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Caching Activity in your area:


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I suppose it depends on the weather (and critter) activity in your area. Repellents can aid with the critters, but when it is hot, there would be less hunting. Southern California seems to not get as hot (along the coast) as elsewhere. This would not stop the serious Geocacher. I try to look in the morning before it gets too hot.

There seems to be around the same level of hunting and placing of caches around here.



"Anyone not here, raise your hand!".

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Its slowed a bit, at least with my caches. Most of the area's hardcore cachers have already found them, so now they're waiting for visitors to the area and new Geocachers.


Even the local caches on my watch list are getting sporadic hits. There are a lot of caches in this area, but generally the sport doesn't seem to be as popular as it is in other regions. I was in Sacramento a month or so ago and the caches that I found there and added to my watch list are hit constantly.


In fact I found only 14 caches while out there and I have over 60 placements/hides locally. But when I get a notification of a hit, it is more often than not one of the 14 caches I found while out west(eg. 7 hits from the Sacramento area today, 0 from NJ).


Weather might be an excuse, because it's been brutally hot in New Jersey for much of the summer, but it's no cooler in the Sacramento area. Maybe they're just used to the heat out there...or we're just a bunch of whimps here...


[This message was edited by BrianSnat on August 25, 2002 at 05:07 PM.]

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We have steadily grown in both the number of cachers and caches since I started in October. It really exploded in the spring, after a very positive news report on our local FOX news affiliate. I think the finds have slowed a bit over the summer, but placements seem to have actually increased. We have several newer cachers who have been very busy placing caches - most of them very nice ones.



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I'm in SE Michigan -- I've found several of your caches, Geoff -- but I've only been a member since April, and I didn't start actively until very late June (it seems like I've been doing this a lot longer than two months, but there it is). So my appearance on the scene has increased recent activity! icon_cool.gif


I'd say I see a new one between my work in Dearborn and my home in Orion about once a week. I have pretty much everything within ten miles of my home and ten miles of my work on my watch list, and I get about 3 notices a day during the week, about 10-12 over the weekends (I watch some on the east side as well). I don't know how that relates to past activity. But it's enough to keep me busy, for now. I've hidden one (unfortunately it's off-limits to the land-bound, until the lakes freeze), have several more planned.



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I'm in SE Michigan -- I've found several of your caches, Geoff -- but I've only been a member since April, and I didn't start actively until very late June (it seems like I've been doing this a lot longer than two months, but there it is). So my appearance on the scene has increased recent activity! icon_cool.gif


I'd say I see a new one between my work in Dearborn and my home in Orion about once a week. I have pretty much everything within ten miles of my home and ten miles of my work on my watch list, and I get about 3 notices a day during the week, about 10-12 over the weekends (I watch some on the east side as well). I don't know how that relates to past activity. But it's enough to keep me busy, for now. I've hidden one (unfortunately it's off-limits to the land-bound, until the lakes freeze), have several more planned.



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