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Geocaching Lovers Need Help!!!


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Yay! My name is Catherine and my fiance Brian is sitting here beside me reading all your fun postings. We're the "Geocahing for Love" couple. We just got a phone call from a friend letting us know about this thread. I am so excited that you all are getting to share in our fun story. We can't believe all the responses. You have been working hard to get us in the lead! We're impressed. This is fun! We hadn't checked the contest site in awhile and we were surprised to find out all this was going on.


We promise that when we get moved to the San Francisco Bay area, we'll plant a real cache at the proposal site for you all to visit. So watch for new caches in the area come summer 2004. Thanks SO much for all your votes...keep them coming! You guys are great. We just voted from another computer, so we're ahead 240 to 223. :D




Brian and Catherine

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I have 10 computers at my office.  I have to remember to vote on them.

I wished it worked that way! :D I have voted at home and now work. But when I go to one of the other computers in the office, IT WOULD NOT let me vote again. It must recognize the ISP and allow only one per. RATS, and there were at least 30 or so I could have hit.


latest voting

Geocaching for Love 48.3% (256 Votes)

Finally 47.2% (250 Votes)



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6. Finally 48% (268 Votes)

4. Geocaching for Love 46.9% (262 Votes)

2. Extra Extra 2.5% (14 Votes)

1. Truly Blessed 1.6% (9 Votes)

3. The Last Straw 0.5% (3 Votes)

5. Fairy Tale A Love Story 0.3% (2 Votes)


The geocaching for love story is behind by six votes. Anyone know when the deadline is?

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I have 10 computers at my office.  I have to remember to vote on them.

I wished it worked that way! :D I have voted at home and now work. But when I go to one of the other computers in the office, IT WOULD NOT let me vote again.

Your office more than likely uses a proxy server which means that every time you request a webpage, you ask another computer to get it for you. This way they can control what pages you go to and what content is brought back (no nudies at work, stuff like that).

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I have 10 computers at my office.  I have to remember to vote on them.

I wished it worked that way! :D I have voted at home and now work. But when I go to one of the other computers in the office, IT WOULD NOT let me vote again.

Your office more than likely uses a proxy server which means that every time you request a webpage, you ask another computer to get it for you. This way they can control what pages you go to and what content is brought back (no nudies at work, stuff like that).

Each of my computers has it's own IP address.

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We have not yet begun to fight!


I was reviewing the competition for last quarter. Check out these numbers!!


Quarter of: Quarter 3 Proposal Stories 2003

7. The Lighthouse Proposal 60.7% - (510 Votes)

4. Cracker Jacks 37.3% - (314 Votes)

1. The Scrap Book 1.1% - (10 Votes)

3. The Note 0.3% - (3 Votes)

8. From the Mouths of Babes 0.2% - (2 Votes)

2. Playing Catch 0.1% - (1 Votes)

9. Treasure Hunt for Love 0% - (0 Votes)

5. The Dive 0% - (0 Votes)

6. The Hundred Dollar Difference 0% - (0 Votes)


Total Votes: 840


Lets turn up the volume and get to the 500 vote mark!! If we can find a little metal plate covered by 50 years of dirt on top of some forgotten hill I am sure we can find another 250 votes! :D

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Dang this is still a close race... :)


Finally 47.7% (284 Votes)

Geocaching for Love 47.2% (281 Votes)

Extra Extra 2.5% (15 Votes)

Truly Blessed 1.6% (10 Votes)

The Last Straw 0.5% (3 Votes)

Fairy Tale A Love Story 0.3% (2 Votes)


Total Votes: 595


But we are still behind... :D


BTW: I voted too.

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