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I'll do it! I'll do it!

Ok, I just now started one at gcchat.clayjar.com


Don't mind the clayjar part, thats just my sock puppet account.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


I was going to start a gcchat but it looks like Mopar has stole my idea! icon_mad.gif



"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"


Hey! I've got a better idea... what if we all agree that we will meet once a week in this "chatroom" Mopar speaks of... at a given time... and call it the "official weekly geocaching chat?" This would be in addition to the informal chat at other times. I bet you that we could gather at least 30 geocachers together.


How about Mondays at 8:30 p.m. Central Time?



I was formerly employed by the Department of Redundancy Department, but I don't work there anymore.


Originally posted by The Leprechauns:

How about Mondays at 8:30 p.m. Central Time?

Great idea!


I'd prefer 6:30 p.m. Pacific Time though.



"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"


Originally posted by The Leprechauns:

Hey! I've got a better idea... what if we all agree that we will meet once a week in this "chatroom" Mopar speaks of... at a given time... and call it the "official weekly geocaching chat?" This would be in addition to the informal chat at other times. I bet you that we could gather at least 30 geocachers together.


How about Mondays at 8:30 p.m. Central Time?



I was formerly employed by the Department of Redundancy Department, but I don't work there anymore.

Very good idea, but since its my chatroom, I say we go with Tuesdays, say 02:30 UTC.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


...can we please stop calling freenode channels "Chat rooms"?


According to websters:


noun, 1986: any real-time on-line interactive discussion group in which you are promptly asked your Age, Sex, and Location.


I mean, I could see calling the "clayjar chat" a chatroom if it were hosted in efnet or (shudder) DALnet, but...


Originally posted by Mr. Snazz:

noun, 1986: any real-time on-line interactive discussion group in which you are promptly asked your Age, Sex, and Location.


You don't get asked that in #geocache? Maybe it's you. Have you tried switching deodorants?




Originally posted by Warm Fuzzies - Fuzzy:

You don't get asked that in #geocache? Maybe it's you. Have you tried switching deodorants?


I use "Foreman", the deoderant-cologne For Men that makes you smell like a Foreman... maybe that's the problem.


Or it could be my third nipple. icon_eek.gif


Originally posted by Mr. Snazz:

...can we please stop calling freenode channels "Chat rooms"?


According to websters:


noun, 1986: any real-time on-line interactive discussion group in which you are promptly asked your Age, Sex, and Location.


I mean, I could see calling the "clayjar chat" a chatroom if it were hosted in efnet or (shudder) DALnet, but...

Sorry, I was afraid I might be accused of being "elitist" and using confusing acronyms to stomp down the newbies if I called it IRC or Internet Relay Chat.

Don't forget the Secret Rules of Geocaching. Rule #1, everything must be dumbed down to the lowest common denominator.

Rule #2, everything must be made simple and easy enough for every single person to find it every time.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


Originally posted by Mopar:

Don't forget the _Secret Rules of Geocaching_. Rule #1, everything must be dumbed down to the lowest common denominator.

Rule #2, everything must be made simple and easy enough for every single person to find it every time.


Does anybody actually follow those rules? icon_eek.gif


Originally posted by Mr. Snazz:

Does anybody actually follow those rules?


I tried to, but when I looked up "lowest common denominator" in my math books, there was no such thing. I think it's a conspiracy between geocaching.com and Addison-Wesley.




The Michigan Geocaching Org. (MiGO) already has a chat, and its on the same server as the one Mopar set up. Join channel #MiGO


Ya, but isn't that the one umc hangs out in? It's a tough call, but I think I'll try Mopar's chat room. If I could find the link.


If carrots are so good for the eyes, how come I see so many dead rabbits on the highway?


Originally posted by Mr. Snazz:

...can we please stop calling freenode channels "Chat rooms"?


According to websters:


noun, 1986: any real-time on-line interactive discussion group in which you are promptly asked your Age, Sex, and Location.


I mean, I could see calling the "clayjar chat" a chatroom if it were hosted in efnet or (shudder) DALnet, but...

So, uhhh, what R U wearing?



I was formerly employed by the Department of Redundancy Department, but I don't work there anymore.


Is it just me, or do you guys go all zany whenever I'm not watching? icon_biggrin.gif (They're actually quite polite in the chat... most of the time. icon_wink.gif)


Anyway, as you can probably glean from the above posts, there is indeed an official geocaching chat. It's been going on weekly for 60 weeks now (not missed a single one), and there are almost always a few people there (definitely in the evenings).


[Watcher Downloads] - [Official Geocaching Chat]

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