+sept1c_tank Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 Lots of cache logs contain photos of "caching kids." Do your kids really participate in the caching game? Are they really interested in seeking the treasure? Do you let them use the GPSr? When they use the GPSr, what do you do? Do you allow your kids to have a personal account? Do your kids help plan geocaching trips? How old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache without supervision? Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching? Just curious, sept1c. Quote
+wray_clan Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 I'm a kid. -I really participate. -I am very interested in finding "the treasure." -I'm not very skilled at using the GPSr. I recently learned how to enter coords & can now do that by myself. On the trail, I almost never hold the GPS, by chioce. -Dad points out the right way to go. -I don't have a personal acount because I have found (or I was there at) all but about ten of our 130something finds. I don't have a desire to have one. -Yes, I enjoy and almost always plan caching trips, or, the caches, my dad dutifully works on the order in which we will be doing them. -Once I have a car. -No Hope I helped Quote
+BeachBuddies Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 My 8-year old caches with me about half of the times I go. He's even been on my only "cache marathon" (10 in one day, about 5 miles hiking total). He enjoys using the GPS; we take turns. He has been caching without me a couple times (with his grandmother), but they didn't find the cache on those two tries. He does not have his own GPS, but I did get him his own camelbak. My 3-year old goes with me sometimes. She doesn't completely get the concept yet, but she likes looking through the box once we find it. And she usually picks out a trinket to take. The only problem I have with her is that we have to stop at any playground we see, so sometimes I don't make it to the cache. On the other hand, I don't look like some strange guy hanging around the playground looking for a micro when she's with me hehe... Quote
+Cachengrab Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 My ten yr. old caches, she is responsible for 2 in my cache count. FTF for the 2 she did with her mom. Quote
+Capitalpete Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 The twins are 11 months old now; Do your kids really participate in the caching game? - as much as they can at this age, they tried to chew on a log book once..... Are they really interested in seeking the treasure? - at this point I would say no, not really....... Do you let them use the GPSr? -tried that, they chewed on it...... When they use the GPSr, what do you do? -I watch them slobber on it, and thank garmin for making waterproof gps units.... Do you allow your kids to have a personal account?Do your kids help plan geocaching trips? -no and no.... How old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache without supervision? -at least 28 years old, I think that is when I started to really know things.... Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching? -no, but the idea is interesting,,, want to start something? Good questions, thanks. Quote
+cachefamily Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 Wow...I better have good answers for this one considering my caching name. Do your kids really participate in the caching game? Yes, the 12, 11, 8, and 3 year old all do. Are they really interested in seeking the treasure? Yes...unless the terrain gets too difficult, muddy, etc. Do you let them use the GPSr? Yes, actually the 12 and 11 year old bought our first one with their own money. When they use the GPSr, what do you do? I follow and say, "How close are we?". Do you allow your kids to have a personal account? The two oldest...they mainly use it to log one of my hides that they find... or if they go without me (with another adult), otherwise we log it all under the "family" account. Do your kids help plan geocaching trips? I give them choices to pick from. How old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache without supervision? Older than 12...haven't decided yet. Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching? No, do you? -Steve Quote
+bthomas Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 They cached back when it was a one a day thing, and now on those rare days when it's only one a day... they're probably along too. Teens. Probably again, when we go mushrooming. Quote
+ChileHead Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 >Do your kids really participate in the caching game? Yes, both of them. I have a 7 year old daughter and a 4 year old son. My son is almost always ready to go. >Are they really interested in seeking the treasure? Yes. At first I was concerned they would want to go only to get the junk in the cache (and it usually is junk). But now they seem very interested in the hunt, as long as the hike isn't too far. Longest hike round trip we made on a cache was about 3 miles so far. >Do you let them use the GPSr? Yes. When my daughter goes, she holds the GPS 90% of the time. >When they use the GPSr, what do you do? I follow them. I'll look over their shoulders once in a while to make sure we're heading the general direction. Once we get closer, I sometimes take over for a little bit to make sure. The excitement watching the GPS comes at two points: when we go from fractions of miles to feet (< .1 mile), and when the unit beeps because we are < 100 feet away. >Do you allow your kids to have a personal account? Not at their ages now. >Do your kids help plan geocaching trips? I usually print off a stack of caches in an area I want to go, and let them pick from the list. >How old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache >without supervision? How old should kids be before they are allowed to do anything w/o supervision? This really is a non-cache related topic. I won't let my kids do anything by themselves until they are 21. And that's if they are good. Quote
the 5 little bears Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 Lots of cache logs contain photos of "caching kids." Do your kids really participate in the caching game? Are they really interested in seeking the treasure? Do you let them use the GPSr? When they use the GPSr, what do you do? Do you allow your kids to have a personal account? Do your kids help plan geocaching trips? How old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache without supervision? Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching? Just curious, sept1c. Yes we take our 5 yr old and our 2 yr old twins.The twins are not really into it but my oldest just loves it as long as we keep it to about 3 or 4 in a day.She has used the gpsr with my help and she has spotted more caches before me than I care to talk about. And she loves them mctoys and refrigerator magnets . Quote
+Johnnie Stalkers Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 (edited) Do your kids really participate in the caching game? Shifty is 4 and does participate. He wants to help, usually put him in charge of something. (this already cost me 1 compass ) Are they really interested in seeking the treasure? Yea, thats the fun for him I think. Longest so far was 2 miles round trip, he needed a little help to finish that one. Do you let them use the GPSr? Good god man, are you crazy? Ok, yea sometimes. When they use the GPSr, what do you do? Sweat, nag and basically be as overbearing and overprotective as possible.(Worried about my GPSr, of course) Do you allow your kids to have a personal account? And subject him to this crowd? Never. Ok, he is only 4. Do your kids help plan geocaching trips? Not really. How old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache without supervision? 37 Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching? I believe the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are becoming envolved. There are several caches in my area placed by troops. Edited December 20, 2003 by Johnnie Stalkers Quote
+ventura_kids Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 My kid is 12. He taught me how to work the Garmin and the Magellan gpsr's. He says if I continue paying him a dollar a cache, he may teach me how to find them soon. Quote
+Renegade Knight Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 (edited) Do your kids really participate in the caching game? Yes, they used to love to go. Now I drag them along but once we are going they still enjoy it. Are they really interested in seeking the treasure? Of course that's the best part. It's all the space around the final search that can cause a problem. Do you let them use the GPSr? I used to be with great reluctance. Then I dropped it off a truck while driving down the road. That improved my outlook quite a bit. Now I don't mind at all. When they use the GPSr, what do you do? Explain, again and again that they have to move for it to point the right direction. No really, you have to move, yes move. You stopped again so no you don't need to go backwards. Try moving. Quit spinning! Ok that's it just give me back the GPS! Do you allow your kids to have a personal account? Two of them do. But they quit logging. Now once in a blue moon they may want to list a cache. Do your kids help plan geocaching trips? They make sure we are stocked up with junk food. How old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache without supervision? When they are married, with children. Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching? Nope. Edited December 20, 2003 by Renegade Knight Quote
+Halden Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 Not yet (he is only 5 months) but I will be getting a hiking carrier so he can start coming out with me and hopefully as he gets older and more independent he can start racking up some finds. Quote
+pnew Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 I'm 20 (a kid still right?) and have a little brother who's 9 so he can be my child... anyway he doesn't particularly like going caching with me because he seems to find all the thorns and comes home like he was attacked by a pack of wolves. Kids these days... He'd much rather be out playing with his friends. Thats ok with me since he usually slows me down... Quote
+astheravenflies Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 (edited) My two boys (8 & 9) enjoy it once we're doing it. Sometimes a little cajoling is needed. My youngest is generally contrarian about any suggestion ("not geocaching, I hate geocaching"). Much more cajoling is needed with him. Once he's out he's fine. The older boy enjoys getting out and hiking and hanging with me. He also likes the gadgetry aspect of it. They each get a chance to run around with the GPSr. But after awhile, they're chasing each other around and forgetting about looking for a cache ("OK, I'll take it back now"). They like the finding part and I let them find the cache even if I see it first. When I'm out with the boys, we usually locate one cache, maybe two, and its usually in association with some other activity like a hike, road trip, or vacation. Anything more than that and they become distracted, want to do something else, or lose interest. I try to keep it fun and not a marathon. I try to work it in in with some other activity. As they get older and if they show more interest then we'll set up an account and maybe they'll get a hand me down GPSr. We'll stay at this pace for now, its working well. But really its dad's thing and geocaching is a way to hang out with dad and be together as a family. A little more than half of my caches were found by myself and usually at the end of a work day out of the office in the field somewhere or during an out of state business trip. My wife? When she's out with us she plays the part of the recess teacher and makes sure the two little boys and that bigger boy stay out of trouble. Edited December 20, 2003 by astheravenflies Quote
Tahosa and Sons Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 My kids do caches. We are a Clan. Quote
+Wander Lost Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 Lil'Lost One is 2 years old and when we ask who wants to go caching he jumps up and down and runs for his coat. Lost One is 6 1/2 and asked for his own GPSr for christmas last year. Sometimes we have to coax Lost One to go but once we get out of the car he's leading the way. Kids are often better finders than adults. I don't know why, maybe it is because they are closer to the ground. Quote
+GEO.JOE Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 Do your kids really participate in the caching game? My 8 year old nephew GEO.LOGO goes caching with me 50% of the time. I use the time as educational trips. Teaching him and my wife, Fairy Flirt, different aspects about nature i.e. Types of trees, poison ivy, mushrooms, ecosystems, beaver dams, conservation, wild live watching and tracking. He has taught me to not worry about the quantity of caches we get in a day and to stop and play on the rocks. Are they really interested in seeking the treasure? GEO.LOGO loves the hunt, many times the GPS was off as far as 80ft and he stuck with it until the cache was found, that is the hunt he talks about the most. He has his own trade items now and when we found an empty cache he was eager to put some swag in so The next cacher would have a nice find. GEO.LOGO is responsible for about 25% of our group finds. Do you let them use the GPSr? He is very interested in learning all the functions on the unit, Garmin RINO. He enters Waypoints, navigates while in the car 50% of the time, he carries the on RINO about 25% of the hunts. This is also a great learning opportunity. He does great 100+ feet out but then rushes up into the -30 range. He is learning distance and is fairly good at picking out features that are about 60 to 100ft away. When they use the GPSr, what do you do? It depends on the situation. GEO.LOGO’s 5th find was at night at a rest stop. He strapped on the head lamp and took off across a 75yrd field unassisted and located the cache within 5 minutes. While he is guiding us through a forest or down a trail I have to remind him to look up from the RINO watch out for limbs and pick a trail to follow, and I have to ask how far? The last cache we were on he crossed a small creek on a log while carrying the RINO, before I could say anything he said “Don’t worry I’ll be OK” he put the RINO in his pocket as he said “and the RINO will be OK too.” If I have already found the cache with out GEO.LOGO and Fairy Flirt I just stand back and watch them without giving any help unless asked. During the time we have been bushwhacking I use the time he is leading to teach him to watch for landmarks, i.e. bent trees, stumps, large or unusual rocks to assist on the return trip. In case the GPS stops working. Do you allow your kids to have a personal account? GEO.LOGO began his own personal account but has not maintained it. He wanted me to enter all of his logs because he takes too long to type, and he only gets x number of hours per week on the internet and playing Nintendo and Nintendo won out. This was a poor decision on my part, you will need to evaluate each childes interest and ability to log their finds before letting them open an account. Do your kids help plan geocaching trips? GEO.LOGO searches caches in the area on his own and asks me advice on which areas will be more fun, i.e. have rocks to climb etc. We typically plan our trip as a team, on days it looks like it will rain or it is cold we do caches that are close to the car. Nice sunny days we hit the caches with a little further hike. We are saving several caches that GEO.LOGO’s mother and baby brother can participate in with a stroller. GEO.LOGO may take his family on some with out ME and Fairy Flirt when the weather warms up. How old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache without supervision? That depends on the kids. I can foresee that when I hide a few caches in our local park and state parks we visit and camp at. GEO.LOGO will probably be taking the kids in the group to the caches in these parks by May, because they will be within an area he is familiar with and is already allowed to go without supervision. I don’t know when he will be branching off in unfamiliar areas without an adult, maybe 13??? If I get him his own RINO I will be able to track his location with my RINO and it may be earlier than 13. This mainly depends on what he learns by what age. I was hunting unsupervised by age 13, riding my bike 5-10 miles away from my home to go fishing by age12 and exploring woods within a 3 square mile area by age 10-11. However, I have known some 15 year olds that were not qualified to go10 miles from their home without supervision. Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching? not yet. Happy caching. GEO.JOE Quote
cutsandbruises Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching? Where I live the Park District, which is for both kids and adults, teaches class on geocaching. The Park District has even placed and maintained several caches in the parks. I learned about geocaching from one of those instructors who happens to have another job and was just talking about his hobby at my place of buisness. I have taken my youngest daughter with me on all my cache finds and she is the eagle eye of our duo. I man the GPS and she finds the stash. She gets the small trinket to take home and I get the excercise and enjoyment of seeing new areas. Quote
maintenanceguy Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 I'm prtty new to this. my brother took me out a couple of times and I decided to take my wife and daughter out. My wife likes the walk in the woods, my 4 yr old daughter doesn't really understand what the GPS has to do with it but keeps saying "I bet it's over there" at random places as we walk throught the woods. After I find it, I take her to the spot and let her think she found it. She loves to trade trinkets. She draws treasure maps now. You know: just dashed lines all over a piece of paper ending with an X and brings one along to find the treasure. I probably enjoy her having fun more than I enjoy the hunt myself. Quote
+Johnnie Stalkers Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 She draws treasure maps now. You know: just dashed lines all over a piece of paper ending with an X and brings one along to find the treasure. Shifty does that too, he is also 4. I'll bet he went through a ream of paper the first month. I think there is a definate connection for him with Dora the Explorer. I could think of worse things to grab a kids imagination. Quote
+Melrose Plant Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 Do your kids really participate in the caching game?Are they really interested in seeking the treasure? Do you let them use the GPSr? When they use the GPSr, what do you do? Do you allow your kids to have a personal account? Do your kids help plan geocaching trips? How old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache without supervision? Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching? Max is only 4, but he is very interested in seeking the treasure. He really has a problem with the leaving something part, though. He doesn't want to leave any of his toys, no matter how small or insignificant. I find this a little disturbing, but he's only 4, right? Max likes to use the GPS (the "treasure finding machine"). He knows that you are supposed to follow the arrow, and he can read the numbers, but he really has no concept of what the numbers mean. As a result, I don't generally let him have the unit on foot. I let him have it in the car, so he can tell me which way to turn without my being distracted by the unit itself. ("Which way does the arrow say to turn?" "Well, Daddy, it says to turn THAT way." "I can't see you, you have to say left, right or straight." "OK, you don't want to turn NO way." "Go straight, then?" "Uh-huh." He's only steered us wrong once. No, he doesn't have his own account, he's still signing his name XAM. Usually, I pull up the list of caches near here, and I tell him the names, and he picks what he wants to go look for. "Filthy McNasty's Cache" seemed to be a popular one. I think he should be at least 30 before going out unsupervised. I was a Boy Scout, and was a TERRIBLE orienteerer. I'm thinking they must be incorporating the GPSr into the program now. We'll see. Quote
+Team GPSaxophone Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 Lots of cache logs contain photos of "caching kids." Do your kids really participate in the caching game? Yes, they usually find them before usAre they really interested in seeking the treasure?Most definitelyDo you let them use the GPSr?No, well once or twiceWhen they use the GPSr, what do you do?Try and catch it before it hits the groundDo you allow your kids to have a personal account?No, all finds are logged under our team nameDo your kids help plan geocaching trips?No, they're too youngHow old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache without supervision?Older than they are now Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching?The forums here Just curious, sept1c. Curiosity killed the cat Quote
gm100guy Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 my cache page Look at the above link and you can see how my whole family caches and how they have enjoyed it. I think using a travel bug that your kids pick out and letting them pick the goals is a good way to get them involed. Less work for them but they can enjoy following there bug on its trip. Quote
+GeoPink Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 Do your kids really participate in the caching game? The older ones. Sara(9) and Audrey(6) go with me more often than Elizabeth(3) and Cassandra(8mos) Are they really interested in seeking the treasure? If its easy enough to find. After searching for about 15 mintues Audrey will start wandering although Sara willl stick with it. They want to find it because if they make the find then they can pick out the trade item! Do you let them use the GPSr? Not too often with what we're using now (a Palm m515 w/ GPS Companion). When we get our Meridian then I will be more comfortable letting them carry it! When they use the GPSr, what do you do? pray Do you allow your kids to have a personal account? Not yet. When they are old enough and care enough to maintain it themselves and log their own finds then they can have one. Do your kids help plan geocaching trips? Not really. I usually pick any area to travel too that has enough caches to make a day of it and then I ask who want to come along! We've done most of the caches within 25 miles of our house so now we have to plan a bit more! How old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache without supervision? Depends on the child. However since all of the nearby caches need to be driven to I would think they's have to have their liscense(sp?) to go. Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching? Only this one here. I do have to tell one story about caching with my kids. I took Audrey(5) along with me to find an easier 2/2. I searched and searched for 1/2 hour before looking at the clue. It wasn't all that helpful and I ended up searching for another 45 minutes before finally finding it. This whole time Audrey was "searching" too. After I logged it we went home. When we got home she said something to mom about finding the "treasure" first. I said "what do you mean, I found it." She then told me that no, she found it but she couldn't get the piece of bark out of the way to get to the cache so she didn't say anything! I remembered seeing her walk right up to that tree when we first got to the area! Yes, kids are great cachers for some unknown reason, but make sure they tell you if they find it or you'll end up spending at least an hour more at the cache than you have too! Quote
+Goucher Posted December 21, 2003 Posted December 21, 2003 I take my 5 year old girl with me about 1/2 of the time and my 2 year old boy sometimes. She likes looking at the toys and always appreciates the McToys that we find. She would never suggest that we go, but she loves the parks that we find. She also will sign the log books. Quote
+team walkingsticks Posted December 21, 2003 Posted December 21, 2003 Lots of cache logs contain photos of "caching kids." Do your kids really participate in the caching game? Are they really interested in seeking the treasure? Do you let them use the GPSr? When they use the GPSr, what do you do? Do you allow your kids to have a personal account? Do your kids help plan geocaching trips? How old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache without supervision? Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching? Just curious, sept1c. Do your kids really participate in the caching game? I started out with my 8 year old son...added my five year old daughter, added my wife and 7 month old daughter, my wife and five month faided away as did my five year old daughter. My son hung on until there was snow and now it is just me! Are they really interested in seeking the treasure? My son definately is..but his first love is climbing big hills and hiking through tuff stuff. Do you let them use the GPSr? Sometimes, when he asks...it takes longer this way though. When they use the GPSr, what do you do? Follow close behind and keep reminding him not to stop. Do you allow your kids to have a personal account? No, if he wanted one he could have one. He doesn't have an interest in this part. Do your kids help plan geocaching trips? No. I do all of the planning at this point. He does get excited about the adventure while planning. How old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache without supervision? 16 or so. A few of my students that I teach have gone out successfully and they are 17-18 range. Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching? No but that is a cool idea. Just previewed my post...I obviously don't get the whole quoting thing yet...I'll learn! Quote
Broncoholics Posted December 21, 2003 Posted December 21, 2003 Three out of the four kids need a little bribery to go on a cache hunt. My youngest (Casey) though, is always ready for a cache hunt. Quote
+Brian - Team A.I. Posted December 21, 2003 Posted December 21, 2003 I'm only going to answer the one question relevant to my situation. My kids DO go caching with me on occasion, and yes they do cache. I get to the general area and they help me look. My 3 year-old isn't quite at the point that I'm going to trust her with a $350 GPS unit, nor can she understand what it is she's looking at. My 8 year-old doesn't quite understand the lat/long concept, but can certainly figure out where to look for the cache while looking at the compass navigation screen but doesn't have the map navigation skills to read the other screen very well. To really enjoy the experience, I'll 'find' the cache and have my daughter search the general area and stand back to watch as she makes the find. Her reaction is priceless and I wouldn't trade it for anything. My son on the other hand, plays the macho role and tells me "I knew it would be right here." Both of them love to trade items and scour their rooms in search of small trinkets to take along, and have contributed items to my cache placements so they have at least some kind of role in the cache, since the concept behind some of them is a bit complex. Quote
+sept1c_tank Posted December 21, 2003 Author Posted December 21, 2003 I find it ironic that several have mentioned they need to keep telling their kids to keep moving to make the GPSr to work. Most of the time I picture kids as never stopping. cutsandbruises said: Where I live the Park District, which is for both kids and adults, teaches class on geocaching. The Park District has even placed and maintained several caches in the parks. I learned about geocaching from one of those instructors... Several have indicated an interest in organizations for geocaching kids. I'd like to here more, cutsandbruises, about that program. Quote
+sept1c_tank Posted December 22, 2003 Author Posted December 22, 2003 Maybe there is a place for an organization for kids. I have had correspondence with the librarian of a public library who would like to hold a seminar for teens, teaching them geocaching. 4agers said in the "Newcomers" thread: ...It is also interesting that my daughters class is following the progress of her travel bug and discusses the places it goes from time to time... Does anyone else have stories to relate about their kids geocaching? Or about structures such as the Boy Scouts, libraries or schools that are geocaching-kid-friendly? Quote
+rusty_tlc Posted December 22, 2003 Posted December 22, 2003 Does anyone else have stories to relate about their kids geocaching? I introduced my sister and brother in-law to caching. My kid is 19 and living on his own but they have two great kids. The littlest is 4 and she is a cutie. Anyway on long hikes she gets pooped and her dad and I share carrying her on our shoulders. This summer it was broiling hot hiking up to a cache so I just took her water bottle top away, kind of a personel water mister system. I don't know how into the whole cache thing they are but is sure helps to motivate them up the hill knowing there is something at the end of the walk. Kind of off topic but does anybody eles have a dog that starts doing the happy dance when it sees the GPS come out? Quote
cutsandbruises Posted December 22, 2003 Posted December 22, 2003 I find it ironic that several have mentioned they need to keep telling their kids to keep moving to make the GPSr to work.Most of the time I picture kids as never stopping. cutsandbruises said: Where I live the Park District, which is for both kids and adults, teaches class on geocaching. The Park District has even placed and maintained several caches in the parks. I learned about geocaching from one of those instructors... Several have indicated an interest in organizations for geocaching kids. I'd like to here more, cutsandbruises, about that program. Here are a few links : http://www.crystallakeparks.org/geocaching...adventures.html http://www.crystallakeparks.org/ Quote
geoladybug Posted December 22, 2003 Posted December 22, 2003 Im a kid (13years old), I have been caching for about a year and recently my dad(bikenxs) got a new gps so he gave me his old one so I have my own. I also have my own account but i only have a few logs on that name because I found a lot with bikenxs. Sometimes I even think that if I had a car i would have found many more! That time will come I guess. Quote
+ICQ Cache Crew Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 Lots of cache logs contain photos of "caching kids." Do your kids really participate in the caching game? Yes, our children actively participate in geocaches Are they really interested in seeking the treasure? They are interested in both seeking the treasure and the hunt. Do you let them use the GPSr? We currently only have one GPS and we all switch using the GPS with each hunt. When they use the GPSr, what do you do? Make sure they aren't leading us in circles LOL Just check on them every once in a while and ask how much further it is. Do you allow your kids to have a personal account? Our children don't have personal accts. I don't figure there is a need to take up extra server space when we do this is a family. Do your kids help plan geocaching trips? Nope, We pretty much choose and area that we are going to hunt caches in and then go from there. How old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache without supervision? I believe a child needs to be at least 16+ before they go venturing out hunting caches without supervision. Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching? Do not currently know of any organizations for kids and caching. Althought that is a wonderful idea. Quote
Xetta Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 My kids love to cache. Even though we don't get out and do enough, when we tell them that we are planning a trip out, they go nuts. They tear through the house looking for things to put in a cache. Sometimes, we make a day of it and pack up a picnic lunch and cooler. Othertimes, it is just out for one cache. It never fails, they are always up for the challenge. I am really proud of my oldest daughter. She has stocked, placed and logged her very own cache at the age of 10. She was working on a badge for Girl Scouts about learning an outdoor hobby. Before, she would just go out and look for the cache when we would get close to it and then rummage through it for goodies. This time, she created the cache, took it out into the woods, placed it and covered it. She took three readings and averaged them out and then helped log it. Of course she had supervision, but mainly, she did the work involved. We placed the cache in the afternoon and by late that evening, we received an email stating that someone had found her cache that same day in the dark. I would have to say that she is definitely hooked on the sport, but it may be a few years before she gets her own GPS. Quote
Guidor Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 While caching in tasmania I met up with a family who I stayed with for a week or so. We spent a good day caching in Hobart and after instruction the geokidz programmed the lat/longs and used the compas to locate 4 caches while in contact with the 4x4 via UHF. At the end of the day they knew how to effectively use all the tools of the geocaching trade, Not bad for 10 year olds. My friends daughter also enjoyes a good cacheing as well. Far better than watching tv. Quote
+Skully & Mulder et al. Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 The 1st year (2001) they were not too interested in finding the prize ... they would just wander around the cache site. Our second year (2002) I decided to turn the hunt into a little competition amongnst my three kids with the finder getting first choice of the trade items . I also kept a tally of the # of finds each of us had. That helped for the rest of the year but did not carry over to the following year. This year (2003) I'm basically back to square 1 . Quote
+Touchstone Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 Jr. T's (4) been out on about half the hunts. In general, he enjoys the hunt, but mostly like hanging with Dad and Mom. It get's more interesting when we get down to the last 100 ft or so, then he'll race ahead and start looking at the likely spots. He really appreciates a good hide. One time I got frustrated poking around in bushes, I broken open the hint, and Presto! Jr. T was sitting on the cache (he didn't know it). He still loves to tell that story. Jr. T likes to share his stories of caching with his pre-school buddies. I get lots of questions from the other kids about, "who in the world would leave toys in a box out in the woods?". Quote
+bigredmed Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 Lots of cache logs contain photos of "caching kids." Do your kids really participate in the caching game? Are they really interested in seeking the treasure? Do you let them use the GPSr? When they use the GPSr, what do you do? Do you allow your kids to have a personal account? Do your kids help plan geocaching trips? How old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache without supervision? Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching? Just curious, sept1c. My 7 year old niece GeoK8 does cache with me, I let her use my old Magellan 310. She appears to be learning it, rather than doing it, but she is getting the hang of the game. I would suspect that most of the kids are just along for the fun of it. Quote
BassoonPilot Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 (edited) Do your kids really participate in the caching game? Yes. That is, yes, for as long as caching remained one of her interests. She found a little over 100 caches before "taking a hiatus." Are they really interested in seeking the treasure? No. Hiking to the site and seeking the cache; trading was not a priority. Do you let them use the GPSr? Yes. She used my older Magellan after I purchased a new Garmin. When they use the GPSr, what do you do? I would offer helpful advice when we came upon a fork in the trail. ("Take it." [thanks, Yogi.] ) Do you allow your kids to have a personal account? Yes. Do your kids help plan geocaching trips? Sometimes. How old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache without supervision? Teens, and only if in a group of responsible/reliable kids, and only to an area I knew very well. And only if they had their cellphones and FRS radios and only if I were sitting in the car in the parking lot nearby. With my cellphone and FRS radio. (Does that qualify as "without supervision?") But I wouldn't be toooo overprotective. Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching? No. You didn't ask, but my daughter also created her own (virtual) cache when she was 11. She took it more seriously and did a better job than most adults, myself included, do. Edited December 30, 2003 by BassoonPilot Quote
+Sir Cache-A-Lot Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 My kids really seem to enjoy caching. Mostly we plan our hunts to be a family event, if they are willing to go I will take them rather than go by myself. 1. My son locates most of the caches so yes they do participate. 2. They both like checking out the contents of the cache and can usually find something they want to trade for. 3. On our last hunt I gave the GPS to my son (10 years old in Jan) to navigate. He took us to within 50 feet of the cache then he went off the trail to the most obvious hiding spot, but found it in the 2nd most obvious spot. 4. If he has the GPS I will take pictures and just tag along, hoping we are going the right way. 5. We log our finds as a family. 6. They really don't help plan the trips unless I give them choices of caches to hunt. 7. How old? I'm not really there yet... I guess it would depend on the kid. 8. Organizations? No I don't know of any... Quote
dead_white_man Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 I often take small groups of boys caching. (I am a Royal Ranger Outpost Commander) I use it as a ready made lesson for orienteering. However, in order to make it more educational I have them use topo maps and magnetic compasses. This requires them to calculate their asmuth direction from an obvious terrain feature. I will somtimes have some of the older boys use the GPS. My boys learn much from this and usually rank high in the state-wide orienteering contests. The ironic part is that they are almost always more accurate than the GPS. This is because the rugged, identifiable terrain features, and thick forrests that are common in our area are also the very things that cause problems with GPS. Quote
+Cache Viking Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 Do your kids really participate in the caching game? Yes. They are 5 & 8 Are they really interested in seeking the treasure? Yes to them that is all it is about right now. The 8 year old like caches with unique containers. Do you let them use the GPSr? 8 year old yes. 5 does not quite get it yet. When they use the GPSr, what do you do? I follow and answer his questions. Do you allow your kids to have a personal account? NO Do your kids help plan geocaching trips? My 8 year old again like unique containers and like to watch as I check out the vaious cache pages. How old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache without supervision? At least 13 but we will determine that when we get there. Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching? None. But his scout group seems to be a possiblity. Quote
+TeamK-9 Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 Do your kids really participate in the caching game? I am the kid and not only that it's my parents who I take along who just sort of sit around and try to help. Are they really interested in seeking the treasure? Yeah, I am. Do you let them use the GPSr? It's my GPSr for pete's sake. When they use the GPSr, what do you do? same as above Do you allow your kids to have a personal account? I might eventually let my dad have his own account, but for now, I like having a team account that I control. Do your kids help plan geocaching trips? Yes, I AM the PLANNER of ALL geocaching trips. How old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache without supervision? I don't really mind my parents being there, because they're the ones actually driving me there. Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching? Well, no, but I'm working with a few people trying to maybe make a website for one... Like I said, not only do the kids in my family cache, I AM the kid in my family, and it's me who does the caching, my parents usually just try to help me find it or hold the dog while I'm crawling around. Quote
+TeamK-9 Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 But seriously, the only reason my parents really seem to be involved is so that me and my dog get a ride to the parks... Quote
+Captain Morgan Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 Do your kids really participate in the caching game? Yes they do. Younger son is now 4 and older is 7, and they both like geocaching. They have even made one of our caches, I only helped a little in some parts, like getting the coordinates and submitting the cache page. For them the game is treasure hunting and hiding and content of the cache is the most important part of the game. Are they really interested in seeking the treasure? Like I told above... Do you let them use the GPSr? My older son has used my GPSr several times while seeking the cache container. When they use the GPSr, what do you do? Sometimes I seek the cache, sometimes I just watch while my kids search it. Do you allow your kids to have a personal account? Not yet, but on that day when they want, I probably will. Do your kids help plan geocaching trips? Not much, it's mainly my job to decide what caches we search. At least still, but I guess after few years we will decide it together. How old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache without supervision? Huh, I don't know - perhaps teenagers? Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching? No I don't, but I will present geocaching to Finnish Scouts during 2004. Quote
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