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Geocaching Lovers Need Help!!!


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I'm forwarding an email from a friend of mine - Her son and future daughter in law are in the contest and could win up to $2500 ring if they win.


Please follow the instructions below and vote for the Geocoaching proposal story


----- Forwarded by Diane S Vaughan/CA/KAIPERM on 12/08/2003 06:54 PM -----

"Diane Mertens" <diane035@qwest.net>

12/04/2003 07:59 AM


To: -- Deleted--


FW: Vote for the best proposal story


Brians fiancee entered their engagement story and it was selected as 1 of 6 to win a prize. If you go to this web site and vote for the Geocaching for love story they could go on to the yearly prize. As its a cute story here is hoping that you will vote for it.



Geocaching Love Story

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When you say "lovers," are you referring to their love of geocaching... or their intimate bedroom activities. I need to know what "lovers" is modifying.


If its the former, awwwwww, isn't that sweet.


If its the latter, take your R rated plea for gratuitious votes elsewhere!


(Yes, I'm kidding. I went and voted)

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  4. Geocaching for Love  53.2% (83 Votes)

6. Finally  41.6% (65 Votes)

2. Extra Extra  3.2% (5 Votes)

1. Truly Blessed  1.2% (2 Votes)

5. Fairy Tale A Love Story  0.6% (1 Votes)

3. The Last Straw  0% (0 Votes)

It's still close. I was tempted to vote for the couple with a strange love of farm animals, but I'm faithful.


If they win the wedding has to be a cache event. If not I'm going to vote for the animal lovers. :huh:

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I voted for "The Last Straw". Not to spite the Geocaching story...it's a nice story, but I didn't want the story (that didn't even have the owner's vote for their own story) to go completely 0 for 0.


It's not a great story but it worked for them I guess, so I gave it a last place tie, rather than a complete loss.


If some insane twist has Geocaching losing late in the month, I have a dozen other IPs I can vote from, so untwist your panties.

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My life long career is computers and I am well versed in web infrastructures. That said, I tested the diamond web site to see how they were tracking votes. It is done by IP address. Or to put it another way, if your a dial up user then every time you "dial up" you get a NEW IP ADDRESS. I suspect that somebodies were very busy with their modems last night.


BUT, we are Geocachers! We NEVER touch the HINTs decrypt button and we would never vote twice. :mad:


That said, COME ON HOLD OUTS -- Here is the website address again:




Geocaching Love Story at Diamond Store Site


From the drop down menu select "VOTE" and then vote for "Geocaching for Love"

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My life long career is computers and I am well versed in web infrastructures.  That said, I tested the diamond web site to see how they were tracking votes.  It is done by IP address.

Me too. I figured that out shortly after I wrote the message to see how someone would spoof their cgi script. So, every computer...er, person... in my lab just voted (holding true to my word that I would use my other IP addys to help out the cause for having voted for Last Straw with my first vote).


Here's an easier webpage you can go to and just vote for the one with Geocaching in the name:




No extra clicking around. And if you have access to multiple computers, you can vote multiple times. If you know how to force your ISP to DHCP you another IP address, then you can do that too.


I also think the IP limit is per diem (once per day)...so you can vote again tomorrow from the same machines, I think...


EDIT: URL correction

Edited by ju66l3r
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Thanks for the additional research. Big nope on that "Once per Day". They have me pegged at my IP even though I voted a couple weeks ago. Actually now that you mention it. I suspect that the perps were using a DHCP connection and just doing a "ipconfig /renew" before each vote. They probably had to stop when their block of address ran out (120 usually) :mad:

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Either the other story has a huge support network that sprouted overnight....or they've figured out how to beat the IP filter that keeps you from voting more than onces, JMB.


You can vote once per IP...that means if you know how to make your computer get a new IP (it's possible on some systems...my cable modem keeps getting the same dadgum one) then you can vote again and again until you get a repeat IP.


I have voted from every machine in my lab (but not my friends' labs!) and at home (my earlier per diem thoughts were wrong as Koala pointed out...it turns out my first vote was from home and I didn't realize it when I voted at work today) so I'm going to have to get creative for new ways to vote (like taking my laptop to work and exhausting our DHCP server's IP bank).


I also have a few computers in the lounge....and hmm.....


EDIT: woohoo, 500... :mad:

Edited by ju66l3r
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Come on, 659 people have viewed this thread, it only takes a minute to vote. We should easily have the highest number of votes so far on this website. Take a minute and help someone win wedding ring, it cost you nothing. And I'm sure they would post a picture from the wedding with the bride and the ring at this website.

magellan315 is right if everyone that viewed this thread voted the geocaching for love would be way out in front. However they are 13 votes behind.


Lets keep it up. This is a horse race.


Geocaching for Love 42.9% (149 Votes )


Finally 52.4% (182 Votes)



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