didn’t ………….


You know what this thread needs?...... It needs Zuuky to pay a visit.


If TPTB ever decide to grant an OT forum, all post stats should be suspended within it. Off topic posting does not further the cause of geocaching. It only serves to keep this forum sane.


I like stats as much as the next guy, but I don't get the ambition here on this thread......


I'm reminded of a really great post that someone made about finds. They all count the same whether it's a remote 5/5 that took all day, or a 1/1 that dented the door of your car when you opened the door to log it, on your way to 15 more just like it.


As of this post I'm the #16 overall poster. What is that supposed to mean to me? I haven't posted the volumes of thoughtful material that some others have. I don't post on every thread. I post when I feel compelled to post and when I'm having fun. I've had allot more fun here than compelling thoughtful posts.


My, "and there was much rejoicing," post on the "Continue the story by five words..." thread counts, by the numbers, the same as any of the most thoughtful insightful material that I, or anyone, ever posted here..... Does anyone KNOW how many times I posted those five words? (I think the duplicate post control was enabled just because of that on the old forums.)


Please don't think that I'm trying to rise above all of this either. I think it's kinda cool being on the second page. I’m sure it would be nice to be on the first page, but I refuse to think of it as a race.


I know that I have made a noticeable contribution to these forums. (The value of its content is subjective.) I could care less where I am on the list though.


Sn :):) gans

Edited by Snoogans
My, "and there was much rejoicing," post on the "Continue the story by five words..." thread counts, by the numbers, the same as any of the most thoughtful insightful material that I, or anyone, ever posted here..... Does anyone KNOW how many times I posted those five words? (I think the duplicate post control was enabled just because of that on the old forums.)


Please don't think that I'm trying to rise above all of this either. I think it's kinda cool being on the second page. I’m sure it would be nice to be on the first page, but I refuse to think of it as a race.


I know that I have made a noticeable contribution to these forums. (The value of its content is subjective.) I could care less where I am on the list though.


Sn :):) gans

I think you can add one more to your count now :)

Posted (edited)
Oh dadgum!  Team GPSax came up from behind and pushed UMC down to 6, me to 7.  I might soon be entirely off the page! :)

I don't deny it... :)

If I read this correctly GPS is being accused of being a back door smurf, and he is admiting to it willingly. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Who am I to cast judgement on a fictional blue short person?....


Edited for spelling....probably still missed some.

I like stats as much as the next guy, but I don't get the ambition here on this thread.....

Sn :):) gans

I wonder how many nested posts you could do? The cool part is that by quoting the last winner (That's you Snoogans!) you leapfrog to the top! Back on topic. I post ideas, humor, and every now and then cut through the crap and get to the heart of an issue and take all the gray fluff out of it. Some of my best posts are where I hit the delete key right before send. Most of the time I have to edit anyway.

Edited by Renegade Knight
Oh dadgum!  Team GPSax came up from behind and pushed UMC down to 6, me to 7.  I might soon be entirely off the page! :)

I don't deny it... :)

If I read this correctly GPS is being accused of being a back door smurf, and he is admiting to it willingly. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Who am I to cast judgement on a fictional blue short person?....


Edited for spelling....probably still missed some.

I like stats as much as the next guy, but I don't get the ambition here on this thread.....

Sn :):) gans

I wonder how many nested posts you could do? The cool part is that by quoting the last winner (That's you Snoogans!) you leapfrog to the top! Back on topic. I post ideas, humor, and every now and then cut through the crap and get to the heart of an issue and take all the gray fluff out of it. Some of my best posts are where I hit the delete key right before send. Most of the time I have to edit anyway.

Did you mean to say the pink fluff there, fluffy??


Just looked at Team GPSax's stats and he has 50 posts today, I don't know that I have ever posted 50 times in one day, even on a good day. :) Ok, well maybe once but thats it. :)


Anyway, the saxman is one that started before me too but he has been h**l bent on posting lately so I'm pretty sure I'm out of contention there but look out BSnat :)

Oh dadgum!  Team GPSax came up from behind and pushed UMC down to 6, me to 7.  I might soon be entirely off the page! :)

I don't deny it... :)

If I read this correctly GPS is being accused of being a back door smurf, and he is admiting to it willingly. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Who am I to cast judgement on a fictional blue short person?....


Edited for spelling....probably still missed some.

I like stats as much as the next guy, but I don't get the ambition here on this thread.....

Sn :):) gans

I wonder how many nested posts you could do? The cool part is that by quoting the last winner (That's you Snoogans!) you leapfrog to the top! Back on topic. I post ideas, humor, and every now and then cut through the crap and get to the heart of an issue and take all the gray fluff out of it. Some of my best posts are where I hit the delete key right before send. Most of the time I have to edit anyway.

Did you mean to say the pink fluff there, fluffy??

I don't know about that but this super nest thing has my attention.

Oh dadgum!  Team GPSax came up from behind and pushed UMC down to 6, me to 7.  I might soon be entirely off the page! B)

I don't deny it... :D

If I read this correctly GPS is being accused of being a back door smurf, and he is admiting to it willingly. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Who am I to cast judgement on a fictional blue short person?....


Edited for spelling....probably still missed some.

I like stats as much as the next guy, but I don't get the ambition here on this thread.....

Sn :):) gans

I wonder how many nested posts you could do? The cool part is that by quoting the last winner (That's you Snoogans!) you leapfrog to the top! Back on topic. I post ideas, humor, and every now and then cut through the crap and get to the heart of an issue and take all the gray fluff out of it. Some of my best posts are where I hit the delete key right before send. Most of the time I have to edit anyway.

Did you mean to say the pink fluff there, fluffy??

I don't know about that but this super nest thing has my attention.

nest? :):)

Oh dadgum!  Team GPSax came up from behind and pushed UMC down to 6, me to 7.  I might soon be entirely off the page! B)

I don't deny it... :D

If I read this correctly GPS is being accused of being a back door smurf, and he is admiting to it willingly. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Who am I to cast judgement on a fictional blue short person?....


Edited for spelling....probably still missed some.

I like stats as much as the next guy, but I don't get the ambition here on this thread.....

Sn :):) gans

I wonder how many nested posts you could do? The cool part is that by quoting the last winner (That's you Snoogans!) you leapfrog to the top! Back on topic. I post ideas, humor, and every now and then cut through the crap and get to the heart of an issue and take all the gray fluff out of it. Some of my best posts are where I hit the delete key right before send. Most of the time I have to edit anyway.

Did you mean to say the pink fluff there, fluffy??

I don't know about that but this super nest thing has my attention.

nest? :):)

a pink fluffy nest?

I wonder how many nested posts you could do?  The cool part is that by quoting the last winner (That's you Snoogans!) you leapfrog to the top!  Back on topic.  I post ideas, humor, and every now and then cut through the crap and get to the heart of an issue and take all the gray fluff out of it.  Some of my best posts are where I hit the delete key right before send.  Most of the time I have to edit anyway.
This one's for you, smurf-boy! :)

And so is this one!

And so is this one!

And so is this one!

And so is this one!

And so is this one!

And so is this one!

And so is this one!

And so is this one!

And so is this one! Now who's on top?!?!?!? :)

Sparky has sure tried to find out the answer

I prefer to look at the Charter Members Top Ten Posters


Hey, where am I? I'm a charter member, or I was at one time. Heck, I was probably one of the first people to pony up.

Did you say 'pony'? Errr, nevermind. :)


I'm a charter member too and have been since not long after I found out about geocaching. I'm still trying to figure out why you prefer to see those top ten posters.

I prefer to look at the Charter Members Top Ten Posters


Hey, where am I? I'm a charter member, or I was at one time. Heck, I was probably one of the first people to pony up.

Slacker! Freeloader! NJ Resident! :)

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