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Abomination! Reclaiming GPS Receivers?


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Several concerned geocachers sent me this information. I haven't been able to find it on the news yet but it has some sinister tones. Also, Amazon hasn't removed their GPS receivers off their site yet.



Assembly Passes GPS Receiver Reclamation Act of 2003

posted Monday, April 1, 2003 by the GSP press


WASHINGTON - The Global Regulatory Assembly for GPS usage today announced approval of legislation for reclamation of GPS receivers during times of war. The vote was narrowly passed 23-21. France declined to vote.


The GPS Receiver Reclamation act will take into affect on April 15th. At this time any civillian grade GPS receivers will be dropped off at designated reclamation locations throughout the United States. Additional stations will be determined on May 1st for the additional 24 countries who have signed the act.


"This is a great move for the government, and for national security" said Casey Jones, the assembly president said at the conclusion of the vote. "We may sacrifice turn by turn directions, but as a whole the direction of international security will stay on course." He went on to say that GPS receivers will become available for sale once international security has been restored.


Amazon has already removed all new GPS receivers from their web site in anticipation of legislation approval, and have replaced them with compasses and maps.


frog.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location


Hmmm, lots of strange things in the news today. Here's another interesting article.


A recent law passed by the US Congress will literally change the way people

look at the world. The Cartographic Reorientation Act of 2003, which was

attached as a rider to the massive 5036-page Department of Interior

appropriations bill, didn't initially receive much attention, except from a

few lobbyists for the GIS industry. But this bill has far-reaching

consequences. The Cartographic Reorientation Act of 2003 mandates that by

the year 2010, all maps produced in the United States must be printed with a

viewing orientation of South to the top.


The introductory text of the Cartographic Reorientation Act of 2003 explains

that this map reorientation is being done for two reasons. First and

foremost, the increased accuracy of the Global Positioning system has made

most maps obsolete by exposing cumulative surveying errors heretofore

unknown. Maps which have been reoriented will have to meet strict

certification requirements. Secondly, key individuals in the Bush

Administration have long believed that the counter-clockwise rotation of the

earth when viewed from space along the axis of the North Pole is an

indication that the North Pole is at the bottom of the earth.


Congressional watchdogs doubt these explanations for the Cartographic

Reorientation Act of 2003. These skeptics believe that the legislation was

attached by lobbyists on behalf of Vector Mapping Incorporated who wanted to

gain an infair competive advantage over the raster mapping industry, which

will suffer greatly increased costs because of the high costs inherent in

the distribution of rasterized maps. Others point to the Alaska Travel

Board, which has already registered the trademark, "The Land Down Under".

When pressed for details Alaska Senator Ted Stevens said "no comment", and

walked away from this reporter.




This is truely a horrible day for GPS owners everywhere. And imagine! They only give us two weeks to turn in our receivers


Two weeks from today... which is ... but... that means...






Cachito ergo sum. I Geocache, therefore I am.


The Cartographic Reorientation Act of 2003...

The good news about this Act is that it also provides for the physical moving of the magnetic north pole so as to coincide with true north, thereby eliminating the need for cumbersome declination corrections.


Veni, Vidi, Cachi ...


All of the sudden, Web-Ling and Walden Run are the most popular geocachers in town.



I was formerly employed by the Department of Redundancy Department, but I don't work there anymore.


Good one! Sounded so far fetched, that I almost started doing some Googling to debunk it.


Then I realized what day it was.


"An appeaser is one who keeps feeding a crocodile-hoping it will eat him last" -Winston Churchill


[This message was edited by BrianSnat on April 01, 2003 at 01:38 PM.]


I was actually expecting to hear that we have run out of cache numbers today...



"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand."


Just remember that April Fools Day originated in France! frog.giffrog.giffrog.gif


Cheers ...


~Rich in NEPA~




--- A man with a GPS receiver knows where he is; a man with two GPS receivers is never sure. ---


Very nice . . I had wondered exactly what the forums would hold for this most hallowed of days. icon_wink.gif


Already lookin' forward to next year,




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44


It would have been more believeable if Jeremy announced a year long moritorium on cache placements once we hit 65,000.


"You can only protect your liberties in this world, by protecting the other man's freedom. "You can only be free if I am" -Clarence Darrow


i am SO glad that nobody took the bait.i really needed a good laugh. this was almost as funny as majicman's stump remover cache.


it doesn't matter if you get to camp at one or at six. dinner is still at six.


Hopfully this thread does not cause GPS units to be thrown in the fire, or used for target practice, like substituting GPS units for skeet shooting.


Visions of Charlton Heston standing at an elevated rostrum with a huge floor-to-ceiling GeoCaching.com logo behind him; to his front, linked arm-in-arm, a large wide-eyed crowd of easily excited GeoCachers burning candles. As Chuck addresses the audience with his "...from my cold, dead hands..." patter, he waves above his head a Garmin in one hand and a Magellan in the other...


...be still my heart.


Originally posted by pater47:

My office has been set up as one of the reclamation centers. You may drop off your GPS receivers here.


I am officialy shutting your office down and setting up a new drop off location. My house icon_biggrin.gif And if anyone else tries this tactic there will be officials at your door icon_smile.gif



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