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Hawaii: The Tb Black Hole


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I've decided that Hawaii is a Black Hole for travel bugs.


People are excited to take bugs there, but loath to bring any back with them.


Here's the reason:


People leave home with lots of room in their luggage, so throwing in a travel bug seems like a no brainer.


People get to Hawaii, drop off the travel bug some where, then go shopping for junk that fills up their suitcases: gifts for family, friends, the person feeding the cat...


It's time to leave Hawaii. No room for any TB passengers is available in their suitcase, so none get picked-up for the trip back to the mainland.


Just like a real Black Hole in space, once things enter, they can never leave.


I'm about to lose one of my TBs to Hawaii. ;)



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Huh. That's wierd. Seems like a LOT of TBs that land in the Los Angeles airport cache (Grand Central Station) seem to come from Hawaii.

When I was in Alaska, I was told that - during the winter months - the most populated "city" in Alaska is Hawaii!


I wonder what the correlation is between TBs and these two states... Any statisticians out there that are looking for a project, feel free to give this a look-see.

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