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Sewer Rat

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Posted (edited)

Rarely. It's more likely to happen if the cache is a new one. I did run into one yesterday but I wasn't geocaching. I was returning to my car after a day of doing trail work in a state forest, when a person with a GPS approached me to ask for directions to a certain trail. In his hand I noticed a list of area caches, including several of mine. Turns out he had just returned from one of my caches and was heading to another nearby.

Edited by briansnat
Posted (edited)

I think 3 times now....all three of them where FTF races and had new bugs in them as well.


One time at cache camp, I was about to go out to a swamp....only car parked in the area was right at the point of where a cacher would park to find the cache.


So not to disrupt him I sat in my car for 15 mins. before going out.....turns out the car was for something else. Oh-well.

Edited by Kitch

I have 140-something finds and have ran into other geocachers 5 times now in 4 different cities. :)


Mostly on the weekends but once during the week. Twice while they were examining the contents of the cache, once while they were leaving and twice while I was looking for the cache.


Ran into the husband of a geocacher once but since the cache was at their house it probably doesn't count.

I have 140-something finds and have ran into other geocachers 5 times now in 4 different cities. :)

Can I count running into Gaviidae not once, but TWICE? We cache together from time to time, but once we met when I was FTF on a new cache of his and he was checking it out in the middle of the night (or 10pm) and another time we happened to end up caching in the same area about 75m away from home and collided when we were both parking for a cache. We ended up doing a few more together that day. Very nice.


Other than those I've had another 5 run-ins with other cachers in other towns - one of those at a new cache, and the others were at older caches but the people were newer-at-caching than myself.




Posted (edited)

Of my 12 finds, I ran into one team, Team GUI. Admittedly, I was more excited about meeting a felllow cacher(s) that I was to find the cache. We stopped and talked for a bit. To me that was the best of all worlds: Getting out and about, enjoying nature, being with my family, the sense of adventure, finding the cache, and meeting new people. It was quite nice.

Edited by DiverMan

I've come across GeoCachers twice, I think.


I can't verify that they were Geocaaching on the first occasion. I avoided a group of people that I met in the woods. They seemed to be avoiding me just as much and were wandering around in a strange pattern off of the trail. I didn't see a GPSr in thier possession and I don't know if they were really Geocachers. I finally lost sight of them. I bumped intop them later walking in a straight line on the trail and they were much more friendly. Perhaps they found the cache. I came out of the experience with a DNF.


The second time, and on a different cache, I was closing in on a cache position (in the same park). I estimated the position and was prepared to start bushwhacking. My companion asked "Where do you think it is?". I said: "Right were that bright yellow rain slicker is standing."


Another party had gotten there just minutes before we did. We had a nice conversation, observed the contents of the cache and signed the log book. We didn't claim that one as find and put a note to that effect in the log.


And lastly, I was once on a river side walking path and I wasn't seeking a cache. I saw a guy approachon a bike who parked it, and then climbed over the railing. He started looking all over for something: high and low, in creaveses, behind rocks, in the voids in the railing posts, drainage culverts, etc. I saw he had a bag on the frame of his bike. I couldn't image what he was doing so I asked him "Are you geocaching?". He looked at me blanlky and said "huh?". I didn't want to explain it to him so I let him continue his search and went on my way, too. I hope he found what he was looking for, but I don't bother asking people I meet on the trail any more.


I have never run into another cacher while caching. I have run into several while not caching after meeting them at an event cache. Most cachers around here bump into each other trying to get a FTF.


Out of about 170 finds, I've run into other caches twice, and they were the same people each time. One time turned out to be a no-find for all of us, when we worked together for more than an hour to find the cache but came up empty.



I saw a guy approachon a bike who parked it, and then climbed over the railing. He started looking all over for something: high and low, in creaveses, behind rocks, in the voids in the railing posts, drainage culverts, etc. I saw he had a bag on the frame of his bike. I couldn't image what he was doing so I asked him "Are you geocaching?". He looked at me blanlky and said "huh?". I didn't want to explain it to him so I let him continue his search and went on my way, too. I hope he found what he was looking for, but I don't bother asking people I meet on the trail any more.

There ought to be a some sign of mutual recognition that we can give each other, without encountering these blank looks. Some sort of a neutral question (or statement) that only us cachers recognize as a form of identification.


Yesterday I attempted a FTF involving a 5 mile walk, and at the trailhead I saw this car with a license plate similar to the handle of the owner of a (different) local cache. I thought he'd be there before me, and when I met as he was coming down the trail, I asked him if he was 'part of the treasure hunt'. Nope, he was just collecting mushrooms, and i got my FTF.


This was better than asking him if he was a geocacher, and at least i didn't get the blank look, but there ought to be a better way!


Out of 63 finds, we have run into GeoCachers twice on the trails (Neither were due to FTFs). Both times it was rather obvious they were cachers because they had paper in their hands. I just asked them if they were geocaching and from there we probably talked about a half hour both times. One couple was from out of town and the other guy was a local cacher which was really cool since we seemed to always follow his finds! It was neat to meet someone who you always see in the log books!


CraZy Cache


I am averaging a "meet" every 26 finds (8 of 212). I even met a cacher from near my home when deep in the woods... 500 miles away! It's always a real pleasure, whenever and where ever it happens.

Posted (edited)

It happened to us twice so far. The first day we went out caching we ran into two couples looking for the same cache. That was interesting. On another cache we were just finishing up when we heard a group tromping through the woods in the direction that we had come from.

Edited by mlnapoli

I've run into fellow cachers 3 - 4 times already, although I'll say hello to almost anybody out on the trail.

When approaching others, I make no attempt to hide my GPS (sorry folks was going to "unit" here but thought better of it 8-)) and let them ask the question first.



There ought to be a some sign of mutual recognition that we can give each other,

There is, although I'm unsure if it's universal.

OK, clue the rest of us in!

Posted (edited)

We have run into fellow cachers several times. On our first day out we ran into one person who lived pretty close by to us and while we were talking a couple of cachers from Michigan saw us and we all chatted for a bit then found the cache we were looking for. We also met someone from Wisconsin while caching about a month after that. At the Magellan contest cache we met about 6-8 other cachers (at least) coming and going while we were comparing notes, an informal event almost. We took a month long vacation in June and that is where we had the strangest meeting of another cacher. We were on a ferry going to the outer banks (Hatteras) in North Carolina and about 3 other people were checking out their GPSR's as we were and one of them was a cacher. The best part is that if I remember right, he was from the west coast, we are from Chicago and we happened to meet on a ferry in the Atlantic Ocean! We did get a cache that day so it was while on the hunt. Got about 35 on that trip (all virts) so we averaged more than 1 a day. We have about 120 total finds but about 1/3 of those are virts and another 1/5 are locationless so we only have about 60 regular caches. Pretty good luck I'd say. Unfortunately we have only placed 1 cache so far, but see the log here and in a round a bout way we were responsible for an impromptu meeting at it also! We have been to 2 event already and have met alot of cachers at them. In all I'd say weve met almost as many cachers as we have found caches!

Edited by Corp Of Discovery

There is a cache near my house that I drive by several times a day. The first time I saw cachers there I didn't even know a cache had been placed there. I ran home and searched for nearest caches and found out one had been placed under my nose. Since then I haven't seen anyone out looking for it.


too many to count. I try for FTFs or get to the cache early in thre cycle in my area so there's a good chance of running into somebody. I have yet to run into Hazard though even though he lives near my area. It took me almost a year to run into Moun10Bike although we both are cache crazy. Funny how things work out. Met LucyandRickie and Donna of Wienerdog on the same day. Ms. Wienerdog was leaving the cache and I searched it for a bit before L&R came onto the scene. I believe Lucy found Fen Dweller's cache that day by the Sammamish slough.

Twice. Once, we were caching, & they were hiding a cache. Its pretty neat to know the person instead of their web alias.

Excuse me...FOUR times (the other two were unregistered at the time) maybe there's more....


We've been caching nearly a year and have yet to run into any cachers.

We HAVE chased cachers around the same caches all day, just yesterday we were third in line right after the same couple of cachers on six caches.

We always seem to find caches when there's a flurry of activity on them, but have yet to run into anyone.

Posted (edited)

how about setting up a hidden motion sensing camera like some of those nature photographers do. As soon as a cache hunter enters the area of the cache he (or she) would be caught red handed! ha-ha! :D

Edited by crispete
how about setting up a hidden motion sensing camera like some of those nature photographers do. As soon as a cache hunter enters the area of the cache he (or she) would be caught red handed! ha-ha! :ph34r:

Love the idea!


For legal purposes, maybe the terms-and-conditions should include a clause such as "Geocachers hereby agree that their movements in the cache area may be recorded on audio and/or visual media, etc. etc."

Posted (edited)
Can I count running into Gaviidae not once, but TWICE?  We cache together from time to time, but once we met when I was FTF on a new cache of his and he was checking it out in the middle of the night (or 10pm)

A likely story... :ph34r:


Back on topic, I have run into other cachers once that I can think of... Ironically it was at the beginning of my "career" as well. It was neat to meet them, and we bumped into each other in an urban cache hunt. We looked together, going in all directions. It was hidden well... his wife found it. :lol:


edit: content

Edited by mrkablooey

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