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Cachers Christmas Convention (online)


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How many of you have noticed the most people on the boards at 1 time so far, was 166? Since the holidays are comming up wouldnt it be cool if the Geocaching community had their own little online christmas event?


In short, what we are looking for is sometime near the holidays we arrange to all be on the boards or at least logged into the forums at a certain time. Could you imagine beating the 166 record and setting a new one of say......500?


Everyone has diffrent plans I know but it wouldnt have to be on Christmas day, just sometime where we could get the most people logged in.


Tell us what Date and time would work for you.


I think that's a grand idea. I would definitely try to participate.


As far as a date, how about between the 26th and the 30th? (my reasoning for this is, most don't have Christmas parties post-Christmas & most don't to something for New Years on any other day than the 31st) Maybe it could be an all-day event, with the battle for the top poster of the day actually turning into a battle. :P


Hey, Jeremy, are ya listening? Would this, in fact crash our forums? I'd be interested to see if it would.


Anytime after the 25th would be good for me! We once did this in my MSN chat room when I hosted. That server would open another room for each 25 guests. All told, we had over 500 guests at one time, or roughly 20 rooms opened under the same name with a 1, 2, 3, etc behind it.


My wife and I aren't taking our usual Christmas trip this year, so I'll be here!


It is rarely my intention to push the limits. Usually I try to be funny and somehow atleast 1 person takes me seriously and I have to explain that it was a joke, then I get warned then I get mad then I join in some crazy stupid mod war thingy and THEN I push the limits. I would very much enjoy avoiding any future witch hunts or misunderstandings, problem is I'm a smartA**.


Back on topic I think the GeoParty sounds like a great idea.


What might be nice also, would be a thread on Christmas day, where folks can post pics of their ongoing holiday festivities and show off their new geocaching toys.


A couple of years ago, one of the prominent cachers had a web cam set up on a cache page. The camera showed their holiday party in their house. Cachers were invited to log on, view the camera and log the cache with a xmas greeting.

What might be nice also, would be a thread on Christmas day, where folks can post pics of their ongoing holiday festivities and show off their new geocaching toys.


A couple of years ago, one of the prominent cachers had a web cam set up on a cache page. The camera showed their holiday party in their house. Cachers were invited to log on, view the camera and log the cache with a xmas greeting.

Now that's a cool idea!




Actually, this sounds like a great idea. I dont' think we'll crash any servers, but we might slow it down a bit...lol. I think we're all pretty much used to that, so it won't be anything new.


I hope we break the record and I predict.... oh..... 645 will be the new record. Let's see who can predict and come the closest without going over, kind of a "Price Is Right" kind of scoring....LOL.





I hope we break the record and I predict.... oh..... 645 will be the new record. Let's see who can predict and come the closest without going over, kind of a "Price Is Right" kind of scoring....LOL.



OK, put me down at 275! (I aim low, and don't hold many expectations for myself)

The First Annual Crash Groundspeak's Server Party

While we're logged in, let's all upload photos of our Christmas Trees. :P*



*This is just a joke - don't really do this. Note to admins: There is no malicious intent to harm Groundspeak in any way. This is only a joke.

Gorak wrote (in really tiny little letters):

*This is just a joke - don't really do this. Note to admins: There is no malicious intent to harm Groundspeak in any way. This is only a joke.

"This has been a public service message from the Gorak Broadcasting Corporation. In the event of a real emergency you should read this again."


"Please do not adjust your set -- this is just a test."




The 26th is sounding good for most people so far.

We will continue to see the input from cachers, but also we would like some input from GC so we are sure there is no harm. I have a feeling there are those who would like to participate but as yet havent heard from the site webmasters to make sure everything is OK.


If you have a date and time that works for you, please post it.


Just name the date & time, I will adjust my schedule to be there. But just remember, if the server crash's and no one is there to reset it, we will be without the forums and possibly the main GC.com website for a couple of days until someone comes back from Christmas break and can reset it. Of can they do that remotely???? Anyway, count me in. :):P:bad:


Unless someone organizes a coordinated denial of service attack using machines instead of people, I very much doubt you could bring the servers down.


I'll be spending the holidays with my family, but I'm almost always connected to the site in one form or another.


I'll be spending the holidays with my family, but I'm almost always connected to the site in one form or another.

And you will drop in to say "Hello", won't you?


Remember, my guess is 275.


Anyone else want to give a guess?


....should you be caught, our secretary will disavow any knowledge of your existence. The 26th will be better for me. I will be cooking dinner for only 15 this year on the 25th. My guess is 273! Have we set up a time, EST, PST????

The 26th sounds like a fine day..


I guess 666.

Hey!!! You can't use my number. :ph34r: The 26th is good for me. I guess is 1332 which is double 666. Can't do a pic of the xmas tree this year. We have a 9 month old kitten that would destroy it.


El Diablo

Posted (edited)

count me in any day any time, maybe if this is not too much, we could open a temporary irc channel somewhere for that time span? we could call it a (being pc here-)'Groundspeak holiday celebration' or something? this is just a suggestion, mind you!


Can't do a pic of the xmas tree this year. We have a 9 month old kitten that would destroy it.


'this cat hates pictures' :ph34r: j/k .. any chance it's a tabby? if so, i can relate...

Edited by escarg0t

OK! Yeah! :ph34r: We apparently have an OK from as high as you can go here!


The 26th is by far the most suggested date so far.


What do you think of the time? The 26th is a Friday. What do we have 4 time zones in the contenental US? Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific?


Would around noon work best or should we try for an evening thing?


Pretty much anytime after 1pm CST for me. All my family (except me, the wife, and the kids) are going somewhere else after the 25th, so I plan on just vegging in front of the TV and playing with my new toys.


Note, as was mentioned in passing a few posts earlier, I suppose we should try to be politically correct and just call it a "Holiday Celebration", don't you think? We certainly don't want to offend anyone, because that just wouldn't be in the spirit of the forums!

OK! Yeah! :ph34r: We apparently have an OK from as high as you can go here!


The 26th is by far the most suggested date so far.


What do you think of the time? The 26th is a Friday. What do we have 4 time zones in the contenental US? Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific?


Would around noon work best or should we try for an evening thing?

Love the avatar.


Despite my wife's lack of understanding of it, that movie ranks up there as one of my favorites. :lol:


African or European?


I'd say noon CST. It's mid-morning for the west coast and mid-afternoon for the east coast. About the happiest medium for all IMO.

Posted (edited)

I'd think sometime in the evening would be better, something around 6 pm, or thereabouts. Lets everyone get through with any activities they have planned for the day after (like driving my kids to Lufkin, Texas to meet up with their mom to drop them off...lol).


Otherwise, go for it you silly English Kkkkkkkkk-niggets!!




Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time.......


(edited to remind everyone the last two statements are made in an OUTRAGEOUS french accent.....lol).

Edited by Breaktrack
I'd think sometime in the evening would be better, something around 6 pm, or thereabouts. Lets everyone get through with any activities they have planned for the day after (like driving my kids to Lufkin, Texas to meet up with their mom to drop them off...lol).


Otherwise, go for it you silly English Kkkkkkkkk-niggets!!




Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time.......

No, not another taunting!!! RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!!!!!!!

Posted (edited)
Unless someone organizes a coordinated denial of service attack using machines instead of people, I very much doubt you could bring the servers down.


I'll be spending the holidays with my family, but I'm almost always connected to the site in one form or another.

Is that a dare? :ph34r: J/K!


Across the river at MIT, they have trenchcoats with built-in computers that interact with your environment (placed sensors) to give you information straight to a monitor built-in to a pair of glasses. First, I think I know what we should get Jeremy for Xmas....


Second, first one to place a cache that requires this cool system to find the cache's sensor will get my vote for "Geekiest GC Member"....but I'd definitely try and find it.


(knowing my luck WaldenRun would find it first...and he doesn't even use the GPS.....)



PS - This is post 4 20 for me....I could blaim the off-topicness and general rambling on being high....but I'm just not that cool.

Edited by ju66l3r
We are not trying to crash the site, just log on for 5 min and watch the counter on the main board go up.

So should everyone get some Christmas stockings and log them in too?


I have a reason not to do it at noon. Perhaps a lot of folks would like to spend the day caching. It is, after all, the only extra day off work for some folks. (Besides x-mas of course. So many might like to go out and use their new Geo-toys. I think an evening time would work better, then we could discuss how the new toys worked or a good cache we found!

Some of us don't even know if we are going to have to work Christmas Eve or Christmas Day......... :lol:

I just asked the boss (my wife) and no, I don't have to work Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or the 26th...but after that, she has a list of "Honey Do's" that is longer than St. Nick's list of who's been naughty or nice. Believe me, I've checked it twice, and it just gets longer! :ph34r:

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