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Some History For Y'all


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Do you think Dave had any idea how big this was going to get?

When I had lunch with him on the day I put the Tribute Plaque in place, he said he had NO IDEA that it was going to take off like it did, in fact, he was outright shocked at the explosive growth. He also said he liked the fact that the sport of geocaching will go on, even outliving him and continuing to grow. He is a very nice guy to meet, with interesting ideas. He really is an original. Dave, wherever you are, hope you read this and are doing well. :lol:

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:lol: I guess it'll just have to stay that way. Oh well. I am remembering the name right though, right?



Yeah. The context was lost in my quote. Team 360 had a post that was removed with a picture of Preparation H. As I wrote in the other post, I'll see if we have a backup copy of the original forums. However, some items are better not dug up, IMO. I always wondered where that post went.

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Interesting. Kind of reminds me of a computer show I went to in Atlantic City in 1977. Some guy named Gates was trying to hawk a buggy Basic interpreter for Altairs, and two other characters named Jobs and Wozniak were marketing an SBC called the Apple 1. All of which was just background noise at the time.


So how did Groundspeak rise from obscurity to world domination, Daddy?

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Anyone remember the S-100 bus (Altair did use it)?


Geocaching growth is tied to the growth of the micro-computer industry as the exploration of the New World is tied to the improvement of the compass and chronometer.


The more good compasses and accurate timepieces we have, the farther we can go, and still know where we are.


It's a very ancient aspect of humankind. In my genes is encoded the "searcher gene". I don't necessarily know where I'm going, but I know I want to get there. Therefore I SEARCH.


Computers help us... timepieces help us... MAPS help us.


Which brings me back to the original thing I was talking about... we have a GPSr... it's got a great timepiece and sometimes a compass. We need to know WHERE WE ARE.


Now that we have "found" most of the BIG areas on the Earth we have to start looking for the SMALL areas.


I Hope this makes sense.


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Anyone remember the S-100 bus (Altair did use it)?

Remember it? My first computer was a home-brew S-100 bus Z80 system that ran CP/M. It had a whopping 48K of RAM. I can still remember wire-wrapping the CPU and video cards, and typing in all the bootstrap code into the PROM burner. :huh:




Geo 99H

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Anyone remember the S-100 bus (Altair did use it)?

Remember it? My first computer was a home-brew S-100 bus Z80 system that ran CP/M. It had a whopping 48K of RAM. I can still remember wire-wrapping the CPU and video cards, and typing in all the bootstrap code into the PROM burner. :huh:




Geo 99H

Whoa! And I thought knowing Fortran and NOS made me a dinosaur. Remember the "portable" CPM machines with the 4" CRT?

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Dave actually posted here a few months ago after a loooooong period of silence


He did indeed - particularly in this thread regarding the tribute plaque at the original site. Somewhere near the fourth page of the thread, he mentions needing help with posting some video he made when he put the first cache together. That conversation is carried on through the remainder of the above thread, and this thread on the Portland Forum (Portland - like Mecca only different!).


He seems like a great guy in and through the correspondece we had over the video he made.


Anyway, if you want to see that video, along with video of the plaque dedication, you can do that here.

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Now CP/M... There was an operating system...! They lost the battle to Bill what's-his-name. I STILL revert to the C prompt when I want to get some real work done! It is comforting to see some of the geocaching software that still offers a *command line interface* and I still take pride in remembering how it works.


As the early days of Geocachig involved alot of leg work, so did computers. Don't make me talk about UNIX or VAX-speak or that language that used terms like ROT DROP ROLL...


I'm thinking Dave Ulmer is one of those people that would use the most appropriate tool at hand to get the job done... after all, he came up with the idea and we should appreciate what he did.


Oh, by the way.... I'm a Dave too.


(Hee hee...

These are the Daves I know

I Know

These are the Daves I Know)


Dave W.

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