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La Snow!


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Thank you CO Admin, I am here also, just not all the time, the wife won't let me.  I also removed the post, J5's was removed because it no longer made sense and for no other reason.  Please keep it clean guys.

If you can't do what you volunteered to do (ie moderate/censor), maybe you should ask someone else to take over?


(first post with the new forums, hope it works!)

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I'm sorry, but I am not on here 24 hours a day, as I am sure is the same with most of the others here. I do check in daily and will try to keep up. Everyone is welcome here and I really do not like having to cencor anyone, shouldn't have to really.


Speaking of snow, have you seen some of the logs from New Brunswick and Quebec, 3 feet in some places! :P

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Snow here on the mainland too...they're not keeping up with the secondary roads so well so I'll be waiting for them to clear off a bit before I try going anywhere remote...Dobermans are notoriously bad van pushers!

Going to try for one in a park on my way to work though....


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C'mo Pete! It's not that bad!


At least Groundclutter and I got those Mount Doug ones yesterday! Had we planned to go today, we would have had a lot harder time climbing that darned hill!


We found 4 of 4 on Mount Doug and 2 more somewhere else. I was almost tempted to do the one on Thetis Lake on the island. Would have meant a bit of a swim, but how many people would do that one in winter!


Looking more and more at that Vista... grrrr...

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We found 4 of 4 on Mount Doug and 2 more somewhere else. I was almost tempted to do the one on Thetis Lake on the island. Would have meant a bit of a swim, but how many people would do that one in winter!


Looking more and more at that Vista... grrrr...

I know at least one person who would go swimming in Winter! :)

Seriously though, skip the Vista.....go Rino!! :rolleyes: If you're hot and heavy for a Vista, the Rino 130 will fit your needs, AND it has a radio, so you and GC don't have to do any more bushwhacking on Mt. Doug! :)

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Well I'm glad I booked out of work early and headed home...we didn't get the promised 20 cm of snow here in the Lower Mainland but we got a few, and now the predicted freezing rain has arrived.

So I'm enjoying the fire, a glass of wine, and am busy entering cache coordinates in anticipation of better times and more daylight ahead <S>

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