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How Many Tbs Have You Found


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Posted (edited)

I know there are people who like to see stats and those who don't like stats. I hope this doesn't turn into another thread on that subject.


For those who do like them. How many travel bugs have you found?


I have a webpage Bug Collectors Page where I keep track of whom I believe are the top bug collectors out there.


But my top 10 list has come from word of month and from some previous discussion here about who had the most TBs found. So my question to all the cachers out there who watch the Travel Bug forums: Do you know of any other cachers with over 400 bugs found who aren't on the list?

Edited by JeeperDad

Only twenty for me too. When I began geocaching I was way more enthusiastic to get my hands on the TBs nearby, and I could go fetch them in caches I already had found.


Nowadays, after I've found 'enough' of them, I tend to consider them as obligation (like someone else put it), and I might take them with me if I happen to meet one in a cache I just found. I hardly ever any more go fetch TBs in caches already found. If the TB or its task is interesting, I still just might do that too anyway.


Only 24 for me... I tend to agree with the others so far. I hunt caches not bugs, if I find one in a new cache I may or may not take it, kinda depends on the bug. I have never returned to an already found cache with the purpose of grabbing a bug.


I have about 108 TB's that I have found, 32 that I have created :D , (Got a lot of TB tags for Christmas one year), and 4 USA GeoCoins. Since I have been traveling with my company, I usually like to move bugs around quite a bit. I have actually taken some of them to their goals :lol: .


Nowhere near a hundred here. I've found 24, own 28, but about 6 of those are still generic. I'm hoping once the construction zone near my one cache clears up, I'll be able to drop some of those generic ones there for others to pick up.


I usually hunt bugs in April and May and June right before I go on vacation so I can give them a boost out of the area. It seems like some bugs end up going around in circles, so I like to move them out of the area so they can go in circles in another area for a time. Summer is also my busy caching time, so I don't feel so guilty about having multiple bugs because I know they're going to be placed soon. I haven't found a cache in almost two months now, so I'd be feeling guilty if I had a bug in my hands right now. But I've also noticed that when I had a bug, it would compell me to go out and cache.


Hmmm. Maybe I need to get out and find some more bugs, which will cause me to go out and cache some more. :D


Sounds like a plan to me. :lol:


Wow! A thread in this forum with no whining. Those are few and far between.


I have logged 148 tb's since March. I also helped Tilly & Toby win the Travel Bug Cannonball Run. 1,600+ miles and 5 states on the final relay. (Poetic justice that two tortoise tb's won that great race.)


I also own 108 tb dog tags. Of the 108, only 44 pages have been activated and most are unfinished. Only 2 of the 44 are active. One of the 2, Snoogatola, made it halfway up the tb top ten before that stat rightly bit the dust. (At least I can't find it anymore.) The other active bug has been in a cacher's hands for over 6 months now. I could care less. I don't have unrealistic expectations for my Travel Bug Army. I'm certainly not going to invest any emotions in a "thing."


Sn :mad::D gans

I also own 108 tb dog tags. Of the 108, only 44 pages have been activated and most are unfinished. Only 2 of the 44 are active. One of the 2, Snoogatola, made it halfway up the tb top ten before that stat rightly bit the dust. (At least I can't find it anymore.) The other active bug has been in a cacher's hands for over 6 months now. I could care less. I don't have unrealistic expectations for my Travel Bug Army. I'm certainly not going to invest any emotions in a "thing."


Sn :mad::D gans



Wow! I thought my 28 was a lot. Why so few out there? I should talk, having 6 of my 28 still generic bugs, just taking up space in my drawer here. My reason is I want to have a cool travel bug, not just some ordinary run-of-the-mill McToy. I have a Habitat for Humanity travel bug set up, but I can't think of a good goal for it.


My Donate Blood Please has a good cause and hopefully will encourage people to donate blood when they find it. What do you think? Do you think encouraging a donation to Habitat for Humanity is a little over the top or would that be an ok goal, for the bug - to encourage donations for Habitat for Humanity, while touring the world.

I also own 108 tb dog tags. Of the 108, only 44 pages have been activated and most are unfinished. Only 2 of the 44 are active. One of the 2, Snoogatola, made it halfway up the tb top ten before that stat rightly bit the dust. (At least I can't find it anymore.) The other active bug has been in a cacher's hands for over 6 months now. I could care less. I don't have unrealistic expectations for my Travel Bug Army. I'm certainly not going to invest any emotions in a "thing."


Sn :mad:  :D gans



Wow! I thought my 28 was a lot. Why so few out there? I should talk, having 6 of my 28 still generic bugs, just taking up space in my drawer here. My reason is I want to have a cool travel bug, not just some ordinary run-of-the-mill McToy. I have a Habitat for Humanity travel bug set up, but I can't think of a good goal for it.


My Donate Blood Please has a good cause and hopefully will encourage people to donate blood when they find it. What do you think? Do you think encouraging a donation to Habitat for Humanity is a little over the top or would that be an ok goal, for the bug - to encourage donations for Habitat for Humanity, while touring the world.

Yep 108. It was a bit of Noob enthusiasm and I'll leave it at that. I'm not sorry that I have them though.


I still plan to release them all, but I have cooled on tb's just a bit. I'm planning a website to track them along with several thousand indy tb's as well. I'm in no hurry. I have lots of work to do and very little spare time.


I plan to post a long thread about the 148 bugs (plus any between now and then) and my observations. I have noticed some interesting things/trends that I have never seen anyone talk about objectively, or at all. I will try to do that when I have about a day to kill writing it up. (Let's just say that I can understand why some people won't touch 'em and some, like me, go outta their way to get 'em.) As I stated earlier, I have had some great successes and a few embarrassing failures too. It will all be in there when I have time.


I still think tb's are way cool, but I think some people are unrealistic in their expectations about their own bugs. Some of my bugs will be worth over $25 when you factor in the cost of the tag. When they disappear (WHEN not if) I won't shed a tear or post a complaint thread.


Webby, your bugs are very interesting. I like the fact that you championed some good causes. Mine are more to cultivate the unique weirdness of the Snooganesque and to go places that I have always wanted to go. There will be a lengthy list of team goals.


The best part of grabbing a tb is completing a goal for it. I have done that many times. I want to be sure that my team goals are broad enough that almost anyone who grabs one of my tb's has a chance to complete a goal for it IF THEY WANT TO.


It will all take some time, but stay tuned. It will be interesting to tb fans.


Sn :D:D gans

Posted (edited)

Gee I just found my first after 78 other types of finds, So what if I drove 15 miles through blinding snow to do it. I guess after awhile I might not like them as much as other finds but until then I think I'll sleep with it tonight, even if it has traveled 3500 miles, and has been in a dozen caches, and through God knows how many hands. Just had to log my first find of a TB!

Edited by crispete

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