+Beagle Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by 1911:BTW-good looking hound you got there team_shing. Hound? That's no hound!!! Nice sled-dog! Beagle As soon as you idiot proof something, they go and make a better idiot! Quote
+joefrog Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 Now see, ya'll have gone and upset me. I saw W8TVI's avatar that COULD be a cartoon version of my frog. Beagle, for all I know you came on my street and took a pic of HIS beagle -- now my neighbor will be mad! And STUNOD -- I'm upset with YOU, too -- I saw the Dunkin' Donuts logo in the rear-view of my car. How do I know you weren't reading my mind with a special mind-reading cap? Lapaglia -- you've got me upset with clown issues! LOL... point is, i agree with UMC. 360, you need to lighten up -- this is a G-A-M-E and is meant to be played as such. Joel (joefrog) "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for ye are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!" Quote
Cache Canucks Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by TEAM 360:"...Thanks MOPAR, I took your "advice" and after a year and a half, 36 caches and 8 benchmarks found, with 6 caches hidden, I deleted all my logs, caches, and benchmarks..." <through to and including> "...The rest of you, go ahead and flame away, I am out of these boards for good and just don't care about what you have to say anymore. Yea,real good family sport..." Forum posts are nothing more than bits of text on your monitor - which has an 'Off' button, by the way - from people who you'll probably never meet. In the grand scheme of things, how much of that *really* matters? Think of the vast majority of folks who enjoy GeoCaching without *ever* setting foot in the forums ...do any of the opinions expressed here turn them off of the game? Of course not ...because they choose not to *read* them and, when it comes down to it, they simply DON'T MATTER. I could understand you backing out of forum participation if a particular online episode(s?) leaves a bad taste in your mouth (nobody enjoys associating with people they don't get along with), but to tie that with giving up a game that you otherwise enjoy (a game which, by its very nature, involves almost no interaction with other players) ...that just doesn't make sense. I think that the reasons for you getting so bent out of shape over this probably have more to do with spending far too much time at your keyboard and not nearly enough time away from your computer in the 'real world' dealing with 'real' everyday people and situations (I mean really, it's just a freakin' avatar for cryin' out loud). If you let something as innocuous as forum posts from strangers push you out of a game like GeoCaching, I'd hate to be around when a cop writes you up for a moving violation... Quote
+DeerChaser & Company Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 I like lizzards. I think we should all have them. Rino 110 MeriGreen 128 Quote
+DeerChaser & Company Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 how about furry lil armed critters? Rino 110 MeriGreen 128 Quote
+DeerChaser & Company Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 lil cute tree rats Rino 110 MeriGreen 128 Quote
+welch Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by The Leprechauns:Keep hammering away at your point. Maybe TEAM 360 will get upset, quit driving, and give you his car. Na.... 360 Will claim since your car is the same color and has four tires like his, you MUST have copied him. And then probly set his car on fire to spite you. Quote
+Roadster Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 Hey Team 360! How much for your GPS? Does anyone have some cache on them? Quote
umc Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 There is a car in my neighborhood that I see sometimes that has lizards glues all over it. Its really quite the site to see. I think it would make a great locationless. ______________________________________________________________________________________ So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again. Quote
+Roadster Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by joefrog: quote:Originally posted by Roadster:Team360... Why did you delete your posts? Does anyone have some cache on them? Speaking of avatars, Roadster -- yours is freakin' hilarious! Joel (joefrog) "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for ye are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!" Thank you. I like your gc.com color schemes on the little froggy... Does anyone have some cache on them? Quote
+mtn-man Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by welch:Na.... 360 Will claim since your car is the same color and has four tires like his, you MUST have copied him. And then probly set his car on fire to spite you. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. That one is going to keep me laughing for a while. I love the dog avatars. I think they are cool. I think it is OK that you all copied me. Quote
+shegget Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 Oh man this thread made me laugh. Reminds me of when I would go onto IRC years ago and see a bunch of people in a chat room talking about beating each other up because of something said in the room. Funny stuff... Just because some people disagree with you on a web forum, you're going to quit geocaching or go off and start plundering caches? Come on now... That's pretty sad. Time to turn off the monitor, get back in touch with reality and quit worrying what a bunch of posts on a web page say... sean Quote
+DeerChaser & Company Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 No reason to quit. You have to ignore these guys!! I do Rino 110 MeriGreen 128 Quote
+nincehelser Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 "how about furry lil armed critters?" I'm not anti-gun, but gun totin' squirrels make me nervous, not to mention those lawless racoons. George Quote
+1911 Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by nincehelser:"how about furry lil armed critters?" I'm not anti-gun, but gun totin' squirrels make me nervous, not to mention those lawless racoons. George ...I know what you mean,how would you like to run into this guy? Quote
+DeerChaser & Company Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 Now that worries me!!!! Rino 110 MeriGreen 128 Quote
+T-storm Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 Tonsil-- I appreciate and accept your apology. Hopefully my child will forget the new potty word quickly now that the pic has disappeared! Now if Team 360 would care to return, maybe he could pick an avatar of one of the RugRats characters holding a box labeled "Lizard Doots"... T-storm http://www.cordianet.com/geocaching Quote
+leatherman Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by DeerChaser & Poni:lil cute tree rats I second the tree rats. I am the result of genetic manipulation of superior Geocacher DNA. Faster, stronger with superior reasoning and logic. Mokita! [This message was edited by leatherman on April 14, 2003 at 08:10 PM.] Quote
+carleenp Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 Hey Hartclimbs... the four year old (or so) in my current avatar battles demons and you won't let your's drive a car? I'm offended! You should be banned for holding back children that way! Oh... never mind, geocaching.com hates children. Edit: Sorry to bring that up again, but it was so funny, and hey, HartClimbs did it first! I would have misspelled "children" if I remembered the initial misspelling. [This message was edited by carleenp on April 14, 2003 at 09:37 PM.] Quote
+carleenp Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 Hey! that squirrel was in my yard yesterday! It stood in a tree and cursed loudly at me until I put the dog in the kennel and put out a new corn cob on the squirrel feeder. I can't believe I am giving in to that bastard! Next time I'm at Wal-Mart, I just might skip picking up the dadgum squirrel food. Of course the last time I did that, it chewed through the birdseed container and broke a flower pot. Ack! Held hostage by a squirrel! Quote
+opey one Posted April 15, 2003 Posted April 15, 2003 Other than one post earlier (not a slam, mind you), I feel compelled to jump in one more time. Boy, I really hate that a trivial matter such as this would force a geocacher to just up and quit. Not that his point did not deserve merit, but I just cannot understand why a geocacher would throw his hands up from receiving some constructive criticism. For what it's worth, I succumbed to ridicule and criticism over comments made about a topic of mine, many posts ago, and to search for clarity and justification, I whined about it to a well educated friend of mine. His answer was simple: First of all, that is what forums are designed to do. Express opinon and judgment, whether it is good or bad. Ridicule and even humiliation come with the territory. Second, he informed me that if I didn't like it, then to stay away from the forums. I'm sure 360 will be looking at this thread, even though his implications were to wash his hands clean of geocaching altogether. I know I would come back just to look at this thread periodically, since it was a touchy subject in a sort of way. I hope 360 sees this and other posts, for the fact I hate to see a geocacher go and not come back. That's all from me. Throw the tomatoes now. Quote
umc Posted April 15, 2003 Posted April 15, 2003 opey one.... Who the heck are you????? ______________________________________________________________________________________ So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again. Quote
Radman Forever Posted April 15, 2003 Posted April 15, 2003 quote:Originally posted by umc:opey one.... Who the heck are you????? http://www.mi-geocaching.org/ ______________________________________________________________________________________ So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again. He's the bunny-eared cat who smokes a six-pack a day! "If we don't succeed we run the risk of failure." - Dan Quayle Quote
+MountainMudbug Posted April 15, 2003 Posted April 15, 2003 I can't believe I read this entire thread, feels like my brain has melted Quote
+opey one Posted April 16, 2003 Posted April 16, 2003 UMC... I've said nothing harsh to you....YET Why do you get your panties in a wad when I reply on a thread anyway? Man, I love these forums! One of the greatest places to perform the occasional rednecking (Well, maybe not occasional, since to some it comes naturally). Now leave me alone UMC! Quote
Scamp Posted April 16, 2003 Posted April 16, 2003 Tree rats? I'm afraid all I can come up with are smooching shoulder rats. <3)~ Quote
umc Posted April 16, 2003 Posted April 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by opey one:UMC... I've said nothing harsh to you See that was your first problem, what were you thinking??? Whats going on man? Long time no chat.. ______________________________________________________________________________________ So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again. Quote
+opey one Posted April 16, 2003 Posted April 16, 2003 No kidding on the long time no chat, UMC! How've you been ol' slam banger? Is there any rule against PM's on a dead thread? Yeah, the frog! I've been to the frog a couple of times, then they shut it down. That's it! The frog! Quote
+Aus Dem Kasten Posted April 16, 2003 Posted April 16, 2003 I agree with MountainMudbug. I am surprised I actually read this entire thread. Too bad Team 360 is leaving. He sure did spark an interesting conversation. Quote
Triangulated Trio Posted April 18, 2003 Posted April 18, 2003 hey jeremy, Hows a search avatar function? PS What happened to thise subdued geocaching patches? Quote
Blackfoot Posted April 18, 2003 Posted April 18, 2003 Do any of you honestly belive that 360 has really quit? He may not be back under the same name, but if he truely enjoyed GeoCaching, as the rest of us do.Do you really think he could quit it that easy. I personally don't think I could quit that easy. Yeah sure he might piss and mone, delete all his posts, finds, and anything that was even relative to his former avatar, but I can see him coming right back. I agreed that people shouldn't mess with other peoples avatar, but like almost all of you. I think 360 went too far with this. Life is too short to sweat the small things. To quit the game just reminds me of the little kid who takes his ball home because nobody wants him to be the quarterback!! He thinks he is hurting us by quitting? LOL You can always find another ball! Blackfoot Life is a gift, unwrap it and use it to the fullest! Quote
+Team DaSH Posted April 18, 2003 Posted April 18, 2003 360 is back. He has relogged his finds and reactivated his hidden caches. See his profile for the latest. The empty can rattles the most... Quote
+TEAM 360 Posted April 18, 2003 Author Posted April 18, 2003 The only one that takes me out of the game is ME. I admit it, I really shot my mouth off this time. Some of you have written to me off-forum and gave a calming voice instead of bashing, although a couple of you took the chance to personally attack me in this thread. I said some things I didn't mean (your caches are still safe, don't worry) but there was no reason for all the negative responses and mockery of my avatar. I re-posted my cache and benchmark finds, although I lost a few due to the fact some caches are now unavailable. I also realize that we are all together on this little planet, in the corner of the universe, and each of us won't be around here very long. Let's stop the negativity NOW and HELP each other while we are here. We should be building up, not tearing each other down with sarcastic posts and personal attacks. You are right: life is too short to let anything get to you. I cannot count the times I thought about going to see my brother over in New Mexico, only 4 hours away from me, to drop in for a surprise visit, and take him out to dinner. He would appreciate it as he was disabled and could not work. I hadn't seen him for a couple of years but I always found excuses: too far to drive just for a short visit, gas is too expensive, he never writes me, it looks like rain, I have other plans....well, he killed himself last September. We never did get the chance to have that dinner together. If you had 10 minutes to live, and could make only one phone call, who would you call? Why? What would you say? And why are you still reading this instead of making that call NOW? Hear the music before the song is suddenly over. I am sorry if I let my emotions get the better of me in this thread, and wish to sincerely apologize to those who took offense. TEAM 360. Quote
+Stunod Posted April 18, 2003 Posted April 18, 2003 Welcome back...and nice avatar. "Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand." Quote
+sbell111 Posted April 18, 2003 Posted April 18, 2003 Welcome back, Team 360. You can repost your logs to archived caches. You will just have to pull the cache page up by its ID number. Quote
+TEAM 360 Posted April 18, 2003 Author Posted April 18, 2003 I will post the above message in it's own topic, just in case no one comes back in here, I don't want anyone to think I am too stubborn to apologize for my over-reacting. I hope I won't be ostracized for my stupidity. As far as the lost cache logs, some of the older caches aren't even listed in here anymore, so I will lose some of my total find numbers. The price I pay for being dumb, and I can live with it. Thanks. Quote
+sbell111 Posted April 18, 2003 Posted April 18, 2003 Trust me, no one is going to remember this thread in a week. Everybody that has been in this forum for a while has lost it at least once. You absolutely can repost your logs. You just have to pull up the archived caches by cache ID like this: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=xxxxx (xs are the cache id number, not the aphanumeric code). Quote
+DustyJacket Posted April 18, 2003 Posted April 18, 2003 quote:Originally posted by sbell111:Trust me, no one is going to remember this thread in a week. I am not sure how long that image of a lizard with a human head will keep haunting me, but I'll bet it is over a week. DustyJacket Not all those that wander are lost. But in my case... Quote
+CYBret Posted April 18, 2003 Posted April 18, 2003 There was a thread? Can someone Markwell it for me? Bret P.S. Seriously, welcome back. Glad to have ya. "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44 Quote
+Siberian Cacher Posted April 18, 2003 Posted April 18, 2003 Welcome back. I guess you can say you've come full circle..............360........get it ok, so it wasn't funny but cool avatar & happy caching again! With man, it is impossible, but with God, all things are possible! Quote
+TEAM 360 Posted April 18, 2003 Author Posted April 18, 2003 Thanks. Good to be here. Like I told a few people off-forum, I just couldn't let go of the MeriPlat when I held it over the garbage can a few days ago....lessons learned, the hard way. Now let's get back to caching! See you on the trail! Quote
+Renegade Knight Posted April 19, 2003 Posted April 19, 2003 That there new avitar...compaired to your old one is um...well...it's rather... "Interesting" There is this guy who has a cool gecko. If you flipped it 180 degrees changed it's stripe, hands, eyes, feet and a few other small detail I'm sure it would make a cool avitar. ===================== Wherever you go there you are. Quote
+TEAM 360 Posted April 19, 2003 Author Posted April 19, 2003 Nope. Don't want to rip him off. Thanks anyhow. Quote
+Marky Posted April 19, 2003 Posted April 19, 2003 quote:Originally posted by TEAM 360:Nope. Don't want to rip him off. Thanks anyhow. You know what you need now? The G+ logo inside yours. That would look hot. --Marky "All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr" Quote
+TEAM 360 Posted April 19, 2003 Author Posted April 19, 2003 The WHAT logo? G+?? Explain please...do you mean the Geocaching logo? Quote
+leatherman Posted April 19, 2003 Posted April 19, 2003 Gx I am the result of genetic manipulation of superior Geocacher DNA. Faster, stronger with superior reasoning and logic. Mokita! Quote
+leatherman Posted April 19, 2003 Posted April 19, 2003 I am the result of genetic manipulation of superior Geocacher DNA. Faster, stronger with superior reasoning and logic. Mokita! Quote
umc Posted April 20, 2003 Posted April 20, 2003 Team 360, did you go somewhere? No need for the apology but it was very nice. I'm glad to see you didn't waste all of your time and hard work for some stupid stuff that was typed here. I know I don't think any different about you (well, don't really think about you) I don't know you, sorry. Just kidding man. Boy do I have a way with words. Maybe thats why I fit in here so well. Anyway, its good that you stuck around here and true that this will be forgotten as soon as this thread drops off the first page like everything else that is forgotten and re-asked when that happens. [] As far as losing caches just log caches whether you've been to them or not. Thats how I got my numbers up so quickly. [][] ______________________________________________________________________________________ So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again. Quote
+TEAM 360 Posted April 20, 2003 Author Posted April 20, 2003 "Team 360, did you go somewhere?" I became temporarily socially maladjusted about some of the comments that were delivered in this thread. I swore off Geocaching. It came down to the moment of holding the MeriPlat over the garbage can a few days ago, but I just couldn't let go of it. Then I had an enlightening moment, and decided to let everything roll off of me, like a windshield with a double coating of Rain-X. I like your suggestion about cache numbers. I am listing "Found it" on every cache in Michigan, even though I live in Arizona. I figure that since I used to live there, I should claim them all anyways. j/k! Quote
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