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Ripping off avatars

TEAM 360

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I hadn't noticed a rip-off of your avatar. I also haven't seen any problems with other avatars. With that said, I could see the annoyance if people started using the same or almost identical avatars. Can you link to a thread with the close copy?




Ok, I have now found it from browsing the forums. Yes, the idea is quite the same, but it wouldn't be confused with you. I say take it as a compliment. You have a nice avatar and someone decided to play on that idea. Unless it is so close that people will confuse you two, why worry? Plus, some people change avatars a lot, so you end up having to recognize the name over the avatar anyway. I am starting to change avatars more often myself.




I wanted to use this as my avatar, but apparently SOMEONE else thought of it sooner.





"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44


[This message was edited by CYBret on April 12, 2003 at 10:29 PM.]


...for the folks who don't visit many boards,avatars are are viewed as a being personal.Almost like a "coat of arms" for a user,it's very rude to rip off someones idea.


Ummm...I believe I've seen geko/lizard avatars here before some time ago. I think the person you're referring to had a version of this for some time. Plus, with the Garmin Gekos coming out, I bet you can expect to see more avatars of that nature.




CYBret: LOL! Edit: but your initial post where you used it as the avatar was better!


posted April 12, 2003 09:59 PM

...for the folks who don't visit many boards,avatars are are viewed as a being personal.Almost like a "coat of arms" for a user,it's very rude to rip off someones idea.


I can see that. I think that in this case, the avatar seems to be based on the same general idea, but is also distinguishable. I'm not sure if that violates a "coat of arms" principle or not. Maybe yes, maybe no.


Here is a link to a thread with the avatar (sorry, I don't know how to link to the post, so you have to look for it). I guess people will weigh in on the issue. As for me, I can see the similarity, but also think it is different enough that it likely doesn't matter.




[This message was edited by carleenp on April 12, 2003 at 10:21 PM.]


[This message was edited by carleenp on April 12, 2003 at 10:44 PM.]


[This message was edited by carleenp on April 12, 2003 at 10:53 PM.]


Speaking of avatars, and on a totally unrelated topic, I notice now that my new one appears to be giving the finger. I don't think it actually is, but I wonder if I should change it? At the same time, that is kind of cool in an off-beat sort of way! Yet, I don't want to offend anyone!




Thanx for the link carleenp,the two look different enough to me.


I can relate to team 360's frustration,he obviously put alot of effort into his avatar.As nincehelser points out about the new gecko gpsr's we are probably going to see more "lizard themes".


BTW-good looking hound you got there team_shing.




How many photos or images can you find on the web that resembles your avatar?


The avatar that I use popped up in my email, and I liked it. I'm sure there are countless others who will use the likeness elsewhere, possibly even geocaching, but it does not bother me.


If you took great pains to create your avatar, as previous posts implied, then merit is deserved on your part to complain.


As for me, my avatar comes dime a dozen.


Hmmm.. I haven't had this problem. My avatar is usually (and at the time of this posting) some picture of myself. If someone wanted to use a picture of me as their avatar.. well, I guess I'd be more worried than just my idea being stolen.




Originally posted by Team_Shing:

Hopefully I'm the only one with a Siberian Husky!


I hope you are kidding. icon_smile.gifMtn-man and Planet both have similar animals in their avatars, last time I checked. I'm sure there are probably others. icon_smile.gif



Becky Davis

San Jose, CA

Buy Tupperware for cache containers.


If someone went to the great pains it would take to find out where my avatar was taken, take a similar set up shot, and then add the GX logo on top, I'd be honoured.


Whaddya mean they could just use the same picture?



An it harm none, do what ye will



Originally posted by TEAM 360:

Lately I have noticed that some people have changed their avatars to closely resemble other users avatars.


I have no idea what you are talking about!





N 39 54.705'

W 77 33.137'


As for myself. It is a question of, "If I want someone recreating my artwork?" The answer is "No" plane and simple. I agree with Team 360. My avatar is a piece I drew for my wife, and I don't want it copied. If someone likes it. Then they can ask me for something to fit their own personality. If they are creative enough. They don't have to copy anyone elses. That's just my 2cents,



Life is a gift, unwrap it and use it to the fullest!




Originally posted by 1911:

...for the folks who don't visit many boards,avatars are are viewed as a being personal.Almost like a "coat of arms" ...

Which is really funny if you think about it, since a high percentage of avatars have been "borrowed" without the permission of their copyright owners.

I certainly understand your frustration. I'd like to have a cool avatar, but haven't found anything that I think fits, so I just stick with a mug shot of myself. So far, I don't think I've pissed off anyone sufficiently that being recognizable puts me in danger (at least not anyone that visits these forums). icon_biggrin.gif



N 39 54.705'

W 77 33.137'


Gee...maybe you should sue him for also being from Arizona.


It's a common image in a common style. The mascot for my kid's school is a gecko, so I've seen lots of things very similar.


I really, really, doubt that this person chose this avatar because he saw yours. It's just a common icon of the southwest region.


Go to google and do an image search on "gecko". You'll see several similar images.




Originally posted by TEAM 360:

Think about it, what if I changed mine to a red biplane, would BassoonPilot post about it? Or if I go stand next to a 10 foot tall rocket out in front of my house? They wouldn't be exactly the same, but you can bet I would hear about it.....


You bet you would! Because avatars are so important, the very first thing people should do when they hit this geocaching.com thing is come up with a really, really cool avatar. When you get right down to it, geocaching is really all about cool avatars. Actually going out into the world and finding or hiding geocaches - man, that's for folks who have no real talent for coming up with a really boffo avatar.


Folks like that, with hundreds of finds but no avatar - man, what the heck are they thinking? Talk about completely missing the point! Who the heck cares about ammo cans in the woods, for pete's sake? And GPS units? Jeez, talk about SO LAST WEEK. We're not here to have fun, we're here to show everyone that when it comes to avatars, we're the tops. Folks with no avatar should get with the program, stop hunting for stupid containers and start hunting for a really spiffy avatar.


Those folks with no avatars - man, someone should fire up the international relief agencies to fill up a big airplane and air drop them a clue. Or maybe show a little pity and give them a ride on the avatar clue bus. No avatar - sheesh, what a dweeb thing. It's like they're saying "I'm so busy hunting and hiding geocaches I can't be bothered with the whole avatar thing", or maybe even "I'm so totally cool I don't bother with avatars." Or maybe they're such geocaching snobs that they expect people will be impressed by how many hides and finds they have - like people would really just judge a geocacher by something as lame and elitist as how much geocaching they've done. Everyone KNOWS that when it comes to geocaching reputation, the really important factor is how cool your avatar is. Without an avatar, how the heck would people know it was you who posted stuff? Do you think people could actually READ your name? As if!


People with no avatars - they're all either clueless newbies or elitist snobs. I hate'em. They should be banned from the site.


Anyone is welcome to get a dog like mine and copy this avatar. But just remember, someone has to clean up after the dog too! As I posted in one thread... if you have a dog that big scouting the trails several feet in front of you, do not share the bean burritos you had for dinner the night before with him. WHEW!


Mike. Desert_Warrior (aka KD9KC).

El Paso, Texas.


Citizens of this land may own guns. Not to threaten their neighbors, but to ensure themselves of liberty and freedom.


They are not assault weapons anymore... they are HOMELAND DEFENSE WEAPONS!


Originally posted by Kodak's4:

People with no avatars - they're all either clueless newbies or elitist snobs. I hate'em. They should be banned from the site.


And here I thought they were just all a bunch of dorks.


As for the two avatars that brought up this debate. Sure there is a similarty. In the same what they all programs that run in windows are similar. Still if you took Team 360's avitar flipped it over. Then changed all the colors. Then changed the feet, eyes, stripe, body width and tail dangle, then yes by gosh you have a similar avitar.


My Sobe has a similar Avitar and my wife's Gecko keychain has a similar Gecko pose.


That gecko pose is common. You would be hard pressed to find one that doen't have the look and feel.


The avaitar that makes me do a double take is mtn-man and the other one that looks similar to his. I have to actually read the name when I see the avitar.



Wherever you go there you are.


Originally posted by beckerbuns:

Originally posted by Team_Shing:

Hopefully I'm the only one with a Siberian Husky!


I hope you are kidding. icon_smile.gifhttp://www.geocaching.com/profile/default.asp?A=3512&u=8936000431 and http://www.geocaching.com/profile/default.asp?A=52133&u=3856079331 both have similar animals in their avatars, last time I checked. I'm sure there are probably others. icon_smile.gif



Becky Davis

San Jose, CA

Buy http://my.tupperware.com/beckydee for cache containers.


Honestly BB, mtn-man is a border collie, mine is a wolf. They are apples and oranges! LOL!


Cache you later,



If it snows one more time I'm gonna scream!


Originally posted by Kodak's4:


People with no avatars - they're all either clueless newbies or elitist snobs. I hate'em. They should be banned from the site.


Oy! You done ripped off my avatar, you did!


(retracted, since I have since actually gotten an avatar.)




[This message was edited by Warm Fuzzies - Fuzzy on April 13, 2003 at 06:09 PM.]


Originally posted by TEAM 360:

Think about it, what if I changed mine to a red biplane, would BassoonPilot post about it?


Nah, because the biplane is a "public domain" image; you have just as much right to it as I do. Now, if you had copied the frog playing the bassoon avatar I sometimes use, I'd be "whizzed" too ... icon_wink.gif


Anyone else want to be known as the Doot Bucket Guy??? Go ahead, you can have it.




So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again.


Actually, if ya don't mind, I was thinking about remarketing the 'Doots' concept. Not everyone can commit financially to an entire bucket, and I was thinking of shooting for a 'younger' angle. Something you might be able to get in a movie theater, perhaps...



Have you had your house checked for Rae Dawn Chong?


The practice of ripping off avatars is sick, sick, sick and must stop. Anybody who rips off avatars is a total loser.


"You can only protect your liberties in this world, by protecting the other man's freedom. "You can only be free if I am" -Clarence Darrow


Originally posted by BassoonPilot:

Now, if you had copied the frog playing the bassoon avatar I sometimes use, I'd be "whizzed" too ... icon_wink.gif


Playing the Basson?


And all this time I thought it was a frog playing Ice Hocky.



Wherever you go there you are.


As shown by many of the previous posts, the use or misuse of someone elses avatar is not a serious problem.

However, there is a way to give images posted on your personal website some protection from theft.

There is a java script that I use on some of my webpages to disable the "right click function" of visitors browers.

It is not 100% protective, but it will stop the casual internet serfer.

you can check out how it works on this website. This is a photo that I altered in response to a thread "YOU WRITE THE CAPTION". Caution, ladies and some men may be offended.


you can get the Java script (and others) from this website.


Just embed the Java script in your HTML code.




I have flouted the wild, I have followed its lure, fearless. familar, alone; yet the wild must win, and a day will come when I shall be overthrown. By: Robert Service


[This message was edited by Dersu on April 13, 2003 at 02:58 PM.]


I hope you are kidding. Mtn-man and Planet both have similar animals in their avatars, last time I checked. I'm sure there are probably others.


Yep. Some of my dogs look pretty run of the mill....lol


BTW this one, Frau Boo-Boo, is a German Wirehaired Pointer, and is pretty cute IMHO.


[This message was edited by Irvingdog on April 13, 2003 at 02:47 PM.]


Mr. Snazz, would you care to express your reasons for being so hostile towards disabling the right click function, or are you only interested in making threats? I did not take it as a personal threat, just a general threat to anyone that disagrees with you. Or did I misread your post entirely.

Perhaps you have a good reason for disliking a Javascript that disables the right click function.

Maybe even one that I might agree with, but just have not thought of.


I have flouted the wild, I have followed its lure, fearless. familar, alone; yet the wild must win, and a day will come when I shall be overthrown. By: Robert Service


Dersu, ignore Mr Snazz. Although he did mean it as a threat (I hear he is on the run because of several murders over this very issue), he is within his rights to complain about the practice. His method of dealing with it though, leaves something to be desired.


Still, anyone who would copy an avatar is a sad excuse for a human being.


"You can only protect your liberties in this world, by protecting the other man's freedom. "You can only be free if I am" -Clarence Darrow


Originally posted by TEAM 360:

I will say it for him: Markwell's avatar is getting ripped off as well.

Ironically, Markwell's avatar is an unintentional copy of what I was using at the time. Honest mistake but no response when I pointed it out and asked if he would please modify it. So, I just changed mine to avoid confusion. In any case, it's fun to change the avatar every so often.


Well how about the two cops from some town in GA (East Point, or some similar name), who both used their dept's patch as their avatar. I think one was a current cop and one was retired. They didn't seem to know each other either. Talk about a coincidence.


But that was a coincidence and accident. Anybody who would steal an avatar is scum.


"You can only protect your liberties in this world, by protecting the other man's freedom. "You can only be free if I am" -Clarence Darrow


Originally posted by Dersu:

Mr. Snazz, would you care to express your reasons for being so hostile towards disabling the right click function


Well, first of all, it's irrelevant to this discussion, unless you've found some magical way to insinuate JavaScript into a forum page.


Second, it doesn't work. It's a rather simple matter to get the URL of the image and download it directly, bypassing whatever "protection" your script provides.


Third, it's rude. There's a lot more on the right-click menu than "save image as...", you know. There's a handy alternative to the back button, there's that ever-popular "add to favorites" option (not that anyone using that kind of javascripts would ever be added to anyone's favorites, but I guess it could happen), there's all manner of stuff that's added by third-party add-ons like the Google toolbar...


So, to sum up, you have something that doesn't do what you think it does, and does p!ss off some not-insignificant portion of the visitors to your website. Gosh, where do I sign up?




Anybody who would steal an avatar is scum.


I couldn't agree more, unless you went on further to decry the bane of Top 40 radio and shoelaces that fall apart after the first 5 years. What I mean to say is that it is completely wrong to steal someone else's image and use it as your own. Anyone doing so should be fed his own toenails.



Have you had your house checked for Rae Dawn Chong?


I have two things to say.....


I don't think ANYONE would want to steal my avatar.


And I don't think anybody would be as stupid as me to have an avatar like this before I shot this picture of myself doing the WAZZUP with the new geocaching hand signal.


Thank You




"If we don't succeed we run the risk of failure."

- Dan Quayle


Originally posted by TEAM 360:

THAT'S IT! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH! I am going to change my avatar to Jeremy's! (God no! Not two of them!) Just kidding.






"If we don't succeed we run the risk of failure."

- Dan Quayle


Ya know, I actually had challenged mtn-man to a death match duel about that darned dog picture of his. This is why he came north really. It had nothing to do with work or uber caching dream teams, it was a knock down drag out fight over who's dog could be King Avatar. In the end I thought it best, in the name of peace for me to change mine, so I'm using something I made two years ago, instead. So peace, man.


Cache you later,



If it snows one more time I'm gonna scream!


I offer my humble apologies if my new avatar offends any of the other lizard-type avatar users out there, or any other reptilian-based avatar users. I will go so far as to extend my apologies to anyone who has ever considered the use of an avatar even loosely based on any cold blooded creature. I will not, however, apologize to anyone using an avatar that contains a mammal or simulates the use of a mammal, or crustacean for that matter. And of course, I will not apologize to anyone using canned spam in their avatar, but I will offer my condolences to those people.


I had been working on this one for some time prior to uploading it. I did notice "the other" lizard shortly before I finished this one, but felt mine was different enough so as not to encroach on that user's sense of ownership.


However, to be fair, I would be willing to discontinue the use of my clearly genetically superior and heterosexual geo-lizard for, say, a new Garmin Vista. Surely, this is not asking too much. icon_smile.gif


I've never been lost, but I was a might bewildered for three days once. Daniel Boone

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