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Mapquest Maps


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I am unable to view Mapquest Maps from the Geocaching link. Even typing in co-oridnates on the actual Mapquest page, does not show any map. It only shows the cross, like when viewing a webpage where the picture file (jpg, gif, etc) is missing.


Anyone else experieincing a similar problem?



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Seems to work for me...


Have you changed the browser you use lately? Are you sure you use the correct MapQuest link on the cache page? MapQuest used to be at the top of the Online Maps list, but now the top link is for Microsoft MapPoint maps, which don't work well outside the USA. MapQuest link is the third one in the list nowadays. They changed it a while ago.

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:D I have now resolved my problem. Our company has recently installed "web access" software which does not allow access to certain websites. Eventhough the actual "mapquest" site is not blocked, somewhere in the background it must be going via another site which is on our list of blocked sites.


This now only mena that I will have to wait until after work to download/print maps.


Thanks to all who tried to resolve/find an answer to the problem.

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