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Geocachers Gone WILD


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I was just looking at the "Geocachers Gone Bad" thread and it made me think of those late night "Girls Gone Wild" commercials.


Which then started me thinking... I've got a couple of exhibitionistic friends - and I bet they'd be more than happy to go on a few cache hunts with me.


That could be a whole new type of fetish... Nekkid Geocaching. Er, well, maybe that isn't a good idea with all the bugs and poison ivy and stuff. icon_smile.gif But hey, I could keep a little image gallery from each cache I find, with one of the girls giving the camera a little peek while they hold up the cache container. icon_eek.gif


Oof... I'm obviously not quite awake yet. I gotta remember not to get up before 8am. icon_wink.gif


- Toe.


--==< Rubbertoe's Webcam, Photo Albums, and Homepage >==--


What a great idea. I know severl women who I'd be happy to rub poision ivy salve on. All the better if they are still in the state of dress they were in when they got into the ivy to begin with. On the other hand the though of a bunch of nakid guys... ack!


Originally posted by Rubbertoe:

I was just looking at the "Geocachers Gone Bad" thread and it made me think of those late night "Girls Gone Wild" commercials.


Which then started me thinking... I've got a couple of exhibitionistic friends - and I bet they'd be more than happy to go on a few cache hunts with me.


When do you go on cache hunts?


Originally posted by GeoPrincess:

Originally posted by Rubbertoe:

I was just looking at the "Geocachers Gone Bad" thread and it made me think of those late night "Girls Gone Wild" commercials.


Which then started me thinking... I've got a couple of exhibitionistic friends - and I bet they'd be more than happy to go on a few cache hunts with me.


When do you go on cache hunts?


Could you please post your itenerary?




Always wear proper caching safety equipment!



Geocaching in the buff, just like hiking in the buff, swimming in the buff, and sleeping in the buff can be quite pleasant if done in carefully chosen locations and times, and needn't degenerate into something exhibitionistic or sexual (although the "Geocachers gone wild" title suggests otherwise).


Originally posted by Planet:

Boo Hiss. icon_redface.gif Cache in, Trash OUT!!! Not part of the game! Let's keep it clean folks.


First of all, my friends are clean - they shower daily... well, maybe every other day at least. icon_smile.gif


Second of all... if someone wants to keep a photo journal of a male or female friend, flashing the camera and holding up each geocache they find - does that mean they are a dirty people?


I think people could tell that I was pretty much joking, and they replied in a similar frame of mind. I'm just curious why you had such an adverse reaction.


I guess I wonder at what point it becomes "dirty" in your opinion. I know it isn't dirty just to be naked in general, in your own home or whatever. Is it the idea of being outside that makes it bad? Of course, nobody else would be there seeing it - so nobody else would be 'hurt' by it. Or is it the fact that the nudity would be captured in a digital image?


I dunno - I only see it as a bit of fun. If she comes with me, perhaps holds up the cache in a strategic position so you CAN'T see any naughty bits... it just seems harmless. Especially if any pictures taken weren't even posted or hosted at geocaching.com icon_biggrin.gif


Don't worry, I never had any intention of trying to do this - either myself or with the friends that I've mentioned, but I'd kinda get a laugh out of it if someone else did. Especially if they shared the pictures. icon_wink.gif


- Toe.


--==< Rubbertoe's Webcam, Photo Albums, and Homepage >==--




Somewhere in these forums (probably the old forums) there is a link to a couple of photos just as you describe.


There are a couple of nudist cachers who have taken photos during their cache hunts with strategically placed caches.


Very amusing... and certainly harmless in my mind.


Anyone know of the pics to which I am referring?




I know of a certain geocacher who has already done just this. Used to get his new "cache finds" emailed to me. Havent got any in awhile. dadgum. icon_frown.gif


Illegitimus non carborundum!




I guess I wonder at what point it becomes "dirty" in your opinion. I know it isn't dirty just to be naked in general, in your own home or whatever. Is it the idea of being outside that makes it bad? Of course, nobody else would be there seeing it - so nobody else would be 'hurt' by it. Or is it the fact that the nudity would be captured in a digital image?


Naked is when you don't have any clothes on.

Nekkid is when you don't have any clothes on and you're up to no good. icon_biggrin.gif


Always wear proper caching safety equipment!



Originally posted by Jamie Z:

Ok.. here's the pic. Not quite how I remember it...


Hehehe... pretty neat. That's definitely harmless - yet not too far from what my original post was suggesting. icon_smile.gif


Glad I'm not the only one that's had that though pass through his head. icon_biggrin.gif


- Toe.


--==< Rubbertoe's Webcam, Photo Albums, and Homepage >==--


Here is a good game. We, who cache with our spouses, start submitting photos of cache-kissing.


The idea is to take a snap at the geocache locale while kissing. Nothing more, there are kids watching!


I think I could persuade HRM Queen Mikki I to make this a royal decree for our next geocache placement.


By appointment to the Court of HRM Queen Mikki I.


Originally posted by bigredmed:

Here is a good game. We, who cache with our spouses, start submitting photos of cache-kissing.


The idea is to take a snap at the geocache locale while kissing. Nothing more, there are kids watching!


I think I could persuade HRM Queen Mikki I to make this a royal decree for our next geocache placement.


By appointment to the Court of HRM Queen Mikki I.


How about pictures of heavy petting....


Always wear proper caching safety equipment!



Originally posted by Mopar:

I know of a certain geocacher who has already done just this. Used to get his new "cache finds" emailed to me. Havent got any in awhile. dadgum. icon_frown.gif


Gee Mopar, I sure wish I knew who you were refering to.





If I can't Fix it, It's Definately Broke.


Originally posted by BrianSnat:

Sounds good to me! But where do you keep your trade items and compass?


Same places smugglers have always kept things...

just plan on a lot of "TNLN" logs after your visit to a cache.


Stay tuned for the royal decree regarding Geosmooching....


By appointment to the Court of HRM Queen Mikki I.


I like a lot of the ideas in this thread.


I particularly like the geocaching gone mild (kissing pics idea.) And beign a disliker of clothing the nude caching does sound appealing but I don't think I'll do it and i don't sugest it to anyone else for lack of better reason one word. CHIGGERS!!!!


There are certain places that even the heartiest of folks wouldn't want chiggers. icon_razz.gificon_razz.gif


"Geocaching" - A nature hike with a mission!


This whole thread adds new meaning to the concept of a Members Only Cache... ack.. that's sick...stop it ...bad bad bad...LOL!



Mobile Cache Command


Originally posted by BrianSnat:

Sounds good to me! But where do you keep your trade items and compass?


In the backpack, with my clothes. :-)


After doing my first few caches in the buff (in more remote areas, far from anywhere I'd run into anyone, for sure) I made a geo-tile to commemorate the idea:




Originally posted by mrcpu:

This whole thread adds new meaning to the concept of a Members Only Cache... ack.. that's sick...stop it ...bad bad bad...LOL!



Mobile Cache Command


I would have suggested a "Members" only cache, but most disposable cameras just can't do justice to some Members' members, you would need to take two or three shots and stich them together into a diptich, or even a tryptich. Not to be boastful...


By appointment to the Court of HRM Queen Mikki I.


Originally posted by bigredmed:


I would have suggested a "Members" only cache, but most disposable cameras just can't do justice to some Members' members, you would need to take two or three shots and stich them together into a diptich, or even a tryptich. Not to be boastful...


Gosh, you mean they make disposable cameras with telephoto lenses now? Far out.



A computer without Microsoft software is like a dog without a brick tied to its neck.


Originally posted by bigredmed:

Stay tuned for the royal decree regarding Geosmooching....

HRM's decree:


"Let it be known in all the lands that HRM Queen Mikki I, has decreed that Her Royal Court will explore the region of the Upstream People, and when suitable locale is found, a Geocache dedicated to the novel sport of GEOSMOOCHING shall be placed. It shall be surrounded by garlands of mistletoe signalling the true spot."


And you thought nothing exciting happens in Omaha...


By appointment to the Court of HRM Queen Mikki I.


Sorry Rubbertoe, It was a bad day and the thought of being naked in the woods didn't appeal to me. (Mosquitoes, West Nile, poison ivy). But the sight of your naked toe is enough for now. (OK maybe it's not YOUR toe) I'm having a better day today and if the pictures weren't posted then do what you want, but I for one would not want a digital picture of this body naked anywhere, who knows where it would end up. Maybe if I were 18 again.......


Cache you later,


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