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Strangest container used?

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Originally posted by CYBret:

I remember reading a story here from someone who found a cache in a big rubber rat. That would be interesting to find.




__"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again."_ Mt. 13:44_

Hmmmm....The 6-Pack Rats in my area should use that container for their next cache!

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Try using German Army butter dishes.... they are a hoot.


"Trade up, trade even, or don't trade!!!" My philosophy of life.


Breaktrack, I searched for German butter dishes and couldn't find any pictures. Is this an actual item, or code for something?



If an infinite number of rednecks

riding in an infinite number of pickup trucks

fire an infinite number of bullets

at an infinite number of highway signs,

they will eventually produce all the world's

great literary works in Braille. icon_smile.gif


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I just placed a cache shaped with SCULPY (around a a pill bottle)and baked. I then painted it so it looks like a rock. The results were pretty good.


I placed it as a test with instructions for each finder to report how it's holding up. I want to see how it holds up in weather before doing another one.


Jolly R. Blackburn


"Never declare war on a man who buys his ink by the gallon."

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