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What's REALLY in your pack.


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In the "what do you carry in your backpack" thread, Poksal asked what is REALLY in your pack. By that he meant, if you dumped the thing out on the floor and itemized everything. I thought this deserved its own thread. In my pack, in addition to the usuals (flashlight, first aid kit, water, etc...) when I dumped it out I found:


A plastic fork

Empty bottle of Snapple ice tea


1/4 roll of toilet paper

A ball of aluminum foil

A cigar in aluminum tube (H Upmann)

4 pens (where are they are when I need them?)

47 cents in change

Small tube of sunscreen

4 dead batteries

2 fresh batteries

several napkins

2 empty film cannisters (1 without lid)

Several of the plastic seals from Snapple bottles

Pack of matches

1 1/4 TBSP dirt (I measured)


So what's REALLY in your pack?


"It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues" - Abraham Lincoln


1 plastic wal-mart bag (for trash)

2 new pencils

3 stubby pencils

1 micro digital camera (aiptek mega pen cam 1.3)

1 used Chapstick (for my use)

1 motorola t5420 FRS w/batts

1 motorola t6200 FRS w/batts

1 ready to hide Altoids can w/ pencil, magnet & cache notice/log sheet

1 Altoids can containing receipt from tow truck to open rental car after I locked the keys in the trunk while in Miami (don't ask, but no good deed goes unpunished)

1 energy bar

1 large round magnet with knob

2 new Energizer AA batts

1 Mini Mag light with nimh batts

1 sharpie marker, black, fine point

1 sharpie marker, black, extra fine point

1 After Bite sting stick

2 new AAA's in package

1 ready to plant micro cache containing casino chip and polished stone with a pencil and cache/log sheet in clear plastic container from REI.

Sparky TB

3 film canisters each containing 2 AA nimh batteries (+ up for charged, - up for dead)

1 pair 10x folding binoculars w/case

1 spray bottle Deet bug repellant

1 BullFrog 36spf stick

3 nylon wire ties

1 South Florida cache repair kit(towel,zip lock bags, laminated cache notices, log books, pens and paper towels)

1 my notebook with all my notes (I drop 30 IQ points if I lose it)

4 IvyCleanse towlettes

1 first aid kit (supplemented with additional stuff like antihistamines and Visine and a snake bite kit).

1 Super Leatherman

50ft nylon rope

1 Aurora LED headlight

Trade stuff

2 biners

1 new chapstick

1 Texas Rangers pin

1 new bike pump strap

2 cheap AA batteries

4 film canisters with cache/log sheets (my new signiture item) some have magnets or stick on velcro attached.


I use a Camelbak Blowfish stuffed to the gills with extra pouches on the shoulder straps.


"I can't find the longitude for the North Pole"


Right this minute, my pack holds:


A TB (Hop Along--heading for FL this weekend with us)

A Ziploc bag containing a roll of toilet paper w/o cardboard tube

A Boy Scout knife

A Suunto orienteering compass

Two tampons (not used)

A glasses strap

Two geocaching cards (Li'l Bears, Hoy)

Team Tired Feet's laminated decription card

A flashlight

Emergency hooded poncho

The rubber tips for my trekking poles

Ticket stubs from the Great Smoky Mtn Railroad excursion trip we took last month

Printed cache sheet with corrected coordinates for my Fustis cache (which I just threw away)

Spare Ziploc bag

Geocaching is Fun pen

Halls Fruit Breezers sample from Delta Airlines


3" Ace bandage

Repel insect block (19% DEET)

Ziploc bag of bandages and gauze

Trade items: cat magnet

dog magnet

KY shot glass

ice cream scoop in packaging

7" Roughneck pry bar

small Ice-Pak



Wendy Chatley Green


WOW! Our's is small- fannypack:


2- Blaze orange hunting vests

2- Iowa State University Pens for trade

2- Pens for writing (always "loose" one)

3- Rubbermaid Keychains

1- Compass (need to learn how to use it)

1 or 2 pair- Leather work gloves (for reaching into the unknown)


In warmer months we also include a small spray bottle of DEET 100.


Garmin 12XL [almost always]

Silva Ranger [most of the time]

Palm 505 [recent addition]


Yeah, we keep trying to get organized, and should carry at least the "ten essentials" for longer trips, but this has been fine for all but perhaps four of our finds.


Making me clean out my pack like this!

A frozen 1L bottle of water (my pack has been in the trunk of my car all week!)

A mini sized cache, ready to place

A micro cache, ready to place

A Zingos Mints tin containing various little cache trinkets

A Ziplock with 4 AA batteries in it (I can't remember if they are good or bad!)

A Ziplock bag full of Ziplock bags

2 microcache sized cache letters, with log sheet printed on back

A extra full sized cache letter

A spare log book

A stack of cache printouts, most dating back over a year (wonder how many of these caches still exist!)

A TB thats getting anxious for a new home

A swiss Army knife

A notebook

A small first aid kit

A collection of trail maps

A lighter (hehehe, fire! heheheh)

A handful of pens, pencils, and markers

A few heavy duty rubber bands

A few plastic supermarket bags (trash out!)

Assorted bootynuggets to trade

A spare pair of socks

Spray bottle of Off!

Then there is my Ultimate GPS case, which holds:

My GPSr (DUH!)

A mini-maglite

A pencil

A pen

A sharpie

6 spare AA's

my compass

A $200 bill (fake of course!)

There, now I know what needs to be tossed or replenished, at least.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


Well, continued from my other post ...


I still haven't cleaned out my pack. It seems I am at times attached to it ...

..I love puns...


I do need to re-pack it ... (I hear the giggles) but seriously, I keep that JanSport set-up for those mountain treks where you could get stranded in a storm for hours or overnight where the loss of serious body heat or need to provide an emergency shelter must be considered.


Also, in those kinds of places you need to think about what it would take to get yourself in traveling condition after a serious injury, or a serious injury to a member of your party, or other party you may encounter. This is where the recent addition of the cell phone and a GPSr to call for help and be able to explain where you are has become a modern tecnological blessing. Last time I was in the back country in the Rockies, as far as I know my cell never lost signal. A mixed blessing.


I am really (I bet many of you are, too)getting some kicks as well as great ideas from this thread. Being new to geocaching, this is a valuable thread. I love it!


As far as meeting wild life that is a threat, I've met many kinds of serious critters (even a bear and two young cubs) and found them each and everyone to show me respect if I do the same to them, without exception. .... It is the one that walks on its hind legs and wears clothes that is the most dangerous, by a "whole heap of a bunch".


..OK...I'll clean out the damned pack...you win... wink..maybe.... icon_rolleyes.gif


[This message was edited by poksal, grand kids & wife on December 19, 2002 at 08:02 PM.]


In the pockets:


Tin of Ice Chunks menthol mints

2 wrapped "NIPS" caramel candies

2 ticket stubs from a drive-in showing of Spiderman

Carmex lip balm

4 dead AAs

2 empty Dave and Busters gaming cards


So, that's pretty much what goes with me when I take a long hike into the woods. *sigh*



The Toe Pages

Humm, working from memory ( I don't want to dump it out)


Shuttle Bug travel bug waiting for a home

Mini-mag flashlite

Micro Digital camera

Pocket PC



4 AAA bateries

2 AA bateries

1 Paper folding map (whats that for?)

Geo cache notice (info sheet) in plastic baggie

Magellen sportrak map

Interface card and cable Sportrak<->PocketPC

USB Cable for camera

Parafoil bag kite


Ski Gloves

Leather gloves(san-fingers) my dog chewed them off icon_smile.gif

1 bag of Jerky

1 Fine point sharpie


Ok I had to go look and the only things I missed were my check book and head phones for the PocketPC (mp3 player).


Do we live out of these things or what?


"Exploring is never having to say you are lost"!


This thread got me thinking. So I did it. I dumped it on the floor, added a few things I carry but don't keep in the box, got rid of a few embarassing things (didn't want to stink up this thread with sweaty old socks) and took a photo of it. Remember, everything in the desert is five miles of more away, and this packing list does change as the mission changes. Sometimes a bit more or less depending on the mission. If you don't take it with you, you won't find it in the desert! So here you go.




A. First Aid Kit. What is in it is for another thread.

B. Ham Radio with Remote Control mic on shoulder strap.

C. Cell phone.

D. Garmin E-Trex Venture with case on shoulder strap.

E. 100 oz Camelbak bladder.

F. Camelbak Military H.A.W.G pack system.

G. Utility Gloves. (for climbing in cacti).

H. Texas Parks Volunteer Patch.

I. Small carry bag stuffed with 10 small trash bags.

J. 40 ft Climbing Rope.

K. Emergency Blanket.

L. Signal mirror. Mil type with aiming star.

M. Mil Write in the Rain notebook with Pencil.

N. 6 Charged NiMH AA Batteries.

O. 8 new AA Batteries.

P. Laser Pointer (for signaling, pointing to cave formations etc).

Q. Mini-Mag Light (AA battery).

R. Emergency Strobe Beacon (for signaling in darkness).

S. Major Swiss Army Knife.

T. Custom Combat Knife with holder.

U. Extra-Large Trash Bag (poncho size).

V. Light Weight Binoculars.

W. Spare Batteries for Ham Radio.

X. 9mm Pistol with canteen cover holster.

Y. Lip Balm (very necessary in the desert).

Z. Rescue Whistle (Below mirror L).


I think this is enough. Most of it I hope I never need. But if I am doing a long-distance (10 mile or more) back-country patrol when it is hot, sometimes I have a ranger meet me with more water while I am out.


You're turn. What's in YOUR PACK????


Mike. Desert_Warrior (KD9KC).

El Paso, Texas.


Citizens of this land may own guns. Not to threaten their neighbors, but to ensure themselves of liberty and freedom.


They are not assault weapons anymore... they are HOMELAND DEFENSE WEAPONS!


[This message was edited by Desert_Warrior on December 19, 2002 at 08:59 PM.]


I had to take a look you have me thinking????


butt wipes


water bottle / mixer


extra note pads

extra pens


good stuff for good caches

great stuff for great caches and crap for.....

flash light

extra geocache info sheet

half empty pint of jack


several garbage for trash icon_wink.gif


Originally posted by Deadreckoning:

I had to take a look you have me thinking????





MOLD??? Oh, I see you are in Oregon. We don't have any stinkin mold in the desert! But maybe I should have added to my list: DUST!


We got plenty of that. Funny how we tend to not see the obvious. I hope the mold isn't on your bullets!


Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all.


Mike. (Desert_Warrior/KD9KC)


I don't usually bring a pack. I just bring my Garmin, my Mavica camera, my hiking staff and some trade items. I always have a pocket knife and sometimes my .357.


Because of my age (40 plus)I have been known to fart dust, but the rest of the time I am are just moldy. There is something special about caching in the rain I just cant think what it is????. Happy holidays icon_biggrin.gif DEADRECKONING


Well I needed to organize for the florida trip anyway so here goes.

Previously found cache sheets



Cd Player

Emergency poncho

car phone charger

leather phone case

9 extra batteries

lots of reciepts

2 travel bugs (bug bait and dream bear)

class project travel-type bug

First aid kit

unpublished virtual

log book



4 pens

water proof matches

key chain

2 lighters

mini-skull found in a cache

2 flashlights

Mini fake leatherman.


thats it...though my cache bag is currently also being used as a travel bag for my books and cds.


Grey Eastsport pack contains:


- Etrex GPSr

- Nikon 6006 (this puppy weighs a ton, but takes great photos so its worth it)

- 2 rolls color, 1 roll B&W film, 1 empty canister

- black knit hat

- black gloves

- compass

- 5 street/state maps, 7 trail guides/maps

- 14 pages cache & benchmark info

- 1 ready-to-go magnetic micro

- 4 Hothands handwarmers

- Caching/letterboxing logbook layered in ziplocs

- extra ziplocs in a ziploc

- letterboxing stamps and red ink pad

- 3 pens, 2 pencils, 1 carbiner-style pencil sharpener by Fiskars (way cool)

- 4 AA batteries (new)

- 2 hooded ponchos (1 used)

- Towel

- Generic flashlight, flashlight keychain

- 2 water bottles (1 opened)

- 3 granola bars, 5 mini boxes of raisins

- 2 mini Kleenex packs

- Lighter, matches

- Chapstick, handcream, anti-bacterial hand cleaner

- First aid ointment, bandaids, sterile pads, qtips, wetnaps

- 2 Safety pins, 4 rubberbands, folding scissors

- 2 hair clips, 1 ponytail holder

- Dental floss, peppermints, cough drops

- $.72 change, 5 handmade signature tokens


Gee that doesn't seem like nearly enough, but we haven't been out as much lately cause of the cold and wet.....



Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination. - Roy M. Goodman


OK, I'll dump it out.

1 2xAA cheapo flashlite.

1 Garmin legend

1 Ziplock bag with 2 AA and 2 AAA nimh batteries. The AAAs are for the kids' Gameboy lights, essential geocache equipment.

1 Ziplock bag with a spare notebook, three pens and a bottle of Tecnu (this is poison oak country)

Three whistles and a compass on lanyards tangled into a Gordian knot.

A penny

Lint, less than a gram or two belly-buttons worth.

A ziplock bag of cache trinkets.

11 park flyers for a park in which my cache is located (I printed them at my own expense for the cache)

1 Ziplock bag full of Jack in the Box napkins (unused)

1 ziplock bag full of ziplock bags.

1 ziplock bag with 4 24 gal trashing out bags.

1 first aid kit, standard stuff incl. tape, insect bite kit and ace bandages.

Disposable camera with 2 photos remaining.

Cache printout for a cache 3000 miles away (found)

Another pen

A felt marker

A mechanical pencil

14 pine needles. Fir I believe.


I have a 'fanny-pack' I got from smoking too much.

has a Red Cross first aid pack


and GPS (48) with compass in case

on the belt

energy bar


glo-stick (s)


foil blanket

water bottle

zip-lok (s)

plastic grocerie bag for trash

bike tools


not quite the 'Bat Utility Belt' but it works for me, I don't leave the house without a pen and paper, and I always carry a rigging knife (no fish scales on it now, I washed it off, using it now to cut some Vermont Cheddar)


key ring has the gear, knife, bottle and can opener.


I take my undies, socks, jeans, t-shirt, shoes, jacket (optional), flashlight (also optional, regardless of time of day), watch, GPS (Attached to Visor Deluxe), and, on occasion, a ball cap.



burnout.gif Go! And don't be afraid to get a little wet!


In the "geocaching gear bag" there is:


Blaze orange safety vest (for me)

Teck Deck Mini Skateboard toy (X2)

Half eaten bag of beef jerky

New first aid kit (X2)

several cache pages

Reefer Madness Video (from Trout Pond Cache)

Whistle with compass and thermometer (X2)

Extra logs books (x5)

Blaze orange knitted cap (for cache)

Blaze orange cap for me

Mini pocket knife/tool

Nalgene water bottle

Mini biners (three two-packs)

Hand warmers (X4)

Paperclip holder, shaped like a house, with clips


Set of dice

New golf ball set with tees

Package of trail mix

3 pens

umc's mailing address

dboggny's cell phone number

The "cookie" sliced from the fresh cut off the bottom of my Christmas tree

trash, trashed out (now thrown away, thank you)


Then in my belly bag:

Nalgene water bottle (#2)

Evil Duck Travel Bug

Handmade ornament

Extra log book

2 handwarmers

The don't leave home without it T.P.

Violin shaped pencil sharpener

Emergency geocaching garbage bag in film cannister (X2)

Mini pocket knife

Leatherman tool knockoff


Pack of spare ziplocks

Silver heart pendant

2 wetnaps

2 dead batteries

Hear/see/speak no evil monkey pin


4 Mardi Gras Dubloons

Reeses peanut butter cup


2 geochips

2 bottle opener keyrings

Adirondack pin

2 MaryJane peanut butter candies

ohio quareter

6 cents (1penny 1 nickle)

Save The Children Angel Token (last of ten)


And I'm not even going to empty out the car!

But thanks for making me "organize" the bags.


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"




That's it, except for the digicam I used to take this picture. Buddha is often accompanied by other travel bugs in my possession.




"Why worry when you can obsess?"


Originally posted by markl32:

Desert Warrior, what's with the red barrel on the Ruger?


Remember my mentioning about DUST? It is an orange foam earplug. New, not used. It is there to keep anything from sneaking up the barrel while I carry. Ballistically speaking, it has no effect on the point of impact of the first round. And after test firing, I have never found the earplug. Call me anal I guess, but I do not want a barrel obstruction. I had a condom over the barrel of my M-16 in the Gulf War. It didn't stop the bullets from coming out either. Hmmm... that brings some thoughts to mind, but not on the forum! *grin*


BTW, the target on my AVATAR was shot with that very pistol. It is a 2" orange dot, shot at 25 yards, 10 rounds. Chronographed at 1050 FPS +/- 15 FPS. The load was CCI-500 primers, Alliant Power Pistol powder, 5.95+/- .05 gr. The shells were Winchester, and the bullets were West Coast Bullet 135 gr RN-FP copper jacketed. This is my 9mm competition load. Power Factor is 142, and energy is 330 lb/ft.


Happy Holidays to all....


Mike. Desert_Warrior (KD9KC).

El Paso, Texas.


Citizens of this land may own guns. Not to threaten their neighbors, but to ensure themselves of liberty and freedom.


They are not assault weapons anymore... they are HOMELAND DEFENSE WEAPONS!


[This message was edited by Desert_Warrior on December 21, 2002 at 11:02 AM.]


Ear plug... Fascinating D.W. I have done the condom on a .50 cal (M2) but never saw an ear plug deployed like that. Interesting idea. Thanks for the tip!


BTW, I share your zeal for the second amendment. Carry on.


Originally posted by Desert_Warrior:

This thread got me thinking. So I did it. I dumped it on the floor, added a few things I carry but don't keep in the box...



A. First Aid Kit. What is in it is for another thread.


M. Mil Write in the Rain notebook with Pencil.


T. Custom Combat Knife with holder.



Mike. Desert_Warrior (KD9KC).

El Paso, Texas.


Citizens of this land may own guns. Not to threaten their neighbors, but to ensure themselves of liberty and freedom.


They are not assault weapons anymore... they are HOMELAND DEFENSE WEAPONS!


[This message was edited by Desert_Warrior on December 19, 2002 at 08:59 PM.]



Questions for you.

1.Where do I see the first aid kit details.

2. Write in the Rain, is it worth the price, does it work well, and the ones on the site are the pages blank.

3. As a knife collector I have to ask about your custom combat knife? Who made it, details about it.


Thank you for your posts I see in many threads. As a newbie to Geocaching I appreciate your common sense. Especially about the desert since I live in Southern California and we have a couple! LOL.

Peter aka Agreatscot


Originally posted by AGREATSCOT:



Questions for you.

1.Where do I see the first aid kit details.

2. Write in the Rain, is it worth the price, does it work well, and the ones on the site are the pages blank.

3. As a knife collector I have to ask about your custom combat knife? Who made it, details about it.


Thank you for your posts I see in many threads. As a newbie to Geocaching I appreciate your common sense. Especially about the desert since I live in Southern California and we have a couple! LOL.

Peter aka Agreatscot


#1. Well, I was a combat lifesaver in the army. This is not a medic, nor a para-medic, but somebody who has a bit more extensive training than the average soldier. I am at work, and the list is at home. But some of the special items are like a hemostat, great for pulling cactus thorns. An eye wash kit. A cravat for an arm sling. If you want the whole list, E-mail me direct. When I get it, I will copy my packing list and send it to you.


#2. I don't know. First of all, I use the Army notebooks. I get them at the Ft. Bliss PX. Much cheaper thatthe Geocaching notebook, and available without mail-order. Since I have never been caching in the rain (DESERT), I do not know how they work.


#3. The knife was hand-made by a navy seal. It started life as a file. We worked together several months on some special ops missions in a counter-narcotics mode. The knife was a gift, but... he always said that I would most likely not save my life with the knife, more likely I would save his life with it. So it was important I had a good one. Fortunately, we never got close enough for hand-to-hand.... bullets usually took care of it.


Mike. Desert_Warrior (aka KD9KC).

El Paso, Texas.


Citizens of this land may own guns. Not to threaten their neighbors, but to ensure themselves of liberty and freedom.


They are not assault weapons anymore... they are HOMELAND DEFENSE WEAPONS!


My pack is a military style Camelback, 2 good size pockets. The top pocket is trading stuff. The bottom pocket is my stuff, which is:


1 mini-maglite

1 motorola FRS

1 1st Aid kit

1 butane lighter

1 trioxane heat tab

1 Odwalla food bar

1 4-pack alkaline AAs

1 small pack "wet wipes"

1 mini-binocular

1 pair leather palm gloves

1 spare pair of socks

2 ball point pens


Clipped on the outside are E-Trex Venture in case, and my Sony Clio SJ-22, in case. Clipped on my belt are my Leatherman, and my cell phone. I've been thinking of purchasing a Glock .40 or .45, I keep finding these big kitty footprints. I don't want to shoot the big kitty, but I want the option.




Just saw these posts..... and all are right, more or less (meaning your preferences). Take what you need for a 2 nite stay (bare minimums) and then you will always be prepared.


I carry my "go-bag" everywhere, on foot, truck, or motorcycle. I expect someday I will need the items, but more importantly, another may need them. So, I will share...


Safe caching to all,

Dave, Akron, Ohio


#3. The knife was hand-made by a navy seal. It started life as a file. We worked together several months on some special ops missions in a counter-narcotics mode. The knife was a gift, but... he always said that I would most likely not save my life with the knife, more likely I would save his life with it. So it was important I had a good one. Fortunately, we never got close enough for hand-to-hand.... bullets usually took care of it.


robbie grins like a kid with a hershey bar!!!




A family that Geocaches together... eventually gets wet.


required reading

My first bible

Great Orienteering Site!



Originally posted by targetdrone:

Bag 'O' Stuff




GPS, Pen, Water, trade stuff, and batteries.


I take the same on a 30 mile biking trip, add lunch in tho.





Contents Under Pressure...


Wow, one of the better posts I've seen in a while.


Since you asked what my pack had *right now* I won't go into how the pack looks before I leave. It's been sitting on the floor in my office for a week after a hiking trip with the dogs. Soo...


Pocket First Aid Kit

Dentyne Ice Sugarless Gum pack. Some gum missing

Four Stretch Island 100% dried fruit snacks: Berry Blackberry, Mucho Mango, Rare Rasberry and Tangy Apricot

A moto bar (like a Clif bar)

1 full, and 1 Empty water bottle (Generic Brand bottles from our home emergency water)

Red Treat bag (for the beagles)

3 old newspaper bags (for poop pickup)

Larger plastic bag (for poop bag holding)

Extra leash (red)

Logitech 1.1 megapixel camera (for quick shots)


The backpack (more like a bookbag) was a giveaway Ogio with "Intraware" and the logo embroidered on the back. It's my favorite pack since there is a compartment at the top of the backpack where I can stow my Garmin V and keep the satellites locked.


frog.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location™


Wow, the secret of Jeremy's backpack!


My fanny pack just came back from the Sierra Nevadas.


GPS, dead lithium batteries,

Olympus 30-30 camera, LensPen cleaner,

RiteInRain replacement logsheet, ziplocks,

clicker pen, Leatherman Squirt,

Strawberry CliffShot, half a Luna Bar,

Bandaids, miniroll of silver duct tape,

wetwipe, spare key and Photon microlight.




No pack, how about pockets? I take along the GPS, PDA, a notepad and pen. And of course, my car keys and wallet. Digicam on my belt. I have yet to do a cache that requires more than a mile walk one way. Someday, when the local caches are done, I'll get out after the ones way back on the trails. And then I'll want to at least add the compass to the mix, along with water.


That Quack Cacher:

Lone Duck


When you don't know where you're going, every road will take you there.


Wow. Just starting so I haven't gone on a quest that more than a few kilometers in length but I always carry a fanny pack with...


Trade items, Mini-maglite (AA), spare AA batteries(8), blaze trail marker tape, map (occasionnaly of the correct area), good compass, strike anywhere matches, candle, whistle on a 36" shoelace lead, DEET bug stuff, hard candies, waterbottle. granola bars(6), toilet paper (enough for one emergency use), swiss army pocket knife, and a tiny personal kit(scissors, clippers, tweezers), camera & cache printout.


If it were a longer adventure I'd pack a bit differently and probably carry a backpack with more water, safety & personal gear.


I just got back from a weekend of caching. Whats left of the weekends stock is:


about 1/2 liter of water in my hydration bladder.

Digital camera

Sportrak Map

Handspring visor

4 dead AA's

6 fresh AA's

mini maglight

5 led minilight

old timer pocket knife

motorola t5100 frs radio

altoids can ready to place

film can ready to place

2 TB's I picked up in Twin Falls Id

lensatic fluid filled compass


12x25 binos

bag of ziplocs

film can with cito bag


extra mag

first aid pouch


Trade items:


plastic carabiner/digital watch


woodstock keychain

7 ~350ad~ roman coins (my sig item)


misc garbage

granola bar wrapper

6 cigarette butts

half a pine cone

chunk of lava rock (Someones playing tricks on me)

Remember my mentioning about DUST? It is an orange foam earplug. New, not used.

I like that. And if the law gives you any trouble, with the orange / red looking barrel, you can just claim it is a toy. :lol:


Oh, to keep on topic, my pack contains nothing. I don't cache with a pack. I don't hike that far right now, anyway.

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