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What Will You Do To Find A Cache?


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:( To what extreme have you gone to retrive a cache. Last year, in the middle of February, I remember taking off my shoes in 15 degree weather to wade a creek on the quest for a Two Wacky Whits cache. I found the cache and I did not get sick, but my wife thought that I had lost a few marbles. How about you?

Well, if I'm with Pepper (Team Supergenius) and we might get first-to-find, just about anything! :(


I tend to get stubborn when I can't find one that everyone else has found...or that has a devious hide. I can't sleep at night (too many thoughts of "could it have been there? what about under that bridge?") and just get all caught up in the hunt. There are some that I've revisited over and over. For example, Ardmore Adventure took me 2 days and 5 visits.


The best, though, was when Pepper and I were attempting LucyandRickie's Scrabble Cache We got onto the totally wrong trailhead, then saw a side path heading in the direction we knew we needed to be. Cool! (we think), we'll just take this and end up on the right trail. After an hour of mud-slipping, pricklybush-stinging, bushwhacking in the pouring winter rain, we finally beat our way down to the lakeshore (and to the trail that we knew had to be there). We were so wet our bodies were creating their own fog. We were covered head to toe in mud and bits of foliage. Even then, we continued on to find the first 2 waypoints (the last 3 or 4 had to wait until our next visit).


By the way, LucyandRickie's Pieces of the Puzzle series is one of the most intense I've ever done. It took Pepper and I about 4 weeks in total, but we had a great time. It certainly changed my level of caching ability -- brainteasers, tough hides, and sometimes intense hikes (especially if you decide to bushwhack).



Posted (edited)

Well, I certaintly got one that fits! I was fairly new to the game back on May 31, 2002. 60ish finds. There was this one cache:



I never had a FTF before and I knew that UWDawg might want to go after this one pretty quick. I'd noticed this cache since I started was itching to get to it first. Really wanted this one bad.


Well, my old 1989 white Chevy S-10 wasn't running any good anymore. Week before I heard a loud bang going up the pass towards Yakima. s***! Anyhow, now the rig would sputter and hestitate on any kind of hill...coudn't really get up to speed. Turned out ot be a broken ring in the engine that forced me to give up on the old rig and get my Jeep in short order. Anyhow, I didn't know the problem on that day yet...wouldnt' know till a couple days later when I took it to the local gas station.


Had the FTF bug real bad and it was sweetened by the fact that the cache had been hid June 2001. So I decided to make one more last run in my original geo vehicle...knowing that this was probably a stupid thing to do.


Took off and everythign was fine up to just past the Tiger Mt. Trailhead on I90. There is a stretch of highway that begins a long steady uphill...not really that steep, but the old truck noticed it. Hestitated and I for the life of me couldnt' get back up to safe highway speed. s*** and then some!!! Swore some unmentionables. Fortunenately an exit appeared and I took it...Sno parkway exit...went down it and right down 202 through Snoqualmie and into NBend. From there I decided to r4ol l the dice one more time. Are you crazy bud or what?!!!!


Well, I stopped at Ken's Trucktown and thought things over first. Went through all this s*** so far...didnt' want to miss out on the FTF at this point! Decided to screw to hell, i'm gonna go for it. Let's live man!


Somewhow the truck made ti to exit 38 and I drove to the parking area by the gate. Did the cache in style and drove home the long way...202 to Redmond and home. Last time I ever drove that truck except to the station. Got the Jeep just a few days later. I guess the old truck had one last good run!


Don't know what got into my head that day!


p.s. UWDawg emailed me the next day...congrats and noted that he had been thinking of doing this one soon.

Edited by evergreenhiker!
This one took some work! The Way to Waialeale Cache

Wow! It looks like you had a pretty intense time with that one. :P


I'll be visiting the island in June, and the nearby Welcome to Jurassic Park cache is on my list......but I'm thinking that we might bypass The Way to Waialeale (not a hot summer day sort of adventure).


And yes, I am planning the non-working part of my trip to Hawaii around geocaching, which is why I'm looking at caches 7 months in advance. :)




I misplaced my gps inside of my own house......so I thought I can use aerial photo's to find it.....with some good mapping etc....


sure as heck I found a micro doing this.....wow!


but then I got greedy went to my next one ....spent about an 2 hours looking....turns out I was about 200 feet away....


but I had a blast doing it....

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