Jomarac5 Posted December 10, 2003 Posted December 10, 2003 pnew wrote:editing posts and censoring - yeah it annoying but its not like everyone's posts have been changed to "All hail Jeremy". Ah... no, they haven't been changed as you suggest. But many of them have been deleted. Yes, gone. Finished. Never to be read again. Like they never existed. I don't see how you can see that as a positive thing. pnew ote:I'm just not seeing such oppression that drives someone to post a huge diatribe explaining why they "just can't take it anymore" or "are putting it behind them like a bad habit". If you can't see it, perhaps you are not paying attention to what IS going on. It's pretty obvious from all the postings that there are a LOT of people who CAN see the oppressive actions. Do you really think that they are all wrong? ***** Geo 113 115
+Sparky-Watts Posted December 10, 2003 Posted December 10, 2003 Hey, J5, ya got that can opener I loaned ya? {Edited to keep the mood light} I may have taken your post the wrong way, but it sounded like perhaps you thought TPTB edited my post to J5. I did the edit myself, because I WAS trying to keep the mood light and have fun. If that's not your meaning in your post, I apologize for even bringing it up. I just wanted all to be clear that the post was edited by me. You may now resume your normal posting. Thank you for your time.
+pnew Posted December 10, 2003 Posted December 10, 2003 If you can't see it, perhaps you are not paying attention to what IS going on. It's pretty obvious from all the postings that there are a LOT of people who CAN see the oppressive actions. Do you really think that they are all wrong? Saying they were wrong would imply that there is a right. In which there really isn't one. Geocaching is a service just like Navicache is a service. Not a standard. While they are the biggest game in town they are not responsible for making their own competition which it seems like I've read some want to happen. Kind of like going to the dentist to get your teeth cleaned. There are others out there so if you don't like your current dentist you too can "move on". I think if these horribly "oppressive" actions were so clear cut you'd be able to easily list them to me and we would easily agree and move on. Hey Sparky I knew you edited it. Your comment read to me as if you were saying "Hey J5, check out this new guy. He doesn't have enough posts to be talking like this [insert inside message board joke] [insert chuckle at my expense]". I didn't laught very hard.
Jomarac5 Posted December 10, 2003 Posted December 10, 2003 pnew wrote:Saying they were wrong would imply that there is a right. Are you for real? I asked you if you thought they were all wrong. The opposite of wrong is not always *right*. In this case the opposite would be *correct*. There is a correct way to deal with customers. Yeah, that's right. A correct way. See how that works. People see that something is wrong -- as in not correct -- some of them might even use the word *right* -- and that would not make them wrong. How can you possibly argue that point? See how that makes your argument not quite right? Note that I didn't say you are wrong -- but incorrect sure fits. I think if these horribly "oppressive" actions were so clear cut you'd be able to easily list them to me and we would easily agree and move on. Ah, yeah, right. Except that those deleted threads are not there any more. You do understand that, right? Personally, I don't think that deleting posts is right. That would make it wrong. Right? ***** Geo 51
+Sparky-Watts Posted December 10, 2003 Posted December 10, 2003 iHey Sparky I knew you edited it. Your comment read to me as if you were saying "Hey J5, check out this new guy. He doesn't have enough posts to be talking like this [insert inside message board joke] [insert chuckle at my expense]". I didn't laught very hard. Oh, I guess you did read it right, then.
Keystone Posted December 10, 2003 Posted December 10, 2003 pnew and Jomarac5: May I remind you that the topic of this thread is CR's decision to "move on" from these forums. While the reasons behind that decision are fair game and on-topic for discussion in this thread, let's not let it degenerate into a back-and-forth argument about deleting posts, editing posts and so forth. I'd like to encourage everyone to continue posting their reactions to CR's announcement but to try to stay focused on that primary topic.
+Johnnie Stalkers Posted December 10, 2003 Posted December 10, 2003 keystone, Thank you for a patient, fair and tolerant attitude while steering the topic back on topic.
Jomarac5 Posted December 10, 2003 Posted December 10, 2003 Keystone Approver wrote:let's not let it degenerate into a back-and-forth argument about deleting posts, editing posts and so forth. OK. But I just have to say I'm just amazed at pnew's ability to read all that is not there between the lines. As far as CR goes, I always enjoyed his insightful comments and will genuinely miss his posts and hope that we'll see him back here from time to time. ***** Geo 97S 25
+pnew Posted December 10, 2003 Posted December 10, 2003 CR says he doesn't like being the only game in town I say to that: I haven't run into any problems with this so far J5 agrees with CR in saying the site and TPTB are oppressive Oppressive is a harsh word to use for a free cache listing service J5 says an example of oppression is the deleting of posts by mods For one I think the argument of deleting posts really has no merit if you use the site to hunt and log caches. Its only when you step into the boards that there is controversy. proximity issues: I would have to agree. .1 miles is a very short distance and a wise one so places aren't covered in caches as the game grows at an exponential rate. commercial caches: I think this rule was set so geocaching stays geocaching and doesn't vere off into something it wasn't originally meant to be. not encouraging alternatives: True, Pepsi commericals may have Coke in their ads but I don't think Coke gets much beneft from it. BTW I don't think Coke encouraged alternatives either. It was someone with a vision for change outside of Coke that started Pepsi. The same has been done here with Navicache as well as others. I'm not really understanding how its an issue that wants you to get your cache info from their website. Is this wrong? Should go out of their way to create competition for themselves? If required you to post on these boards in order to go out into the woods to find the next cache I believe I'd be quite disgruntled. However once you leave these boards the "problems" seem to disappear. For me at least. I guess the boards really do nothing for me except make me angry at times. People do posts threads I enjoy with ideas for caches and such but its critical threads like these I don't understand. Lastly, CR jokingly (i think) said this: "this post wouldn't even exist. (If it doesn't get deleted, that is.)" The thread is still here unaltered and in original form. If Geocaching was truly oppressing people from expressing themselves we wouldn't be reading this because it wouldn't exist due to deletion. My argument still stands IMO
Pantalaimon Posted December 10, 2003 Posted December 10, 2003 I'm surprised no one came out with a "Log your right thumb" locationless. I lobbied against such a cache because... ::SOB:: I DON'T HAVE A RIGHT THUMB! Oh wait... here it is. Sorry, it was up my a..BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP Am I on topic?
Keystone Posted December 10, 2003 Posted December 10, 2003 Am I on topic? Ummm, no, it was not on topic. But I'll let it stand, because it explains a lot about posts #1 through #587.
Pantalaimon Posted December 10, 2003 Posted December 10, 2003 Touche. (Anyone know how to get a accent on my "e"?) Whoops, sorry. Off topic. I'll move this post to the dicussion board.
Jomarac5 Posted December 10, 2003 Posted December 10, 2003 pnew wrote:J5 agrees with CR in saying the site and TPTB are oppressive Oppressive is a harsh word to use for a free cache listing service J5 says an example of oppression is the deleting of posts by mods I agree with CR -- so what? Am I not entitiled to my opinion, as you are to yours? As for the rest of your post... whatever. I don't agree with you because I don't think you get it. But feel free to think the way you want -- you're entitled to your views. btw: Your post seemed more like a personal attack than a contribution to this topic. ***** Geo 17 18F 27
Keystone Posted December 10, 2003 Posted December 10, 2003 Since pnew and Jomarac5 were not willing to take my advice and continue their personal dialogue elsewhere, I'm closing this thread.
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