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Blood Beach / Spy Glass


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Since RobertM suggested it, and since it sort of started because of some things I said, I thought I'd go ahead and start a topic for this discussion.


As I said in the other thread, I'm hoping to do an interesting cache involving some hiking for my 100th find. That evolved into a suggestion that a group of people could get together to do the hike, which I think is a great idea. The thing is, I can't say for sure this far ahead which day I'll want to go. That said, there's no reason it all has to revolve around my 100th find, so feel free to use this thread to discuss such an excursion regardless of whether or not I end up going.


For me, the most likely day would be sometime between December 27 and January 4, inclusive. I'm off work that whole week, but there will undoubtedly be other commitments preventing me from caching to my heart's content. Mornings are the best bet for me, so an 8:00-9:00am start would be good.


Does anyone know how long (time) the hike would likely take, and how much longer it would be if we added the Admiralty Point cache into the plan?


Here's a map of Belcarra Regional Park. Printing it gave me a 'cleaner' looking version than it was on-screen.




Great idea! I like it, I like it. We've done two of these caches and own one so there's no cache-incentive for us here, but I wouldn't mind getting together with some local cachers for a hike somewhere.


We hiked in to Blood Beach from the Balcarra parking lot on Sept 20th - the same day a couple of local cachers were on the Beyond the Elbow to the Top of The Arm event cache and visited there too.


With the wife and 3 kids, and stops to enjoy the views along the way, I seem to remember that it took us about 45 minutes one way from the parking lot to the beach. Visiting Spy-glass on the way in/out should be a minor detour as long as you don't make the mistake that so many visitors do and try and bushwhack your way in - stick to the trails.


The hike to Admiralty Point obviously goes in the opposite direction from the parking lot and I seem to remember it taking our crew about 20-30 minutes one way, but my memory is a little shaky on this one.


Anyway, we wouldn't mind hooking up with some other cachers over the holidays for some caching. I'm sure our kids would like to meet other kids who have an interest in caching, or are at least patient with mom/dad dragging them out to do that geocaching thing! :rolleyes:


I also know that my kids would love to meet the person who makes that chain-mail stuff - the boys favorite collectible cache loot. We've got six pieces so far, so there's a way to go before we can make some armour. :unsure:


Count me in, too. I've already found 2 of the 3, but I wouldn't mind taking another crack at Admiralty Point since we couldn't find it the last time we went looking.


I managed to find the very hardest route to SpyGlass, so I could certainly provide some assistance in where *not* to go. :rolleyes:


I'll be there... just choose a date & time.


If we go on January 4th, we can make it a birthday cache for me! :unsure:


Sounds like fun!


My sister will be visiting from South Africa over the 2 week period from December 23 to January 7. She can see for herself what all this "geocaching" is all about.




Okay, I'm working on setting up an Event Cache page for this, but I need help with the meeting point, seeing as I've never actually been to Belcarra Park before. From online maps, I figure the best place to meet is the parking lot at the "Belcarra Picnic Area".


My best estimate for coords for this are 49 18.792 N 122 55.566 W.


I got this by trial and error on MapQuest, which shows roads but not parking lots, and guesstimating where the parking lot is from the online map I referenced at the beginning of this thread. I need three things from somebody who has actually been to this park:


1) Is this parking lot the best meeting place?

2) Are my coords close enough to the parking lot that people will be able to find it? (Or give me better coords.)

3) Is there a landmark like a unique signpost, boulder, or tree that I could specify as the meeting point, that would be obvious to people upon arrival?


Oh, and the event will begin at 9:00 am on Saturday, December 27. I'm not planning anything special, other than a chance to meet, hike, and cache with some other local cachers.




Oh, and the event will begin at 9:00 am on Saturday, December 27. I'm not planning anything special, other than a chance to meet, hike, and cache with some other local cachers.

grumble, grumble, grumble. I would like to join y'all but I won't be in town on the 27th. grumble, grumble, grumble :rolleyes:


I've created the event cache page and it's waiting for approval. I'd still like help with the three points in my previous post, about the meeting location. I've set up the cache with the coords I have, as I figure that should get everyone to the parking lot, but if I can get something more specific I'll update the cache page.




I estimated the coords at around N 49 18.708, W 122 55.515 based on Streets & Trips. I can whip out there this weekend if you want and get exact coords (it's only about 15 minutes away) but the estimated coords should do for now.


I'd suggest that the meeting point be at one of the covered picnic tables. You can't miss them when you pull into the parking lot at the end of Tum-Tumay-Whueton Drive. Here's some pix:






Also found this topo-map of the area that you might find interesting:



Dagg wrote:

I will be on the mainland for a b-day party that day. So you might see myself and Daggette show up

Are we allowing outsiders?


Just kidding. Look forward to seeing you if you can make it Dagg -- good thing there are no borders to cross getting here. :P




SylvrStorm, Anywhere close to the parking area should be close enough to get everyone there -- it's not a big parking lot. I"m sure everyone can figure it out if the coords are off a little bit.



Dagg wrote:

I will be on the mainland for a b-day party that day. So you might see myself and Daggette show up

Are we allowing outsiders?

Are you kidding? I want to see who would date Dagg! :P

I estimated the coords at around N 49 18.708, W 122 55.515 based on Streets & Trips.

Thanks Wet Coast Explorers. I've used your coords on the cache page, and also stole one of your pics to indicate the meeting area (hope that's okay). I'll let you know if the cache approver requires more accurate coords, but for now I think these are fine.



... and also stole one of your pics to indicate the meeting area (hope that's okay).

Fine by me. None of them were my photos to start with. They are all just links to their originating web sites. :P


Talked it over with the boss and she says we're clear to go.... and then she mumbled something about me needing to burn off turkey anyway. :)


The cache page is up! Post a note there if you're planning to come so we can see who to expect.


As for snow, if we get a little I'll still be there. If we get a real dump I may not make it (I drive a Tercel), but I won't cancel the event, and the more intrepid cachers can still do it. (But how likely is that? I mean, this is Vancouver, right?)




Well... It's blatently obvious to say that i will be going... with my Very newly working GPS.... i sitll have to give it a test drive today (going for "beside runing water") I'll be going rain, shine, or Snow... i'm thinking someone should bring hot chocolate... i'll look into it definitly... if my dad will come with me... then for sure. but if he wants to laze around... *grumble* Just look for the red haired guy holding his GPS like a relgious icon. :P


This will defintily be a blast!


Shouldn't be a problem Alsid Prime. You're right, there are a lot of people who rarely or never read the forums, but that's a big part of the reason for creating the cache page. It'll have been up, showing as 'new' for three weeks by the time we go. Most people who'd be interested (or who we'd think to e-mail) will either have pocket queries, or the weekly 'new cache' notice, or will have simply noticed it by casual browsing well before the event. I don't think we have anything to worry about.


That said, if you know any cachers who might want to go but would be likely to miss it, by all means send 'em an email. Same for any non-cachers you want to introduce to geocaching, or even anyone who just likes a bit of a hike. Although now that I think about it, our group of a dozen or more people hunting together won't exactly give newbies a realistic idea of what geocaching is normally like. Still, everyone's welcome.


Oh, and Alsid Prime, I saw your log for Eagle Ridge. You are truly nuts. Great story and you get an A+ for enthusiasm and guts, but really, be careful out there.




LOL!, Man... now that i have the time.. and my diget's are thawed :( i'd like to tell the story of my cache to "eagle ridge" ... lol i too would call myself A nut ball...

In numerical order:


1) started seeing patches of snow at 500 M... started SNOWING at 550 M...


2).. Started seeing Cougar tracks All Over the trail starting at around 600 M going all the way up untill the trail splits to go to the west view. (let's not forget that i was by myself! ... worst mistake every.. ).. These were some preaty fresh tracks too... EGad...


3) trudging through.... at 700 M... about 2 feet of snow... around cache local... 3.5 feet... no snow shoes ( didn't think to bring them... brought everything else.. Lol) i wandered the whole hill just trying to get a good Satalite lock... evenetully found out it was 100 meters BACK, from where i got the signal.. I left my Back pack (60 pounds .... didn't want to trudge through snow on a hill with it on) ... at the dam... so i was wearing .... a tee-shirt... i had to DIG in the snow to find it... god only knows how i found the right spot ( well i guess the clue helped ALOT) lol.


4) around the time i found the cache... the snow REallY started coming down... Couldn't see past 10 meters.... Near white out conditions....


Now that i look back at it... I'm should probably count me luckey charms that i got home A-ok... What would i do differnt for next time? (this weekend i'm thinking)... bring a partner... and bring snowshoes.. ( i have 2 pairs) ... Lol


Man, that's fun...


Back to the topic (and after i've had my fun Shmiel) yea i'm guessing most people will figure it out... lol i thought of that after i posted.. Lol i'm not counting down the days to chirstmas anymore... i'm counting down the days till the Event cache!

happy caching!


LoL... it's my mountaineer bag... filled with all the goodies... .. (i was wieght training anyway)... 4 sweaters... 3 pairs of pants... 2 jackerts... sleeping bag.. suvival gear(too much to list)... medical kit... caching misc... GPS.. binoculars... 3 paris O' socks... Food... water... and a 6 pack of Pepsi... :D flashlights (3 of them) .. batteries.. Toilet paper... Long johns... Shirts... .. blah blah blah.. Lol...

You get the idea... i didn't need 3/4 of the stuff i brought.. i just do it to get in shape... I'm a whacko.. we have decided this already...


On a seccond note... on my recent trip this weekend back up to eagle ridge to put my trade items in.. i placed my cache on the oposite trail... "West Viewpoint"..

This saturday there are a few people going for West viewpoint... and maybe Eagle ridge.. i'm just bringing it up here... instead of posting on the cache page.. Lol... who wants to come? I think we have 1.. or 2? extra pairs of Snowshoes availabe..

Camera's are required.. :D the view from westpoint... well wait and see... EGAD!

Yea... i'd hate to think that out of soo many cachers.. none of them would be "Common sense"-ly challenged... So... i took the effort into my own hands..

Any "med"ication in that back-pack? ;-) You never know if someone forgot theirs.

Any "med"ication in that back-pack? ;-) You never know if someone forgot theirs.

If you're bringing meds, make sure and bring enough for everyone. :D




Geo 64C 84B

LoL... it's my mountaineer bag... filled with all the goodies... .. (i was wieght training anyway)... 4 sweaters... 3 pairs of pants... 2 jackerts... sleeping bag.. suvival gear(too much to list)... medical kit... caching misc... GPS.. binoculars... 3 paris O' socks... Food... water... and a 6 pack of Pepsi...  :D    flashlights (3 of them) .. batteries.. Toilet paper... Long johns... Shirts... .. blah blah blah.. Lol...

You get the idea... i didn't need 3/4 of the stuff i brought.. i just do it to get in shape... I'm a whacko.. we have decided this already...


On a seccond note... on my recent trip this weekend back up to eagle ridge to put my trade items in.. i placed my cache on the oposite trail... "West Viewpoint"..

This saturday there are a few people going for West viewpoint... and maybe Eagle ridge.. i'm just bringing it up here... instead of posting on the cache page.. Lol... who wants to come? I think we have 1.. or 2? extra pairs of Snowshoes availabe..

Camera's are required.. :D the view from westpoint... well wait and see... EGAD!

Geez, the reason I got into this geocaching was to get some much needed excersise, get outdoors and such. So I should join you on your Westview Trek, and I'll carry your pack. This way you can pick up my dead body on the way back and that would be a really good workout for you! :D (and I'm not serious about the joining you, though I'd love to, I really am out-of-shape and have to start slow).

Any "med"ication in that back-pack? ;-) You never know if someone forgot theirs.


Hey! Keep out of my territory!!

Those "smarties" you've left in some caches I'm sure have helped a lot of people. Sometimes it is just all in the head. ;-)


Getting this thread back on topic, I have some interesting news. I've been contacted by a reporter from Global TV, who will be joining us for this event. She wants to do a story on geocaching, and thought this event would be a good one to cover.


I think this is an excellent opportunity for us to get some great media coverage and cast geocaching in a positive light. If we're lucky, it will mean more cachers finding our caches, and more caches for us to find. It may also help enlighten anyone who has any negative preconceptions of geocaching.


Looking forward to this event more all the time.




Wow, Media coverage? So.... not only is there going to be 15 or so cachers.... there will be people .. watching us cache? heh that's crazy... how did they find out about the event cache? this looks like more of a geocaching convention now then an event cache :o heh... still should be fun :lol:

Getting this thread back on topic, I have some interesting news. I've been contacted by a reporter from Global TV, who will be joining us for this event. She wants to do a story on geocaching, and thought this event would be a good one to cover.

I guess those of us who are camera-shy will need to bring our ninja masks along. :lol:




Geo 19 50 106


To Do:

- Call my agent

- Make an appointment for a hair cut

- Get teeth polished

- Get that new Armani Geocaching Raingear I always wanted.

- Pack a 70lb pack so I look more hunkier (thats hollywood talk) than Alsid!



Other than that, I will have to tape it later that day, so I can just give the tape to people who ask me 'what is geocaching'. But if I tell my wife I know she will find an excuse not to come now!


Ack! Change of plans. Not for the event, that's still a go as planned. But it seems the reporter can't get a cameraperson on the 27th, as many people have time off for the holidays, even in TV-land. However, she still wants to do a geocaching story. Since it's no longer related to our event on the 27th, I'll create a new thread about it.



:lol: LOL! that's funny... hunkier then me... woo... that's great... first time i think i've heard that one... though i look like the "wild bushman who hasn't seen civilization in a few months"... i'll make sure to put some lead in my bag... :P am i allowed to start singing in front of the camera? like Some John Denver hits... Country roads... rockey mountain high... those are good songs :o
Yea... i'd hate to think that out of soo many cachers.. none of them would be "Common sense"-ly challenged... So... i took the effort into my own hands..



I think Puppy and I have got you covered on that one... :unsure:


Anyhow, Puppy has to work today, and I'm kinda sick... but that's not stopping me from considering coming B) I'll check out the weather later and see how I'm feeling.


If anything, I may just come for the first cache and to place poor Huey the Travel Chopper in the graceful hands of somebody that is not me. B)



Heh, i'm guessing most people have already left for The event... Not me! ha, It takes 15 min to get there... from here... anyway... to the point... It's 30 min till the cache... is anyone else Getting snowed on right now!!! i live in poco.. and it's snowing... i'm guessing it'll be snowing around Belcara... Irony... i think so. Coincidence? i think not... :unsure: I wonder if this is going to damper the numbers?



I wonder if this is going to damper the numbers?

Apparently not. I'm not sure in anyone actually took a headcount but I would guess that, including the kids, there were about 30 people. It was a well-attended, fun event even in the on again, off again sleet/rain.


Didn't get everyone in this shot - some were on the trail, some at the cache and other just camera-shy. :o




Thanks, SylvrStorm, for putting this event together.




Geo 70A 72B 36

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