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Anatomy Of Our 1000 Caches


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We picked up our milestone 1000th cache today on a day that is also our 10th wedding anniversary. We did a little 300 foot vertical climb up some rock formations overlooking the I-80, the Green River, and the city of Green River, WY. It was cold in the 20's with the wind chill taking it down to the single digits.


For our 1000 caches we have journeyed to 10 different states when we get away from work. Wyoming does not have many caches (310), so we head out on many road trips.


Our first cache was in Nov 2001, but we did not get the 2nd one until April 2002 when we finally got a GPS device. So our 1000+ caches have come in 20 months of actiuve caching.


Our total caches in our top three states are:


Utah - 453

Wyoming - 242

South Dakota - 111 (This state has only 235 caches)


Our caches by year:


2001 - 1

2002 - 391

2003 - 614 (1006 total now)


Our caching miles by vehicle over the last 20 months in which we got at least one cache one that trip:


Motorcycle - 30,000

Car - 20.000

SUV - 15.000


We have picked up 655 travel bugs along the way also now.


Congrats! I've seen a bunch of your geo-tokens in caches here in Utah.


The November breakfast last Saturday would have been a kewl choice for #1000 too. He could have celebrated!

We have picked up 655 travel bugs along the way also now.

Whoa! Your cache page must be a mile long with all of those travel bugs listed on it.


I started before you and have a lowly 75 cache finds in just under 3 years. I yield to caching greatness. Congratulations on your 1000th find and 10th wedding anniversary. May you quintuple both.


I see that there are at least one dozen caches that I have also done. Being from Texas, we do get around.

I also see that many of their caches they logged more than once. Not to diminish their accomplishments, but I normally only claim a "find" once. If I go back to retrieve a TB or something, I just post a note.

Any response?


If you want to count all of our logs we have 1278 in the system mostly to go get the travel bugs at caches we have already been too.



I lived in Casper for many years and from the looks of it, I would be bored stiff if I had to cache around there. I do own land in the Black Hills so have placed a few there. At least I know there are a few left for you to find there.

Cache on...


Someone made a comment about logging multiple times for a cache, so I took a look back at our caches. Yes I found some multiple logs.


2 - Plain mistakes that should have been a note as I went for a travel bug.


3 - These are moving caches - everytime I found it again it was in another place.


2- These caches are not moving caches, but were moved to another location. For both of these I was going for the travel bug without the GPS because I had already been there, but did not find the cache. When I looked at the coordinates again with the GPS on, I saw that they had been moved and I had missed the explanation in the computer on the cache page. One took me another 1/2 mile to go get. Another was on the other side of a creek that we had to go back to cross over without getting wet.


2- I purposely logged again because the owners of the cache do it all the time and it irked me. So I played by their rules and logged as a find again.


So for 4 caches I will relog them as a note. Two were unintentional mistakes the other two not, but I will be the big person and drop them. All 4 were going back for the travel bug. One took us on a 6 mile 900 vertical foot gain to go get round trip. Another on a 3 mile trek up and back with about a 500 feet gain, and one about a half mile round trip. So this will drop us from 1006 caches to 1002 for now.


Great work TH&G. I have your geotokan #811 from a cache near Grand Junction. I first became aware of you guys when looking at some caches we would like to do next summer up on the Sweetwater. Your mileage data are living proof of the economic importance of geocaching as a sport. Hope to cross trails with you someday as I feel an affinity having worked Wyoming three different times in my life. Happy caching.

Congratulations. We haven't reached 1000 yet but we made our 500th a special find. We did a scuba diving cache. I'm certain we'll select a special cache for number 1000. Then I think we'll take up archery. ;)

Underwater archery maybe???

Could start a whole new trend.

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