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I Don't Like FAQ's


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I don't think the use of the term "faq" is appropriate here. I believe the prefferred term is "alternative questions". To label a question as a "faq" just because it is asked often smacks of bigotry. There are hundreds of questions coming up in conversations all over this country, and it is time we begin to accept them. Alternative questions are questions just like any others, only they come up more often. Please show a little tolerance for questions, regardless of their orientation. It will go a long way toward making conversations a pleasant experience for everyone.

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I read FAQ's as a first resort to solve problems that I am having. 9 out of 10 times the information I need is in them. The 10th time the FAQ is written very poorly, or it is brand new.


I find them useful most of the time. Occassionaly the information is forever out of date, but for the most part useful.



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I hate reading lists of FAQ's. In my mind they are only questions! I would rather read "Answers to FAQ's".


FAQ's would be:

Why is the sky blue?

Where does the rainbow end?

Where's Daddy?


But I will try you're original test:


Umm... let's see .... type... type... type.


FAQ vs. faq vs. Faq ... AHH! :P


Electric typewriters should have better (Selectric) balls!


(Boy, am I gonna get in trouble for this one)



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