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Money In Geocaches


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I came across a dollar bill in a cache. I know the usual rule of take something / leave something, but it struck me as silly to take a dollar and leave a dollar. What was the original cacher's intent with that money?

Posted (edited)

More than likely it was a Where's George Dollar.

Go to www.wheresgeorge.com to learn how to play another part of the Geocaching Game

Edited by Nascat
I left a wheresgeorge dollar in a cache I found. My hope is someone will find it and log it at Wheresgeorge

Ok, here is a stupid question. When you leave a wheresgeorge dollar bill in a cache, is it identified in any shape, form or fashion to indicate that is what it is?? I haven't found one yet, as I only have 10 finds so far, but I am curious in case I do find one. :)


Not meaning to be negative but I believe if wheregeorge.com finds out the dollar has been in a cache, they will no longer track it. They base it on their rule that it must be the natural path of money and they consider wg dollars in geocaches not to follow their rule. Sorry if this sounds negative.




http://www.wheresgeorge.com/ will track any and score all bills entered. The bills that pass though a geocache do not count in their "Top 10" score, which is an entirely different kettle of fish. To answer a previous question, yes, the bills are normally stamped; or at least identified with the written wheresgeorge.com . I, personally, swap them in about 70% of caches...Great Fun.

Baptist Deacon the bill should be stamped or handwritten with something like "Track this bill at www.wheresgeorge.com"


theblake I've received that notice from wheresgeorge.com about them not tracking Cached bills, but when I've exchanged bills I log them in wheresgeorge as to what Cache I've removed them from without any repercussions. If the Geocaching Admin says to stop the practice I will stop, I don't want to do anything that is detrimental to this sport, but there are a lot of Cachers out there making exchanges.

If the Geocaching Admin says to stop the practice I will stop, I don't want to do anything that is detrimental to this sport




Some/most of the money that we've seen in caches has been international, but domestic money in caches isn't that great of an idea, as, if you followed proper caching ethics, you would be losing money (even if it may be pocket change), or exchanging the same thing. Sometimes we just put a dime in, if we don't have anything. We've acquired a small collection of foreign money, and its somewhat interesting.


Mufashi, Dilbert rules (the best one ever was Ratbert & Timmy the Toilet paper man).


Every now and then the fuss about 'cached' bills shows up on the WG site.


While it is interesting to track how currency might travel through caches, it doesn't quite fit into the notion of 'natural circulation'. This is why I don't leave Georged singles as my signature item.


Kind of too bad, too. I might be able to get some hits in some new states this way. :)


I'm surprised that no one has mentioned this yet.


Money is a very bad thing to put in caches! If you find money in caches please remove it immediately, email me, and I will forward an address for you to send the money to. I will dispose of it properly. :)


I know a guy who found a coin purse on one of his first cache hunts. He began taking money out of caches whenever he found any (and making proper trades) and putting it in the coin purse. His plan was to count up the money at the end of his first year of caching and see how much he had collected.


I never did get a total from him, but considering he did about 500 caches in his first year it could be an interesting experiment.




I don't think small amounts of money are really all that bad, 2 dollar bills and silver dollars are great fun for kids to find, as you don't really see them all that often. Even the new gold dollars, kids love them. After all, money is "Treasured" more than just about anything.


As for me, I'd love to see a new $50 bill in a cache, but I can't guarantee that I'd be able to trade up.. :D




Given the rules at WheresGeorge.Com about Cache Dollars, I just simply swap out a dollar I find in a cache with another WGD. I then log the one I find at wheresgeorge.com and spend it. This way I get to track the Dollars I find and even get to track some of the Dollars I place in Caches that I have first logged with wheresgeorge.com. It is all part of the GeoCache experience.

I came across a dollar bill in a cache.  I know the usual rule of take something / leave something, but it struck me as silly to take a dollar and leave a dollar.  What was the original cacher's intent with that money?

Well, I don't know what their intent was, but six or seven dollar-worthy trades buys me a post-cache lunch at Chipotle! :D

Not meaning to be negative but I believe if wheregeorge.com finds out the dollar has been in a cache, they will no longer track it. They base it on their rule that it must be the natural path of money and they consider wg dollars in geocaches not to follow their rule. Sorry if this sounds negative.




That, too was my understanding after entering a cached WGD.


There was a cache locally that contained all different types of foreign currency, but was destroyed by construction and lost. I plan to start another soon using the currency I've picked up during my business travels.


NOTE: As often as I get sent to Denmark, I'm planning on putting a cache there....maintaining it wouldn't be a problem, as it seems I'm there every 2 or 3 months anyway.

Not meaning to be negative but I believe if wheregeorge.com finds out the dollar has been in a cache, they will no longer track it. They base it on their rule that it must be the natural path of money and they consider wg dollars in geocaches not to follow their rule. Sorry if this sounds negative.




That, too was my understanding after entering a cached WGD.


It will still be tracked. But it will be tagged as a Geocaching bill so it won't show up in the Top 10 lists.


Yeah, I went back and read that. Thanks for clearing it up. Basically, it's going to be a "non-bill" for anyone really serious about WGD's. Kind of akin to making a travel-bug not tracked if personally handed from one person to another wouldn't be any fun.


errrrrrr, ummmmmmmm........ :P geoCaching :P


I'm missing something here. I have a lot of bills in Wheresgeorge of many different denominations. A few have been placed in caches. How does WG find out they were cached unless someone puts them in the comment, which I can't believe they review all that closely, or contacts the admin?

I'm missing something here. I have a lot of bills in Wheresgeorge of many different denominations. A few have been placed in caches. How does WG find out they were cached unless someone puts them in the comment, which I can't believe they review all that closely, or contacts the admin?

Since this was the first cache bill I had found, I did put it in the comments (hindsight told me it wasn't a good idea). And I've talked since to some other people who have done the same, and yes they do monitor all the bills as far as origin, if listed in the comments. One way around it? LIE!!! LIE FOR ALL YOU'RE WORTH!!!!!!!!! Tell'em ya got it in change at Piggly Wiggly, ya found it on the street, it was paid to you as a ransom for someone's hamster, anything, but just LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


But, I digress.....err, ummmmmmm.............. :P geoCaching :P

Posted (edited)
I'm missing something here. I have a lot of bills in Wheresgeorge of many different denominations. A few have been placed in caches. How does WG find out they were cached unless someone puts them in the comment, which I can't believe they review all that closely, or contacts the admin?

There are a bunch of Georgers who make it their business to look at the bills in "Hits Today" with more than a certain number of hits and if they find any bills mentioning geocaching or geocache, they send a report using the Where's George contact form. That's really all there is to it.

Edited by stayfloopy

Don't know about anyone else, but I've never put a description on any of my wheresgeorge bills. I think I would if it was a good story behind it. I can't see myself putting that I found it in a cache.


Omitting information is not a lie.




Omitting information is not a lie.



True. And, once again, to quote my grandfather, who at the time was a county Sheriff, "It's only illegal if you get caught."


It's not a lie, it's just not all of the truth, right?


errrr, ummmmmmm............. :P geoCaching :P

Don't know about anyone else, but I've never put a description on any of my wheresgeorge bills. I think I would if it was a good story behind it. I can't see myself putting that I found it in a cache.


Omitting information is not a lie.



saying you found it in such and such cache isn't a story?


We've got one in here in Georgia that was hidden by one of our more devious hiders that has nothing BUT money in it. You have to do a LOT of work to get to it, so it's an apt reward.


Check out Moolah, by JohnnieLacy and see the frustration in the logs.


Where's George has three issues with bills that are circulated among caches.


First, that this isn't really natural circulation. There really isn't anything that can be done about this and Hank (runs WG), while not super-keen on the idea, realizes that there isn't much that can be done and said that it's alright. This turns out to be a non-issue.


Second, bills that get passed through caches have a higher hit rate (tend to get entered a lot more). Face it, we're trained to enter all TBs and we do the same with Georged bills. For a while, a good number of the top bills (bills with the most hits) had gone through Geocaching. After some discussion about issue number one (see above), it was agreed that these bills would have their own category. This turns out to be another non-issue.


Third (and the real issue) is abuse. Every now and then (pretty rarely) someone will abuse the system. There was one instance where a group of cachers encountered a WG bill. Each member 'touched' the bill, then went home and entered it in WG. If you read WG, you're supposed to have the bill in your filthy hands at the very moment you're entering it so this was a blatent abuse of WG rules.


Bottom line:

If you find a WG bill in a cache, feel free to take it to your local computer with Internet access, enter it in WG and then spend or otherwise unload it.

Posted (edited)
LIE!!! LIE FOR ALL YOU'RE WORTH!!!!!!!!! Tell'em ya got it in change at Piggly Wiggly, ya found it on the street, it was paid to you as a ransom for someone's hamster, anything, but just LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I always write that I found the bill in a geocache and put in this website's URL. Some people have become geocachers after finding that info on a "georged" bill, so it's good advertizing for our sport. Many of these bills aren't labeled "geocache bills" yet. From what I've seen its the bills that have been moving from cache to cache get tagged as geocache bills, but one appearance in a geocache doesn't always cause the bill to be tagged as a geocache bill.


The way I handle it, is that most of the time I take the bill and release it into the "wild", but if I happen to have a george along with me, I'll trade.


As far as the WG.COM's website's concern about geocaches not being "natural circulation", there is a lot of "unnatural circulation" of WG $'s going on out there. People passing georges to others to move them along, but there doesn't seem to be an outcry about that practice at WG.COM. Also, the very act of marking a bill means that it will no longer be in "natural circulation", as finders treat them differently than non-georged bills.

Edited by briansnat
LIE!!! LIE FOR ALL YOU'RE WORTH!!!!!!!!! Tell'em ya got it in change at Piggly Wiggly, ya found it on the street, it was paid to you as a ransom for someone's hamster, anything, but just LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Forgive me. What I suggested here may not have been entirely honest. I was having a "moment".


I rarely trade, and when I do, I usually leave money alone. I've left small coins in micros, but I don't remember ever removing any bills. If I ever find a cache with $1,000,000 in it, I won't be logging it online. :P

I'd like to find one of them. Don't think much of it as money, but it's a pretty good looking coin. And it's silver.



I got it as a FTF prize ($10). It would be interesting to try to spend it, but I find it too interesting to let go. It is a very nicely struck coin.


Then again, I've gotten quizical looks from people when I try to use a Susy-B Dollar. I once tried to spend a $2 bill, but the clerk refused it saying there was no such thing. :P





Then again, I've gotten quizical looks from people when I try to use a Susy-B Dollar. I once tried to spend a $2 bill, but the clerk refused it saying there was no such thing. :P



I've got about 250 Suzie B's. Most of them I got in change as quarters. One of, if not the biggest goofs ever made by our treasury dept. I still get one or two a year in change as quarters.


I got it as a FTF prize ($10).  It would be interesting to try to spend it, but I find it too interesting to let go.  It is a very nicely struck coin.


Then again, I've gotten quizical looks from people when I try to use a Susy-B Dollar.  I once tried to spend a $2 bill, but the clerk refused it saying there was no such thing.  :P



How big is it? You can't really tell on their web site. There's some dealers around me so I'm thinking of getting some of them to put in caches. Probably be the $1 ones, but maybe a $5 or $10 for a good cache.


Hard to imagine anyone not knowing that a $2 exists, but I've had the same thing happen. Now, I just keep any $2, Susan B or the new Sachagewea (these are a pretty decent looking coin) that I get. Who knows, in 1000 years them may be worth something.



How big is it? You can't really tell on their web site. There's some dealers around me so I'm thinking of getting some of them to put in caches. Probably be the $1 ones, but maybe a $5 or $10 for a good cache.

The $10 version is nicely sized. It's about the size of your typical geocoin.


I don't have ruler handy, but put two Lincoln pennies side by side, and you've got the diameter. Stack the two pennies and you're close to the thickness.


It weighs in as 1 ounce of silver. I guess that would be a troy ounce? Anyway, it has a nice heft.


I don't think anyone would be dissappointed to find one.




I use Sacagawea dollars as my signature item. I figured out early that most stuff in caches comes from the dollar store or McDee's so I thought a Sac$ would always be at least an even trade. Most times a just sign the log and leave a Sac$. I also liked they way my niece and nephew's eyes light up when they get one.


I'm commited to this sport now so I'll be moving on to another (less costly and more custom) item soon.

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