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u are truly hooked on Geocaching when ....

Guest Artful Dodger

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ur truly hooked on Geocaching when...


- you open the first chapter of Geocachers Anonymous in the conference room at N 21 22.804 W 157 54.180 every Monday night at 7:00.


"Hi...my name is John...and I'm a geocacher..."


I wonder...are the twelve steps the same???


P.S. I know some of you overzealous geocachers will try to go to the meeting, just to log it in. Don't really show up for meetings...there aren't any, and the Marine guard at the gate probably won't let you in anyway. icon_wink.gif


Apparently you should know your hooked when you start goind to McDonalds every day and you order the Happy Meal so that you can get the little toy inside to leave in your next cache find, while you take the really good stuff out!









Originally posted by ClayJar:

You start reading Arthur C. Clarke's _Rama Revealed_ and keep thinking how absolutely cool it would be to go... um... exocaching? astrocaching?


I read the complete Rama series. Great story.




15) Your kids toy box is constantly raided for new geocaching items.


16) Everything you look at you think "that would make a nice container for a cache!


Originally posted by Artful Dodger:

10) You give your address to people in Latitude / Longitude.


9) Your local supermarket has to constantly replenish its Tupperware stock.


8) Your never-ending battle with the military as you try to be the first to place a cache in Area 51, New Mexico


7) You can recognize a topographical map of any area in the US at a glance.


6) You can dis-assemble and re-assemble a Garmin Etrex in under 30 seconds.


5) Your Palm Pilots auto-synchs to the Groudspeak Forums for instant downloading of forum messages - gotta keep current!


4) You can decrypt Cache_Ninja's cache descriptions in a flash - AND pick up any spelling errors (Sorry CN, couldn't resist! icon_biggrin.gif )


3) Garmin consults you before releasing any new upgrades.


2) You believe you ARE the REAL CREATOR of Geocaching...


and the Number 1, reason why you are hooked onto Geocaching...


1) You have a pin-up picture of Jeremy Irish on your bedroom wall.


(Hey! Its a Monday - feel free to continue this list!)


Originally posted by Lone Rangers:


You ask if anyone has any Travel Bugs with goals to get to Afghanista because you may be deploying there shortly.


Well, actually I DO know of a TB that is/was heading to Afgan-country...

THIS little guy is trying to make it to Afganistan via NYC... Froggie has him currently but he's had Bughouse since November '01... maybe you could work something out with him? I'd love to see him meet his goals.



Lori aka: RedwoodRed


"I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations."

GeoGadgets Team Website

Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite


hello my name is welch and im a geocacher


i havent found a cache in 12hours 52minutes and 34 seconds.


i started on the patch yesterday, but i dont think its working. im having a hard time controlling the urge to open every container i find and check for a log. my location has no impact, i want to look everywhere, including the supermarket, wal-mart, garage sales, and even other peoples homes.... icon_biggrin.gif


--you work second shift at a job that requires steel-toes, so instead of getting $30 work boots, you drop a chunk of change on steel-toed hiking boots so you can go caching all day before work.


--you see a comments box, and instead of writing comments on the card, you say--found box in good condition. Coordinates were right on. Took nothing, left nothing.


--you're disappointed that when you look for something in the Qwest On-The-Go yellow pages, they only give a street address, but no lat/lon coordinates you can easily plug into a GPS-r.


Hi, my name is Matt and it's been 16 hours and 20 minutes since I've been caching--kind of hampered by snow!!!!!!!!!!! in April in Minnesota--My fiancée and I did scout some locations for a virtual cache, today, though. Happy Cachin'!!! 15T




...when you goto Walmart you look at the reduced racks and say "That would be great in a Geocache."


...you leave for the zoo before sun-up with your kids and show up at a Zoo 2 hours before closing with more mud on you than the Zoo Keepers. (true Story)


[This message was edited by Feros Family on April 24, 2002 at 07:19 PM.]


you break your leg while geocaching, and while wearing your cast, you go out and find 2 caches, go to one geo cache party, and help set up a hide...that why i married her!!!! icon_razz.gif


You know you are truly addicted when you spend your entire weekend re-doing your back deck and even though you are dropping from exhasution you still manage to include the geocaching logo in your concrete work.





Originally posted by Cach-U-Nuts:

You know you are truly addicted when you spend your entire weekend re-doing your back deck and even though you are dropping from exhasution you still manage to include the geocaching logo in your concrete work.


That is truly beautiful and impressive! I am concerned about the resale value of your home, however...


Would you be interested in coming to Northern California and painting my bathroom?


Just curious...


Lori aka: RedwoodRed


"I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations."

GeoGadgets Team Website

Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite


It's not whether or not you pick your nose that matters, but where you put the booger...


You really need a GA (Geocachers Anonymous) meeting, but the Wheres and Whens only include street addresses and you can no longer locate a mere street address.


Your wife is a group leader at GEOANON.


You bought a Garmin GPS V instead of paying your rent.


You're three hours late coming back from lunch and you gargle some cheap booze so your boss won't know you've been out geocaching on company time again.


You refer to yourself as a Friend of Jeremy I.


You can't wait for the web site to approve Yours and Others new cache sites, so you e-mail everyone who has more than 10 finds in your area and ask them to join a "Local Area Geocachers E-Mail List" so that all of you can e-mail each other new caches the microsecond that they are hidden (or even before they get hidden)!







You might be a candidate for a GPS implant if you…

…drive up the expressway with your GPS on the satellite page looking for that elusive 12 sat. lock. (I had it for a moment and then a truck passed.)

…enjoy watching the map track you looping off the exit ramp.


...you can decode the code words after two letters because you know the code so well...


not that I know anything about that.... icon_wink.gif


Caching with a 5 year old: takes twice as long, and is twice as satisifying (or aggrevating depending on your POV)


The faster you go, the worse your reception is.


you make 34 PB&J sandwiches so you can empty the peanut butter jar to use as a cache container.


Caching with a 5 year old: takes twice as long, and is twice as satisifying (or aggrevating depending on your POV)


The faster you go, the worse your reception is.


Originally posted by Gwho:

you make 34 PB&J sandwiches so you can empty the peanut butter jar to use as a cache container.


Caching with a 5 year old: takes twice as long, and is twice as satisifying (or aggrevating depending on your POV)


The faster you go, the worse your reception is.


You dip the sandwhiches in mayo so you can empty the mayonsaise jar too.


Caching with a 5 year old: takes twice as long, and is twice as satisifying (or aggrevating depending on your POV)


The faster you go, the worse your reception is.


.....you thought SCUBA diving was the most expensive sport you do only to realiaze that you've spent nearly twice as much on Geocaching and nearly all of it fits into a back-pack.


Bear & Ting


Geocachers don't NEED to ask for directions!


You can dis-assemble and re-assemble a Garmin Etrex in under 30 seconds.


This is my eTrex. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


You spend 2 weeks designing a geo coin, then post on the forum "Who wants some" & get over 100 responses so now you spend all night on a spread sheet figuring out who gets what!


Everytime you start a conversation about "Where do you want to go this weekend, sweetie?", Your girlfriend says "How many Geocaches are in the area?"


The Hobby equipment in your garage is now buried in this order: Motorcycling, SCUBA, Skydiving & all kinds of Geocaching crap on top!


You call up your cousin who is stationed on a military base who you are visiting for his wedding & ask him to get the lat/long coords since you don't want any stinkin directions!

Then you argue with him that since he's in the military he HAS to be able to get you his coords!


All the friends you visit have kid's that say "Let's go treasure hunting" when you stop in for a visit.


You actually understand & subscribe to GPS World magazine!


You take your GPS on the ferry just so you can tell your girlfriend how fast you are going. She threatens to throw it overboard. You convince her it would be a waste of time since it floats. (lied)


You take it on a vacation cruise & try to figure out how to plant a cache on a moving object!


On the same cruise you wander the entire boat plotting points just so you can go home & build a virtual 3-d rendering of the ship from your waypoints!


You actually dont complain about taking your girlfriend to a crafts fair just so you u can check out the walking sticks!


My god, I just thought I had one or two anecdotes. I just realized I could keep going & everyone of them is absolutely true.


Hi, My name is Chris & am am addicted......


Originally posted by majicman:

You can't wait for the web site to approve Yours and Others new cache sites, so you e-mail everyone who has more than 10 finds in your area and ask them to join a "Local Area Geocachers E-Mail List" so that all of you can e-mail each other new caches the microsecond that they are hidden (or even before they get hidden)!







I mean, " You poor, sick thing".


Help is on the way! What are the coordinates?




"We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer


...when you look forward to the kid's visitation with their dad so that you can go for more than a 1/2 mile hike to a geocache.


...when your children's show and share is about geocaching and finding treasures instead of barbies and gameboys.


...when your brother starts you out on your first geocache along with his first geocache and your the one to ask him to go to more.


* When you are willing to stay at a hotel just so you can get caches too far from home (this week).


* When your non-caching friend invites you to his open house and only gives you the coordinates (next week).


* You take a business trip to downtown Washington D.C. sans rental car and realize all the caches within walking distance are virtual caches, and start jonesing for an actual cache miles away in Virginia.


* You succumb to the need to find a real cache while in D.C. and sputter obsenities that the Metro subway map is not to scale and begin guessing where the nearest Metro stop is to your cache. You even consider spending $25 on a taxi.


* After returning from a cache on the Metro you send an e-mail to them asking to put Lats and Longs of stops on their website and act incredulous when they turn you down.


* You merge other sport habits and create a SCUBA cache 100 feet deep in a lake. (Chelan SCUBA Cache GC5530)


* You fantasize about planting the first cache at obscure places like the North Pole, on top of Everest, Bill Gates' back yard, Hugh Hefner's Grotto, etc.


* You invent another subgenre of caching and Jeremy creates a new icon for it.


When you broke your toe the day before, but you think you can still hike 1/2 a mile to find a cache. After all,my walking stick makes a good crutch.


You know your hooked:


When you get in deep with your wife stealing her Tupperware painting it camo.


When any store you go into you look for on sale items for caches.


When you watch TV or movies you think the places there filmed would make a cool caches.


I would follow my GPS to the gates of Hell if it pointed that way.


When you go shopping for a new car, but don't buy the one you really wanted because there is no good place to mount your gps. and the dealer thinks your crazy for sitting in the car checking to see if you can get a good Sat lock in there.


You know you're hooked when you plan out caches during your vacation in the Caribbean, a year and a half ahead. Trust me, there's atleast one cache on many of the islands down there. I can't wait!!!!!


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If a had a nickel for every sewerline near rivers and lakes, I'd be RICH!!


Originally posted by GlfWrVt:

the dealer thinks your crazy for sitting in the car checking to see if you can get a good Sat lock in there.


You try desperately to talk your own mother out of coating her car windows. Even though she lives in Las Vagas and you only visit a few days a year.


You hear voices while deep in the woods and the *first* thing that pops in your mind is that other people might be hunting the same cache.


You wear shorts to a cache that has been listed as being over grown with poison oak because you placed the cache and want to make *REAL* sure people can't get to it before you archive. You literally push the poison oak aside with a walking stick and make your way to the cache.... Posting that it's fine and come seek... (yesterday)



Eric O'Connor

Author: Pop Goes the Hamster, and other great microwave games.


You tell your wife, you're a geocache junky, and she says, Yeah, you're a geojunky.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If a had a nickel for every sewerline near rivers and lakes, I'd be RICH!!


I forgot to grab my GPSr with the route to my brother about 5 miles away. I soon realized that I'd forgotten what it's like to actually have to read the street signs & figure out when to turn.


You smear lipstick on your collar and spray yourself with perfume in hopes that your wife will merely think you've cheating on her... icon_mad.gif"Hmmf... you've been geocaching again, haven't you?!" icon_mad.gificon_eek.gif"But, no honey! Honest, I was just out with another woman!" icon_eek.gif





STURGEON GENERAL WARNING: Fishing can decrease the risk of long-term employment, a meaningful relationship, and any chance of financial independence... Oh well.


It's 109 degrees out, you have 13 gashes still bleeding, at least 50 semi-healed, your shoes are a haven for a choir of screaming blisters and yet you STILL have to get ONE MORE cache!


You leave the truck running so that there is A/C to crawl back into


You can't go to a store without scanning for cacheables.


You have 15 pocketknives, 18 hand warmers and 82 plastic frogs.


Your friends roll their eyes when you begin a sentence with "We were geocaching yesterday and..."


You imagine everybody you see is carrying a GPS, and it makes you run faster everywhere you go.


Your flying dreams now include frequent swoops down to log caches.


You have bandaids, sunscreen, a sewing kit, bug off, tweezers, superglue, a flashlight, a survival mirror, extra food, a compass, a camera, a ruler, 10 pens, 45 cache print outs and a fold up cot in your cache bag, and you wonder why your shoulder hurts? icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif


Originally posted by Zzzoey:

You leave the truck running so that there is A/C to crawl back into


NO! YOU WOULDN'T! THAT'S JUST WRONG! Sick and wrong, I tell ya'. (although I DID do that yesterday icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif )


"Hello, my name is Mike... and I'm a geocacher."



STURGEON GENERAL WARNING: Fishing can decrease the risk of long-term employment, a meaningful relationship, and any chance of financial independence... Oh well.


We are bad for the environment, I know it. Driving a big truck, guzzling gas, then leaving the thing running for a god-knows-how-long-it-will-take-to-find-this cache.


BTW I got another one:


You recognize items you see in caches as stuff you saw at the Dollar Tree. You know when a cacheable was part of a set bought there, and broken up to cover several caches icon_razz.gif


For us, after 80 finds- our personal cache trinket and junk heap drawer is empty and I keep so many of the things I trade for, that I am constantly having to resupply. One item I have TONS of and is just a matter of packaging them up is fossils. They seem to be fairly popular, none stay in a cache very long. Sortof combines two hobbies of mine icon_smile.gif

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