+Tonsil Posted April 13, 2003 Posted April 13, 2003 People are so unoriginal these days. Whatever happened to individuality? I'm going to start a new club - the Individual's club. At the first meeting we can design uniforms and work out the words to our theme song, which we can sing in unison at the club rallies on Thursday afternoons. ------------------------------ Have you had your house checked for Rae Dawn Chong? Quote
+HartClimbs Posted April 13, 2003 Posted April 13, 2003 I'm still not letting my 4 yr. old drive the car. 'ONE SLIGHTLY USED AVATAR FOR SALE - CHEAP' The young always have the same problem - how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying their parents and copying one another. Quentin Crisp Quote
+TEAM 360 Posted April 13, 2003 Author Posted April 13, 2003 No wonder the first Geocacher went all-out against this sport. I am out of here. Have fun on this board. [This message was edited by TEAM 360 on April 13, 2003 at 07:46 PM.] Quote
+welch Posted April 13, 2003 Posted April 13, 2003 quote:Originally posted by TEAM 360:No wonder the first Geocacher went all-out against this sport. I am out of here. Have fun on this board. [This message was edited by TEAM 360 on April 13, 2003 at 07:46 PM.] Now See... This is when we need those old threads to link to Quote
+Mopar Posted April 13, 2003 Posted April 13, 2003 Don't ya just love it? Someone has a problem and brings it his peers. When none of his peers see a problem, he gets mad and leaves. Wonder how he ever survived getting a wrong answer on a test in school, or making a mistake at work. Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon. Quote
+TEAM 360 Posted April 13, 2003 Author Posted April 13, 2003 Deleted. But you know what it said. [This message was edited by TEAM 360 on April 14, 2003 at 09:07 AM.] Quote
+The Leprechauns Posted April 13, 2003 Posted April 13, 2003 Did you ever notice.... that renegade cache plunderers rarely have cool avatars? What's up with that? x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x .sdrawkcab dootsrednu tub sdrawrof devil si efiL Quote
+leatherman Posted April 13, 2003 Posted April 13, 2003 Bring it. Tough guy. I am the result of genetic manipulation of superior Geocacher DNA. Faster, stronger with superior reasoning and logic. Mokita! Quote
+T-storm Posted April 13, 2003 Posted April 13, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Tonsil:What I mean to say is that it is completely wrong to steal someone else's image and use it as your own. Anyone doing so should be fed his own toenails. Then I suppose you are prepared to chow down, Tonsil? Would you prefer your own toenails, or just a pile of "doots"? You had permission neither for use nor alteration of the picture of the little girl with the cache box that you used as an avatar this evening. I know because that is my daughter and I took the picture. Unfortunately, she was sitting on my lap when I dropped into the forums this evening. She saw the picture, and as she is a bit older than when it was taken, she knows it was altered. She spelled the word you placed on the lid of the cache box to me and asked what it meant. I just told her that a nasty person had put an ugly word on her picture. If you must be so uncouth as to resort to potty humor to make your points, leave my child out of it. T-storm http://www.cordianet.com/geocaching Quote
+TEAM 360 Posted April 13, 2003 Author Posted April 13, 2003 Deleted. [This message was edited by TEAM 360 on April 14, 2003 at 06:51 AM.] Quote
+leatherman Posted April 13, 2003 Posted April 13, 2003 Be sure to fill us in on your evil deeds. I am the result of genetic manipulation of superior Geocacher DNA. Faster, stronger with superior reasoning and logic. Mokita! Quote
+Mopar Posted April 13, 2003 Posted April 13, 2003 quote:Originally posted by TEAM 360:Good one Tonsil...as a result of you ripping off my copyrighted work of art (so the Supreme Court says), three caches will be destroyed tomorrow in your name. Yeah, tell us which caches so we can live vicariously thru your logs. Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon. Quote
+W8TVI Posted April 13, 2003 Posted April 13, 2003 yeah, people shouldn't go and copy other peoples avatars.... W8TVI's Geocaching Pictures GeoX Geocaching gear! That torpedo did not self-destruct. You heard it hit the hull. And I....was never here. [This message was edited by W8TVI on April 14, 2003 at 10:06 AM.] Quote
+parkrrrr Posted April 13, 2003 Posted April 13, 2003 quote:Originally posted by TEAM 360:Good one Tonsil...as a result of you ripping off my copyrighted work of art (so the Supreme Court says), three caches will be destroyed tomorrow in your name. So, if someone were to ask for it, you could, say, fax the written permission you had to use this image? Quote
+W8TVI Posted April 13, 2003 Posted April 13, 2003 this image is copyright too! W8TVI's Geocaching Pictures GeoX Geocaching gear! That torpedo did not self-destruct. You heard it hit the hull. And I....was never here. Quote
+Tonsil Posted April 13, 2003 Posted April 13, 2003 quote:Originally posted by T-Storm:...that a nasty person had put an ugly word on her picture. I'm not actually nasty, but I sometimes smell that way. I want to apologize for offending you. I intentionally used an image with which I assumed everyone would be familiar - that was the point. I grafted the word "DOOTS" on the container because of an unrelated post in the same thread. In hindsight, I can understand how you could find it offensive. It was unintentional, and I am sorry. Team 360: All I can offer you at this point is more rope. ------------------------------ Have you had your house checked for Rae Dawn Chong? Quote
+Mopar Posted April 13, 2003 Posted April 13, 2003 quote:Originally posted by TEAM 360:Deleted. [This message was edited by TEAM 360 on April 13, 2003 at 07:41 PM.] We would take you alot more seriously if you deleted all your cache finds, too. Really. Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon. Quote
+LaPaglia Posted April 13, 2003 Posted April 13, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Tonsil: quote:Originally posted by T-Storm:...that a nasty person had put an ugly word on her picture. I'm not actually nasty, but I sometimes smell that way. I want to apologize for offending you. I intentionally used an image with which I assumed everyone would be familiar - that was the point. I grafted the word "DOOTS" on the container because of an unrelated post in the same thread. In hindsight, I can understand how you could find it offensive. It was unintentional, and I am sorry. Team 360: All I can offer you at this point is more rope. ------------------------------ _Have you had _your_ house checked for Rae Dawn Chong?_ Gee Tonsil, thatis no way to behave. you did something wrong so you asked forgiveness?????? I dont understand this type of behaviour. Your supposed to Stamp your foot, Deny your actions, rant and rave, quit in anger and then threaten to destroy caches and the sport. Get a grip man. Start acting like a cacher!! Lapaglia Muga Muchu (forget yourself, focus) [This message was edited by Lapaglia on April 14, 2003 at 12:05 AM.] Quote
+LaPaglia Posted April 13, 2003 Posted April 13, 2003 yea yea I know backspace. Dup post ignore Quote
+Kouros Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by TEAM 360:Not mad, just fed up with idiots who offer only sarcasm. I will be the ultimate anti-geocacher now. Watch your caches. What I find most fascinating about this, is a cacher with 27 finds and 6 hides (and had been in the game for a year and a half) and therefore evidently enjoys the sport is willing to give it up over a subject that really has very little to do with caching. More importantly, not only would you be destroying the game for the people on the board, but for people who have never even used it. That's surprisingly bitter of you, not to mention misguided. Seriously - think straight for a moment. It's an avatar. Geocaching is not about avatars - it's about caches. If someone had ripped off your cache, you'd have cause for concern - but really, the little picture that goes next to your name? Becoming a self-styled cache renegade over such a matter makes you seem petty and childish. Grow up. ------ An it harm none, do what ye will Quote
+briansnat Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 Obviously "Team 360" (A.K.A. Indiana Jeff) is a is a thin skinned, small and petty person. I went through the entire thread looking for something that could have set him off and all I saw was some good natured ribbing...and most of it wasn't even at his expense. If he follows through with his threats, I hope one of you catch him in the act. "You can only protect your liberties in this world, by protecting the other man's freedom. "You can only be free if I am" -Clarence Darrow [This message was edited by BrianSnat on April 14, 2003 at 03:45 AM.] Quote
+Jamie Z Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 Ok BS... Ha ha. I was wondering when I wrote those weird posts. So did someone else in another thread. It's funny until someone thinks you're me. Jamie Quote
+Planet Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 Holy Cow! It's a joke! Did Jeremy shut down the website and tell us all to go F off when we all imitated his avatar? Did Rubbertoe run screaming to the cache police when we all posted clowns? Did you ever stop to consider that the caches you think you have the right to plunder probably belong to people who don't even know where the forums are? Team 360, I'm so sorry you don't find any of this funny in the sense it should be taken. This pin to the left here (today anyway) is something I made out of sculpy clay two years ago. I have a gekko on my keychain, I see gekkos all the time, so out of the thousands of cachers you find it strange that someone else should have one? And they don't even look alike? I don't get it I just don't. I would have been honored if these guys had kidded around with me like this. Not offended. You asked for the attention and then didn't like it. If you don't want to know, don't ask. But to go out and plunder the caches of the unwary because you're pi$$ed off about something that has nothing to do with them makes you a worse person than anyone. Lighten up, get a grip, and stop sweating the small stuff. Cache you later, Planet If it snows one more time I'm gonna scream! Quote
BassoonPilot Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Renegade Knight:Playing the Basson? And all this time I thought it was a frog playing Ice Hocky. Come on, get real; everyone knows frogs can't play ice hockey. Quote
BassoonPilot Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Radman Version 2.0:I have two things to say..... I don't think ANYONE would want to steal my avatar. Are you really Gene Simmons? Quote
umc Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 Well Planet you asked for it. Your avatar is ugly. And that gecko you made looks like you made it when you were 2 not 2 years ago. Team 360: I like the where you're from thing: "At your cache site right now" It made me laugh. Lighten up man, life is short and this is no place to make it shorter by getting upset and pissed off. ______________________________________________________________________________________ So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again. Quote
umc Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 Brian, Jamie. That is a funny point. With this whole avatar thing I just realized that I don't even look at the names but the avatars and I thought that it was you Jamie posting the dumb, immature, and lame comments and not Brian. I will now pay more attention to names and not just the avatars since soooo much ripping off is going on these days. Just kidding Brian, your comments were wonderful as always ______________________________________________________________________________________ So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again. Quote
+carleenp Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 Geez 360, lighten up. Several people have agreed with you that they don't think people should copy avatars. But many seem to agree that the other avatar isn't close enough to yours to make a fuss over. You made the initial post. Certainly you didn't expect everyone to agree with you? As for all the avatar changing, it is a joke! most of the time the joke isn't even aimed at you! Anyway, you can't post a rant on an internet forum and expect to have everyone jump up and pat you on the back. It just doesn't tend to work that way. Quote
umc Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by carleenp:Anyway, you can't post a rant on an internet forum and expect to have everyone jump up and pat you on the back. It just doesn't tend to work that way. http://outbreakcorp.hypermart.net/animation/pokemon/pokeanim3.gif Especially this one. ______________________________________________________________________________________ So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again. Quote
+Roadster Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 Team360... Why did you delete your posts? Does anyone have some cache on them? Quote
+Siberian Cacher Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by beckerbuns: quote:Originally posted by Team_Shing:Hopefully I'm the only one with a Siberian Husky! I hope you are kidding. http://www.geocaching.com/profile/default.asp?A=3512&u=8936000431 and http://www.geocaching.com/profile/default.asp?A=52133&u=3856079331 both have similar animals in their avatars, last time I checked. I'm sure there are probably others. ------------------------------------- Becky Davis San Jose, CA Buy http://my.tupperware.com/beckydee for cache containers. Well, there goes my originality points.. With man, it is impossible, but with God, all things are possible! Quote
+joefrog Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by BassoonPilot: quote:Originally posted by Renegade Knight:Playing the Basson? And all this time I thought it was a frog playing Ice Hocky. Come on, get real; everyone knows frogs can't play ice hockey. Hey, hey HEY!!! Let's leave the frogs out of this -- this is about geckos, remember? (LOL!!) Joel (joefrog) "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for ye are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!" Quote
+joefrog Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Roadster:Team360... Why did you delete your posts? Does anyone have some cache on them? Speaking of avatars, Roadster -- yours is freakin' hilarious! Joel (joefrog) "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for ye are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!" Quote
+TEAM 360 Posted April 14, 2003 Author Posted April 14, 2003 Thanks MOPAR, I took your "advice" and after a year and a half, 36 caches and 8 benchmarks found, with 6 caches hidden, I deleted all my logs, caches, and benchmarks. WHY? Not over this avatar thing itself, but because of the RESPONSES given. Negativity and slamming all-around instead of solid advice. Remember this: open up to someone and trust them, and they will turn on you like a pack of wild dogs and backstab you the first chance they get. Sure, they slap you on the back when you find a 110 year old benchmark and tell you what a great job of hiding your cache was, but ask about something personal, like an avatar, and watch how fast they tear you down. Am I "thin-skinned", as one geocacher put it? Well, if it means I don't like criticism, then I guess I am. Who does like it? Guess we all can't be such a macho super-tough guy like them...All I got for asking about a another cacher using a similar avatar is negativity and mockery. Who the hell wants to associate with those kinds of people? Not me, that's for damned sure. So now I am out. I am sure they are happy about it, too. I am one more person who is turned off by Geocaching. Remember THAT the next time you slam someone on the boards. As far as the Indiana Jones pics, I stopped using that in order to create something more personal, and look what I get for it. Why should I even try to justify my position? You will just use this post to slam me some more. I used to have a fun time chasing down all of my now-deleted caches and benchmarks, but no more. To the few who were nice to me during my time here, thank you so much. I really did have a nice time. The rest of you, go ahead and flame away, I am out of these boards for good and just don't care about what you have to say anymore. Yea,real good family sport. Obviously, some intellectuals like Welch still don't get it. It's not about the lizard avatar, it's about the smart-*** attitudes and snide remarks I got when I wanted a serious comparison of avatars. Keep them coming. You will chase off others as well. You have ruined the game for me. [This message was edited by TEAM 360 on April 14, 2003 at 04:51 PM.] Quote
+Renegade Knight Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by TEAM 360:Yea,real good family sport. Nice come back. You have a cool avitar and I like it better than your original one before you changed your name. Still I did think you were off base on the other guys avitar. And said so in a round about way. If you don't want real opinions. Don't ask. Than again, you won't read this anyway. ============================== Wherever you go there you are. Quote
umc Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 I'm a 'macho super-tough guy' but I would never take Mopars advice. I do think you are over reacting and thinned skinned to get this bent out of shape over what was typed here. It comes down to opinion and that is mine and I have a right to it just as you and everyone else here has a right to thiers. Once something is posted here it is open for discussion, nice or otherwise. You have been here long enough to know how threads run down hill and out of control in no time. I say suck it up and move on. You are the one that will be missing out because we will go on and flame the next person out of geocaching just the same without looking back or thinking twice about it. Ok just kidding about that last part. I am sorry that you couldn't handle the ribbing here and I know it can get bad and a lot worse than what I've seen in this thread. Sorry you've choosen to leave but that is your decission. Good luck. ______________________________________________________________________________________ So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again. Quote
+carleenp Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 I agree with UMC. Sorry to see you go, but you really overreacted to the situation. Quote
+Stunod Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 Another agreement with umc here. This place can be a little harsh sometimes, but I also think you over-reacted. Ask your psychiatrist what he thinks. "Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand." Quote
+Mopar Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 I agree with UMC too, especially the part about listening to me. However, I still think that if you aren't emotionally stable or mature enough to handle the fact that 100% of the people here didn't feel that the other person was ripping you off, then maybe this game isn't for you. You might also want to stay away from baseball. And scrabble. Or any other game or sport except maybe solitaire. I'm sure if you ever learn how to play well with us other kids here, you're welcome to come back. Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon. Quote
+Breaktrack Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Mopar:I agree with UMC too, especially the part about listening to me. However, I still think that if you aren't emotionally stable or mature enough to handle the fact that 100% of the people here didn't feel that the other person was ripping you off, then maybe this game isn't for you. You might also want to stay away from baseball. And scrabble. Or any other game or sport except maybe solitaire. I'm sure if you ever learn how to play well with us other kids here, you're welcome to come back. + _Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon. _ I think there is entirely tooooo much agreement with UMC in here, yall cut it out! You want more people to quit??? sheesh. LOL Oh yeah, the avatar thing.... uh, I don't get it. "Trade up, trade even, or don't trade!!!" My philosophy of life. Quote
+W8TVI Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by TEAM 360:Who the hell wants to associate with those kinds of people? Not me, that's for damned sure. So now I am out. I am sure they are happy about it, too. I am one more person who is turned off by Geocaching. I don't know about the rest of us, but I for one sure wouldn't want to associate with some one that whines and makes a big deal out of some one making an avavtar that looked kinda like yours. I would hate to be some one you meet that happens to own something that looks just like something of yours... Noel W8TVI's Geocaching Pictures GeoX Geocaching gear! That torpedo did not self-destruct. You heard it hit the hull. And I....was never here. Quote
geoStrider Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 Too bad about the loss of a fellow Arizonan from the geocaching community; the few I have met in the field are rational and friendly. Heck, I change avatars about every two or three weeks or so and this one will eventually fall by the wayside too. Some of you might recall one I used prior to the friendly geolizard - the instant messenger guy with an eTrex in his hand. I've also used Johnny Quest/Bandit/Hadji, and a B-24 bomber to honor my dad who was shot down in one of those over Germany almost 60 years ago. For the record, I did not rip this off from Team 360 as some might believe. I ripped it off from a software package called Tokay (check it out), which is a backflow prevention program widely used in the water/sewer industry. Tokay is the species of lizard this little fellow belongs to. This shows that the use of geckos and other lizards are prevalent in the world, and especially in the arid southwest as one post notes. Now, if Tokay has a problem with my use of the wall climber, it will be gone from my posts like an Iraqi tax collector I've never been lost, but I was a might bewildered for three days once. Daniel Boone Quote
+Mopar Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Geo Strider:For the record, I did not rip this off from Team 360 as some might believe. I ripped it off from a software package called Tokay (check it out), which is a backflow prevention program widely used in the water/sewer industry. Tokay is the species of lizard this little fellow belongs to. This shows that the use of geckos and other lizards are prevalent in the world, and especially in the arid southwest as one post notes. Now, if Tokay has a problem with my use of the wall climber, it will be gone from my posts like an Iraqi tax collector I don't think anyone except Team 360 thought you had copied his avatar. That's what seems to have ticked him off. Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon. Quote
+briansnat Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 Funny, out of all the good advice was given to you, such as not taking this so seriously, growing up, relaxing and not making a big deal out of something so trivial, the only advice you decided to take was to delete your logs. Woah! "You can only protect your liberties in this world, by protecting the other man's freedom. "You can only be free if I am" -Clarence Darrow [This message was edited by BrianSnat on April 14, 2003 at 06:52 PM.] Quote
+The Leprechauns Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 I found this to be either entertaining or disturbing, I am not quite sure which. I am quoting it so that others can mull over the post after TEAM 360 does another 180 and decides to delete his post. quote:Originally posted by TEAM 360:Thanks MOPAR, I took your "advice" and after a year and a half, 36 caches and 8 benchmarks found, with 6 caches hidden, I deleted all my logs, caches, and benchmarks. WHY? Not over this avatar thing itself, but because of the RESPONSES given. Negativity and slamming all-around instead of solid advice. Remember this: open up to someone and trust them, and they will turn on you like a pack of wild dogs and backstab you the first chance they get. Sure, they slap you on the back when you find a 110 year old benchmark and tell you what a great job of hiding your cache was, but ask about something personal, like an avatar, and watch how fast they tear you down. Am I "thin-skinned", as one geocacher put it? Well, if it means I don't like criticism, then I guess I am. Who does like it? Guess we all can't be such a macho super-tough guy like them...All I got for asking about a another cacher using a similar avatar is negativity and mockery. Who the hell wants to associate with those kinds of people? Not me, that's for damned sure. So now I am out. I am sure they are happy about it, too. I am one more person who is turned off by Geocaching. Remember THAT the next time you slam someone on the boards. As far as the Indiana Jones pics, I stopped using that in order to create something more personal, and look what I get for it. Why should I even try to justify my position? You will just use this post to slam me some more. I used to have a fun time chasing down all of my now-deleted caches and benchmarks, but no more. To the few who were nice to me during my time here, thank you so much. I really did have a nice time. The rest of you, go ahead and flame away, I am out of these boards for good and just don't care about what you have to say anymore. Yea,real good family sport. x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x .sdrawkcab dootsrednu tub sdrawrof devil si efiL Quote
+HartClimbs Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 Interesting - my proclamations about not allowing a toddler to drive appear to be useful in a wide variety of situations. Why this pisses folks off so much is beyond me. You've got to keep perspective - this is just a message board and the actual 'game' is strolling through the woods looking for caches. I've gotten annoyed at things I've read (or responses I've gotten) but wouldn't give up searching for caches just because someone was sarcastic. A few days later - you realize it for what it is.... a chatroom of strangers who have one similar interest (finding and hiding tupperware in the woods). I hope you reconsider and return - I don't think anyone meant anything by their teasing. Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious. Quote
+The Leprechauns Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by HartClimbs:Interesting - my proclamations about not allowing a toddler to drive appear to be useful in a wide variety of situations. Keep hammering away at your point. Maybe TEAM 360 will get upset, quit driving, and give you his car. x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x .sdrawkcab dootsrednu tub sdrawrof devil si efiL Quote
+Choachy Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 I still consider myself a new guy to this, but even I know not to listen to Mopar. You dont have to use the forum a lot to appreciate Geocaching. If someone copied your avatar, have a private conversation with them. If youre not happy, just walk away from the computer. Its that easy. Do you geocache for the forum? No. My time, your time is limited, but time itself is unlimited. Quote
umc Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Choachy:Do you geocache for the forum? No. _My time, your time is limited, but time itself is unlimited._ I do ______________________________________________________________________________________ So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again. Quote
+Team GPSaxophone Posted April 14, 2003 Posted April 14, 2003 I don't get it. Lizards (especially geckos) are very popular here in the southwest. Even GEICO uses one as their 'mascot'. Using a lizard as an avatar and expecting no one else to use any variation of one is just wrong. I use a saxophone painted like a zebra. I wouldn't get all upset if someone else used a saxophone as an avatar. Although the first sax was made about 150 years ago, there are many of them around today. Expecting to have the only saxophone avatar would be just wrong. Lizards have existed since the age of the dinosaurs. Even more people have heard of lizards. Team 360 expects to have a monopoly on lizard avatars? Gimme a break! Quote
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