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Which Pda's Work Well?

Solar Max

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I have a Palm IIIC and it does fine. I was concerned about being able to view it in bright light also, but that hasn't been much trouble considering all the benefits of color. Someone mentioned once that a used or refurbished unit might be the way to go since the geocaching life is rugged. However, if it is to be a gift to you this may not matter to you. Also, I had a little trouble finding a hard, very protective case for my unit. I finally did, but I think now I would look at the aftermarket cases first and then narrow the search for a PDA to fill my needs.

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I finally did, but I think now I would look at the aftermarket cases first and then narrow the search for a PDA to fill my needs.


Interesting idea, to find a good hard case, then find what PDA can fit it, then being stuck with an unprotected PDA. My Palm m130 PDA developed big cracks on the back side, dispite being kept in bubblewrap, being so fragile. Also the screen of the m130 is fuzzy and low res, compared to a more expensive unit.

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I picked up a little Sony Clie (PEG SJ-22) and it's great. It's an older model (and therefore dropping in price) and uses the Palm OS. The colour screen seems better in sunlight than the Palm series. Comes with 16mb ram and 320x320 High resolution colour LCD (over 65,000 colours ). Memory sticks are available. Has a jog dial for scrolling too. It's great!


Oh, and as far as the case? I took off the flip cover and got a Palm case (semi-rigid leather with a metal clip on the back- $10) that it slides into just fine. I can clip it to the inside pocket of my jacket or on my knapsack strap.

Edited by 1Short
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I just went paperless. :ph34r: Bought a used Palm M125 from another Geocacher with the idea I would use it for geocaching. However, I'm using it for every thing and really like it. I realy like the fact I have all the cache information I need always with me and don't have to print out pages all the time. Lots of used cheap PDA's out there that will work well for caching. I would recommend anyone getting one who wants to increase their caching tools.

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Put me in the Palm OS/CacheMate group. Just about any Palm will do (unless you are looking at antiques).


I know there are some programs for the PPC, but I haven't kept up with them at all since I don't own one.


While I think the Palm OS is still the biggest market in PDAs Microsoft has been getting better. I don't think MS has yet dominated a market outside of the Wintell platform, so don't be too swayed by the name.

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Depends on what you want the PDA to do. If you want to use the PDA with a GPSr, then the PPC has more apps that are more advanced. If you just want a PDA, then a Palm may be what you want. I use a Zire 71, and the built-in camera comes in handy every now and then, when I want to take a photo of a cache, or a benchmark, or whatever. I don't have to carry a separate camera, and the color screen is amazing. I also have an aluminum case for it, which I think is essential. Whatever you buy, make sure it has an expansion card slot of some kind.

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Hey MBC, how ya doing? I'm running a Ipaq 3955, with an expansion pack with an extra battery and compact flash card slot. You can get waterproof cases for this setup. Using Mapopolis with a compact flash GPS to get me close to the caches then my regular gps to find it. I also use Mapopolis Maplet converter to convert my gpx file into a file Mapopolis will use to put the waypoints in it. Then I use GPX View to read all the cache pages on the pda. I bought all the hardware on E-bay. One of the things I like about all of this is how easy it is to use. To put the GPX file on the pda is simply a matter of dragging and dropping it in an explore window, being a Microsoft operating system on both units. The one thing I wish I had done different is to get an expansion pack with a pcmcia slot so that I could use my wireless network card in it. The compact flash GPS I got came with an adapter for that kind of slot. :ph34r:

Edited by George501949
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I have used both Palm and PPC, and one off the reasons I like the PPC is that I can run multiple programs at the same time, just like Windows. You may be able to do that on Palm but I 'm not sure as I never did it when I had it. I will also add that it has a lot to do with what your budget and uses for a PDA are. :)


P.S. There is of course GPS software for both. I have only used the PPC versions of those.

Edited by George501949
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We just started using a Tungsten with Cachemate and are pretty pleased. For just caching, could have gotten by with less PDA but I knew once I had one, more uses would be found. Added an SD card for more storage, figured out how to hook up an old Earthmate serial GPS receiver and fire up Delorme software. That's how I rationalize the higher resolution and color screen. It is now our car navigation device. (Actually cached with this rig once when we forgot our Rino but wouldn't recommend it on a regular basis.) Downloaded a reader and the CIA World Fact Book and daughter uses it for geography study and homework. Did I mention games? Palms come with datebook, address book, expenses, etc. Installed Plucker and carry web news with me. Be careful, these things are dangerous and can cause stimulation of recessive geek genes. :)

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TomTom, Copilot, and most other PDA mapping programs only offer PPC versions. I use Mapopolis, which has both PPC and Palm versions, and the PPC version has more features by far, and I'm jealous of it. It appears that Mapopolis has very good PPC programmers, and mediocre Palm programmers, and mediocre is giving them a lot of credit. The PPC version can load the correct maps on the fly, while the Palm version can't. For more info, check the GPSPassion forums. There are many PPC forums, but only the Mapopolis forum has Palm participants, and the Palm users aren't too happy with what they're getting. Mapopolis is just about the only game in town for Palm users, while there are many PPC programs. Why this is, I have no idea. I'm not about to buy a PPC just for GPS use, and I far prefer the Palm OS for a PDA.


I too have used my Palm running cotoGPS for geocaching, but I don't recommend it either. The cable between the GPS and the PDA goes out looking for things to get snagged in.


As for the Tungsten E, I don't recommend it. You can't connect anything to it, because it doesn't have a universal connector, and it doesn't have Bluetooth, so it can't interface with anything except through IR, and that's not much of an option. If I were buying again, I'd either get a Tungsten T2 or T3 or a Zire 71. I have a Z71, and I'm happy with it. I use the camera to take pictures of caches now and then. I don't carry my good digital camera in the woods - I don't want to break it, & it's more than I want to carry. I have the Z71 along in its hard case anyway, so it's easy to take quick pictures, with no additional weight or pieces to keep track of.

Edited by NightPilot
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I leapt up from the Palm M130 to the iQue 3600 and wow!


Running the iQue with cachemate is a dream. I use the iQue to get to the cache site, then my normal GPSr to find the cache and then the ique to fill in the log on cachemate.


One of my friends actually used the iQue to find a cache with, but at the price of it I would hate to risk it.


Most of the people who cache with PDA's in the UK tend to lean towards the ipaq and memory map.

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My thought is that you try to buy the best PDA that you can get. If you are like me sooner or later you will upgrade, and if you get the best you can get now, you hopefuly will not have to upgrade again real soon. IE more memory, faster cpu, larger screen, battery life, so on.

That is EXACTLY what I'm thinking; it's obsolete when I get it, so why make it even more obsolete? The Tungsten E seems to meet the criteria so far.

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Aquapac... and a Bluetooth GPS. Either platform has it's pro's and con's, though Mapopolis on my PPC is really cool with my gpx's converted to "maplets". I prefer Plucker on my Palm for the actual cache pages though. Any way you look at it, it's a handful of very expensive toys just to find an ammo box full of Mctoy's...

I would try to go with a newer model though. It's Christmas! Remind Santa how good you've been!!! ;)

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Oh, I've been very good indeed, just ask me. I think Palm Claus should be as generous as Garmin Claus and Magellan Claus have been in the past couple of Xmases.


I still think that the expandability of the Tungsten is pretty good. The same technology (SD cards) is built into our Magellan Meridian Platinum, so we're familar with it. The learning curve is not quite so steep.

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I decided that I wanted to go paperless. I've always been pretty much paperless as I often refuse to carry the cache page with me. Just too much trouble to print them all when I usually do 10-20 when I go caching. I usually print way more than I need.


With all of the new puzzle caches, night caches, and other twists in the evolution of caching it becomes harder to go without the pages. I'm planning a big trip soon and It would be nice not to have to research all the caches first but do them on the fly as we can while travelling. Trying to load up the laptop in the field is a joke as well. Who wants to go back to the car or wait for the laptop to boot up just to look at one page? I'm not that patient.


So I decided to get a PDA. While I did spring for a higher priced mapping GPS, I didn't have the need for something fancy or the money for something expensive in a PDA. I looked in several pawn shops and on E-bay. The pawn shops are selling beat up PDA's for way too much and the guys on E-bay want to hit you with that hidden $15 shipping charge.


I decided with the $99 Etrex Yellow of the Palm world. The Zire 21, did it for me. The Zire of course with 2MB and only $20 cheaper was a joke. The Zire 21 has 8MB and does everything I want it too. Of course it isn't color and doesn't have a backlight. But I take a headlamp caching all the time and I don't need color for what I'm doing with it.


My advice is if you plan to use the PDA for lots of other things then maybe a better unit is for you. However, if you want a brand new unit that is a very base model strictly for geocaching then I highly reccomend the Zire 21.


I took it this last holiday weekend for the first time. Kept it buttoned in my shirt pocket most of the time. My previous solo record for caches was around 13 mostly because I don't prepare. While prepared with others I have hit over 30 in a day. With the PDA in hand I hit the trail. Most of the caches were not drive-bys and several of them required thick bushwacking of 1/3 to 3/4 of a mile. They were spread out over a large area as well. I still managed to pick up 17 caches in a relatively short time. Mostly due to the PDA. My little blue notepad and black pen sure were jealous that I wasn't using them to log my notes for the day.

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...one off the reasons I like the PPC is that I can run multiple programs at the same time, just like Windows...

Yup, I like being able to run GpsSonar which allows me to read the cache descriptions and logs, and at the same time, toggle over to Mapopolis which lets me see the caches on a map. And at the same time, being able to create 'notes' containing the next waypoints to go attempt next, or copy/pasted coords or hints from the cache description for quick reference, etc. Of course this is all in theory for me as I've only had my PPC for three weeks now (ipaq 4150) and haven't even taken it out caching yet.


One thing I don't like about the PPC (and perhaps it's the same with color Palms, too?) is that the display can be hard to read in outside daylight.

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You can use GPXSonar for your notes and for planning your next cache moves too... Use the menu options accessible via 'Tap & Hold'. You'll see what I mean.


Also, hints are available directly on the cache pages produced by GPXSonar (just select the text and the hint will appear).


Regarding the visibility of the PPC screen in broad daylight: it depends on the technology used for the display. TFT screens are very readable outdoors even in direct sunlight.




Edited by -=(GEO)=-
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So how about this? A smaller, less expensive unit ( Palm Zire?) that I wouldn't be too afraid to lose in the bush, and a much better one to use in the car ( Sony Clie or Tungsten T3) and for applications other than caching? Then the laptop could stay home.


If you can afford it and can rationalize it with your Better Half/Accountant/Boss, that is a great way to go. I've been carrying a Palm into the brush for 2+ years and I have destroyed one and damaged another badly. They fall out of pockets or into rivers quite easily and, unlike your GPSr, really hate being dropped on the ground or into water. I would be too scared to carry a T|T or T|C with me for fear of destroying it.


I have a Palm V or a m500 that I carry most of the time when caching. They work fine for what they need to do (run plucker). The m105 or the Zire 21 would be equally useful. I'm really impressed with the Clie UX50, but I can't rationalize spending $600+ on it. Especially if there was a chance of it getting dropped in a creek.



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Ok, I'm not yet ready for purchase in a financial sense, but am trying to understand in advance the pro's & con's. I figure that way if a good deal presents itself, I may be able to "cache in."


My 1st quwstion is, what is the ppc that is mentioned? how is it different from a PDA ?


I would like a unit, PPC OR PDA, that can be hooked up to my GPSr while in the car, running Real Time mapping software for navigating, and then used for the cache page for paperless caching.


I keep reading these threads, but am still confused as to what accomplishes these tasks.

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PDA is a general term for handheld computer


PPC (Pocket PC) is a type of PDA that runs a form of Windows Software. There are probably hundreds of varieties by different manufacturers.


Palm is a type of PDA that runs one of various versions of the Palm Operating System. There are probably as many types of Palm as there are PPC.


Both types are made by many different manufacturers. For example Sony make Palms and Compaq make PPCs.


There are other types of PDA but the market is dominated by those two types.


What you want depends on taste, but for caching, you can get by with a second hand mono Palm device costing less than $50. Don't get confused by the specs. As long as it has at least 8Mb of memory and is running version 3.5 of the OS or later, it will do fine for running Cachemate and mapping applications.


Personaly, I use a second hand PalmIIIxe. I would rather drop that in a stream than the latest $400 iPaq.

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PPCs and palms use their own software. Neither runs the same sort of Windows as you use on your laptop.


A lot of good software for these is free, and a lot of the good mapping software that runs on laptops etc will download componentd to either PPC or Palm.


It would help if you listed all the things you wanted to use the PDA for then worked out how yo uwould do it. The costs etc may then push you towards one or the other.

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