+Cooter13 Posted November 22, 2003 Posted November 22, 2003 Thanksgiving is coming up and regardless of your religious beliefs, the United States shuts down for a day of giving thanks, celebration of family and, last but not least, eating. My son is working on a book for class (1st Grader), and the project is "I am thankful for ____, because ____." What is everybody thankful for? What special traditions, experiences or activities do/have you participate(d) in? Is geocaching on Thanksgiving Day going to start a new tradition? I know this sounds like a school assignment, but just out of curiosity, I am interested in how people spend their Thanksgiving. Quote
+ChrisCindy Posted November 22, 2003 Posted November 22, 2003 I will be setting up my art show that opens that Friday. Quote
+pstar Posted November 22, 2003 Posted November 22, 2003 (edited) I'll be geocaching in Connecticut (I'm from VA) over the Thanksgiving weekend and introducing my nephew to the 'sport'. Of course, there'll be the usual eating, drinking and watching football which has become sortofa [lame] tradition for us but that works for me. Oh, and we are thankful for God's blessings, family and country! Edited November 22, 2003 by pstar Quote
+Cooter13 Posted November 22, 2003 Author Posted November 22, 2003 Just to let you all know, I participate in delivering meals to people that are unable to attend the Salvation Army's Thanksgiving Meal. The McMinnville Jaycees have about 30 members and, as anybody who has been involved in a volunteer organization or service club knows, 20% participation is rare. We have almost 75% participation in this event. Imagine taking 2 to 3 hours of your time on Thanksgiving Day to deliver a hot meal to those that can not have it. For the first time my son will be able to participate in this activity. For one of the few times in my life I feel as if I am able to give back something that I have taken. Please give to the charity, organization or other deserving entity this holiday season in thanks for all that you have. If you choose not to give money, give your time. One missed cache might mean a hot dinner for four. Think about those outside of your boundaries, they will appreciate the generosity. Quote
+CachinCin Posted November 22, 2003 Posted November 22, 2003 I'm being treated to a big Thanksgiving dinner at a friend's house -- a great friend who I was lucky to meet through geocaching. Indeed, the feast will be attended by three geocaching families. Last year, my husband and I made sushi, so this is a big switch for us. Cin (who's now thinking that she should figure out a spiffy cache event for the day) Quote
Tahosa and Sons Posted November 22, 2003 Posted November 22, 2003 (edited) I'll be busy as usual on this day, have to feed about 400 people Sylvan Dale HOLIDAYS & UPCOMING EVENTS Experience the warmth of an old fashioned holiday at Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch. Come...join our table and start your own family traditions at Sylvan Dale. Our Antique Dining Room is always dressed for the most festive occasion. View horses and the Big Thompson River from your table. TRADITIONAL THANKSGIVING FEAST Thursday, November 27, 2003. Roast turkey, glazed ham, sage dressing, and all the trimmings...served "pilgrim style". Enjoy a relaxing day with horsedrawn hayrides, nature walks, hot cider by the fire, football on tv with dessert, and trailrides in the foothills. (Optional; extra cost for trail rides). 2-night Celebration Package: Set a leisurely pace this holiday season. Join us for a Thanksgiving Celebration that doesn't end with the Pumpkin Pie! Perfect for the whole family! Includes: 2- nights lodging (check-in 3 pm on 11/27; check-out 11 am on 11/29). Traditional Thanksgiving Buffet, plus all additional meals. Live music and dancing Much More! Spaces fill quickly. Call for reservations: 1-877-667-3999 Per person package price: $210 Adult; $189 Seniors; $99 Youth (7-12); $59 Child (3-6) Edited November 22, 2003 by Tahosa and Sons Quote
+bigredmed Posted November 23, 2003 Posted November 23, 2003 My son is working on a book for class (1st Grader), and the project is "I am thankful for ____, because ____." What is everybody thankful for? I am thankful that my family is intact and we have a new nephew. Sadly, I will be working this Thanksgiving. Geocaching would be more fun. Quote
+briansnat Posted November 23, 2003 Posted November 23, 2003 Well for the whole week: Sunday (tomorrow) Trail work in the a.m. Raking leaves in the afternoon (yuk). Monday - Trail work. Hopefully completing a new, 9+ mile hiking trail. Tuesday- Geocaching maybe. A few newer caches in the area I'm looking to bag. Wed- Cooking. We're having 22 over for dinner the next day. Thur- More cooking. Drinking some good wine and beer and eating a reeeal loooot! Then falling asleep while watching footbal Fri - Driving to Vt. Will probably stop to check on a cache I have on the way. Sat - Skiing hopefully. No geocaching, as I'm throwing my Vista in the mail on Wed and sending it back for warranty repairs. Nothing major. A few minor probs and the warranty runs out the following week. Sun - More skiing!!!!!!!! And perhaps a pint of Guinness in the lodge afterwards. Quote
+leatherman Posted November 23, 2003 Posted November 23, 2003 Skiing, skiing, skiing!!!!!!!!!! Stevens Pass opens on Tue the 25th. WooHoo!! Quote
+BadAndy Posted November 23, 2003 Posted November 23, 2003 I'll be driving from Idaho to Cali via Vegas and back. Should be able to hit a few roadside caches and one-armed bandits along the way. Quote
+Jamie Z Posted November 23, 2003 Posted November 23, 2003 regardless of your religious beliefs... Thanksgiving has religious ties? Hmmm, maybe I ought to rethink my participation. Anyway, I had considered hiking the Black Creek Trail in southern Mississippi during my 4-day break from school. Now it seems I might have a caching trip planned--someplace warm. Jamie Quote
+leatherman Posted November 23, 2003 Posted November 23, 2003 Thanksgiving has religious ties? Hmmm, maybe I ought to rethink my participation. I hear ya. All I think of on Thanksgiving is the Indians eating the Pilgrums... or whatever it was about. Anyway, it's all about turkey and mashed taters! Quote
+Team Tecmage Posted November 23, 2003 Posted November 23, 2003 Following BrianSnat- Sunday- Working on Dissertation and Maybe Geocaching Monday- Prepping lab for new equipment, working out teaching assignment for Fall04, working on Dissertation Tuesday- Giving a tour for perspective student, working on Dissertation Wednesday- Working on Dissertation Thursday- Smoking a Turkey, working on Dissertation Friday- Working on Dissertation (maybe a little Geocaching) Saturday- Dissertation Sunday- Working on the *#)@(*&^%$$$ dissertation Quote
Dana and Cocoa Posted November 23, 2003 Posted November 23, 2003 I'm in healthcare, so I have to work. That's okay though, we will have a huge feast at work and try to make the best of it. It also means I am off on Christmas this year! If the weather remains good, there will be some caching going on the day before Thanksgiving. Almost 60 here in Ma. today, bagged two caches. Weather forecast is the same for tomorrow. Quote
+ShaneN4Girls Posted November 23, 2003 Posted November 23, 2003 First the boring stuff... Monday - work Tuesday - work and pack Here is where it gets fun... Wednesday - cache our way to Mom & Dad's . I sat down at the computer today to put together our route and ended up with 31 possible cache stops on the way. Hopefully the women will let me stop for at least a few of them. Thursday morning - Work on about 13 locationless caches I can nab in the old home town, followed by... Thursday afternoon and evening - Honey Baked Ham, Home rotisseried prime rib, and FOOTBALL Friday - Try to talk my dad into going with me as I travel around the area nabbing more caches and visiting old stomping grounds (approx 200 miles total) Saturday - spend some quality time with mom Sunday - come back home, stopping to nab the caches I couldn't get on the way up, all the while wondering why it is already time to go back to work . Quote
+ShaneN4Girls Posted November 23, 2003 Posted November 23, 2003 My son is working on a book for class (1st Grader), and the project is "I am thankful for ____, because ____." Sorry, forgot this part. I am thankful for my beautiful daughters because they remind me that life is not supposed to be fast paced, and is supposed to be enjoyed. They make me smile with their expressions, their actions, and their words. Quote
+jeff35080 Posted November 23, 2003 Posted November 23, 2003 I am thankful that I found geocaching, through my brother (Readymixer). I am thankful that geocaching has allowed me to spend quality time with my children, away from TV and computers and telephones. We have visited many places we would have never seen had it not been for geocaching. I am thankful for the friends I have met through geocaching. I am thankful that the good Lord has allowed me and my children to be heathly and able to enjoy the beauty of the world that He created. I can't help but wonder if anyone in the military that originally launched the satellites had any idea how much enjoyment they would give persons such as myself by doing so. Happy pre-Thanksgiving to everyone! Quote
+Doc-Dean Posted November 24, 2003 Posted November 24, 2003 Monday - Work & Pack Tuesday- Fly to NY and hopefully hit a geocache or two Wed- Going to Long Island Wineries to load up on some good wines. Hit more geocaches. Thursday - no geocaching today Friday - Hit NYC for some good chinese or italian food and hopefully a geocache or two Sat - Fly back to Florida - Warm up! Quote
umc Posted November 24, 2003 Posted November 24, 2003 My wife and I are going to be loading up our two ATVs early Thursday morning and heading up north to her parents house for Thanksgiving day and spending the day with her immediate family and having a feast there. It will be a long weekend there on out of riding the ATVs and caching along with hanging out and relaxing. Quote
+Halden Posted November 24, 2003 Posted November 24, 2003 Isn't it a litle early to start planning for Thanksgiving already? We have almost a full year before next October. Just kidding. Happy Thanksgiving to you Yanks, even if you wait too long for it. Quote
JamesAG Posted November 24, 2003 Posted November 24, 2003 Flying to San Francisco for a little R&G (Rest and Geocaching). Already staked out the Caches and Benchmarks that will let me get in a little sightseeing along the way. Quote
Bender Posted November 24, 2003 Posted November 24, 2003 I am gonna do something a little different this year. I have a bunch of friends who got divorced this year (something in the air? I dunno), and most of them are just pretty danged lost right now- no where to go and no one to go there with- pretty depressing eh? After watching "A Christmas Story" for maybe the millionth time it hit me.... Let's all go out for chinese as a great big group!! Got a married couple with no family going too. With this bunch I think it will take a surgeon to get the grins off of our faces. I checked with the chinese place and they will be open, they are setting up a special table for our bunch, and giving us a discount to boot! "God bless this Kung Pao Chicken" I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving this year. Bender Quote
+The Frantic Cachers Posted November 24, 2003 Posted November 24, 2003 Monday--off (sleep) Tuesday--off(laundry) Wednesday--Work Turkey-Day--Work Friday--Work Saturday--........Work Sense a pattern?? I am thankful though that I have work, so I guess I shouldn't complain. Hey tahosa...I will be feeding about the same anount that on Thanksgiving as well. Gotta love the Hospitality Industry.... Quote
+Newenglandah Posted November 24, 2003 Posted November 24, 2003 (edited) Caching in the morning and then indulging in whatever game meat mom is cooking this year for Thanksgiving! I am Thankful that part of my family didn't believe in the same Religious beliefs and were kicked out of England! Edited November 24, 2003 by Natureboy1376 Quote
+carleenp Posted November 24, 2003 Posted November 24, 2003 I'm going to eat, watch football, ice skate, and hopefully hide a cache full of christmas stuff. Quote
TahoeJoe Posted November 24, 2003 Posted November 24, 2003 I'm going to enjoy my time off by going to the movies with my family, geocaching and skiing with my son. Quote
+Enspyer Posted November 24, 2003 Posted November 24, 2003 I'm taking my cousins caching. Perhaps... It may end up that they stay home and play video games and I go caching. I'm guessing the latter. Quote
+wray_clan Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 A nice retreat center in Monterey. Its become a family tradition. We have a gift exchange, since we've never gotten together for Christmas. Rrgh...one more day of school... Quote
+team safari Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 (edited) My brother and his family from El Dorado Hills, CA are driving the 15-18 hr drive from there to Tucson, AZ to share Thanksgiving with us. We really appreciate this effort. I got him into geocaching last May while visiting them in CA, he even bought a GPSr. So, we will go geocaching "desert-style" on Friday - hope to hit some of the Tucson caches I have not found yet, and have been saving for him. Liza his wife says no 4-wheel driving, so we will hit the ones close around here, with some hiking. Looking forward to seeing them! Team Safari Edited November 25, 2003 by team safari Quote
+Cap'n Jack Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Just saw the post with El Dorado Hills! We are going there on Wednesday. Have plotted a course to grab some treasure on the way from the Bay Area. Plan to take some of the kids Caching after the Turkey is done. Quote
+JMBella Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 (edited) Mon: Took off. I was sick and tired literally Tue: Work 1/2 a day, hopefully feel better a geocache Wed: I have no idea, but they'll probably be some geocaching in there somewhere Thur: Thanksgiving morning family tradition. Football Game! (Playing not watching) Fri: All out cache binge Sat: All out Cache binge Sun: All out...uh... oops, hi babe... Sunday is all out spend time with wife day! And work on dissertation. Oh... wait thats not me, sorry. Edited November 25, 2003 by J&MBella Quote
+Team GPSaxophone Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Sunday...Went to church, watched football Monday...shopping for more Christmas lights & supplies Tuesday...Take daughter to Gymnastics class, change oil in GeoTank, build circuits for computer-controlled Christmas lights Wednesday...Hang lights Thursday...Turkey day, hang lights, watch football Friday...Work, hang lights Saturday...Work, hang lights I have about 6,000 lights to hang, BTW Quote
+sea_dragon Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Let's see...work and school the day before, and work, work and, ....um... more work the day after--- Black Friday, the worst day of the year to work in retail. Shudder . So it looks like my Turkey Day will be spent studying for finals (if I get motivated enough), maybe some caching, and looking forward tro Christmas with my family while in the company of a buritto and a couple of brewskis. Quote
+carleenp Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 I have about 6,000 lights to hang, BTW Well, its going to take alot of geocachers to change the burnt out bulbs! Quote
+Patuxent Pirates Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 We plan on including a little caching in our Turkeyday events. Its my home town and we have not cached there yet! It will do us good to walk off the huge meal my mom will probably make!! Quote
+GoaTSniFFer Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 I am taking a quick trip to North Texas for a bite to eat, a quick caching excursion, and back home Friday. Quote
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